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They really nailed McJesus on that one.


Can we still say lumber if they're composite?


That first cross check was at his lumbar


now he’s even limber than before


Underrated comment


He deserved it


The nhl realizing they get to punish a Canadian team but realizing it would benefit another Canadian team 😰😰😰


Why would they do that when there are more Canadian zebras than not.


Quinn Hughes sends his regards.


I mean he hacked Soucey first….


Kind of like Marchand hacking a million guys and then getting a punch in the face.


I don’t want anyone to get hurt playing hockey, but if it’s gonna happen I’m glad it happened to the dude that used to CONSTANTLY do shit like that. Can’t run from your past Marchy, once a rat always a rat.


Honestly, nobody deserves less than Marchand. Guy has a highlight video of him trying to intentionally hurt players. He deserves anything he gets and it wouldn't be enough. Edit: He deserves anything he gets from a punishment standpoint. Also, nobody deserves less from a success standpoint. A career filled with hits that intend to injure shouldn't be rewarded or celebrated. Somebody finally retaliates and everyone is up in arms about it. Getting under peoples skin is one thing, but he's clearly got a Napoleon Complex thing goin on.


Just like anyone else, Marchand doesn’t deserve anything he gets.


Condolences on your handle, should you have added Leafs to complete FlyersandCapsandLeafs for the trifecta of bum teams?


You poor thing.


0 cups


Is that the metric? If so, anyone without a cup is a failure of an organization. How far back does winning a cup count for today? Leafs dead since '67, in six years their name is removed from the Stanley Cup. Do we weigh in on the NHL as a corporation and the heavy eastern bias in the modern day playoff format? There is more to being a successful franchise than winning a cup 50 years ago or a generation ago. Is the club better today than two seasons ago? That is success. Look at your own life, do you have more cash in the bank than two years ago? It's but one metric. Only a fool uses one metric.


McDavid is just a big cry baby. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


McCrybaby is what he is.


Can I find that on the McValue menu?


In my experience, if you’re at McDonald’s, the tears are complimentary.


What’s that old saying? Don’t start nothin’ there won’t be nothin’.


This is a pretty %#%# take. A light tap to the pants and two crosschecks… one to the back and one to the face are not even in the same league.


Seems like the “light tap” was a poorly considered thing to do.


Yah, but a wack to the hockey pants and then a return back (fine) cross check from behind, and cross check to face.... seems not at all tit for tat .... Like a light slap to the shoulder getting a pile driver in return


In this particular case Mcdavid was unlucky with the timing of how both Zadorov and Soucy simultaneously responded. It's not like they choreographed Zadorov knocking him down and into Soucy's cross check. However if you don't want to risk that kind of thing then don't give a two handed baseball slash after the final whistle.


I don’t know, according to the analysts the Canucks are not very good. I think they practiced this scenario instead of trying to play better hockey


[https://twitter.com/TacTixHD/status/1790057381574901900](https://twitter.com/TacTixHD/status/1790057381574901900) McDavid gets shoved, swings his stick and hits Soucy in the pants. The "baseball slash" didn't appear to be very hard. Soucy returns the slash to McDavid's pants. Soucy sees Zadorov coming from behind McDavid. Zadorov initiates his cross check from behind. Soucy initiates his own crosscheck AFTER Zadorov started crosschecking. There was no need for any retaliation after Soucy's whack to McDavid's pants.


Yeah, but McDavid just needed to skate away after the horn, slashing Soucy after the horn gave an opening for retaliation. Be smart.


Are people here schtizophrenic or? He got shoved twice after the horn, did a slash to the pad in return and got cross checked to face/neck while getting shoved into it from behind. If you want to say that it was warranted then own that but don't make a delusional reality where he instigated and got retaliated on (which still would be pretty fucked considering the gravity of the two actions...)


The retaliation wasn't for the two handed slash. The retaliation was for the high stick McDavid gave Hughes.


