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How can it have reel tilt? I thought pretty much all slots these day's where essentially video games. 


Reel tilts can happen on older style systems where a physical display is still attached to a reel, but the outcome was still determined when the spin button was pressed. A regulatory commission can easily review the history of spins in a machine going back multiple spins, not just 1.


Yeah but in this case they went into the machine after and played around with it. Easily could have manipulated something before the regulatory agencies were able to take a look I think. Very sketchy


You can't just erase game play history. These games are regulated to store like 50+ of the last games, including bonus features, free games and multipliers, in history. Source : I used to do independent 3rd party testing of video casino games.


Fair enough idk much about it lol


An attendant has a key to access the operating system and review history, etc. They aren't supposed to open a cabinet unless they have a regulator present. Even then, access to the hardware running the machine requires yet another set of keys, probably held by the attendant supervisor. These will generally have a tamper evident system like tape. Not to mention it is all on camera.


A regulatory commission could easily investigate their own machines and find nothing wrong. Seems it’s their word against yours, and even if you did win you aren’t getting any money without proof, which they can hide


Regulators are state or tribal employees, not casino employees. They are there to protect the customer. If you don't trust that games are properly regulated, just don't gamble.


Because she won obviously. /Sarcasm


If you ever find yourself in a situation like this NEVER let the counterparty get you to do anything like they asked her to do (spin again). They tried to get her to screw herself and she didn’t bite. Now through the courts she has an argument. Had she spun again like they told her to, she would’ve never had an argument.


It was Bally's Casino just in case anyone was wondering.


> Had she spun again like they told her to, she would’ve never had an argument. Why?


It gives the other side credence. Imagine like this: “it malfunctioned, spin again. “No it didn’t. I will not.” Vs “It malfunctioned. Spin again.” “Okay!” *spins* later: “If you believed it didn’t malfunction, why did you spin again?” Pretty much, if someone owes you money and asks you to do or agree to something, it is never in **your** best interest. It is always in theirs. If they really want you to do something, that is a huge sign that you should **not** do it. Like when the cops say “just tell us the truth” or “sign this and the interrogation is over.” When you have a legal disagreement, the other side is your adversary, and you do not want to do anything to help them. If you believe they owe you and aren’t paying you, they are already acting in bad faith and should not be trusted.


Never give the other side a reason. It’s that simple.




“No.” Is a complete sentence. When you say “No - Because …” you’re now creating a negotiation that may not be relevant at all to your larger situation. In a true conflict where you want to preserve evidence, you don’t need to explain yourself to the opposing side. “No, I decline to play off what I believe to be the winning spin” without explanation stands on its own.


I don't care about the conversation that happens when you refuse to spin again, I'm asking why spinning again would somehow magically nullify her legal arguments. From the answers I'm getting it sounds like /u/turbopro25 was talking out of their ass.


In fact, it doesn’t. In intent, it could be argued as acceptance and agreement of the casino’s position that this was a non-jackpot-winner if she played it off. In evidence, it preserves the player’s posture of wanting to preserve evidence. She could ask that the machine be locked and removed from the floor for evidentiary purposes. If the casino chooses to play it off, the player could argue that the casino modified the state of the machine and that any lack of investigation that could have happened because of that act can be attributed to the casino. It might change the default presumption of whom to assign the assumption of what might have been found to the casino.


https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/enZ2K1h10q It was answered, it gives the casino credence. I am just a messenger, so I may be out of line, but using the same example; if casino said to spin again, there was a malfunction; spinning again is acceptance by you that there was a malfunction according to law. Otherwise, why spin again?


“I was just doing what they told me to do.” If the casino defrauded her, lying to her to get her to spin again is not going to *help* their case.


