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They’re following a script. Can you change to a decent RSP other than Telstra? You need one who actually knows how to escalate to NBN. Alternatively go to the NBN facebook page and contact them there. They seem to respond


This is for my neighbour, believe me, the daggers are out. I'll be churning them to another RSP in the coming weeks, but they've been with Telstra for several decades and have gone as far as using their bigpond email address for everything that is important, so it's going to be fun to try and fix that once migrated... I'll hit up the NBN facebook page later today, thanks for the help! :)


>using their bigpond email address for everything that is important, I wish you all the luck in the world when they churn.


Turn off the NTD I had this issue when I was on HFC the NBN system detects that it's online and can see everything. So it auto cancelled the appointment. If you turn off the NTD it will see a fault hopefully and force a tech to visit. When said tech arrives you can show them what was happening and you had to turn off the NTD cause NBN thought it was fine.


Thanks, will also give this a try… :)


Red ODU is an NBN fault. I would go to another provider that has good customer support.


Change to another RSP?, sure, that’s the next step, the first step is making sure the NTD is functioning… no point churning with malfunctioning NBN hardware…


If Telstra isn't doing anything you might need to go to the TIO


Already started the process…


it 100% is worth changing as another ISP will have better support and actually help you get it setup and working


ditch Telstra and swap to Leaptel or Launtel they have really good support and will fight NBN for you


I had to lodge a complaint with the TIO and NBN came out 3 days later and said it was a connection problem in the pit, fixed it in less than 10 minutes and also replaced the modem, he said the can cancel up to 4 jobs before they attend, took two weeks and 4 cancellations from NBN but all fixed now, definitely go to the TIO, I just called them and they were amazing and super helpful, they took it all over the phone


Telstra HATE NBN customers, get TF away as fast as you can, go somewhere like ABB. How do I know? I'm a Fixed Wireless contractor, I see it daily.