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Mine took two weeks, your results may vary. Contact your ISP, only they will know.


Can take a few weeks. Remember lots of people are doing the fibre upgrade and techs are under the pump. The best thing you can do is call your provider and keep pushing NBN.


It’s great that leaptel keep calling you to provide updates! One can dream of that service with most providers.


RSP's cold calling you is good now?


Surely it's only cold calling if you're not already a customer? Otherwise isn't it just excellent customer service?


That's if you take the literal definition, but imagine getting a phone call every 2-4 days thanking you for being a customer. If they just messaged you via SMS or email, that would be much better.


But that's not what's happening here, op is being contacted proactively to be kept in the loop regarding their order, it's doubtful that Leaptel or any other rsp would make a habit of calling a customer just to ' thank them for being a customer'


Keep them in the loop by messaging, that's what my electricity, water etc companies do. Even Australia post just messages when they will deliver a package.


Phone calls or texts for updates on a product I have ordered are all fantastic. Its better than being left in the dark & shows they actually give a shit.


It's NOT a text, a text is fine, it's the RSP calling you for an update.


What's wrong with a call? What did people do before texting was a thing?


A call is to discuss something, what is there to discuss? "NBN have rescheduled" "ok" That really needs a call, 10/10 support for calling.


The two most common causes are squashed and broken conduits. If it's squashed, no amount of water is helping. If it's broken, years of crud have filtered into the conduit and set like concrete. Again, a garden hose will do jack. There are special tools for trying to free up conduits, but chances are they will just replace it if they can. The *last* thing you want is whatever is currently affecting the conduit to affect the new fibre. It will take as long as it takes. The only people who can even try to answer that is your RSP.


Call your provider. NBN would have given them Planned Remediation Date(PRD) . They can come anytime within that PRD.


The original installer tried to 'rod it out' but it didn't work so they called out a civil crew. Took 2 weeks for civil crew to come out. They came out with a trenching machine, but they managed to find where the blockage was with a tracer so they only had to dig up one small section, instead of digging a whole new trench. I'm north of Brisbane too, but not quite regional.


We had the same. Civil crew showed up 2-3 weeks later and ran a whole new conduit + fibre which ended up being a huge job.


Depends on how busy the remediation crew is. My brother in law had a blocked conduit, was told 4-6 week wait, 2 weeks later the connection was suddenly active, NBN didn’t even knock on the door.


Mine took 2-3 days.


Can't put water in a conduit without permission from NBN NOC - it can cause grief for the copper/other fiber gear. Has to be done in an outage window, with RSP customers notified SOME time out...


Where on earth did you get that info from? Nbn’s own docs show water flush as one of the required methods to attempt clearing blockages.

