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Oh look, another horribly slanted article from my old pal.


Yeah if this was leaning any further it would be on the floor


Is the article pro or anti-trans?


It cites exclusively anti-trans activists, provides no push back to their narratives, uncritically reprints their assertions, and does literally no independent investigation of their claims. It's flatly anti-trans.


Yikes, good to know


Hatemongers actively generate hate so they can play the victim. Nothing of value was lost.


The article is written by Valerie Richardson, a Colorado based reporter who describes her work as "covering the West" and "rooting for the home team". She seems to exclusively churn out far-right, culture war schlock railing against trans folk with titles like "Disney doubles down on woke" and "DEI goes on the defensive". She wrote a fluff piece about how the loss of abortion access is actually good because it may lead to more adoptions. That piece ignores the horrific realities of the foster/adoption system in the US entirely, and makes no mention of the countless people who spend their entire childhoods drifting through that cold machine before ending up adrift and unhoused at eighteen. Her Twitter consists almost entirely of links to her stories and reposts of anti-trans stories from other outlets. It's interesting to me that in OP's article, she repeatedly calls trans folk "trans activists" but never addresses her own very clear bias, nor addresses the fact that the vandalized bus belonged to an anti-trans activist group. Rather, she obfuscates both of those things throughout the piece. Really bad reportage, absolutely shameful.


Are you dismissing the vandalism? It's a pretty straight forward article with plenty of pictures as evidence. Would you be doing a deep dive ad hominem on the article and author if it was a pro-transgender bus that was vandalized? These women are advocating that women's sports be specifically for females. No males. Their bus was vandalized for it. That is what's shameful.


C'mon, buddy. You really wanna embarrass yourself in the comments of your own post again? I feel like we do this every week. >Are you dismissing the vandalism? Not what I said. >It's a pretty straight forward article Straightforwardly transphobic? Sure. Definitely. Consistently and throughout. >Would you be doing a deep dive ad hominem I'm not doing an ad hominem, on account of how I addressed the content of the article *before* I dug into the history of the author. But you know that, we've done this before. >These women are advocating that women's sports be specifically for females. No males. This is the same deliberate misrepresentation of facts that the article uses. Attempting to muddy terms to further bar trans people from public life *is* transphobia. You finally took a break from blowing big business, just to start regurgitating tired anti-trans talking points. It's embarrassing. Go do this shit on some other State's sub and quit annoying me. >That is what's shameful. What's shameful is your seemingly pathological need to white-knight for these right-wing culture warriors and business lobbiests.


> C'mon, buddy. You really wanna embarrass yourself in the comments of your own post again? I feel like we do this every week. I'm just having a conversation. If you feel embarrassed by that, so be it. >Not what I said. You didn't say anything about the vandalism. You only commented on the author. >I'm not doing an ad hominem, on account of how I addressed the content of the article before I dug into the history of the author. But you know that, we've done this before. Where did you comment on the content of the article? You lead with the author, stick with the author in the first three paragraphs, and conclude by calling the women fighting for Title IX to remain female as anti-trans. You didn't comment on the vandalism once. >This is the same deliberate misrepresentation of facts that the article uses. Attempting to muddy terms to further bar trans people from public life is transphobia. How is it a misrepresentation to not want males in women's sports? How are they being banned from public life by allowing them to participate in males sports? >You finally took a break from blowing big business, just to start regurgitating tired anti-trans talking points. It's embarrassing. Go do this shit on some other State's sub and quit annoying me. How is an article about vandalism committed by pro-trans supporters an anti-trans talking point? >What's shameful is your seemingly pathological need to white-knight for these right-wing culture warriors and business lobbiests. Nope... again... the bus was vandalized. That is what's shameful.


not reading all that. clutch your pearls harder.


>I'm just having a conversation. Nah, buddy. You're really not. >You didn't say anything about the vandalism. Because I don't think minor property crime is that newsworthy. You'll notice the author of that article doesn't mention the massive amount of anti-trans legislation sweeping the country, or the growing culture of hostility queer folk are living through, or the increase in anti-trans hate crimes, or even the context the vandalized bus exists in. Rather, she tells a deliberately slanted story that exonerates the hate-group what got their shit vandalized, in order to make queer folk at large look criminal. >Where did you comment on the content of the article? [Right here, hon](https://www.reddit.com/r/ncpolitics/s/WholeThJVe) >How is it a misrepresentation to not want males in women's sports? Because it ignores the biological reality of transition. Hormone treatments *epigenetically change the human organism*. Muscle/Fat distribution changes. Muscle density changes. Tendon strength changes. Trans Women *literally* shrink over time. Y'all're acting like LeBron James is just puttin on a maxi dress and dunkin on the whole WNBA and that shit just ain't real. Y'all're not telling the truth about trans folk, and that's fucked up. This article (and you) are relying on blatantly false narratives, just to fear monger about trans people. Just to deny them the opportunity to engage in sports with folk they feel comfortable with. Just to further divide them from their neighbors. Just to further isolate them and other them in their schools and communities more broadly. The science *is not* on y'alls side, but the article fuckin lies about that too. >Nope... again... the bus was vandalized. Fuck that bus, man. If I'd've been there, I'd've slashed it's fuckin tires. The hate-group got off light. >That is what's shameful. Shameful is lying about your neighbors because you disagree with how they live. That's bearing false witness, man. That's a whole sin.


Your entire comment is detached from reality. You are projecting, rationalizing, and making things up in your own head. There is no need to continue this conversation. Have a nice day.


I disagree with them claiming that this vandalism of their bus is an attack. There could be worse messages up here than the pictures shown, but aside from one instance of "fuck women's sports" and a drawing of a penis, all of the messages are mild. It's sharpie messages and allegedly some eggs. (I say allegedly because that claim doesn't seem to have been substantiated) I also disagree with the assertion that this was a coordinated effort. The amount of vandalism shown can likely be attributed to 2-3 people. If the egging claim isn't substantiated, it would be easy to assume that this was done by random people walking down the street. Is vandalism illegal? Yeah, but them using the word "attack" isn't an apt descriptor. I'll admit I'm quite biased here and I'm not gonna debate anyone because as part of pride month I'm choosing to protect my mental health by not chatting with people being anti LGBTQ since there's an extreme uptick to the discourse every year during this month. Happy Pride.


These “attacks” are nothing compared to the actual narrative hate groups push and legislation they support to disenfranchise, delegitimize, and dehumanize actual people.


Completely agree. I get a front row seat to the hate that gets spewed against LGBTQ people all the time in our state legislature unfortunately


[THE WASHINGTON TIMES HAS HISTORY OF HYPED STORIES, SHODDY REPORTING AND FAILING TO CORRECT ERRORS](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2015/washington-times-has-history-hyped-stories-shoddy-reporting-and-failing-correct-errors) --- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Times ---- If you really want a crazy story, read up on the "self claimed Messiah" that started The Washington Times..... lol https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/09/04/the-strange-life-of-reverend-sun-myung-moon/ Don't be as gullible as OP..... A quick Google show nothing but far-right and propaganda sites reporting on it. There's a reason for that.


Ah yes, being anti-woman is... *checks notes*... saying trans women are women, and trans men are men.


also how the hell is "pro-transgender" graffiti "anti-women"? do their uterii shrivel up and turn to dust whenever there's a blue and pink flag like how a cop spontaneously combusts whenever someone whispers the word fentanyl within a 1000yd radius of a dunkin donuts?


lol the moonie times, that's old school