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Great record to have, but all Connor wants is to HOIST LORD STANLEY


And it won’t happen this year.


It might if he goes to a Panthers after party disguised with a moustache.


^ This guy gets it.


I feel like this comment chain is an uncanny example of the disconnect between Panthers fans and the rest of the NHL


Panthers fans aren't in the NHL.




Congrats on your bold prediction for a 3-1 series




How’s that bandwagon bud?




I mean hockey is nutty you never really know until it’s done


It's not impossible, but highly improbable. Only 5 teams have ever come back from losing the first 2 games.


And there's been exactly one team to come back from being 3-0 down in the SCF. If EDM does it it'll make me a fan. I hate to say it.


No reason why Oilers can't be back to try again next year. Took the Panthers two tries at it. Took Crosby two tries at it. They will be back


I’m a little fuzzy on this so it may be a bit off but don’t you guys have like $10M left in cap space and need to pick up over 10 players in the offseason AND need to protect Drai’s contract? Y’all are holding onto 2 first round draft picks right? Oilers are gonna be PILLAGED before next season by teams with excess cap space.


We still have him for a year... but yes we're going to make some cap magic happen.


Yes, that’s my point. You need to protect his contract, which is taking away from your already minimal cap space. Edit: Honestly, best case scenario for you guys is that you sell a bunch of shitty players that are eating cap space to a team doing a rebuild that has a shit ton of cap space, such as the Sharks, that can afford to just bury those players if necessary for a year or two until they get used as bargaining chips again. (It’s an ugly scenario for the players being traded but nobody pretends like it’s easy to fight for the spotlight in the NHL.) If Edmonton has a chance to compete for the cup again, next year might be their only chance for a bit. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna happen next year. Especially with Connor “I’d look even worse in the playoffs if Draisaitl weren’t picking up the slack” McDavid eating up so much salary as well.


Sure, but OP's comment was next year, not 2 years from now.


Did you read the last part? My other comment was referring to next year as well. It is gonna take a back office miracle to prevent the Oilers from getting ripped apart, except for their core guys they’re protecting, *this* offseason because you guys have fucked yourselves on cap space.


Oh no! We may lose Ceci and Forgele!


Me: Here are the facts I know of… Edmonton fans: Oh no Ceci and Forgele. Edmonton has got to be the most delusional fan base on the planet. Did you hear me hon? You have about $10M in cap space and need to hire, 14 players I think it is. To keep your core group McDavid Draisaitl Hyman Nugent-Hopkins Kane Nurse Ekholm Bouchard That’s $56M alone and that’s 5 forwards, 3 Dmen, and no goalies. Leaving 32M to fill out the entire rest of your team and shop for a goalie good enough to take you to the cup next season and a backup goalie. You’ll probably trade Kane because he’s been prone to injury at his age, but you’ll have to replace him with someone at least of that caliber to be competitive, so I left his salary in the total. But no…you’ll definitely only be losing Foegele and Ceci. Smh.


Probably the leafs will soon take McDavid.


Looking forward to that


You're right partially. But it's the Stars that are next year's Panthers (yes, I obviously know they didn't make the finals). Sorry, bud. They get it going now (they wont), or it will be an even higher hill to climb next year.


Yeah stars are positioned to probably keep Tanev and lose duchene, or that’s what I hope but their roster should remain mostly intact. They still gotta play though. They lose Pavelski, but he was slipping and was pretty much the worst on the ice for us this playoff.




Hopefully a stronger team like the Panthers are versus last year. Make a few trades, get rid of dead weight, get back here


I look forward to McDavid fleeing Edmonton after wasting the whole front half of his career.


Him, Drai and Bouch will all resign


Do you know him?


bro going for that super jinx. that or he's just enjoying the canadian NTR.


Ohhhhhh BOY if this post ages poorly...


Change your mind now?




Caption is supposed to say “in a playoff run” 🤦‍♂️


32 assists in a single playoff game is pretty impressive


The way game 4 was going, 32 assists seemed almost possible at one point.


