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Try moving at least one of the satellites closer to the main unit. They simply relay the signal from the main unit to the device or next satellite. If they are too far from the other unit they don’t really fix anything. Do you have an android phone by chance?


Okay I'll give this a shot. No android phone


As someone else already said, move the satelites closer to the base station. I had a similar issue recently with my brithers brand new house. I placed a Deco M5 to the left of his TV. It had issues getting signal from the base station just 2 rooms away. To be fair, there is a bathroom in between. Glass doors on the shower +huge mirror +tiles. We ended up dropping a CAT6 line in through the walls from the router to the M5. It took about 30mins. Single story places are pretty quick and easy 👍


I'm not this handy :( Would it work if I plugged it in via the vacant DSL plug?


Sadly not. Where are you? I'm in Brisbane, though pretty solidly booked. Can recommend someone if you are in this area. Unsure of other states and cap cities. I don't work for the larger companies anymore


Lots of other great advice in here. But one thing to try is removing one deco. It is possible with mesh systems to have too many satellites and they compete with each other for signal. It’s probably not the above but it’s free to try rather than going down the Ethernet path to begin with.


Also check what they are wired to. Ensure they piggy back off each other and not wired back to common point.


Yep, I've made sure via the app that they piggy back rather than one having a really weak signal


Try their WiFi assistant. Check what other WiFi is around. Also, check that you have the latest firmware installed.


I'll try this, thanks so much :)


Wifi sucks. Use ethernet cables to connect everything back to the main router.


You can connect the main base Deco to the satellites by ethernet cable (wired backhaul), is that an option for you?


No I don''t think so. I don't have any other ethernet ports around the house. I do have what I think is called a DSL plug in the wall that is central to the house. This was my old modem (Archer VR1600v) was plugged into before the FTTP. If I plug one of my meshes into that with a cable that has an Ethernet port for the Deco and DSL for the wall, would that work?