Did that work for the nazi party after WWII? Lol In this case, How can you prove the machine didn't malfunction? I can almost guarantee every component used in manufacturing process has a small degree of failure potential in its white papers; and if I'm the casino rep, you can guarantee I have access to more money to fight that; good luck proving I did anything wrong. We have been screwing people for longer than you can imagine. Note* I am very much with your thinking...but the court system is based on narrative provided for the time period leading up to the decision to make a court case. And there would be no way to prove fraud, it's basically hear say. The casino may have some witnesses, but they would likely all be very scripted jobs to have been forced not to see the wrong doing, and the wrong doing (all alleged) would have been done by someone high enough to know it wouldn't be able to hold up in court. And the plaintiff would have lost more money for lawyers and still walk away at a loss...very sad.


Lmao. You think you would stand to gain anything by doing what a Casino wants you to do. You’re naive.


That’s not what I said, but thanks for the confirmation that you were talking out of your ass.


It's not about the conversation, it's about the argument in court and having a defensible position. It doesn't 'magically nullify' anything, it just makes it harder to argue your case in court. To the court, agreeing to spin again is akin to accepting that the machine malfunctioned. They are correct, it would hurt her chances of a judgement in her favor. It's not as simple as 'the law is the law' in civil court.


It doesn’t matter if she accepts their explanation at the time, she has no understanding of how slot machines work. If they lied to her to avoid paying the jackpot that helps her case, not hurts it.


You're really not getting this. It's not about the facts, it's about how the facts would be presented by opposing counsel. And that is how they would spin that action. It absolutely does matter. She has a better argument in court by doing what she did.


Yeah, I’m sure tricking an old lady into giving up her jackpot would play well with a judge or jury. All that matters is whether her jackpot was legitimate. If it was they owe her the money, it doesn’t matter if she naively follows an employee’s instructions.


If she hit a jackpot or had a reel tilt it would lock up the game and not allow her to play. Chances are the game hit a legit reel tilt and it got frozen on the jackpot when it happened. This stuff happens weekly if not daily.


Play the ball where it lands


I hope she finds a great lawyer and goes for damages too...screw the casinos...


In reading the article, this happened at another casino out of state, and the jury awarded that winner the full jackpot. The same company IGT had to pay it out. I hope if it goes to trial, she is awarded the full amount also.


This is crazy to me. I hope she gets her money


Can someone ELI5? I am not a gambler so I have no idea what happened here. What’s reel tilt and why did she do the right thing by not spinning again?


Reel tilt is when the machine displays a result contrary to what the computer indicated. In my opinion, the not spinning again is more just about making sure she took a zillion pics on her phone of the result. At some point, the machine was going to be spun again. She just had to properly document.


A player plays one of these machines is good faith and the machine says jackpot but then after an employee opens the machine, a hidden indicator says it malfunctioned? Shouldn't that be the casino's problem then?


Should be, but I;m sure they paid off enough people to have clauses in the local law to get out if it.


Wow. What scumbags


I hope, and I predict, this casino is going to regret trying to rip off this lady! I hope it costs them at least what she won plus interest and all legal expenses, and then a shitload of punitive damages! OMG! This is infuriating!


Is there ever a reel tilt in favor of the gambler? Do they ever have to give money back? Edit: a word


Exactly why it shouldn't matter if this is reel tilt or not. If I lose on my spin, am I allowed to go grab an employee and ask to have my spin reviewed to make sure it wasn't reel tilt against me? Perhaps I hit jackpot but the system showed I lost.


Casinos dishonest? What? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that the Easter bunny isn’t real


What happened to the NJ gaming commission?


They're hanging on by the skin of their teeth


Note to self: Don't go to Atlantic City. It has not improved since Trump left.


Go to AC but never play slots.


I won $3500 off penny slots on house money at Oceans 2 summers ago. Haven’t been back since.


Slots in the casinos (in AC at least) are actually genuinely random. I had a good friend who worked for the a 3rd party company that casinos would hire to test the statistical probability and odds on slots. They’d literally just it at slots for hours and play 1000 spins or something on each and jackpots/losses were always completely random.


