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Convicted fraudster unable to comprehend people thinking about anyone's interests but their own


It's funny to me that the group who is so supportive of rehabilitation and against punitive punishments are the ones who are so quick to hold it against people who have successfully been rehabilitated.


Really hitting that straw man like Jonah Lomu huh


He hasn't been rehabilitated though, as he writes these articles that are clearly fraudulent 


At this point it's amusing observing how increasingly bad faith Grant gets each week.


I’ve never witnessed him to have anything but bad faith.


True but the stretch in this one is dumber than usual I find.


>Some were exactly as Wood described them. For this small minority there is a darkness in the soul and a willingness to exploit an opportunity to ferment discord. To seize on a current event to galvanize others and watch as the world burns.  Does he have to jerk himself off so publicly?   I'm sure I met Damien Grant briefly, drinking in a brothel at midday, seemingly looking for someone to pontificate to. He was memorably *insufferable*. How unsurprised was I to see that he writes this drivel. I doubt that he has anyone in his life who actually wants to listen to him.


Trying but failing to intellectualize people being pissed off about issues with a bunch of whataboutisms.


That was a long winded way to say 'careful now'. 


One thing learned about protests recently is that people trying to claim that the protesters don’t really know why they’re there, or have no clear agenda, or no main theme, is just a way of undermining the message. Like a lot of people, this was the kind of thing I said about the protest outside parliament about that went on for far too long. And while I still disagree with those people, I’m not going to insult them anymore by claiming that they didn’t even know why they were there. I was at the Fast Track Protest recently and many different environmental groups were represented, and lots of random people with particular worries about how the fast track bill might impact on what they care about. But we all knew exactly why we were there. It was fun to get together with a bunch of like minded people, and it was satisfying to feel like we were doing something, at a time when the govt is doing so many things I oppose but which I have no impact on until the next election. We went even though we knew that the odds of really changing anything were slim. We certainly were not there just for the vibe


I wonder if Brian's lot will be doing next week's protests for a vibe.