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To this day, I still can't believe Odell didn't get ejected from that game.


One handed catches.


Good point, ref went all "I'll allow it."


Ref said of Norman: "If he dies, he dies"


He knew he’d get a chewing out from somebody if he ejected Odell. He was at the peak of his popularity at this time. Can’t have a NYG superstars ejected 


Rule of cool


Not in that game One of the first attempts he dropped out of both hands


Yeah I just meant in general.


To this day I am still fucked up that the entire NFL community acted like this was a two way street with Josh Norman being equally responsible. Odell was 100 percent the aggressor, and the dude who kept escalating things.


I remember at the time some people were insinuating or outright accusing Norman of saying a homophobic slur to OBJ. Wgich justified the reaction. I have no idea how they come up with that. Not only does it assume Norman said something but also bought into the rumors about OBJs personal life. Reddit is a silly place. It wasn't a majority, but it demonstrated how people will bend the truth to fit their narrative.


It was the Giants and Odell's camp. They claimed Panthers practice squad players walked up to Odell during pregame warmups with a baseball bat and shouting homophobic slurs at him. [Jay Glazer IG](https://www.instagram.com/p/_kOA3pzezC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) https://nypost.com/2015/12/21/panthers-taunted-odell-beckham-with-bat-before-game/


is he actually gay?




He's not


So a week or two ago, there was drama in the Dota 2 community because one professional player revealed that another player had false teeth. The second player then, from eyewitness accounts, started punching the first player. I said on Reddit that that's no reason to physically assault someone and I got downvoted. "Talk shit get hit" was most of the responses I got. Apparently violence is okay if the first person is a real meanie bo-beanie.


Recently in the Helldivers 2 community there was a post advocating for burning down a business because they refused to work with unions. It had hundreds of upvotes and dozens of supporting comments. Literally just angry, sweaty nerds wishing physical harm on anyone who disagrees with them.


This extends to RL too. Just go check your local communities Neighborhood or FB pages. I remember last year we had a guy who pretty much just seems like a troll causing trouble but not doing any actual harm and like half the community was organizing a lynch mob on our FB Community page before moderators and police had to step in.


Have you seen r\/nfl when political shit gets discussed?


If I recall, Norman did pick him up and kinda body slam him on the first pass to the end zone early on, but OBJ was still 100% the aggressor and should have been benched or tossed. This was embarassing for the refs. Edit: Nevermind, my memory is faulty. I just rewatched their highlights and even on the play I'm remembering OBJ still kinda instigated it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_fH0tD1GOQ Norman was taunting, OBJ was headhunting.


Man it's amazing at first hearing them say it's both and then gradually realize that it is in fact not. How he didn't get rejected for that late, headhunting spear is absolutely wild. Esp after the like 4 other helmet shots


You even hear the announcers talking about how the refs spoke to the players and "are not going to tolerate it"....but then they just.....fucking tolerate it for the rest of the game. Yeah there were a couple of flags, but everyone on the field tolerated it.


Honestly I think if the roles were reversed and Norman launched at OBJ like that he’d probably have gotten ejected. Just seems like the league cares more about the offensive players (especially the elite players) than defensive players.


Norman would've been suspended as well.






I think this was when the league was figuring out Odell was a hothead and could get in his head affecting his game. Norman was really good at getting in WR heads at the time


illegal relieved silky icky dam pathetic squalid snow memory exultant


The initial chippiness was Norman throwing odell on the ground, which was borderline worth a flag; play is over, they're the two furthest from the ball, Odell is just standing there, and Norman chucks Odell. Then I think the refs kind of thought they fucked up, so they didn't flag Odell's retaliation and thought, ok now you both got a shot in. But then Odell kept going like 4-5 times leading up to this clip without Norman doing anything, and I have no idea why the refs didn't do something earlier, or why Odell didn't calm down. It wasn't serious until Odell made it serious.


Also fun how OBJ was allowed to rip his helmet off in anger/frustration while still on the field...that particular penalty came back to bite us a few years later.


Hell for the season opener the very next year, a SB rematch where the panthers had to be there for the broncos banner ceremony, they flagged Trai Turner for celebrating by jumping up and down in place. Didn't flag a lot of the helmet shots Cam took that game though.


That game will forever be the game that the NFL lost me as a fan.


Or that Coughlin didn't pull him. I get having a star player out there, but if he's a walking 15 yard penalty you gotta step in.


That was peak unawareness from Coughlin, who had more than his fair share of those moments. I seem to remember in the post-game presser he claimed he didn't see it and didn't know what they were talking about, even though the back and forth between Norman and OBJ had been going on all game and had become the sole focus of the TV broadcast.


