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Obama was president over Mississippi longer than Jefferson Davis.


We really need to have a national holiday for defeating the confederacy. Just to show off what our heritage is all about. Beating the losers and traitors.


I have in my calendar "Union Day" on April 9th. That's the day Lee surrendered to Grant.


I mean V-E day is still celebrated in Europe, the fact that there is no national today to celebrate the defeat of that disgusting slave holding rump nation is astounding and also not surprising considering how reconstruction ended


Aww shit, we missed it!


National Stomping on Traitors Day.


If it wasn’t too fragile, I’d want to see Minnesota showing off that CSA battle flag their men captured at Gettysburg and rubbing it the faces of Lost Cause simps.


I actually love that Virginia has kept bitching and whining about wanting it back and Minnesota just tells them to pound sand. But yeah it sucks they have to keep it in a non descript drawer becuase otherwise some nutter would probably steal it.




As a born and raised Minnesotan I agree completely! And every time they ask for it back I wish our governors would just send them a white flag in the mail (postage-due) as a reminder they lost the battle.


I know that as a Cheesehead, I've ribbed my good neighbors to the west an awful lot in my life, but in all seriousness, that is just bad ass of 1st Minnesota!


"Sherman Day" Dec 20th the day Sherman marched into Savannah Or May 9th the day the 4th Michigan Cav captured Jeff Davis.


April 9th is the day those cowards surrendered. Next year will be the 160th anniversary of their fall. I'm taking the entire week off.


If southern heritage folks could read they'd be very upset by this














Maybe someone can draw a picture for them


In black and white? Maybe they can use colors now?


Colors? That’s too close to rainbows. And we all know what rainbows mean….


My emo phase in high school lasted longer than the confederacy


As did my ingrown toenail infection


That's a long toe ache though. You good now?


Yep. It sort of came and went. Flared up whenever someone stepped on it or I stubbed it. Doctor poked a needle underneath the toenail and injected acid to kill off everything. Looks weird now.


I had one like that forever... eventually doc removed the nail with only locals i vocalized adamantly were not blocking the nerves. 0stars.


That needle fucking hurts. Source: 2 ingrown toenails


My infection had progressed to the point where I couldn't get more numbing shots (had 4 total) and I could still feel everything. It was either risk losing your toe with more shots or, well, go for it. I went for it. I felt everything on all four corners of my big toes. The cutting all the way down. The acid dipped q tips. Get your ingrown toenails dealt with people. It absolutely can get way way worse.


My $3 Petco fish lasted longer than the confederacy.


I had a goldfish I won in kindergarten live seven years. Those guys are hardy if you actually take care of them!


My childhood fair prize goldfish lived so long and outgrew so many tanks that he got named Shark and ended up living in the horse trough outdoors. With a heater in winter.


As a kid who's job it was to break that fucking ice every morning, you just stole my heart.


I feel like this could become a meme a la Liz Truss and The Head of Lettuce.  My (insert activity of short-ish duration) lasted longer than the confederacy!! 


I worked at a restaurant during college. I worked a party CELEBRATING JEFFERSON DAVIS’ birthday in 2006. Like what the actual F. I also lived near Hollywood Cemetery (inn VA) back then and people would leave flowers on his grave. The south is just simmering (I moved away)


The Confederates are all traitors but he was not a good president so why?


He was actually a pretty terrible wartime president. He was big on nepotism, and if a general did not fight the way he felt they should, he replaced them. For instance when Sherman was marching on Atlanta, Joseph Johnston was the general charged with facing him. However, Johnston knew Sherman's forces were pretty good, and battle tested. So instead of a direct battle, Johnston would give ground and maneuver as he needed. He knew the Confederates did not have the manpower to go head on with the Union forces. Even if they win, they lose too many men that are not easily replaced. The Union had a much easier time replacing their men. So Johnston tried to pick his battles and maneuver his forces as best he could in defensive positions, fight, and withdraw if needed. He actually repulsed Union forces a few tines, like at New Hope and mauled Hooker's XX Corps, or at Picketts Mill where Confederate forces were able to fight back a Union assault.  What Johnston really wanted to do is get as much cavalry as he could and really attack Sherman's forager. He was deep in enemy territory with no real supply line. Using cavalry to really hammer his scouting and foraging groups could have reallybhurt Sherman. But Jefferson Davis did not like Johnston giving ground the way he did, refused cavalry reinforcement, and wanted a decisive battle to finish Sherman. So he relived Johnston and sent John Bell Hood, who gave battle to Sherman, got wrecked by superior firepower and numbers, and eventually lost Atlanta. This is all oversimplified, but I think is a great example of why Jefferson Davis was a bad wartime president. Compare to Abraham Lincoln, who could put aside personal feelings so long as a general did his job. He put up with a LOT from McClellan before finally replacing him. He even got some officials talking bad about Grant saying that he had a drinking problem, even after winning multiple battles in the West. Supposedly Lincoln then asked what brand of alcohol Grant enjoyed, and said he wanted to send a barrel of it to his other generals. 


