• By -


Ahhhhhhhhh AfD at second Ahhhhhhhh


Does me voting for Volt help them in any way even thought they might not hit the threshold for a seat?


Yes. In most democracies, it helps at the very least with funding. For example, in Germany Volt gets about 50 cents per vote.


PVV lost a seat overnight!


I remember reading a funny comment a while back, where some nerd proposed nationalizing streaming services like Netflix. He said there should only be one streaming service, run by the government, and all movies are to be released on there for free


It wouldn't truly be free, as it would be funded by taxation. This sounds a lot like television in the 1950s (in Britain and several other European countries).


As someone without any streaming services, but wants to watch things that are on 8 different platforms… Based


Something something "if secular liberals don't control Islamic immigration, illiberals will."


Here, have some pictures of the absolute units in the Hungarian local elections https://preview.redd.it/ziahk8n2wo5d1.png?width=1090&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fcd5c4af3f10c06ee1ff224c2122a43031d035a




Sándor is what every Milwaukee Brewer player & prospect should look like !ping Baseball&Shitposters


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my thoughts are too complex for the DT


Good thing this is the #THUNDERDOME




In Italy there are 3 liberal parties: PD(which is also soc dem), Azione and Italia Viva. Problem is that they are divided, not by policies or ideology, but by the bickering of the leaders. Both Azione ane IV didn’t pass the 4% thresold. If all liberals allied in Italy, we’d have gotten 31%(41 if you include Forza Italia, which is liberal conservative though)


PD are succs, especially with the new leadership. Neither of the two centrist lists are projected to cross the 4% threshold


Voted for SUE and it missed the threshold by 0.4% *cries in neolib*


fuckin love marshmallows


So did the democrats or the republicans win?


No wait what are you doing step Redditor


Ben Bernanke Minecraft mod


HermitCraft Season whatever needs a central bank and fiat currency. The diamond standard system is a mess with massive inflation over the course of just a few months in the average season. The favour economy seems to be favoured for serious transactions as a result of this failure. This makes it hard for any centralised authority to raise revenue for communal projects, let alone find anyone to pay to do the work.


You're a geolib? What the hell even is that? It sounds like a Pokémon. Wait, don't tell me you're one of *those* people


You know, people often joke that conservatives only have like one joke but like, now that i think about it, how many do I have? It's like 3, tops. Coming up with jokes is hard.


I banged ur mom




>The clownery needs to fucking stop. And if that means like woke fascist Reddit moderators out there striking down dipshit Destiny fans that think that they can shit up threads outside the DT, then at this point they have my fucking blessing because holy shit, this fucking shit needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


random fun fact In Australia America and New Zealand anyone can make an FOI request although New Zealand requires you to be there. Canada meanwhile hates nerds


Person who once absolutely killed the mood during a sexual roleplay because she accidentally set him up for a simpsons reference and he took it.


which one


Gender reveal parties are rent seeking. No, I will not elaborate.


george bush does not care about george people






George Bush does not care about Georgists


Who is George?


https://x.com/atrupar/status/1799894705288761412 You people didn't believe me. Trump is ranting about how the libs don't think sharks are vicious


That was a lot of incoherent rambling just to say he would rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark. But if my views can be taken to be representative of libs, then he is correct that libs don’t think sharks are vicious.


Goodnight DT


Goodnight, TheoryOfPizza


DT is Dead Long Live the DT


No San Marino Thunderdome I always knew the mods were America-brained 🙄🙄




Can someone let me know if/when the Irish Tankie Twins lose their seats?




One thing the US does better is 4 year electoral cycles. 5 is a bit too much imo.


Nah, election cycles should be long.


Frequent elections are good. I'm really glad that the House is every 2 years.


6 year senate terms is nauseating though


Yes and no. 6 year terms is absurd but in conjuction with the house, it's actually OK since a frequently elected House has to sign off on anything the Senate does. It's ultimately an obstructive institution and those have some benefits and limitations. It makes governing harder, but it means that only truly popular policy gets passed.


> only truly popular policy gets passed. lol not really since they also gave every state the same number of senators


Which means that the threshold for what policy is popular is higher, which isn't necessarily bad. I'm no fan of the senate. I think it should be abolished. But making something harder to govern isn't that bad.


