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Please do not miuse the Civil Defence flair


You should be ok to take a shit now.


If you hold off long enough you will start hallucinating, no need to pay for expensive recreational drugs.


OK, Mr.toilet privilege!


You’re the reason I had to get rid of my curtains!!!


There was never an actual risk of there not being enough toilet paper for everyone. It ran out because people stockpiled.


and in most cases they never even ran out, they just didnt have the time/staff numbers to fill the shelves back up when dumb asses like OP were going in there and stripping the shelves, a lot of places still had stock in the back waiting to be put back out.




I wonder if it was a butterfly effect of one person somewhere in the world who was seen buying a heap of TP for a legit reason, everyone else jumped on the wave in a panic of being left out.


I reckon much of it might've just been because toilet paper is bulky (so perhaps not easy for keeping lots in reserve) and it's normally stocked with an expectation that most people won't need to buy it every time. It doesn't necessarily require crazy people to stockpile it all for the shelves to empty. Even in a big supermarket, it probably just needs the first couple of hundred people who walk past that shelf on a day to decide they might need a bit extra when previously they might've simply thought they'd get it on the next visit, all the more likely if they see it already starting to empty out. Then the shelves are empty. Panic about rampant stock-pilers everywhere ensues. As soon as more is available, all it takes is for a couple of hundred more people to decide they need to buy a bit extra than usual, all the time whilst perceiving other people to be full-on stockpiling.


There was a change in demand as people were using more at home as they weren't going into work, weren't going out and using public toilets etc. overall demand stayed the same but moved to household supply from supermarkets instead of industrial bulk supply


That's exactly it. You only need to take a few packs to make a dent in the stock on the shelf. Then the next guy takes an extra pack because the shelf doesn't look full and he doesn't want to miss out. There was never a risk of running out because toilet paper is made locally. It's too bulky to be economical to ship internationally.


Plant rangiora and you're set for life


Everyone, we found the person fighting people for toilet paper. 🤕


Three *months* worth? Wtf


The main reason for the perceived shortage was people stockpiling 3 months supply. If you think their are others like you out there there's always the same risk.


So it was you


people were so stupid. like, the last thing on your mind should be how you gonna wipe your ass. A sizable population of the world goes without. what you cant go without is food and water.


Exactly the same issue with fuel supplies post earthquakes in Canterbury. There was enough supply for typical buying (apparently very common to chuck $10 or $20 in - I don't understand because I always empty then fill) Anyway, people panicked and filled up worried about a shortage, thereby creating a shortage. Then of course they felt their fears were justified.


How is this not a shitpost? Would have got a solid laugh! Your safe until the next pandemic, or flood, or earthquake, or whatever other act of God (or human) that might get in the way of TP supplies.


Get a bidet, a 3 month stockpile is about 1 package.


"Please do not misuse the civil defence flair" Can we talk about the misuse of the politics flair instead?