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Important reminder that Corn Pop turned out to be real. As someone who was opposed to Biden at that point in the primary, I have perhaps never been more owned.


Wait for reals? Corn Pop is an actual dude?!


[We live in a world of miracle and wonder ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/there-really-was-a-corn-pop--but-critics-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-oft-told-story/2019/09/16/227115c8-d8ac-11e9-ac63-3016711543fe_story.html)


As an aside, I love how many things Delaware has named after Biden lol. Biden Welcome Center, Biden Train Station, Biden Aquatic Center...


Scranton named its expressway after Biden lol


He probably hates that because it isn’t a train! Unless it’s fun to drive corvettes on I suppose. He’s such a badass hahaha


Just drove through there the other day. Big sign across the southbound lanes. It must totally melt the brains of the NEPA magats, and I love it!


I was at the Biden Welcome Center on Thursday. TBH it’s a GOATed rest area. Free massage chairs. Lots of food options. Well-maintained rest rooms. Great Starbucks.


I usually stop there on my way from NC and Mass and it is a spectacular rest station. Maryland House and the Biden WC are ridiculously GOATed, and the NJT/GSP rest areas would do well to learn from their example.


Cho cho


What a legendary enemies-to-friends arc. They should make a movie about this


Eh I'm waiting for the manga adaptation


I’ll wait for hentai version.


That article is framed with a fair amount of skepticism but it seems like basically everything is either true or people didn’t specifically recall. Makes Biden sound like the man lol


Yeah, I'm willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt. Just the other day, I was reminiscing with a friend on this double date we both went on back in 2011. He did not remember the date at all. For him, it was one of many dates. But, for me, it was my first one since moving to Utah and notable because my date specifically did not want to sit next to me. Which, looking back, was foreshadowing to how Mormons would keep me at arms length throughout my years in the state. So, short of me imagining the whole event, it's not surprising that Biden remembers a story that meant a lot of him while other people in that story are like "Uh, sure? I guess it happened."




Why are people so surprised? The name Is a bit goofy but idk it's not shocking. Dunno why so many assume it wasn't real


Fr have you seen names of street gangs and gang members?


Biden: “I got in a fight with some dude in the 60s but we resolved it amicably” Right wing: “get a load of this guy, amirite?”


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 Always has been.




https://preview.redd.it/y38nu9pg55xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4258a99f2d2bab19aa124880519d2b401b758f7a Last thing he saw


ig he was too nice to use a chain that day


Why does McConnell's expression look like an 11 year old boy seeing a pair of boobs for the first time?


Of course he was


Yep, I mean nicknames were different way back then, being called corn pop then is like being called Killer Mike or Ghost Face Killa now.


Yeah, at that point I pretty much gave up. And I supported him in the primary, mind, I just figured they were standard Old Man Stories, but haha NOPE. Me now: "Yeah, his uncle probably got eaten. Wonder how he tasted."


That story is nuts but also most likely true. He never said his uncle definitely got eaten, just that he crashed in an area where others got eaten and he likely did too.






he looks like he's done waiting


Obamna said he’d be done in just a minute but that was ten minutes ago 😤


He also said last Tuesday at 3:34pm that they would get ice-cream right after catch.


In regular conversation I always call him Obamna lmao


We can’t trust a man who lies about his football stats from 60 years ago.


He’s just appealing to the “Diner in Ohio” crowd who totally could’ve gone pro if not for his bum knee


Joseph Robinette “Speedhawk” Biden, Jr.


[He gets 1 out of 3 votes per Ohio diner he visits](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_nbcnews-fp-1200-630,f_auto,q_auto:best/MSNBC/Components/Video/__NEW/n_wag_5what_120910.jpg) Which ain't that bad overall.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/il47u4/picture266923026/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1140/AP22278716941078.jpg) Fuckin gigachad


Lol, go stand in the corner desantis. You know what you did.


I bet I could throw a football over them mountains, Jack


Chad Brandon


Go long, fat


Uncle Rico is an important voting bloc.


The only man we can trust is one lying about his financials currently.


Runner-up vs. 5th place, what a gotcha


he was probably saying “a” runner up which isn’t even wrong


Is the guy in last place a runner up too?


Yes. Runner-up refers to second place when unspecified, but can also refer to any position behind first when specified. You can be last runner up.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Small hands, that was his problem


Wilmington, that place is Scranton with clams


Four touchdowns in one game, Peg.


Do you think he could have thrown a football over them mountains?