Slots in the casinos (in AC at least) are actually genuinely random. I had a good friend who worked for the a 3rd party company that casinos would hire to test the statistical probability and odds on slots. They’d literally just it at slots for hours and play 1000 spins or something on each and jackpots/losses were always completely random.


Yes the boardwalk is pretty decent at least.




Look, I’m not saying it’s the best, but relative to how the rest of the city declined it’s holding up fairly well. Could have been worse 🤷🏼


Just got back from there. Boardwalk is a shit hole. Lots of weed smoke, beggars, homeless and crackheads. No police presence whatsoever and no stores worth going in. I literally so a toothless man talking to a squirrel, I think they were fighting over some peanuts. Not kidding.


First, that squirrel is the mayor. There is no second AC elected a squirrel


> Lots of weed smoke My dude, that's any Jersey Shore town now. Even Ocean City.


I’d love a pic or video of this 😭


Last time I was there, a woman was laying on a bench with a needle hanging out of their arm at 6am while I was walking the boardwalk and paramedics were arriving. The boardwalk definitely isn't that nice.


AC is fine just go to oceans or borgata or harrahs. Don’t go to Ballys for sure or Caesar’s. Dying casinos


Caesar’s just had a massive multi million dollar renovation both in the casino and hotel rooms. It’s nice.


Idk man when I went in there on a Saturday night it was a ghost town and there was barely any restaurants open. To each their own but I’d much rather go to borgata or oceans


I hear ya, I also prefer ocean and/or hard rock but Caesar’s was a nice change of pace I thought. Borgata nice too. Before this renovation? Yea dude Caesar’s was in tough shape.


Caesars was fine. I had a good time and the restaurants are pretty good. Bally's on the other hand, I mean, it's Bally's. I'd check out the yard, which looks pretty cool.


The yard is fun but I wouldn’t play there personally


Turned $20 into $490 at Ocean, then got a free hotel room following the trip. I am a fan of Ocean.


They trying to get back that 470 lmao


I love a few nights in AC, but man the difference between casinos sometimes is staggering. Ocean and Borgata are nice, full of people, everything is clean. Then there's other casinos where you see like 3 people sitting on slots, no table games. Everything is dark, half the games don't work. I don't understand how those casinos even have enough to stay alive another week let alone stay in that state for years.


Casinos are weird cause they’re all owned by mega conglomerates at this point so even if a location is taking a beating they still seem to keep getting investors and more money pumped in. Then I’ve heard people argue that they’re cooking books to claim losses. I don’t really know who to believe tbh but like you said some casinos you’re in on a weekend and it’s dead yet still operating which is perplexing. Apparently I’ve heard some of the ny ones are even worse but I haven’t been myself. Either way ocean and borgata are my go to with harrahs being not far behind


He's the main reason it's the way it is now. How tf do you bankrupt a casino in a time before gambling is legal inost places?


Because Atlantic City is a literal shit hole. Have you been?


Sounds like he is living rent free in your head. Good luck with that


There's nothing free about it, trump is paying with fascism to live in everyones head.


How much rent is he paying to live in your mind?


Don't be silly. Trump doesn't pay anyone.


I am not the one who injected him into a topic that had nothing to do with him.


But you still think about him, yeah? So how much rent is he paying to live in your mind? Anything?


"This won’t be the first legal case where a suspected wheel tilt has been disputed on a Wheel of Fortune machine. In 2000, a judge and jury ruled against IGT over a similar case involving a Wheel of Fortune machine in Harrah’s casino New Orleans. Ultimately, the gaming giant was forced to pay the plaintiff the full $1.3 million jackpot." \*surprisedpikachu.gif\*


Not to make this political, but remember when a guy bankrupted a casino? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Interesting. It seems like only a fool of the highest order would want such a man to run anything else if he failed so dramatically.