> which isn't necessarily bad. It’s bad when it’s reason Jim Crow lasted as long as it did


Jim Crow was dismantled in the 50s, basically as soon as the political will in the country wanted for that. Jim Crow was bad but let's not pretend that it wasn't popular policy.


Jim Crow was dismantled in the 60s and there were multiple attempts to curtail it that were stymied by the senate despite pop support


Nope. Complete opposite. Frequent elections keep politicians in continuous campaign mode, taking focus away from actual governing. The average frequency among normal democracies is 5 years. 2 is ridiculously too short.


Ok but you're wrong


I'm not though. You can't tell me that 2 year terms hasn't been a disaster for US politics. I don't think any other modern democracy even has such a short term. As soon as Reps swear in, they immediately shrug off any responsibility as legislators responsible for governing _now_ and instead start claiming that every tough issue needs to be decided by the voters next election. This is also how you get outsized lobbyist influence in politics. Politicians are constantly fundraising.


Yeah and that's good. They are constantly trying to appeal to their voters. That's literally democracy. It's amazing.


Only in the most performative substanceless way possible. That's not democracy at all, that is playing the electorate for fools. How are you not getting this? Contrary to American notions of populism, real democracy happens on the deliberation floor of a legislature, not at the mere ballot box.


The electorate builds the decks, the politicians play the cards. The electorate dictates the acceptable policy. The politicians find the compromise. The electorate's role is much more important and determination of the end outcome here.


Policy mostly originates through legislative deliberation, not spontaneously through the electorate. The electorate merely signal high level general preferences through the parties they support. But the electorate is incapable of deliberation - which is the whole reason we elect representative legislatures. Of course Americans love their illusions of direct personalization of _their_ representative. Anyway, very little gets done in such a short term. It is a major reason why American politics are so dysfunctional. Normal democracies don't do this dumb shit, they elect representatives to a proper term and let them do their jobs. edit: Political scientists also agree that shorter terms lead to lower performance legislators: https://leitner.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/resources/papers/TermLength.pdf


Australia with 3 year cycles: pathetic


Australia's only fault is the weird state level distortions like the senate and minimum MP counts. I think federal electorates should be drawn without regard for state borders, including the senate. Half a dozen big, multimember electorates would make for a better senate imo. Tasmanians don't deserve their current number of senators, even counting both heads.


Polish 2nd late poll (+/− vs. 1st late poll) Civic Coalition (KO) – 37.4% (nc) (21 seats (+1)) Law and Justice (PiS) – 35.9% (+0.2) (20 seats) Confederation – 12.0% (+0.2) (6 seats) Third Way (TD) – 6.9% (−0.4) (3 seats (−1)) The Left – 6.6% (nc) (3 seats) Nonpartisan Localists (BS) – 0.8% (nc) Polexit – 0.3% (nc) Others – 0.1% (nc) !ping POLAND


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I love the EU’s Spitzenkandidat system because it has seemingly never actually been used but every election it seems like journalists make a big deal out of it


I think Juncker was it being used


I have matters to attend to


"the center is holding" I sigh, as I pick another taco


Russia would be fully justified invading Iran because warm water ports or something


They did this


Saw a tandem bicycle earlier, and my first thought was, "Is that a bicycle for horses?"


Mods please bring back the DT




Do y'all think Iraq will ever pull a Vietnam, and become weirdly Pro-America, or at least America aligned, in like the next 30-40 years?


Iraq is already more of a US ally than Vietnam is. Pro-Iran militas in the country notwithstanding.


As long as Israel is still an issue for the Arab world and as long as Iran remains an issue for the US, no way.


I don't know much about Iraq, but as far as Vietnam a big reason they're so pro-america is because they hate China more


So what you're saying is we need to covertly incite Iran-Iraq War 2: Electric Boogaloo?


Every Sunni Iraqi I know hates Iran more than America.


You're right but Vietnam started loving America before China became a geopolitical rival of the US.


no because the vietnamese were always being led by someone competent.




