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If you're currently with Aussie Broadband then you can use the current deals for existing customers. Get $10 off per month for 12 months when upgrading to 100/20 & 100/40 unlimited residential plans. USE CODE: UP120 Otherwise you can look at Launtel. If you haven't done so I would check if your address is ready for a fibre upgrade. Upgrading to FTTP will allow you to get faster speeds.


Just fyi nbn raises all prices on 1 July. That’s why all providers have raised their prices or are in the process of raising them.


NBN also raised prices when they got rid of CVC, I’m on 25/10 and yet to see any price increase from back then and still paying less than what ABB can offer.


Can't say I care about the reasons. I care about the expense. Variable IP is a PITA when dealing with a particular tax services provider; e.g. multiple ID verification when the paperwork is filed in several stages and with several IPs. Otherwise? It's just about the money. It's NBN - no overpopulated DSLAMS or all that ADSL BS, e.g. TPG, etc.


When you start crying because everyone has raised the price of their lower tier plans you might start caring. Blame NBN wholesale price not ABB. You will find the same increase everywhere.


I don't understand the 'blame' mindset. I'm just looking for who is selling at the lowest price. I'm not complaining or blaming, just looking for a new service provider with a bettee price. RUOK? I still won't care because right now I want to buy for the best price. I'm going to pay someone for a commodity service because why? It would be as ill-considered as paying $9 for a thing someone else sells for $5 - same brand, same quantity, same cost of acquisition, e.g. breakfast cereal. Why pay more? I can't see a benefit. That's defective in your judgement because of what?


So do some simple fuckin research of what’s available


Gee... I thought it would be great to gain knowledge from people who know more than I do and are mindful about the market.. People quite helpful and unlike you. I think that's a part of research. Your input has been appreciated for its value.




Downvotes for being fiscally prudent? Well, that's a surprise.


This company reselling Superloop at a loss is probably the absolute cheapest you get, $49 for the first 6 months. I wouldn’t expect them to stay in business for the long term.  https://prontobroadband.com.au/ If you are a Commbank customer you might have a deal through more NBN for a similar price. 


Have a look at Letsbemates.com.au


lesbianmates sounds good


At first glimpse I read it as lesbimates: The perfect site for Ocker chicks to hook up. Having had a former partner who migrated onto solids (mine) but still had a passion for clams (her xgf)... oh well. Top tip, either way.


You’ll find that the price difference between 50 mb and 100 mb quite small.


I'd look at Leaptel if you can get a fttp upgrade. $65 per month for the first year.


1. Upgrade to FTTP for 1 month for 250/25 plan. 2. Now downgrade to 50/20 with the same provider or someone else.


How would that cause a cost benefit? I don't understand.


Why do you want to stay on FTTC? Copper is susceptible to weather. Its a free upgrade currently, and they may force you to upgrade in the future for $$$. Its not a cost benefit right now, I'm just suggesting that you get the upgrade and then look for a 50/20 plan.


I dread additional upgrade expense. I own a somewhat difficult piece of land and a very odd building. The copper is already about 25 years old and is rock solid. Oldest copper I owned was about sixty years old and still got 22 on ADSL. It's not a problem until it's a problem. :) The comms frame is hidden behind a wall that was made in later years. The nearest external wall is mostly the electrical metering box. Can't putt comms and power within \[I forget the distance, but it's more than 30 cms, iirc\]. I would love FTTP but have no use for the bandwidth, don't need the ongoing expense. The potential installation costs would be a bad misdirection of funds at the moment. Don't get me wrong - I love the idea and can see some potential, but the ROI isn't OK for me for now. EDIT: Clarified point and fixed a speeeling errar..


Yeah I made a mistake in my opening post, it was a suggestion. >don't need the ongoing expense. What ongoing expense? All you need to do is save up and sign up to 250/25 for 1 month to initiate and complete the upgrade. That's $100 max, then you can downgrade immediately to 50/20 like you are on now, there's no minimum contract or anything. There's no extra installation costs, you would even reuse your router that you have now. Again, this is just a suggestion, if you can't do it, that's OK. PS. Don't worry about the downvotes on my posts, someone is doing it to all my posts.