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With Leaptel they currently don't have redundant links across all their POI which means if one of their links goes down it will take down some of the customers connected on that link. So that is something to keep in mind. Leaptel do provide good service from what I've heard. Have you had a look at the promos for existing customers with Aussie Broadband?


Not yet but will do


Zero issues with Leaptel. Been on 1000/50 for some time. The ACCC speedtest program says I’m getting my speeds as does my own testing when I bother. I think I’ve had one unplanned outage that I’m aware of in close to 2 years.


I have been with them for more than a year and I had zero issues so far. They had a couple of snags along the way but they were minor and they've been transparent about what went on. Anyway, take my experience as a data point only so wait for others to chime in too, maybe.


Alright sounds good


I didnt incur a fee swapping from Superloop -> Leaptel I just made sure to tell them on month 5 that I wanted to leave their service after the trial period, and they scheduled my termination at month 6 for free, and gave me the date that would occur. Been on Leaptel for a few months now and had absolutely zero issues, on ABB and Superloop I would constantly get maintenance outages at 12:30 at night for around 15 minutes, not sure if its coincidence, but havent had any under leaptel.


was with Superloop for 6 months then with Leaptel for 12 months and 2 months ago went back to Superloop but having issues .. so planning to go back to Leaptel asap


I was having packet loss with their services playing cs2 on FACEIT and I sent in a support ticket and they said they would get back to me via email within the business day. No replies via email so I had to take it to their live chat who said their level 2 tech team would back to me, still no resolution. Had enough and churned to Launtel and could not be happier, speeds and ping are great and their customer service is also amazing. The transition was very quick.


cheers for that, i'll take it under note the only reason i'm changing over is for money, $99 1000/20 for a year


They have a good presence on Whirlpool, should have pinged them there.


Leaptel fanboys downvoted you for criticising them.