He should have skated away, that’s what I’m saying, but he escalated and the Canucks escalated right back. This kind of shit happens after every whistle in the playoffs. Game is over, skate away and nothing happens. He chose to escalate. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


So the expectation of players from your watching/playing hockey is that when they get shoved, they turn around and skate away or else getting cross checked to the neck/face is fair game right? Got it.


When you get in a scrum you can expect to get pushed, punched, cross checked or slashed. If it’s at the end of the game you just lost, you’re giving the opposition free reign to retaliate when you slash, no worries about taking a penalty.


when you get shoved and you retaliate with a two handed slash. the other team is gona retaliate even harder


Oh please, that high stick on Hughes was an accidentally-on-purpose type of shit. He pulled so much shit last few games and got away with it because of who he is.


Seen some 10/10 Olympic level diving from that game too


You mean when McDavid blew zadarov with a potential scoring chance and he  trips 97 with a stick in the skates that Olympic dive?   Yeahhhhhhhh


When Kane is on the other team there's not much you can do to even up the dirty plays


And what about the high stick he intentionally pulled on Hughes? Did everyone just forget that happened?


The definition of fuck around and find out.


Hey thats a cool saying , did you just make that up ?


I am not a fan of either team, but hitting a dudes shin pads with your stick doesn’t really warrant getting your chops caved in.


The double cross checks were bad timing. Like somebody else says they didn't choreograph that.


Don’t start extra curriculars after the horn. It’s not that hard. Skate away. Slashing Soucy left McDavid open for retaliation, don’t be surprised when players take that opportunity.


Conveniently forgetting that Zadorov gave McDavid a little cross-check before McDavid gave the slash. McDavid was the one who retaliated, the rest was extra.


Maybe he should keep his stick to himself and not slash our captain in the face then


Yup sure did. That love tap on the leg padding really deserved a crosscheck to the lower back and face.


Totally a love tap, if they did that to him you’d be like “oH My gHeRD tHEy TrieD to MuRDeR HiM”


Not even once have I reacted to a game like this. But nice try. Shit calls go both ways. Refs are horrible. Sometimes it goes in favor of the team I like watching. Sometimes it doesn't. But good talk.


Yeah my bad, it’s always frustrating when you see the same shit over and over. You were cool about it and I wasn’t, apologies. Have a good one.




More like the chest, but a real man two hands the ankles when the game is over


McDavid doesn’t know PPs doesn’t carry over to the next game


Suspensions sure do!


Look again ..chest…and wasn’t even vicious https://x.com/thestanchion/status/1789876482447159450?s=61&t=vj0KXI9xhI76fwbLthkjGw


After getting cross checked by soucy


Shoved… the cross check came after


He slashed, got slashed back, then got crosschecked from behind just as he was going to get crosschecked across the front of the shoulder pads. It wasn’t an intentional one to the face.


Honestly don't have a problem with Soucy hitting back, I just don't really like the cross-check from behind. Let Soucy settle his shit with McDavid, he's not weak by any means.


He got cross-checked, he slashed, then got cross-checked from behind and in the face.


Agreed. Looked like it hurt. Slashing someone like that, with game ended, and your back turned to 5 of their teammates… just a bad strategy all around.


And yet the DPOS sees it as a suspension, because McDavid cried to the refs


I’d be more upset with his teammates doing nothing about it


There's no 'help' in team


But if you put help in team, you can light tHE LamP




Perry holding everyone back because they dominate on the power play like they do.


Personally, I enjoyed it immensely


Nurse stuck up for Drai last year after a disgusting two hand chop and got a game misconduct. The precedent is already set.


Yeah I’m sure they all immediately thought about what happened with nurse instead of backing up their best player


You going to answer the bell against those two fucking behemoths?


You better. That's like 99% of these people's jobs


Pretty similar to the Sam Bennett situation Sure you can send Maroon to fight him but he’s just going to get his face beat in Darnell Nurse’s fight strategy of swinging wildly from the hip doesn’t work as well on bigger players


Well Hyman cross checked Zadorov over the eye unpunished if that helps... he had the stitches to prove it in his post game interview


You mean Draisaitl and Bouchard? Or do Oilers have other players the coach doesn’t know about?