A lot of coaches in all sports claim ignorance when something like this happens in a game in order to not make a public statement regarding one of their players. In this situation I 100% think that Coughlin legit didn’t see it happen. Near the end of his career he was notorious for being so focused on one aspect of the game that he missed some big moments, whether it be a situation like this, a gassed player needing to be pulled instead of going hurry up so he had to stay out, or not giving Eli a TO after a big hit and to let him regain his breath.


Tom "Steve Kerr" Coughlin


This was the moment that convinced me Coughlin had to go. The old him never would've let a player get away with that shit.


They literally created a rule the season after because of this game


I mean, I thought Odell should have been tossed, Dell has a history of being dirty. But to be fair, Norman also had that effect on people. Cam tried to kill him in practice to.


To me it even crosses the line into assault and battery. There's nothing football about it. Odell is lucky it didn't seriously injure him (or maybe it did, but it's a brain injury we can't see).


If you wanna talk about battery and assault on the field, this is literally nothing. There have been many fights over the years, some even involving weapons (I’m looking at you Myles), and not once has anyone ever been charged with battery or assault.


Still to this day one of the wildest games I've ever watched. I expected ejections on every Giants offensive possession lol. Refs lost control of this game and it was entertaining as hell.


Refs had their popcorn ready.


I know were in here goofin but all fun and games until someone gets a spinal injury and they get carted off in a neck brace and stretcher. Refs fucked up on this one -- I'm sure they got an earful from the commission.


I'd still give that to the 2015 bengals steelers game. A coach pulled one of our players hair early in the game, & it all went to shit from there.


There's a endless supply of AFC north gems. I never miss those games


Best divisional games in the league.


I remember watching the mic’d up from that game. Burfict kept yelling, “they want a wrestling match I’ll give them a wrestling match” on the sidelines. Dude had a screw loose and it was fun to watch until it wasn’t.


2015 years wild card certainly wasn’t fun to watch




As a Broncos fan I'm partial to Aqib Talib ripping off Michael Crabtree's chain but yeah this one was great


Talib was a bully until it was Steve Smith Sr on the other side 😂 


Ice up son!


I loved that guy, even though he was a colossal asshole


I would say this entire game was more wild, but if we’re only talking fights than talib was more entertaining 


Which time?


The Giants reaction was terrible. OBJ absolutely should have been ejected after this. But it still bothers me that nobody cares about anything that happened leading up to this. OBJ was being fucked with on every play. Yeah he needs to keep his cool, but it wasn't just verbal. I played one season of soccer in college. I was not any good, but I was fast and I was able to shadow the best player of the opposing team, effectively taking him out of the game. So the next time we played them, when I did that again, every chance their team got they would take a shot at me. Nothing was ever called, they were free to do whatever they wanted. Eventually, I reacted and body slammed one of the players as he tried to hit me. I was ejected from that game. Nothing happened to any of their players. Now, I was rightfully red carded. I did something completely outside of the confines of the game and physically assaulted another player. But, they were doing that to me all game, just slightly less dramatically. At any point prior to my reaction, if the officiating had done their job, the situation would not have escalated to the point it had. But nope. Lets just blame the final act by a single player.


I can’t believe Norman just shook it off and instantly went to retaliate lmao. That could have been real bad looking on it, OBJ got all helmet and worse things have paralyzed or severely concussed people.


OBJ caught him right in the jaw too, really maximizing that torque and impact on the brain sloshing around the skull. And yea, Norman barely reacted. Really impressive stability.


2015 Norman was not human


He really came out of nowhere, was the best CB in the NFL for a year or two, and disappeared just as fast Such a fun player to watch tho at his prime


what signing with Washington does to a MFer


That McDermott defense with Luke and Davis in the middle and ample safety coverage over the top was perfect for Norman. He was always an instinctive and smart player, but never fast enough to truly be a man-cover corner. That defense ran a lot of zone coverage which accentuated everything he did well and minimized his weaknesses. He could keep his eyes on the QB and take chances on INTs with help over the top. They also had a consistent pass rush that - even when he *was* in man coverage - never left him on an island for too long. Once he moved to a defense that didn't tailor to his strengths, everything fell apart pretty quickly. He was also fairly old (for a corner) at this point already and age only made it harder to cover those weaknesses after scheme wasn't helping him either.




His highlights from 2015 - especially his INTs and the WRs he "shutdown" - really flattered his ability. Josh was a great zone corner and good dude and I hate how that term with the team ended, but it's crazy that anyone thought an undrafted corner from Coastal Carolina with a 4.5-4.6 forty-yard dash was suddenly going to turn into a lockdown man-cover corner at nearly 30-years-old. That's insanity.