Moving out of mississippi was the best decision I have ever made.


How can something that lasted 4 years over 160 years ago be someone's "heritage"? By that logic, pride month should be more important because gay marriage has been legal in the US longer than the confederacy existed.


Because being a loser lasts forever.


When being a loser is all you have, you fucking cling to it like it means something.


Well to be fair, gay people have been around a lot longer than confederate people


I dunno, idiots have probably been a part of our species from the beginning.


Yes but probably so were gay people


Probably gay people too.




because they are still confederates


The heritage they’re celebrating is segregation, racism, and slavery


And treason.... don't forget the treason.


And getting their ass kicked. Don’t forget the final score. Confederates were up 28-3 in the 3rd Quarter.


Loser heritage


Because people are still mad that slavery is over. 


It makes a lot more sense if you’re a pathetic piece of shit and have never bothered to examine why you get emotional over people making fun of traitors. There’s this desperate effort to rebrand the Confederacy because they mistakenly think that’s the only thing the South has going for it historically. Otherwise they might have to celebrate the incredible cultural contributions non-white (and white!) Southerners have made to the nation. Can’t have that.


It's not about racism, it's about a tradition of taking pride in celebrating the history of Mississippi's heritage of racism.


Yep. Also, *the civil war wasn't about slavery. It was about states' rights (to keep slaves).*


I confronted someone making the argument that it was about states rights by showing them the confederate constitution where it says states aren't free to abolish slavery if they decided to.


Article I, Section 9, Clause 4: >No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed. Article IV, Section 3: >The Confederate States may acquire new territory \[...\] In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States. Some state rights.


You had the right to be invaded by other states who were slave hunting.


Also the Confederacy abolished habeas corpus repeatedly. Meanwhile cosplaying modern Confederates complain about Lincoln.


Mississippi secession letter wrote... "In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving it's connection with the government which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course. Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery..." Great thanls for clearing that up Mississippi.


Not only that, but each confederate state’s constitutions mention slavery. Back in 2020 I posted every one of them to Facebook any time I saw mention of “it wasn’t about slavery, it was about states rights”


Not to mention the Cornerstone Speech. Stated clearly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech


In the lead up to the Civil War, the one and only time "state's rights" were ever mentioned in any public argument, was when the southern states complained to the federal government to try to force free northern states to enforce runaway slave laws. In other words, the only mention of state's rights was in an argument **against** the concept.


I like to say it was about the State's Rights to ignore the Fugitive Slave Act.




Was not a rebellion? That's real rich


Wasn’t even the first time they rebelled to continue having slaves


Of the six flags that have flown over Texas (where Six Flags theme parks gets its name), *four* of the corresponding nations resulted from rebellion (Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States of America, and the Confederate States of America). Of those, Texas rebelled from Mexico *and* the United States over slavery. The other two (France and Spain) were from colonial claims and sales.


"Special Rebel Operation"


> CHILDREN OF THE CONFEDERACY Yeah it makes sense that they wouldn't want to believe their daddies died for the right to own other people as slaves. Doesn't make sense why anyone listened to them though.


Reactionary response from the South to desegregation.


Guess they didn't read their own Declaration: [https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#Texas](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#Texas)


What happened to the plaque? Did they finally decide to fact check it? >\[The US Constitution's ideas\] were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the "storm came and the wind blew." >Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon **the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition**. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. – Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America, 1861


They took it down in 2019 after Texas Rep Eric Johnson (who is black) went on a year long crusade to get rid of it. Some Republicans said they would take it to a museum but I think they threw it out because 1950s cringe has literally zero historical value to anyone.