I think that's implied with postseason


I think he means the caption he wrote himself (he said "single playoff game")


For a second I thought this picture was McDavid trying to drop kick Gretzky in skates. That would be intense.


“Move over, gramps!”


"The future is now, old man!"


Same. Doing to Lu kang kombat kick


I mean the Oil scored a bunch but Davo didn't get 32 assists in one game. Should read most assists in a single playoff run


that’s my bad i had a brain fart


No worries. He always seems to find a way to put up points, and this year, it was mostly assists. Truly amazing


You can read the picture and understand what he is saying fairly easily.


Lots of Redditors are little pieces of shit who feel like they are above every person and industry. It's expected, but I agree with you.


It does.


Is anyone else distracted by the fact that the bench isn't parallel to the stands behind them? What wonky arena are they in?


It’s AI. BR, like a lot of outlets, can’t be bothered to hire actual photographers or graphic artists so they opt for this slapdash junk.


That’s not Ai, it’s poor photoshop.


You may well be right, but the super burry crowd, lines that don’t make sense, and Connor’s skate clipping into the top of the boards all made me wonder. On the other hand, he and Wayne both seem to have the right number of fingers so hey!


The type and details is too accurate on skates and such too. The crowd scene was probably lifted from a television still and they didn’t wanna pay for the rights, so they blurred the shit out of it.


Oh that’s a real good point about the crowd, yeah


Stanley is the goal


He's had a heck of a season so far


In ONE game OP?


Well that’s nice, cause he ain’t winning The Cup!


Probably not this year anyway, but I'm sure his name will make it on there one day


Hopefully for any other team


What makes you say that?


They're a flames fan.


What is it 9 years and nothing? He will most certainly move on if your franchise doesn’t beef up.


Yeah 9 years and nothing. I mean he hasn’t even come close. If he at least made the western conference finals or the Stanley cup final but the oilers are bums they can’t even compete. Like game one when they outplayed the panthers and lost to bob standing on his head was because they can’t even get close. This series could easily be 2-2 or even 3-1 oilers but that’s not even close.


Ahhh yes, canuckstothecup


Take my up vote. Because it’s gonna be.


Pretty amazing the best two players ever played for our team.


i'd say connor is the most skilled player ever to play so far, but he's not one of the two best, Lemieux is above him


He will be soon given he will have more Art Ross and Hart's than anyone but Gretzky if he keeps up the pace. Secondly, he is already the Gretzky of the salary cap era. The fact he's out achieved non-salary cap era players is absurd and shouldn't be possible in this era.


If Mcdavid's career ends this summer, he's not better than Lemieux. But yes, realistically there isn't much reason to suspect he'll drop of at this point. Some of Gretzky's numbers are just insane. Nobody will ever touch them. But Mcdavid might catch and surpass some of Lemieuxs. People can debate "best" vs "most skilled" all they want. But it's super hard to see Mcdavid drop off suddenly out of nowhere and given his current trajectory? Ya he'll probably catch and pass Lemieux. If he never wins a cup, but wins 1 of every 3 remaining Hart trophies in his career and toss in a couple Hart Trophies? Itll be hard to not have him #2.


Whole lot of ifs in there.


Ya but that's the same as saying "if" the sun rises tomorrow and "if" the Leafs will choke in the playoffs and "if" Tortorella is gonna snap at a reporter every so often. Not all "ifs" are equal. There's absolutely no sign that Mcdavid is going to suddenly go from 120/130/150 point seasons to 70 point seasons, any time soon. If you can be pretty damn sure a guy is going to get at peast 120 pts in each of his next 5ish seasons, its a pretty low risk bet that hes going to lead the league in points at least a couple of those years and likely win the Hart at least 2 of the next 5. Its not like starting next year he suddenly falls totally off a cliff and never wins another award.


It looked pretty certain Lemieux was goig to challenge many of Gretzky's records but then... Injuries and cancer. For that matter, Gretzky's records would likely be even more incredible if he hadn't suffered a back injury from which he never fully recovered. Hockey is a physical, sometimes violent game. Things can change in an instant.