"Not to make this political..." I usually agree with this, but sadly the way things are going these days (politicians claiming that fair trials are rigged), we need to get more assertive against those that deny reality.


How is it relevant though?


Because said person owned and bankrupted several casinos in Atlantic City, the city this story takes place in. Relevant to me!


Not sure why


Most casinos do everything they possibly can to not let go of one thin dime, as in the article OP posted. Reminded me of the little historical tidbit I posted, that's all.


I didn’t have any fun at the casinos .. I coulda swore there was a floor manager using her to change the odds during the night on slots ..




Gambling is for fools.


I think this is a pretty drastic simplification. Gambling can be fun if you are not blowing the mortgage payment. If you just don’t like casino games then that’s alright too. If you’re walking in spending every last cent hoping that luck will be on your side then yes, that is foolish.


Yeah, I can enjoy playing craps or blackjack, shooting the shit with the people around me, the dealers, getting some free drinks, etc. But you need to know when to quit, therein lies the issue. But if you set a limit, you're just saying "I'm willing to pay $500 to have fun tonight," and then you do that. You can spend $500 on concert tickets, on a sporting event, on a bunch of hookers and cocaine, whatever you want.




Ok whatever


You’re dumb


Everyone is a loser.


Ballys isn’t the issue. IGT is. Sad that the media keeps framing Ballys as the guilty party here.


She was a customer of Bally’s, the machine is in Bally’s, and Bally’s is making money on it.


Ballys doesn’t solely pay out the jackpots on machines like this. IGT pays much, if not all, of it.


I’m not saying they do, but they aren’t blameless.


What blame do you think they carry? I fail to see how they are responsible in any way given how these machines payout.


This was in a Bally’s casino. She was a Bally’s customer. Bally’s is at fault. If anything Bally’s should be siding with their customer, instead of telling her to leave their casino


You keep repeating this but have no idea what you’re talking about


I know that if ran a casino, and someone won, I would pay them.


Keep on missing the point bud


I’m not your bud pal


Bingo. No point in engaging with those who lack common sense and basic reading comprehension skills. OP has 0 clue how the casino industry works.


Absolutely amazing that you are being downvoted for this as it's 100% true. Wheel of Fortune is a linked progressive jackpot. IGT is the one who has to come out and verify that the jackpot was hit before they can pay anyone. It makes no sense that Bally's would attempt have an employee go into a slot machine and trigger a tilt error so that they didn't have to pay out the jackpot because *they don't pay out the jackpot anyway*. This sub is filled with morons.


IGT lost in a settlement in a previous incident like this as well. However, when going to court you list all parties in said case. So Bally’s will be implemented for sure.


>implemented I think you mean implicated. Auto-correct strikes again!


If I had a dime for every time…


Hopefully my relatives will be chosen for the jury! They’ll side with IGT and Ballys! All huge fans of Atlantic City who frequent Resorts and Borgata.


Your family would side with a casino over a winning customer? Does your family own Bally’s?


1. This isn’t a winning customer. The machine clearly states that any malfunctions void all pays. 2. Bally’s is not at fault as I have repeated a million times yet you refuse to do any research on. Sad! 3. This is someone who knows they didn’t win and is seeking a payday. Sad to see lawyers get richer!


If only a jury was actually used for this type of thing. Most likely it goes before a judge after no settlement is reached.




Doesn’t IGT also handle the mega and powerball?




Open the door, close the door, machine resets, reels re-spin and stop on the original intended game outcome. Did the machine lockup and freeze the scrolling progressive prize amount? No? Not a valid megajackpot hit. If they were able to spin the game after the reel tilt reset, there was no jackpot award. If the machine locked up in a jackpot hit, the only way to continue play would be to turn the reset key. There would be many immediate phone calls from the progressive system monitoring room. Nobody tampered with the machine. Game history recall will show all relevant play information.


She can dream but won't get it. All machines say invalid wins are not payable.