He also [lied extensively](https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/may/07/ad-watch-fact-checking-video-about-bidens-academic/) about his academic record. He also promoted a [conspiracy theory](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jan/26/joe-biden/president-joe-biden-distorts-income-tax-rates-for/) about billionaires paying an average 8% tax rate; not only did he lie, but he wasted taxpayer money commissioning a rigged study to support the lie. The guy's a terrible President and a crappy human being. You don't need to simp so hard for him. It's enough to say that he's bad, but not as bad as Trump.


>8% No lie there, the report he's referencing explains the number very, very clearly. The 8% is if you include untaxed capital gains, which is a fair comparison in most circumstances. They get the equivalent of money, which for a worker would be considered income whether it was cash or any other type of vehicle, and as long as they don't change their cost basis they don't have to pay taxes on it. They still own it, can still borrow against it, can still give it to people or put it in trusts, in every way unrealized gains are money in the bank except for not paying taxes on it. The equivalent for workers would be not paying real estate tax until you sell your house, or never if you simply don't sell it.


He was a lifeguard for several summers at an inner city pool. Chances are he dragged plenty of people out before they got in trouble. Not all of us get private swim lessons, RNC


I worked at a summer camp on a lake in college. Our lifeguards would average one save a week, each. Swimming is surprisingly hazardous.


Also had to deal with Corn Pop, who was by all accounts a bad dude


Don't you mean "Esther?"


I was a lifeguard in high school and we probably averaged a save every other day.


the Boy Scouts publishes a magazine called Scout Life for its members, and each edition includes three little comic-book style stories of scouts who have saved lives and earned the Honor Medal. They are **all** aquatic rescues, and of those aquatic rescues, they are overwhelmingly rip current rescues. Be safe in the water, and know how to handle rips.


That’s crazy. I was a lifeguard/swim teacher for a couple years at summer camp and we never had any “actual” saves. I guess to be fair we had like 8 lifeguards in the pool at any one time with one always in the chair overseeing, and I had daily incidents when I had to chase and pull kids back from the deep end before they got in actual trouble. I would turn around for literally 30 seconds to help one kid in my group and another would be halfway to the deep end when I turned around…


Biggest issue was the lake was very cold. Kids would jump in and have a cold shock response where it kinda feels like you're suffocating. Maybe inhale some water or just have a panic attack and forget how to swim. Also the campers were middle school boys so occasionally they would try to drown each other for fun.


Yeah cold shock is very serious. People always assume water is warm when it is warm outside, which isn’t reliable. Deep water stays cold.


Were they in trouble, or, considering how young joe biden looked, [was it like that one scene from sandlot?](https://youtu.be/H_yAOI6FLqk)


Not saying Biden's experience is false but personally I worked as a lifeguard for 4 years and never once had to get in the water


Did you work at a busy inner-city pool with a large population of non-swimmers? I have worked as a lifeguard as a pool that did swim checks - ZERO rescues. I've also been to public pools with no swim checks and seen quite a few.


What was the racial makeup of the pool you lifeguarded? Biden was working at a pool where most of the swimmers were black, and even today [black kids are 6 times more likely to drown than white kids.](https://blavity.com/black-people-swimming-history/)


I worked two seasons (really half seasons each) and made 2 saves and was present for probably half a dozen more not including land emergencies (worst was a toddler choking on the deck). Extending that, Biden's story adds up in my view


Surely you had to fish a turd out at least once in four years


Just my own


Nevermind, it's a Baby Ruth.


My Mom did lifeguarding all through high school and college, and I believe she said she only had to once.


lazy mf


I was there, I'm cornpop.


I also lifeguarded and had two that I recall, maybe three but not positive. I'd believe it, probably wildly depends on the pool


Biden had the elevators in his buildings have fake floor numbers so people would think they were higher than they were. Biden routinely cheats at golf and always makes sure he wins the annual trophy at his own club through cheating Biden cheated on all his wives, including on his most recent wife with a porn star.


Biden lied about his building being the tallest in Manhattan when the WTC collapsed.


That's still, to this day, the most unhinged thing Trump has ever said. I know it's a heroic competition, but calling into live television when everyone is watching in horror and cheerily saying you now have the tallest building is just PEAK Trump. Doesn't get any higher than that.


He's been showing us from day one who he is.


Hey, secret service man, thank you for your service to this government! Have some groupie pics I keep getting 😎


I want the deep lore of a 70s Biden fangirl being redirected to a Secret Service agent and then they fall in love and get married. Romance writers, WYA?


