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Eero 6 is a great option. If you don’t think it is then you shouldn’t get one from Superloop because they’re basically locking you into their mediocre service for 18 months by giving you one for “free”.


Ok thank you for the insight. I know it's a bit of a scam saying it's free but at the time I didn't have the money to purchase the other modem the offer for $151 so I just thought I would go with the eero 6 option and pay that off if i don't stay with them for 18 months. I'm not that tech savvy I probably could of went to a local shop and got a decent modem to use at a fairly cheap price but I just decided to give the eero a try.


I genuinely think eero is great for most consumer users. I just also see through superloops giving it away for free when it’s basically an 18 month contract.


Yeah true I noticed that when I chose the option to get the eero I was like hmm free lol but I'm basically stuck in an 18 month contract because of it being "Free" just hoping the wifi range will be ok for my house I only live in a small place so it should be ok I hope if not I'll have to look into other options


The only issue with Eero is that is has built in DNS blocking which you have no visibility of. You can’t view what’s being blocked so you don’t know what exactly needs to be white listed if a site doesn’t load.


You can turn this blocking off in the app under ad blocking. It’s a feature of eero plus / secure.


Why do people buy stuff and then ask if it's good?


I was asking for feedback on the performance of the eero 6... There's nothing wrong with asking about other people's experiences with things


It doesn't matter what anyone says, if it's good, it's good, if it's bad, it doesn't matter, you still have it to use. There's nothing wrong in asking, but there's no need ask, it's a rhetorical question.


Fair enough. I was just curious what I got myself into lol


Just try with one eero unit for now. If the wifi range isn't strong enough to reach every corner of the house, then buy a second eero from superloop to create a mesh wifi network.


I've had an eero6 with Superloop ever since they bought out Skymesh, who I was a customer with previously. It's been running since day one without a single issue. It is incredibly easy to set up via the phone app and then it has performed as it's supposed to since then. No complaints here at all. Covers the range of my house just fine, i'm only on 100/40 but it's great. 5 stars from me.


Awesome appreciate the feedback. Also with the eero does it just plug straight into the NBN box of your house? I'm still waiting for them to deliver myn


My nbn modem has a network cable going into a port nearby, and that goes internally to a bunch of ports in my Study. The eero goes into the 'internet' one, and then I have other ports there, which send hard wired internet to other rooms in the house (which aren't marked, so it's trial and error with those). If that makes sense.


I’ve heard good things but I won’t buy wifi products from Amazon or Google. I just don’t trust they’re not watching