2019? Jesus...


Here's the mistake people keep making discussing this. They don't go and print out the letters of succession that each state wrote individually. Because only one state didn't mention slavery while the rest did. Lol Here's the mississippi one: https://www.mshistorynow.mdah.ms.gov/issue/a-declaration-of-the-immediate-causes-which-induce-and-justify-the-secession-of-the-state-of-mississippi-from-the-federal-union


Save me the research; which state didn’t mention slavery?


Louisiana. But it it should be said that while they didn’t put it their Articles of Secession, they did send representatives to other states and those reps specifically mention slavery as a reason for secession.


Well, they didn't even mention slavery until... uh... the second sentence. Man, I *wish* the north had been as hardcore as thus described.


> letters of succession Secession. There was absolutely zero success.


The Mississippi one is included in the OP article at least. Any Mississippi Governor proclaiming Confederate heritage month should read aloud their state's declaration of succession so it's clear what they are celebrating.


It wasn’t about states rights either. States that joined did not have the right to be a non-slavery state.


Yeah, it was really about taking away states' rights to refuse slavery and help them escape. They were pissed the north wasn't participating in the fugitive slave act.


Don't forget economics. Specifically the economics of a slavery based labor pool


Racism was used to dehumanize slaves in an attempt to justify slavery, and now politicians appeal to racial bias to demonize the (often POC) impoverished.


Sir, it was not the Civil War, it was the \[*checks Mississippi's 5th grade history curiculum text book*\] War of Northern Agression


I genuinely love reading the Mississippi articles of secession. Literally: here are all the reasons we don't want to be part of the union and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS RELATED TO SLAVERY. "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery" Someone please tell the confederates that the civil war was not about slavery, their extant documents make it really hard to pretend it wasn't!


What, use facts against them? You know that won't work.


It was about states rights! to do… very specific things that only some southern states wanted to do…


states rights... to farm cotton... using cheap human labour.... who are there against their will...


More about State's Whites, amiright?


And also pride in being stubborn losers.


Participation trophies.


I can’t wait to hear the details on the celebration’s reenactments: whippings of uppity slaves? Picaninny auctions? Slave choruses in the fields? Andersonville camp buffets? So many choices of atrocities to reenact where the treasonous confederates are concerned.


Some heritage, too... Carrying water for a landed Southern gentry that actively held them in contempt. Fighting to maintain a brutal and barbaric system of chattel slavery that included rape, forced separation of families, murder, torture.. Ultimately losing an incredibly costly, humiliating, and self-destructive war. Damning themselves and their descendants to suffer under the rule of that same uncaring, avaristic, landed Southern gentry... **SO** much to be proud of, lemme tell you..


Isn’t every month confederate history month in Mississippi?


Everyday, actually.


Makes sense. We all know how Germany famously celebrates their Nazi heritage. ...oh, they completely disavow it? Because it would be insane to celebrate the monstrous dehumanization of an entire race of people? Interesting.


But… but ya see them Confederate never murdered their slaves! They only used them for their labor til they dropped dead! /s


They only murdered them if they tried to escape… and then later if they whistled at a white woman… or even worse, had their own city that was more prosperous than white ones. https://www.neh.gov/article/1921-tulsa-massacre


Reminder confederates were about states rights until northern states wouldnt return runaway slaves


Also the Confederate Constitution forbade Confederate states from making slavery illegal.


They murdered enslaved people for more or less any reason. From a letter written by a North Carolina enslaver woman to her slave-trading cousin in 1835: >[Overseer] Gross has killed Sook's youngest child. He took the child out to work (it was between one year and eighteen months old) & because it would not do its work to please him he first whipt it & then held its head in the branch to make it hush crying. [From the Jarratt-Puryear family papers collection at Duke](https://archives.lib.duke.edu/catalog/jarrattpuryearfamily). Quoted in Edward Baptist's *The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism.*


Wow. So they murdered a literal little baby for not being able to work...


Hey Mississippi, want your ass kicked, again?


Lol, wouldn't even need to send federal troops to do that. Just withdraw all federal funding the state gets and watch it turn into Haiti.