I simply do not understand why Macron doesn’t sway voters towards Renaissance with his limitless reserve of rizz https://i.redd.it/q0ty62l5fn5d1.gif


*A woman who identified herself as a naturalized citizen who immigrated from Nicaragua endorsed Donald Trump at his rally Sunday, telling the crowd she no longer believed in Democrats’ promises for the Latino community and comparing the United States to a house taking in rule-breaking strangers.* Ladder pulled up quick


Couldn't find any data quickly but I wonder if Nicaraguan immigrants tend Republican due to Ortega's leftist dictatorship, similar to Cubans and Venezuelans


Could also be the Republican messaging to the Spanish-speaking community that Dems are commies


Leopards 🐆 eat MY face?


Marvel fans can communicate only in quips


>Europe's center ground shifts further to the right Yay. /s






How did you find Tom7's grocery store?


I work for CSI


The people who called Eminem the millennial version of Taylor Swift are right


Isn't Taylor Swift the Millennial Taylor Swift?


She used to be but now she’s the gen z taylor swift


Isn't she that Rodriguez watchamacallit?


Coalition will be all of EPP, all of Renew, most of S&D except the hard left, the moderates in Greens, and the moderates in ECR.


A Nightmare on LLM Street


Belgium also had local elections today with very interesting results and an actual neoliberal win in the south.


any chance they might be able to unfuck Belgium?


It might be one of those rare cases where doing the right thing is the only choice left, but I’m sure they will figure out a way for a third option regardless.


in Finland the leftist Left Alliance s u r g e d from 6.9% to 17.3%


https://preview.redd.it/tlqe2nj4bn5d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735c6974a2112cfca91e7f4b22738dea24499174 Goodnight DT


I see no cooks outside chopping their ears off




I mean any shift rightward is bad in when it comes to the current state of the right seemingly worldwide. And, according to the live updated threads I'm reading, that's what happened.


Another thing that has to be taken into account is left and liberal parties taking on right wing policies. A few days ago Scholz stated that Afghans that broke the law would start being deported despite Afghanistan not being a safe country.


To be fair you gotta look at parties like AfD and Fidesz. If they were in ID like they make the most sense they would be in, ID would be almost +20 Edit: The far right are absolutely on the rise within individual countries, but their parliamentary representation will be muffled. What’s more depressing is seeing how far RE and Green have fallen seat-wise.




They lost seats to a nationalist that happens to be pro-EU lol. I also responded to someone else that a reason why there is a stated “rightward shift” is because we have absolutely seen many S&D and RE parties take on anti-immigration stances to stave off the right. Basically fighting the right by becoming reactionary.


Deporting people convicted of crimes is not a reactionary position.


Thats not the position they hold. The position is killing asylum as far as possible without outright getting rid of the EU treaties, and expelling everyone you can expell (even workers). At least thats the policy those parties are pushing through on the EU level.


Blackpill thought: Outside-the-DT argues about a lot of things. Trans people in sports, immigration, the importance of international institutions, how bad is inflation really, and so on. You know what I never see? People arguing about "sweatshops are based(er than any of the alternatives)" That's not bc we attract a ton of unusually pragmatic thinkers who deeply considered the problem of global poverty and how best to resolve it and arrived at this specific conclusion. It's because they never had any closely held beliefs to begin with, and are easily convinced. Many here think more about Biden's age than about the entirety of rural India. This trend is self-reinforcing, too, because we're all social animals who want to talk about what everyone else is talking about. Like I do this too. Sometimes I step away from this site and I'm like, "wait a minute, I don't care about this shit." Then a few hours later I go right back to feeding takes to the take machine. With that in mind, here's my plan to get Saudi Arabia to double its anime consumption over the next 5 years.


> People arguing about "sweatshops are based I remember posting a "you know child labor isn't all bad" article way back


>Then a few hours later I go right back to feeding takes to the take machine. i mostly come here to vent and honestly refine my personal opinions by writing them out. This place serves its purpose for me that way. >You know what I never see? People arguing about "sweatshops are based(er than any of the alternatives)" That's not bc we attract a ton of unusually pragmatic thinkers who deeply considered the problem of global poverty and how best to resolve it and arrived at this specific conclusion. It's because they never had any closely held beliefs to begin with, and are easily convinced. imo thats just humans being humans? As you point out we are social animals; that we outsource our agenda-setting and give us formed opinions is just one way that humans work. Its probably one of the many social functions of an ideology generally - it helps us quickly build models of the world. Thats fine. I do however directionally agree with your critique of the subreddit generally. This sub can be accurately described as a western navel-gazing exercise, with brief bouts of lucidity when especially poignant non-western events (such as elections) happen. Even with that huge flaw, it is probably the best place on Reddit to have political conversations in English. I know of a few people who would want to make non-western effortposts here, myself included tho