I fucking loved that guy


he took a human size projectile to the chin and barely reacted rather than trying to kill the guy. Thats insane and a real bad look for beckham


Bias aside I honestly think it’s one of the dirtiest plays I’ve ever seen. Most other dirty plays are at least during a play (like hitting a receiver in the head as he catches the ball or twisting a running backs ankle) but this was on another level. I think the only play the rivals it is when that guy suplexed the Bears QB back in the 80s and injured him.


Not to take away from your main point, but the Charles Martin play really is in it's own category of dirty plays. Even for the 80s where RTP was more of a suggestion than a rule and you could just blow up QBs, it was so obvious how unacceptable it was it caused the first ever multi game suspension. Fuck Charles Martin.


Played a huge role in the Bears being unable to repeat - Flutie was terrible in the playoff game vs WASH later that season


I've said since day 1 that OBJ was so fucking incredibly lucky that Norman wasn't hurt from that. Nobody really cared and blamed both people since Norman was fine, but could you imagine if Norman went down, concussed, fencing response, and was out for like a month? OBJ's career takes a genuine big hit from that.


Gronk's cheap slam on Tre'Davious White is up there too


That knee to the face from Norman definitely rocked Odell


IMO It could have easily been a 'George Martin/Jim McMahon' moment and thats not a good look for OBJ.


Weren't they swinging at each other for multiple plays leading up to this? Crazy shit.


Yeah this is the culmination after like three straight quarters of chippyness. Every time OBJ started running up the right side of the screen you can see him and Norman immediately get into it.


Did OBJ get fined or anything after the game. That hit was clear as fuck head hunting and if he knew how to like Hines ward, Norman would have been out. That is a pretty egregious act


one game sussy & a heavy fine


Weren't they talking smack about each other in the media before this game?


As a panthers fan that was my first and only NFL game I have attended. Cam led the go ahead scoring drive at the end.


We loved playing games that way the whole season. Absolutely dominate 1st half, let the other team get all the way back into it, have to have Cam drive down to save us at the end. 15-1 lol


The cardiac cats.


It’s crazy he even had to lead a go ahead driving considering the score in the clip


The 2015 Panthers special: come out to an insane lead in the first half, and then take a nap in the second.  It happened against the Giants, Packers, Seahawks, and probably a couple I'm forgetting.  Ron Rivera was running prevent D in like the 3rd quarter.


Score was 35-7 with one quarter left? Is that really what happened memory is fuzzy on this game


Close it was 35-14 at the start of the fourth. Giants scored 21 in the fourth to tie the game and Cam led the Panthers into field goal range for the win 38-35. Cam scored 5 TDs that game during the undefeated stretch of his MVP year. https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/400791693/panthers-giants


The panthers were such a weird team lol


We are even weirder now because we don’t know who we are anymore, our team identity we developed over the Jerry Richardson era has dissolved with the new ownership. I admire organizations like Baltimore, San Fran, Pittsburgh, Greenbay etc who were always able to carry over a large portion of their franchise DNA over the years.


Just saw Luke Kuechly in this highlight…holy shit, how quickly we forget one of the best defensive players to ever play


Holy shit i forgot about this game. It was legendary. One of the most entertaining games of the 2010s imo just because of the drama


Plus, in addition to the drama between the two you get a 28 point comeback by the Giants, only for it to be thwarted by a last second game winning FG


As soon as the camera panned to Cam after the tie, and he gave that little nod of "Aight I got this", I felt completely confident we would win this game. 2015 Cam was inhuman.


One of *THE* quintessential Cam moments. Burned into the memory. Chewing that gum within an inch of its life with towel clutched around his neck in both hands.


I knew he would go right down the field. Defense gave up more yards than anyone that season.


All my favorite giant losses are in last second plays.


51-48 😁


Idk I always enjoy them getting beat by 40 in primetime too (even if it’s by Dallas😷)


Par for the course for that season.


2015 Cam Newton was the coolest player I’ve ever seen


I remember thinking at the time - "man, he's only 26, we have years of this to look forward too!" Intellectually, I know that injuries started to catch up with him in 2018, and maybe there's nothing anyone could've done - maybe his shoulder still becomes arthritic even if fucking Ron Rivera doesn't keep playing him to save his job when it's clear the shoulder isn't fully-healed yet. Maybe Cam never gives him a choice. Maybe that 2016 season opener against the Broncos where the entire defense was lining up headshots on him without any interference or flags from the refs actually messed him up more than we ever realized. Or maybe the Super Bowl loss wrecked his confidence more than he ever let on. Maybe if we'd actually invested in a better offensive line and hired a competent offensive coordinator earlier than 2018 (his 8th year in the league), his career might've turned out differently. Or maybe 2015 Cam really was an anomaly and he was never going to be close to that player consistently. Hug your beautiful baby boy QB's close tonight. And don't you dare let them chase down INTs. "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly..."