>watch it turn into Haiti. Tbf, it's not exactly a bastion of economic prosperity and sound infrastructure currently. Make it Haiti*er* might be more apt.


The state and city government of Miss. is so useless they had to federalize Jackson Miss. water system. Their Capital city only functions as a post 1905 modern place with modern plumbing because the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE JUDICIALLY TOOK IT OVER, and then took over their sewer system as well. Yet they keep trying to setup a "shadow utility" to backup the federal manager, to which everyone in Jackson tells them to fuck off. The State government should be dissolved as they've failied to govern the state. They rank "as 48th for overall child well-being, 47th in economic well-being, 50th in health, and 50th in family and community".


Why do all the trees in Alabama lean west? Because Mississippi sucks.


*r/ShermanPosting has burned down the arena*


The powers that be are certainly asking for it. More "proof" of northern aggression, government overreach, and bias against poor innocent podunk flyover regions.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, OLD MAN???


Things that lasted longer than the Confederacy: 1. Spice Girls...


Many Presidents.


My 2nd marriage.


Same sex marriage




The federal government literally had to give parts of Florida to Mississippi and Alabama so that they would have access to the Gulf of Mexico, and not be completely landlocked. Part of Florida was also given to Louisiana, with that area being known as the "Florida Parishes". Even in spite of parts of Florida being ceded to these states, they are still shitholes.


Well to be fair, you can cover a pig in shit, but it's still a pig.




> we can all learn from our history I don’t suppose they’ll learn about some of the most important moments of Confederate history that took place in Mississippi, like U. S. Grant kicking ass up and down the state and accepting the surrender of Vicksburg on July 4, 1863?


Up until the 1970's Vicksburg refused to celebrate Independence Day. No American flags were flown nor fireworks launched. Spoiled, sore lew-hoo-hooooo-zers.


They mad, they butt mad, STILL




>we can all learn from our history So they are going to teach critical race theory?


Not THAT history


Mississippi is: -41st in education -49th in healthcare (notorious for poor maternal healthcare, especially for POC) -49th in economy -47th in infrastructure You’d think an elected official would want to focus on improving any of the topics above, but here we are.


Why would they put effort and money into fixing things when this is all they need to do to get re-elected? Then give all the money to Brett Favre


From a governor that tried to get MDOT to put in a private (i.e. gated) frontage road to his subdivision (and for bonus points, not the subdivision directly next to them), then ensuring they fire the person that canceled the plans? Surely you jest. /s


They beat West Virginia for 50th in economy if you're looking at GDP per capita.


This is your routine reminder that the Confederacy was about 4 years long. This "Heritage" was briefer than the shelf life of the average can of tuna, or the Obama Presidency, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff "Angel."


> It is fashionable in some quarters to say our ancestors were all evil. I reject that notion. I also reject the elitist worldview that these United States are anything but the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Owning slaves is evil.


The last sentence is soooo funny. Isn’t thinking any country on earth is the single greatest one inherently elitist because it excludes other countries and elevates one?


Nah, let him have that. The US is the greatest country that has ever existed. And the Confederacy is not part of United States history and should not be memorialized.


He's trying to do a "Murica, fuck yeah!" with that "elitist" dogwhistle stuck in, and he's too stupid to make the sentence work. Which is okay, because the target audience is also devoid of critical thinking.


> I also reject the elitist worldview that these United States are anything but the greatest nation in the history of mankind Then why is he celebrating a country the US fought a war against?


>a country the US fought a war against? Not even that. The CSA was never even formally recognized by the rest of the world. They weren't a country, just a rebellion.


They were evil, also they lost, and deservedly lost hard. Their heritage is that of losers who did one thing well— losing.


>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. From their official Confederate State Constitution letting the Federal government know why Mississippi is leaving. Absolutely not about heritage.


Wow they really were cynical in their perverted justifications for that horrible institution


Celebrating a failed traitorous uprising. Wow.


Exactly. What is the point of celebrating the loss of a traitorous rebellion?


