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I work for a county, not the state, but the county’s hiring is done through the state civil service system. I applied in June, took a test in August, and got hired… the following May lol


Wow. Looks like I’ll be teaching another year or so.


6 months


Not in government per se, but have a lot friends that work for the state. Unfortunately it does vary from department to department. My one friend last year applied in March, scheduled an interview in May for early August, and didn’t get hired til October. It could happen sooner or later. If it’s a job you really want I would stick out, but if not never hurts to keep applying. Best of luck to you!!


As many others said, it definitely depends on the Department. Some move quicker than others. But it can take several months unfortunately. I’d say give it a month right now and maybe after that reach back out for a follow up. Good luck!




It can take a while. I applied in like March of last year, interviewed in April, and wasn’t finalized until the start of June. I’ve heard for some it takes longer. If you’ve been asked to do the background check then you’re in. Just make sure to stay in touch with the hiring manager. Check in every two weeks for a status update. State jobs can get pretty busy and it’s easy to get lost in the sauce, so make sure you’re constantly emailing.


> Check in every two weeks for a status update Please think carefully about how often to email, both for your own state of mind and for the sake of the hiring manager. My team had selected an experienced candidate who was extremely well-qualified and interviewed well, but even though we told him that it would take several months (especially because he asked for more pay, additional approvals were required from the office of the governor), he regularly emailed us, even though we had no control over the speed of Department HR, NJ CSC, and the other personnel in whatever offices needed to review the hiring and pay decision. We tried to explain the process in full detail at first, but after a while we just replied No Update or In Review at Governor's Office or Back to CSC or No Change Since Last Update, etc... eventually he got tired of reading the same thing in his inbox and took another job.


Just recently landed a job working in a large municipality, I initially applied in September of 2023 but heard radio silence until February of this year when they asked me for an interview. I completely forgot I even applied because it took so long I figured I just didn’t get the job. I left the interview feeling like I aced it and so I was eagerly awaiting a response. Took until March to tell me that I was the top candidate and then still I waited until April to receive an offer. Civil jobs just take a long time to get anything done because of all the red tape and hands that have to exchange paperwork. Just sit tight, feel free to shoot them a follow up email if you’re getting antsy.


OP- I have been in your exact place. 6-12 months believe it or not. If they say hang in then hang in. I’m speaking from experience. Good luck.


The fiance was just picked up by the state last month. She applied a year ago and interviewed 7 months ago. If they want you, they will reach out. But don’t sit around waiting. Go make money and when the time comes they will act accordingly for you to give proper notice or what not…


It should be 1 to 2 months realistically.


For me I had an interview in May and got an offer in august


Takes literally forever like other people are saying. Worked for a company where a lot of people just used to get experience to move into a certain agency of NJ government. Even 20 years ago it was a year long process and it never got better.


Took almost 9 months for my wife to get hired by the State. My nephew was over a year. They're slow.


4 months for me.


Took about 3 months for me. The background check process alone takes about a month.


Nobody has even contacted me about background checks.


After the interview, took about 2 months for them to reach out with a tentative offer.