Cam was ok, he was always coming back from small injuries. But once TJ Watt got his shoulder, it was wraps. His arm was never the same again.


Was this the game where the Panthers DBs came out with baseball bats in pre game warm ups and Odell took it as a threat or something?


Yeah and at the time there were a lot of rumors about Odell's sexuality. The Panther's DBs were apparently calling him homophobic slurs and it got under Odell's skin. Still no excuse for the way ODB acted but there was a lot of shit that boiled over.


Josh Norman was a true showman. The panthers had a swagger to them in this era. I remember Norman and Newton got into a training camp scuffle, too.


lol that’s the one where the legendary picture of him smiling while he goes at Norman comes from


This is also the Newton meme came from where he nods his head and says ‘ok let’s go then’ (after the Giants tied it up.)


Guys in the panthers secondary came out for pregame warm up’s with baseball bats looking to intimidate at least OBJ, if not the whole offense. Which is so absurd you have to find it hilarious. And makes the refs not on their toes ready for drama even more confusing. What were they expecting?


That training camp, Kelvin Benjamin had just torn his ACL and then Norman and Cam were photographed fighting in the endzone. I remember thinking the year was looking like a disaster already. Boy was I wrong.


Was there. CaMVP


The Norman/Odell drama tends to overshadow the fact that this was one of the best games of Cam's career. 340 passing yards, 5 passing touchdowns, no interceptions, and 100 rushing yards on top of that.


Cam had one hell of a game, but it was pretty much expected from the MVP against our defense. This was the worst Giants defense in the 20+ years that I've been a fan. This was the same year that Eli put up 49 points and 6 TDs against the Saints, but we lost 52-49 because we gave up 10 points in the last 30 seconds.


I think Josh Norman had already survived a training camp fight with Cam at that point so Odell was small potatoes compared to who he'd already fought with


Man, remember this like it was yesterday. Not sure how the refs let that go on for as long as it did. Coughlin probably should have benched Odell. When your star WR isn’t even running routes anymore and is instead just trying to go after the other team’s CB, it might be time to pull him from the game.


I remember them showing the all-22 aerial shot on the broadcast and you see Eli looking off OBJ first and coming back to him around when he should be out of his break and he is just beelining for Norman and Eli had to do double takes lol Even when OBJ would go in motion and Norman would switch off him he would run at him. He wouldn’t even block his man on running plays just so he could hit him.


Yeah in 2024 this shit wouldn’t be tolerated lol


It was still shocking in 2015.


True, especially since Junior Seau had just taken his life a few years before, so the CTE stuff was already in conversation at the time.


I miss that team.


Me too brother, me too…


Yall have any more tissues for me?


Are they happy tissues or sad tissues?




I'm tired, boss.


Gods we were strong then.


this game cost us $50 mil


A cheap shot and he doesnt even hit him squarely. Imagine how good obj could have been if he wasnt such a bitch.


That was as square as he could've landed. He was going for the chin to knock Norman out.


Nah he missed a little. Definitely not square, he kinda glanced off him. Could have been way worse


Man I love when two players just fucking hate each other. These two, Evans/Lattimore, etc


Crabtree talib was always entertaining


🦀🌲and Sherman


And steve smith/talib. Must be a Talib thing.


Yeah, talib is a bitch. 


Bitch ass for sure


To this day, I don't know what Lattimore said to piss off one of the chillest nerds in the NFL. My man has a Harry Potter tattoo. Maybe Marshon talked shit about his Hogwarts house or something, I dunno.


He said he knows he cheated on the Pottermore house quiz and he actually belongs in Hufflepuff


He called him a M*dblood


Tbf who doesn't hate Lattimore? that dude is a jerk!


Andre Johnson and cortland finnegan




Andre Johnson/ Cortland Finnegan vibes


finnegan vs johnson is up there as well.


Man 2015 was an entertaining season


Real shame they cancelled football forever afterward


Knew what your flair would be before I even opened the comment.


Fun fact: Giants came back to tie the game. We were a [Cam Newton head nod gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/EcTxAQKKSeQAAAAC/cam-newton-nod.gif) away from blowing a 28 point lead.


My man hit him with the Luigi side B


Got the misfire and everything


Watching these two was fucking wild


Clear ejection. OBJ is a little bitch.


