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Can you elaborate? Besmirching an entire company without providing a single detail, feels a little lazy. Also ‘specially’ isn’t a word.


Firstly, 'Specially' is a word. You should google before you comment. And this is not an academic place where I should be so careful about my grammer, spelling etc.  Secondly, before calling someone lazy, I think you should learn how to mind your own business. If I have given a bad comment about a company then ofcourse I have given that based on my experience. I definitely can elaborate about that but not to you for sure. 


>Firstly, Specially is a word. It is a word but its meaning doesn't make sense in the context that you have used it. specially: *adverb* for a special purpose. Perhaps you were thinking of especially or 'specially.


Thank you for your elaboration and correction. And as you got what I wanted to say, I think this conversation is over. 


I’m with tangerine they haven’t missed a beat


I've got family with them as well, besides the hack, they haven't complained either.


Good. It worked for you guys. 


Worse than Dodo who make you spend three hours on the phone to cancel ?


Thank you for letting me know. I never used dodo. And about this company, their internet speed is always bad and I am using 250/50 plan. Even when I am running only 4 device the video keeps lagging. Called them several times about this thing and they always talk out of the situation blaming either the modem or the house structure but never avcept that their service is not good at the first hand. Funny thing the last call I gave them they told that the wireless device I am using is not at the correct channel and asked me to call the device company to set it up. And when I called them up they told me it automatically sets the channel. If I keep writing about the company customer service and technical support team I can write an entire dissertation paper. 


Have you done an isolation test ?


Of course he hasn’t


I think you can join them and then suggest me as they did not know for sure. And previously I used AGL which was the basic 25/5 and never had an issue. The only reason i switched to tangerine is because i was looking for an upgrade and with tangerine was offering a good price. Anyways, if you understand what I am saying its good. Otherwise, I cannot do anything. Thanks. 


Is it possible your WiFi signal is been broadcasted from a bad area of your house? Eliminate all possibilities by connecting to your modem directly with a e Ethernet cable to a laptop or computer then run a speedtest via www.speedtest.net and share your results. If the speeds you get are close to what you are paying for then it's a good chance that the problem you are facing is because of the WiFi signal not reaching far enough. Also make sure you are connecting to the 5Ghz signal and not the 2.4Ghz signal. 5Ghz is muuuuch faster and far less prone to interference like 2.4Ghz is


Thanks bro. I do know these. The problem is the router I use is suggested by them. And I called the router company about setting channel to a particular one and also told them what tangerine said and they said no this router cannot be manually set to a particular channel, which means the technical person from Tangerine does not know! I keep asking them tell me what do I need to do? Even if they said to buy a better router I would have done it. But the problem is they cannot say anything!


Strange it's a pretty basic thing to be configured, what router is it? Model number?


Did you try connecting directly to router and run a speedtest? This will show how close you are getting to the advertised speed you are paying for.


Snore. Come back with some evidence.


Lol. As if like you are going to do something about it except just talk. Chill bro. 


Did you just offer me out over Reddit? Lmfao


I agree, their customer service speak terrible English, their terrible accents cannot be understood and they're extremely rude!


I don't mind about english. I only need a solution and a follow up call from them to see if things are going ok or not? I have had too many bad experiences with them. Worst company in Australia.