Exactly 3. Hymen, Bouchard, and Ekholm.


He instigated 🤷‍♂️


When you say He you mean Soucy right? You can clearly see Soucy shove Mcdavid first after the play is dead.


Ahhh the ol’ fuck around and find out


McDavid slashed Soucy right after the whistle and so they responded.


Soucy shoves him high, mcdavid swings his stick.  Not sure that justifies what happened after.  


Karma for the deliberate high stick to Hughes’ face


We just gonna ignore the fact that Soucy clearly wasn’t aiming for his head ? McDavid is simply emotionally stunted and is consistently getting away with cheap slashes when he loses … simply fucked around and found out 


In the playoffs everyone gets away with cheap slashes. Oh, and the regular season too. Cheap slashes are a big part of the game.


It was beautiful.


It’s funny how this series somehow is making me feel closer with Flames fans 


Hell yeah. With Kuzmenko there, I'll definitely watch the Flames more next season.




People who love Andrei Kuzmenko


The feeling is mutual. We are all Flaming Canucks


It's only temporary. You guys can lose next round.


You’re not going to cheer for the only Canadian team in the playoffs? 


The team with what 3 Canadian players, that's the only reason Bettman will allow


No, the only team I want to end the drought is Calgary, possibly Montreal. Every other Canadian team can lose.


Well we’re gonna be waiting a minute then


Probably 🤣 I got time.


Alot of minutes


How the flames playoff run going, oh right. nevermind.


I don't think his high stick on Hughes was intentional (however, it should have been a double minor regardless). But his two hand chop on Soucy absolutely was intentional, and earned him a crosscheck in response. It's unfortunate for McDavid that he also got bumped from behind by Zadorov, because the crosscheck from Soucy was not aimed at his face…just bad timing.


Oilers fans calling for suspension here after Ryan gets away with a blatant spear to the fucking nuts last game makes me feel like we're living in the twilight zone.


Lucic did the same thing to the Canucks in the 2011 finals…right in the middle of the ice (but behind the play). No one (on the ice) saw it, of course.


Mchaters back at it again


You mean when he two handed Soucy first.


He slashed soucy after the game ended and got combo decked by two Canuck players. Oh so satisfying to watch, need to put McCrybaby in his place honestly


Need more of this…such an embarrassment with all the diving he does


He's floppin' like Michael Phelps out there. Crosby didn't do any of that shit.


Got videos? I keep seeing this but yet no one has this huge compilation of them.


Love this for him






McDavid forgot the refs can't protect him ehen the game is over. A shove after a heated game after a post game shot on goal is some post game agression sure. A 2handed slash in retaliation to a shove? You get what you get.


So well deserved. Zadorov GOAT Pay this man and thanks Calgary for the gift


My god what has happened to hockey fans. It’s fucking playoff hockey this is what happens. If McDavid doesn’t want to get pushed around like that after the whistle then he needs to keep his stick to himself. Yeah Soucy gave him a light shove after the game. Basic hockey stuff. McDavid needs to skate away. The Oilers need him healthy. Have someone else step in and make it hurt. Show that if you’re gonna mess around with McDavid that it’s gonna fucking hurt for you. Two handing Soucy in retaliation escalates the scrum and brought Zadorov in. It’s unfortunate that the shove from behind caused McDavid to eat Soucy’s stick, but hey shit happens in a Hockey scrum. If this was any other player in the league nobody would be arguing for a suspension for Soucy. Just because he’s Connor McDavid doesn’t mean we need to change how this shit has been handled for years.


I agree 💯. He only would’ve got it in the chest, but the back shot buckled him & caused his face to get smucked!! Just one of those ‘freak timing’ things!


Soucy gave him a light shove, he got a light tap back. Then Soucy taps back and crosschecks him in the face?


McWhiner getting dummied is just good family fun.