that's why contrarianism is good, at least in context of trying to form a picture of the state of the world. that same voice that's like "is taylor swift really that good?" which is kinda annoying in other contexts (she's fine, she's got catchy songs, don't be that person, just let people enjoy it) is actually really important when you're considering what matters for the future of humanity. like, the biden/trump race is very important, no doubt. but the way it's spoken about here i don't think is necessarily reflecting its importance but rather a certain social dynamic. for instance, i responded to someone yesterday in this sub who said, about an issue of long-term significance: >Deal with this after November. At that point, either Voldemort will be defeated or we will just live in his hellish world and nothing will matter this is a mental tendency you have to actively fight against. you have to take a step back and be like "ok, i should probably downgrade my opinions by like 15%. what else is going on?"


Actually, due to new advances involving non-linear temporal manipulation, Joe Biden will begin aging in reverse and will get younger over the next four years. Also, nobody has ever considered that he's old before when considering voting for him. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So the far right makes up at least like 55% of the independents, will Europe soon have a FOURTH right wing party?


We’re gonna have to start making right unity memes. say what you will about the left, but they still only have 1 group


They literally have either two or three depending on your definition 


I got heatstroke at a Trump rally 😔🙏




What is the borders of Eastern Europe won’t even include Russia the way it changes every 5 years


southeast asia is the real eastern europe


Eastern Europe begins at whatever country is east of the person answering the question. If you ask a person what region of Europe their country is in it will always be Western or Central. It's really quite simple


> If you ask a person what region of Europe their country is in it will always be Western or Central. Not if you ask anyone from the Nordic countries


This is true. My Czech and Slovakian friends got really upset with me saying they are from eastern Europe. For people in the West the divide is west = non USSR + East Germany, anything former USSR or other communist dictatorship is considered East. I never used East Europe as a derogatory term but that’s how they took it lmao.


europes asleep, quick annex them


I mean, if it was done without firing a shot, it'd probably be good for both Europe and the US. How many of those Europeans are voting Republican? Do regulations in Europe get better or worse when they are replaced with American counterparts? There are many towns in Europe taht, if they were magically teleported to an American coast, would become extremely expensive just due to their urbanism advantages. What do you mean, 15 minutes cities actually mean on foot?


War ends Europe: I have not yet begun to fight!


https://preview.redd.it/l3us4nid6n5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8bbcf7157e315da254b65bafd2fedba9d8fff47 I wonder what this ping could possibly be about. I will ask the unrelated megathread for help.


Actually, "Frankenstein" is the name of the mayor, the shark is called "Frankenstein's Monster"


hi everyone good day/night/evening/morning to all of you. I hope this upcoming week treats you well. That is all. Carry on


If Weezer fans can find the courage to not qualify their love of weezer you can love some MCU movies unironically.


[Popular Thing] is good. No I'm not hedging that statement by saying "it's good for what it is" or "it's not so bad" or whatever. [Popular Thing] is good. End of sentence. Not every popular thing is good, but i feel like even when popular things are good there's too much of an urge to apologize for having pedestrian enough taste to think so.




this sub is not itself without the dating pings tho


If I die I do not want my boyfriend to eventually move on and be happy. I want him to have a full-time job wailing at my grave, with a lunch break. And two fifteen minutes breaks a day where he can stop wailing and get a single red rose from the car and lay it on my grave. Nights and weekends off.


That was basically the purpose of chantries in medieval times.


They cannot end this mourning of my life


I see you're trying to help him get a new girl by embracing that brooding withering away widower asthetic that the ladies love


Yes, but it's important for him not to know that so that he is conflicted about his feelings but eventually realizes life must go on


^ Eren "10 YEARS AT LEAST" Yeager Maxxing


Apparently the latest culture war is about if sharks are bloodthirsty killers or just mistake humans for other things. Which unironically makes sense, not only is the latter a "it's us or them!" perspective, but the former is a snooty intellectual correction "um actually" and the latter is a dumb misconception that was absolutely picked up from fiction, so it has the pathos of the columbus revisionism. "He saved amity island is what he did! In dis house chief brody is a hero, end of da shtory!"