Such a great and proud heritage to stand for! You have: * States Rights: Before the confederacy, there was an argument by slave holding states regarding states rights. Mainly, they wanted to violate the states rights of the free states by forcing **those** states to return slaves back to the slave states because they were "property". It didn't matter what the free states believed - the slave states wanted their rape fodder and forced labor victims back, and felt that the slave states had more rights than the free states. * When they felt they couldn't violate the states rights of the free states when Lincoln was elected, they decided to succeed and got their asses kicked. * Slavery: Contrary to what Florida, Mississippi and other former confederate states will teach - they loved slavery. They loved slavery so they could get forced labor and torture any slave who didn't go along with it. They loved slavery so white men could rape black women, and then sell those babies conceived as rape as slaves so the white slave owner could make more money off selling their own children. * Religion: Lest we forget, the reason why there are Baptists and Southern Baptists is because the Southern Baptists felt there was a Yahweh given right to own black people as slaves, and their descendants for all time and eternity, because of an event when Noah's son saw Noah drunk and naked - so that makes it totally God justified to own people, torture them, rape them, and force them to labor or sell off their children. So congratulations, Govenor of Mississippi! You have once again proven what horrible people live in your state that voted for you, and want to celebrate such "heritage." Granted, people with any shred of a conscience don't look back at the confederacy that lasted longer than the Obama Presidency, the Backstreet Boys, and possibly longer than Crystal Pepsi with tears in their eyes about how their great-great-great-great grandfather fought for "freedom for rich people to own other people as their forced labor rape material." Which explains how someone like Governor Reeve could be elected; the majority of the voters in Mississippi are **not** people of conscience.


Don't play the States' rights bullshit with Mississippi, they literally declared they were 100% leaving the union over slavery in their articles of session. There was no attempt to conceal that fact, so don't let people pretend there was.


Almost every state that left made it clear that they were leaving because of slavery.


Absolutely, but there were a couple that were more subtle about it and mentioned some other justifications. Mississippi is not one of them. Mississippi proudly blasted that they 100% were all about slavery and made multiple racists claims in it (like only black people could deal with working in Mississippi) and that they deserved no social or political equality.


> they decided to succeed and got their asses kicked. *secede*. Succeed is to win...be successful.


Worth pointing out that the Taco Bell Doritos Loco taco has been around for longer than the Confederacy (12 years in fact as opposed to 4 years) and has had more of a shaping influence on my life. I'd like a Taco Bell Doritos Taco Loco heritage month please.


> Confederate Heritage month I am disgusted that we celebrate traitors as heritage, honestly. I always get fed the excuse "it's my ancestry, why shouldn't I be proud" cause you were fucking traitors to the country who fought to preserve slavery. There is a literal manifesto from each state that tried to ceceed which states clearly their intentions and reasons for leaving, AND GUESS WHAT ALL OF THEM EXPLICITLY MENTION. What the fuck is there even to be proud about?


Well, they're proud about stopping Reconstruction. And, destroying black businesses from then, until now. And, stopping democracy through disenfranchisement of blacks to the vote. And, about stopping education for all its citizens about the truth of their terrorism and racism. And, about living in a Christian Nationalist, White Supremacist state. And, retaining their political power despite being the actual minority in the population. That's a lot!


The confederacy was around for 4 fucking years. This isn't about heritage, it's just a way to celebrate racism.


Fun facts, World of Warcraft has been around since 2004, outlasting the confederacy by about 15 years, and given that the confederacy only had about 8.6 million people (including slaves) means it's less than the current estimates of 14 million paid subscriptions to WoW. I would argue that WoW culture is far mightier and far longer lasting than the confederacy ever was. We need a World of Warcraft heritage month.


This means they’re gonna spend a month having honest and heartfelt reflection on that time when their ancestors were traitors to the country because they wanted to own other people, so they can learn hard lessons about their past, but lessons that will ultimately better themselves and society as a whole. That’s the whole point of this right? [Anakin stares] Right?


I don’t see the 49ers celebrating their Super Bowl loss. These people and their damn participation trophies.


Do the celebrations include re-enactments of lynchings where people in period dress congregate on lawns with picnic baskets, while the children frolic and men tip their hats to ladies and say, “M’lady”? Or is it more of a “crack open a cold one” and do donuts wherever you can find an open patch of ground as you roll coal?


Speaking as someone who was born and raised in the South: Why do so many southerners try to a bunch of losers something to look up to?