Not only that, but he got cross checked in the back at the same time. Hmmm sandwich


Not intentional. Soucy went to cross check to the chest, but the other Canuck knocked him over milliseconds before


Correct. It was the crosscheck from behind that caused him to get crosschecked in the face. Because "that's hockey" according to everyone who clutched their pearls when McDavid tapped Soicy on the pant leg.




Crazy how deep you have to scroll to find a rationale take. This sub is full of mouth breathers.


Because rational takes get downvoted in this sub. It's all about outrage


Pussy slash before it might be why


If you watched the game Soucy both slashed and cross checked him right before this, not to mention a slash in the pants is a lot different than a cross check to the mouth (intentional or not). Not to mention all of the Canucklehead fans trying to claim the high stick last game was intentional 😂


Intentional?! What kind of revisionist bullshit is that?


A lot of sad fans still waiting for their cup in here.


Pretty standard slashing and cross-checking in a scrum away from play. Sucks that McDavid got hit in the neck/face but let's not ignore that Zadorov hit him from behind just before Soucy connected so a standard cross-check to the chest turned into a cross-check to the neck. Not like Soucy aimed for the face. Tough luck for McDavid; glad he's OK


You missed him chopping wood on soucy the second beforehand


Typical media, skip out the antecedent action and make us think van did it for fun


Z does it all. Including a lower back shiver to the best player in the league.


Hope this humbles his arrogant ass... Karma is a bitch.


I just watched that probally 20 times and enjoyed it more each time.Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Zadorov the kuhnt


Is there video of the intentional high stick? I missed it, dammit!!


Wish he was bleeding, no penalty


That was pretty awesome. He deserved it from slashing Hughes across the face.




McDavid should've just skated away after the game ended, he chose to escalate with a slash. besides if Soucy gets suspended then they HAVE to suspend Hyman for crosschecking Zadorov in the head at the end of the sequence, there was no mistaking his intent on that yet no one says anything about his dirty play.


Oh nooooo poor little Mcbitchboy.


McCrybaby is a little "bitch" that can dish it out but can't take it back. Has his little temper tantrums when things don't go his way.


Don't worry, he'll be fine. It's McDavid. He gets away with everything


He wasn't crying, he got up and that's all. You'd be a gimp after zadarov cross checked you in the back.


He wasn't crying, there was something in his eye


Damn I bet Kane and Zadarov will have to fight next game.


I mean, he did cry to the refs right after it


So did a bunch of cannocks


Gets what he fucking deserves after the golf swing he took


Bad timing. Soucy didn’t expect him to get cross checked from behind and be falling down.


Way back when in Sidney Crosby's first or second year in the league, everyone was constantly complaining about the league and refs favouring Sid the Kid because he was the new star. This despite the fact that he'd go into corners more than anyone, fight for pucks, even get into a few fights, and rack up penalties, but haters gotta hate. Anyway, one game against Philly, Crosby's mucking it up in front of the net trying to get position (like pretty boys do not do), and Darrien Hatcher, an absolute gorilla of a knuckle dragging defenceman who has without exaggeration, 6" - 8" and probably 60 - 80 lbs on Crosby cross-checks him to the face right in front of the refs, no call. I'm in a bar watching the game and everyone's screaming cuz they love hating on talented players. Crosby's on the ground, bloods pouring out of his mouth all over the ice, he looks up at the ref like "WTF, no call?!?!?!", and the bar starts screaming "What a baby, what a suck, favouratism!". Ya gotta protect your stars for the sake of the game and the league. The NFL does it, the NBA does it, the NHL did it for Gretzky, but let me tell you, the NHL did Crosby dirty in that game and through a lot of his career. Yet to be seen what they do for McDavid.


It's pure jealousy from other fan bases. They legit cry and want to see great players hurt and they make up false narratives to mock them out of complete jealousy. It happened in Pittsburgh with Sid and these comments in here show it's happening with McDavid.


Quinn Hughes is a star in the game, he's about to win a Norris. Hyman boarded him from behind in game 1, no call. Evander Kane comitted a brutal slew foot on him in game 2, no call. Could have severely injured him. Oiler fans and Canuck fans are both complaining about non calls but Edmonton has definitely been a way dirtier team this series, no contest.


