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I’m not sure you’ll find many good reviews for Kogan either. Can I ask how you’ve arrived at this shortlist? I’m not sure those two would be on many peoples recommendations around here.


Yeah a bit of mindset on why you've chosen these 2 providers to choose from will be helpful, are they the lowest prices you could find? or? Sometimes you get what you pay for Kogan 50 = 58.90 (68.90) Leaptel 50 = 69.95 (79.75) (Brackets is normal price after 6 months) For $10 extra dollars a month you can go with one of the highest regarded ISPs.


I wouldn’t touch either provider if you paid me. See through AGL for what it is. Wanting you to accept cheaper internet to pay more for electricity with them.


Also vendor lock in, makes it more expensive to change providers and most people won't want to mess around with changing internet just because they changed their electricity provider.


What vendor lock-in? It's all month-to-month, leave any time. I change my internet provider more often than my electricity provider and I know that plenty of people that do as well.


Just adds to the hassle, if you're no longer getting the discount for being an electricity customer, you'll probably need to change your internet as well, which can be a pain.


Why is churning to a new provider a hassle? It's as easy as electricity.


>Why is churning to a new provider a hassle? It's as easy as electricity. If you use a ISP provided email address then churning is a major hassle. Fortunately (unfortunately?) ISP provided email addresses are becoming scarce which limits the hassles even further. I am currently going through the hassle of finally churning away from Optus. I have way too many places to update my email address with and I don't actually know if I want to update them all to my gmail address.


I'm with kogan in melbourne, 100/20. It is vodafone. It works but everything is done through the phone. Two times the technician came to fix stuffs but it was mainly because the existing cabling to the curb was bad. My sister in law in newcastle joined kogan too and never had a problem


You’d be better off going with a younger company like Aussie BB. Sure it may cost more but in my experience their speed has never been below what I pay for and the support has been spot on the two rare times it was needed.


Ewww. Basically telstra 2.0. There's only 2 companies I recommend. Leaptel is #2 and the best is launtel by a mile.


How the bloody hell is ABB anything like Telstra!!