OBJ was always a little bitch


A true embarrassment. Coughlin lost my respect this game for the way he handled OBJ. And Beckham still had a great game too. Top tier WR and top tier clown.


Where did that rivalry start ? Was it this game?


Norman had been shit talking most of the week about how he was going to get in OBJ's head and shut him down. Pre-game, there was jawing between CAR CB's and NY WRs. One of the first possessions of the game, Norman got an unnecessary tackle in on OBJ, and it all went downhill from there. From an objective standpoint, OBJ completely went off the rails rest of the game but Norman wasn't just an innocent bystander.


There was also the batman or joker cleats and the baseball bat thing pregame


Norman wasn’t innocent but accomplished his mission.


CBs been bullying Odell.


It was wild watching this live back in the day 😳


Such a cheap shot


Didn't care for OBJ when he was at LSU, but after this game he went into a tier of hate/loathing that no other player has made it into for me.


I get being upset at someone in sports. I've been there myself in high school sports games. It's our monkey brains doing their thing and you can't *really* stop those emotions from entering your brain. But what I'll never understand is how you can act like this in a sport where *millions* of people are watching you and there's cameras everywhere with slow motion replays ready to go. That's actually insane to act on those urges in that scenario lol. These people must have legit zero situational awareness or care for the thoughts of others.


Yeah, there's a right and a wrong way to go about something like this. Juju did it the right way. Everyone in the world knew that Burfict had it coming, and Juju got it done in the flow of the game with a hit that could almost pass for a clean, physical football play. Being the aggressor all game long, culminating in a crown of the helmet spear at the very end of a play is not going to score you many points in the court of public opinion.


He's still living off that one one-handed catch his glove made against Dallas. Mad props.


The best part was how badly he failed to hurt him


lol I’ll always remember the commentator in this game “and Odell Beckham isn’t even running routes! He’s just finding Josh Gordon on the snap.”


What an asshole.


It was funny seeing obj get tripped up after kicking a net on the sidelines playing Norman when he was in Washington


I’m vaguely reminded of [Jacob Trouba torpedoing himself head-first into the boards over in the NHL a few weeks ago.](https://youtu.be/cd8LuSRNDA4?si=UlPsYfguFbWD3iJH)


Josh Norman was mic'ed up for this game too but the NFL decided not to release it after all the craziness that went down.  If anyone inside at the NFL can leak that tape, we will love you forever.


Where did that rivalry start ? Was it this game?


He’s one of the softest players in the league the past decade.


Odell ain’t shit….


He's always been a dirty player.


Obj? When has has he ever done something like this


It’s forever fuck OBJ


Still a shame he got a ring.


??? As far as bad people who are good at football in the NFL go, Odell is *FAR* from up there on the list. And wasn't he a contributor towards that postseason too?


this is - by far - his worst offense as an NFL player and he’s never even come close to doing anything like this ever again in his career. I’m fucking hyped he got that ring.


it's just the standard reddit dogpile.


While reddit ignores Gronkowski did the same exact thing


he can do no wrong because his 3 brain cells are adorable


If the refs had called this game properly, it would not have escalated to this. They were letting the Panther's take cheap shots at OBJ. He's still wrong for doing it, but I understand why he did.


This is erasing the trauma of kicking nets everywhere


This was one of the most stressful games I have ever watched as a panthers fan.


man i miss this team


This clip makes me feel old. Subjectively, I feel like it was just a couple of years ago when OBJ was at the top of his game and making those "laws of physics are mere suggestions" type catches. This video made me want to look up the date of his infamous one-handed TD against the Cowboys. It was... Nov 23, 2014. A decade ago. Time is a son of a bitch.


Why would you make this comment? Made my bad knee flare up 😤


This is where Coughlin lost the team. He's never allowed one player to be treated differently from the rest and later admitted he should've pulled OBJ from this game. Embarrassing all around.


The day Odell became a washed up Josh Normans bitch. His career though. Ouch .




The begining of the end of his career. Still cant belive Coughlin didnt pull him from that game.


This is a class reddit dogpile thread. More than half the people here were too young to even remember this game


Pretty much the fall of OBJ after a short lived ‘prime.’ Dude fell off hard, piss attitude with the Browns and blaming Baker Mayfield for all of his shortcomings. Has been nothing but fringe since. More of a celebrity than a football player these days.


Remember that one year OBJ was a thing


2015 was 13 years ago wtf man time flies


9 but you were somewhat close


This nerd is still living in 2024 lmao


Prime Josh Norman was just peak CB1 energy. Loved those dudes like him and Sherman


I remember this game. Lost all respect for him


I'm sure he felt that


Odell is such a lil punkass