I never said otherwise. My point is the season long every season hate that McDavid gets. It's jealousy.


boo fkn hoo


Does anyone have a GIF?


Big whoop


But I thought the Bruins are the only team the refs have ever missed a call against.


NHL needs to clean up the game/ it’s getting hard to watch. Lucky Mcdacid doesn’t have a broken jaw. There’s been tons of boarding, charging etc.


He’s too quick to get lined up like that. Had to be space lasers.


The good old Larkin treatment


I might like to see it again.


" After his intentional high stick I’m starting to believe there is balance in the universe." Intentional high stick? LOL That is the dumbest thing ive heard in a while, wow...just pure stupidity.


Professional athlete with two hands on the stick, in a balanced position, staring at the target. = intentional


In the back and in the mouth simultaneously. It was a whole lot more than the typical post game stick slapping. https://x.com/spittinchiclets/status/1789875852995449068?s=46&t=_Qk0LT4yxdEzuFNrk9RxBQ Enough for a 2 min penalty with 0:00 on the clock… and potentially more


I like how they called it a little bit of slashing before. It was a 2 hander to his ankle!




wolf, he really got folded like a lawn chair


Crosby took many headshots, and there was silence. The silence will continue.


McMuffin fucked around and found out


Intentional high stick? Wtf


That’s for the intentional stick to the face of Hughes. See you next game!


McDavid slashed him first but the dude slashed back AND CROSSCHECKED IN THE BACK + FACE gloves must drop next game


Why are people saying Mcdavid intentionally high sticked Quinn Hughes? I think most sane hockey fans agree that was a brutal missed call and should have been a double minor.. but if you watch the play and you put your bias aside it wasn’t an intentional high stick. Mcdavid sloppy with his stick 100% and a missed call… but intentional? No way.


Two hands on his stick. Perfectly balanced. Looking at Hughes. Professional athlete. = Intentional


We were on a power play. It SHOULD have been called a double minor. There is absolutely no reason for him to intentionally do that and cost us the power play. Everything has to be a conspiracy these days. Also, he’s looking beyond Hughes. He’s looking in his direction yes.. but he’s not fixated on him like you suggest so he can high stick him. He’s looking up ice beyond Hughes. I know I can’t convince you but just wish you’d use your brain.


He didn’t mean to get him in the face. But he looked at him, looked away, and swung. He didn’t care where the hack landed, but it was a hack. And he didn’t take any precautions to not hit him in the face.


It’s not about Marchand here it’s about Connie getting her knickers in a twist an leona not helping after the cross check,


Suspended Soucy, Fined Zadorov. McDavid is a little bitch who acts invincible like 99 but has ZERO hardware to back it up.


Oh no. So anyways, who's ready for the Avs and Stars tonight?


No need for Zadorov to be involved. Soucy can't handle himself?


Welcome to the NHL…


Buddy's legs were jello after that much time on ice, he went down so easy...


If you watch the tape Mcdavid does slash soucy but soucy first retaliates with a slash of his own. Then zadorov cross checks mcdavid in the back and then mcdavid eats soucys cross check to the face. I count 3 shots to one here. Definitely not a shot for shot situation. However, Soucy definitely didnt intend to cross check mcdavid in the face. I think he was aiming for his chest but with zadorov getting him in the back at the exact right time caused mcdavid to fall forward into soucys crosscheck. I will say that im not a fan of either team and this thread is incredibly biased. The Canucks fans that are complaining here are the same ones that rioted in 2011.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Man, Canucks fans are so delusional. Entire fan base is just embarrassing. You all act like a bunch of butt-hurt pre-pubescent teen agers. I guess you’ve all got a complex from never winning sh*t since the existence of your pathetic franchise. I’d be pissed as well.


The Canucks aren’t the one crying to the refs nonstop. Sit down and learn something.


SAW THAT TOO! No one said anything






And hockey fans everywhere rejoiced.


And he only got like 4 shots on net lol. McWashed