What Confederate heritage are you looking to celebrate and honor? Please be specific.


“American” politicians openly hostile to America. Reasons to vote the gop out


These people really love holding on to that L


even as a southern white man i still dont get all this Confederate nostalgia. none of my family, all Southerners, ever gave a fraction of a shit about this and in fact we tended to view people who were always flying Confederate flags as kind of trashy.


Shitty thing to be proud of honestly. 


The Union should have let Sherman run his course.


This is even more insidious when you know that Mississippi is the blackest state in the union. Just a purposeful act of aggression. Same as building a confederate statue in the 30s. The Governor is explicitly telling the people in his state. “I still hate you”


“Alabama's gotten me so upset Tennessee made me lose my rest And everybody knows about Mississippi, goddamn”


This month we celebrate being traitorous insurgents!


Loser traitors giving themselves another participation trophy...


"Hey Jim-Bob, did yuh hear it's time to celebrate being a buncha losers, huh-yuk."


The rest of  us should proclaim union heritage month in Mississippi. 


What exactly would they be teaching? How to fail ceding territory and lose a civil war in 4 years or less while killing their fellow countrymen?


These traitors can’t get over the fact that they lost lmao. It’s pathetic.


Governor Reeves wants to make sure everyone knows that Mississippi wants to celebrate the brief time in their "heritage" where they chose to not be Americans anymore and fire upon US service members because they wanted to keep owning humans.


This makes sense. They’re routinely the worst state in the nation on healthcare, education, civil rights…you know, losers. So it makes sense they’d dedicate a whole month to losers.


So a day to celebrate traitors.


Ah yes, "Traitor celebration month".


The confederacy only lasted 4 years and Robert E Lee himself said this: "I think it wiser," the retired military leader wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, "…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered."


“Our new government’s...foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” -Alexander H. Stephens VP Confederate States HeRiTaGe nOt HaTe


There's a lot of people in Mississippi that should get very pissed off about this and visibly demonstrate that anger.


Republicans yet again celebrating traitors and slavers


Treason is still punishable by death.


So they are officially celebrating losing for a whole month? Weird flex, but sure.


I can picture it now. Little white flags along the parade route.


Reason #4,897 why Mississippi is the worst state


since when did we give holidays to losers?


I’m Gen X. While coming up in the 80s, there was a movie called Mississippi Burning with William Defoe and Gene Hackman. So, in my worldview, these Edgar Ray fucks can go fuck themselves.


That movie was based on the real events, the [Freedom Summer murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chaney,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner). There was another one called Ghosts of Mississippi, with Alec Baldwin, James Woods, and Whoopi Goldberg. I haven't seen it in quite a while but I remember it being good. There's also quite a few civil rights movies – The Help, A Time to Kill, In the Heat of the Night, Murder in Mississippi just to name a few – take place in that state, as it remained the country's [most segregated state for decades](https://www.nytimes.com/1964/06/28/archives/mississippi-a-profile-of-the-nations-most-segregated-state-through.html) after the 1954 Supreme Court's ruling on racial segregation in public schools. Not exactly the type of heritage one should be celebrating.


Sherman should’ve kept burning.


Traitor’s heritage month. There’s nothing to be proud of.


As someone who lives here, fuck that guy. I keep trying to vote this fucker out. If the opportunity ever presents itself to move to another state (money, etc.), we're out.


50 years of that and there will have been more Confederate Heritage Months than actual Confederate Months.


confederate memorials, the original participation awards.


My favorite bit of Confederate Heritage - Minnesota captured a Confederate flag and won't return it: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/10/2180317/-Minnesota-has-a-Confederate-flag-but-for-the-right-reasons](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/10/2180317/-Minnesota-has-a-Confederate-flag-but-for-the-right-reasons) >Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura’s response to one of those requests: "We took it. That makes it our heritage.”


Heritage? You mean the 4 year period a bunch of US traitors existed before being defeated? Who the fuck wants to claim that pathetic slice of failure as their “heritage?”


I’ve got a better headline: “Governor Reeves Proclaims Racist Losers Appreciation Month in Mississippi, Decriminalizes Copium.”


They love America so much they decided to give a heritage month to the group of people responsible for 215,000 US military deaths.


I guess we can all celebrate traitors losing a war, right?