This isn't a culture war thing, that kind of public education has been going on since jaws.


sharks are chill and they are almost completely irrational to have a deep seated fear of.


Yeah but have you seen Jaws bro, shits like a documentary


You're more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark. Most shark fatalities are one of: * Injured people floating for days after being wrecked (less of a problem now thanks to lifeboats and helicopters) * Surfers (board silhouette, behaviour in surf resembles seals, hence chomp) * Territorial incursion into bull or tiger shark waters (WHAT ARE YOU DOIN IN MAH ESTUARY?)


> Territorial incursion into bull or tiger shark waters (WHAT ARE YOU DOIN IN MAH ESTUARY?) I mean, they find them as far north as Illinois going up the tributaries of the Mississippi River so that part doesn’t seem so unreasonable for people


but what if you're a person wearing a seal costume on a transparent liferaft, flopping about in the middle of an estuary what about that




oh good volt got some more seats


https://preview.redd.it/ab9hha7o2n5d1.jpeg?width=2756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59264c812a07fac7feca102c19d90e9980c5ddeb Prideful creature


I’ve never seen a more fab doggo




Wait what is macron doing??


being incredibly french. one can almost take this arrogance and bake it into a baguette


Something funny


It's the economy stupid, not the immigrants And frankly I'm not going to feel bad for a single coward moderate who think that appeasing the far right or the far left on any issue is going to make them go away, when it blows up in their faces


And by economy, typically we mean housing


Love the sentiment but it's not just the far right who's turned on immigration. We should at least understand that before arguing for pro-immigration policies (which I will still argue for despite their unpopularity)


What the fuck do you even call this build https://preview.redd.it/0st7lwzb2n5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bab1b377027331d0f9c22ecc4f3ae68a97811f


Manyoga build


Medieval announcer for the jousts build


I sympathize with my assless brother here


/u/gnomesvh is this your hero 




Gru-shaped body


Yeah this is it


is that ye wat the fuck


the grinch


> Macron sees Sunday’s results as a moment to sound the alarm over what he and his allies regard as a gathering storm of political extremism that threatens the European Union and the French republic itself. Macron spent the past week with U.S. President Biden and other Western leaders at D-Day commemorations that were chock-full of warnings about the resurgence of the far-right in Europe. At least that’s not happening in the U.S. 😅


https://i.imgur.com/N1rDyo6.jpeg 🫡 god i love my country !ping ALPHABETA-MAFIA


Is there any evidence that social safety nets promote entrepreneurship by limiting losses in quality of life from the failure of a business venture? Edit: It's probably wrong once social spending gets to a certain point, but I wonder why it's wrong.


People will say Europe has better safety nets and worse entrepreneurship, but that's missing a few things. One, bankruptcy laws are themselves a kind of safety net, and I believe they're more favorable in the US than in Europe. Two, there's just more capital in the US. Third, and kind of related, there's more immigration and the US is probably attracting more would be entrepreneurs for that reason. So the US could have strong entrepreneurship in spite of its safety net. Lastly, it could be entirely measurement issues. What counts as "entrepreneurship"? Starting a business? Well in the US its super easy to make one, and lots of people do just to have tax loophole holding company bullshit. It's not exactly innovation though, if that's what we want entrepreneurship for.


the social values that result in a state instituting such a strong social safety net are incompatible with the individualism need for a robust and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit


All the entrepreneuring in America happens in the two highest social safety net states, they two aren't all that related.


And most of it happens by people who have robust familial safety nets.


shhh it's a bit about america's "Rugged individualism"


I mean the US is the most entrepreneurial country. 


i feel like the US is carried by being a nation that has the other fundamentals of entrepreneurship under control and fairly well maximized. Good, consistent rule of law, a very well developed and regulated banking system, and great intra-state commercial law making a massive market for new goods quickly etc. thats such a colossal advantage that bad policies like the US' social security net design can get completely distorted away. Would the US be better off with a good social security net? yes. but it, like many of its problems, is suffering from success


yeah, which is funny. It's probably wrong, but I wonder why it's wrong. Maybe the social values needed for a democracy to spend enough money on an EU-style safety net are also associated with stuff like heavy regulation and more of a communal viewpoint which discourages it? Or maybe it's just bullshit entirely. Hm.