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I haven’t played with Eero specifically, but if it’s anything like any other mesh system, you’ll have a “base station” that acts as the router and then the “satellites” connect to that. So: NBN NTD > Eero Base Station > Eero Satellite. If you can hardwire the Eero backhauls that would be my preferred option, but not sure if Eero supports it. What speeds has your dad got with which provider?


Yeah cool thsts what I'd figured too, but hadn't played around with it personally so was just wanting clarification. He's on 1000/50 with ABB but going from an old router that wasn't up to scratch for his new place. My brother lives with him and is a gamer so just looking to get the place sorted out for them


Pretty much as the dude above said. Eero acts as router connected to NBN box then the satellites are positioned around the house. Can confirm it does wireless backhaul so no need for wiring to connect the satellites but it is better. The setup is really simple, just follow the wizard.


Perfect, thanks for the confirmation 👌


It’s very straightforward to setup. Plug the eero into fttp ntd. Install app. Follow instructions. It’s a straightforward process.


I would just suggest using it as a worked access point plug it into one of the Ethernet jacks on your isp modem


$800?!? Tell him to ask you next time, he got ripped off, unless it's a eero pro.


ABB sells the eeeo 6e pro now so 3 of those would be close to $800


800 is hersay, I actually have no idea what he's bought, this is mostly second hand from my brother, but it was more than he needed to get, just wanting to make sure I get the most out of it for him


>was more than he needed to get, Tell him to ask you next time if he's too ashamed to ask for help, at least you will ask strangers.