Wasn't Biden back then the youngest senator?


IIRC, he ran while he was still too young to be sworn in. He has to wait until his birthday after getting elected to be sworn in.


ChatGPT gave me this: Title: **Love in the Line of Duty** In the bustling political landscape of 1975 Washington D.C., young Secret Service agent Jack Marshall is assigned to a unique, if not slightly unconventional, task. President Biden, then a charismatic senator, receives a series of enchanting and rather daring letters and photographs from a mysterious woman named Evelyn Hart. With discretion and privacy paramount, Jack is tasked with ensuring these communications are handled properly. Jack, diligent and focused on his career, initially sees this assignment as just another part of his duties. However, as he reads through Evelyn's letters to ensure no security threats, he becomes captivated by her words—her passion for life, her insightful thoughts on politics, and her subtle wit. Each letter reveals more of Evelyn's vibrant personality, and Jack finds himself looking forward to each new correspondence with increasing anticipation. Driven by curiosity and an emerging sense of connection, Jack decides to reach out to Evelyn under the guise of ensuring her correspondence doesn't pose a security risk. They meet in a quaint café, under the blooming cherry blossoms of D.C., and the connection is instantaneous. Evelyn, a spirited art historian with a love for American history, is equally intrigued by Jack's solemn dedication and the surprising sensitivity he shows during their conversations. Their meetings become more frequent and soon evolve into deep, meaningful dates where they share their dreams, fears, and hopes. However, their budding romance is not without its challenges. The nature of Jack's job means he cannot share much about his work, and Evelyn struggles with the shadows his profession casts over their relationship. The climax arrives when Jack's duty calls him away at a crucial moment—the opening night of Evelyn's first major exhibition at a prestigious art gallery. Torn between his duty and his heart, Jack makes a dramatic decision that could jeopardize his career but proves his commitment to Evelyn. In true rom-com fashion, Jack arrives in the nick of time, blending into the crowd just as Evelyn, thinking she's been stood up, starts her speech. Mid-sentence, she spots him. Her words falter, her eyes light up, and the crowd watches as Jack walks up to her, apologizing profusely. In front of friends, art enthusiasts, and bewildered colleagues, Jack proposes. Fast forward to a cozy epilogue: Jack and Evelyn are happily married, navigating the challenges of his secretive job and her burgeoning art career together. Their home is filled with laughter, love, and countless photographs—only now, they are of their adventures together.


I unironically love that it fleshed it out this much


It's extremely capable i use it for all kind of stuff working (software engineer) or just dicking around. I think a lot of people just hear about AI on the news and podcasts and stuff and sleep on its actual real capabilities and that you can use it right now.


Oh I know, I use ChatGPT for a lot of things, especially compiling data. But typically when I've messed around with it asking it to make up stories, they always kind of have the same feel to them. This time though, there was definitely something there, I could *feel* it


That's ... *amazing*.


You may or may not have just inspired a subplot


Played college ball, you know!


At some cushy Ivy League school!


Try University of Texas!


University of Delaware*


Joe Flacco 🤝 Joe Biden


Shoulda edited it to fit with Biden’s actual history smh


Dammit 😔


doesn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete


I mean, the image in the post basically confirms the part that women would send him pictures. The Dark Lord was a hottie in his day.


But that hair was mostly gone by the time he got to the senate. Hmmm


But that Implies he isn't hot now smh


Can confirm. Would totally send nudie pics. Oh wait, I just did anyway. You’re welcome, Secret Service. 😎


Old man slightly exaggerates his glory days, more at 11


As someone who played high school sports in the late 2000s, it’s worth noting that it was impossible for us to check our stats until like my senior year of high school. It seems like he was very good and probably believed what he said.


Hell even if he knew he was exaggerating slightly, he was still top five in the whole damn state! It's relatable and charming for someone to exaggerate harmlessly like that. I don't plenty of old men who do it, and you almost can't help but love them a little for it.


Yeah I like how they wanna pretend like he massively exaggerated, brother was better than most players at his level, he maybe not runner up, but was probably one good week from being there.


Says a lot about him this is the “worst” they can find on him


Meanwhile prominent Republicans are literally bragging about murdering puppies. We have old timer exaggerates his achievements (which were actually pretty fucking impressive; 5th in the state means he was very talented!) vs. puppy murdering fascists who want to end US democracy And yet it's still going to be a close election Sigh


It is pretty interesting that Biden didn’t really have a leftist/hippy period in his youth. Bill Clinton protested against the Vietnam War and expressed his opposition in the ROTC letter. Obama took drugs during his high school years was an activist against South Africa regime as well as working as a community organizer in Chicago. These kinds of tidbits are like catnip for conservative media to indulge in their fantasies but Biden is really boring in that regard. He didn’t really oppose or protest the Vietnam while he was young and was pretty detached from the leftist/hippy movement of the time.


Didn't Obama say/write something along the lines of his pretending to be a leftie in college to pick up girls?




>Looking back, it’s embarrassing to recognize the degree to which my intellectual curiosity those first two years of college paralleled the interests of various women I was attempting to get to know: Marx and Marcuse so I had something to say to the long-legged socialist who lived in my dorm; Fanon and Gwendolyn Brooks for the smooth-skinned sociology major who never gave me a second look; Foucault and Woolf for the ethereal bisexual who wore mostly black. As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless; I found myself in a series of affectionate but chaste friendships. tfw no ethereal bisexual goth gf.


holy shit hes just like me


I read all this Mont Pelerin shit to get in good with the neolib chicks only to find that all the neolib chicks are divorced middle-aged men :(


On the bright side - now you can leave them too!


Sigma grindset


Damn he’s literally me


He campaigned against Vietnam in his 1972 Senate election and made it a big campaign issue. The biggest difference between him and someone like Bill Clinton is that Biden is 4 years older and wasn't a college student at the time. He was already running for elected office by 1970 (as New Castle County Councilor)


Biden was a frat boy jock so not surprised he wasn't a hippie, though he did oppose the Vietnam War when he ran for the senate in 1972.


He's having that phase now.


Woah, Biden was hot. I had absolutely no idea. Aging is a terrible thing.


I mean the guy still looks pretty good for his age tbh






Oh I don't disagree I'm just conveying he makes me horny  send


Bidensexual, I've never been more attracted to a 80 year old man.


Most people his age aren't above ground, guy is automatically killing it in aging department.


Yeah, iirc he was already balding when he went to congress at 29 years old. Still he ended up aged good. Not as good as top tier never aging people like Ernie Hudson, but good.


Balding at 25 gang If Biden grew up in the Rogaine era he'd be a supermodel, not president


Biden famously got plugs in the 1980s or 90s. It was often joked about. But his hair looks good now considering he's old as fuck.


There's a reason he came out for gay marriage early, we were his most loyal fans already


Plus, have you seen the size of his kid's dong? Pretty good odds the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


It's always the thin guys


It runs in the family, fat 🍦 😎


Maybe it's like hair loss though. We'll need to know about his maternal grandfather's pants situation.


The tree didn't fall far from the tree in this case


He could easily fix it https://preview.redd.it/y1j3yzaip4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a543042592b15092e28992c64c2427e5cc0f5a9


I... Fuckin what. 


Yeah you do.




wat a baddie


I see why tiktokers are so scared of aging now Brb, I gotta go grab some "anti-aging straws"(this is a real thing)


It sounds like something people might be grasping for


Look, Fats, I'm not saying I play Wingman for the Secret Service, but I play Wingman for the Secret Service.


I don't care if these are real or not - it would be funnier if they were, so I choose to believe that they are.


These assholes are literally running the biggest liar in American presidential history for president and they have the gall to post crap like this. 


Imagine seriously fact checking Biden as a conservative, after trump Like at that point you've completely admitted reality and facts don't matter and all you care about are feelings


I'm fine with fact checking but if this is coming up and that's all you have, it would definitely lead me to wonder "Wait, maybe I'm voting for the wrong guy?" Because, comparing the two it's...I mean, one is "yeah, this old guy might be misremembering or embellishing" and the other is just "ok, time to put grandpa in a home because he's ill."


Joe shared nudes without consent? Breaks my heart.


Unsolicited ones. So he was sharing information about abusers with law enforcement.


I think if someone sends you completely unsolicited nudes they don’t have a right to privacy for them. Otherwise women would have to take those unsolicited dick pics to the grave rather than making fun of them




Women?!?! Mr. President, that’s someone’s great grandmother you’re talking about! Show some respect


Joe Biden alpha male lmao


Damn young Joe Biden looked good


The fact it's the party of Trump saying this makes it so funny


God he looked so good. WHat's that hairstyle called?


Damn, young Biden was a stud.


The AI upscaled version of this pic is weird lol


RNC jelly Biden was a thirst trap back in the day.


"Mr. President, could you please tell us if you got any salacious pictures? I need it for... Research"


RNC research pretty much says it all.