No cup. No top tier.


No slight on McJesus, because he's amazing and just a treat to watch. But comparing him to Gretzky is absurd. Look at Gretzky's numbers compared to those he played against. He was the Wilt Chamberlin of the NHL.


In my completely biased opinion, I agree.


Gretz Orr and Howe top three. Lemieux 4th and about a dozen players who could make a claim for 5th. Mcdavid is one of them. Of course mcdavids career isn't over so he could climb higher


I'd argue Mario could be #1


Sure, you would be wrong. But you could indeed argue that


He also played with AHL caliber players for his first few seasons in the league unlike Gretzky having a few HOF'ers to start out with. 2nd all time in PPG at 1.88 vs Gretzky 1.92 highlights his dominance (all while battling cancer/injuries etc). Possibly wrong due to longevity but you'd be wrong with his #4 placement.


Gretzky first year was an expansion team. They were able to keep a small number of player from wha


McDavid is not a starter on the “All Time Team Canada” roster


What? Yes he is. He’s in the top 5 or 6 all time for sure, maybe even top 4 and his career isn’t even close to over.


McDavid blows and he’s not not going to blow you


Damn you a Pens fan?


I am, but Mario was just that good that it shouldn’t matter if he is or not, the numbers are there to back it up


Tell me you have grasp of history without telling me you have no grasp of history.


Man this image is a mess from a design standpoint. The perspective of every single element in the image is so blatantly off


Only took him 4 extra games…


In an era with better goalies and better defenders…


20+% more games isn’t negligible. Of course players are better now and best ever. Just like Gretzky went up against the best players ever when he did it.


Yeah, but Gretzky did it in 18 games. McDavid just played #22. 


Gretzky did it in 19 against goalies that didn't go down. Still the GOAT but trying to discredit breaking a Gretzky record is a clown move


Math check on 1988 Oilers playoff series…   - Edmonton beats Jets in 5   - Edmonton sweeps Flames  - Edmonton beats RWs in 5   - Edmonton sweeps Bruins   Last I checked, 5+5+4+4 = 18. Go back to elementary school and learn to count before calling other people clowns.  https://www.hockey-reference.com/playoffs/NHL_1988.html


There was 5 games in the Boston series, one got called during a power outage and thus wasn't counted for a GP but stats still counted. I appreciate your confidence in reading the stat page though


Then we’ll call it 18.61 games.


It saddens me to see that the default human response is to get defensive. Connor is playing in a much more skill saturated game, with a salary cap, with a smaller net and goalies that actually know what they're doing. If you transported him to 1988, he would put up 10 a game by himself every night. Gretz' records are astonishing, and pound for pound will never be broken because it wasn't even the same game.


Easy solution. Don’t call people clowns. Just say “I think Gretzky played against weaker, less skilled goalies. Different era.”       Gretzky also would have probably trained differently, performed differently with the supposedly better sticks these days, and so forth if he grew up 40 years later. His teammates would have trained differently and been better too with modern advances. We can go circles like this forever. But if you’re going to compare outcomes, weight your data per games played. Otherwise, don’t compare outcomes. 


I'm not sure why you're in here trying to discredit a Gretzky record being broken. No one said he broke the all time APG record lol, but he did break the all time assist record. People love to hate man.


I hate bad comparisons. And if people insist on comparing across generations, at least do it right and weight the data. 


This guy's pretty good huh


He's looking good!


And whats crazy is people will still not give him his flowers. He is breaking gretzkys records in a faster, more athletic league. He is better than gretzky, if he were placed in gretzkys era right now he’d be considered a messiah.


Only if he never got checked or injured. Lord knows physical style of hockey was never played in Gretzky’s era


>He is breaking gretzkys records in a faster, more athletic league. He is better than gretzky, He did it in 3 more games while scoring like 12 less goals. He's better than Gretzky in the way Lemieux is, as a thought experiment.


In a vacuum, mcdavid is a far better and more skilled player, so yeah in a thought experiment


>mcdavid is a far better and more skilled player Which makes sense considering that's not what made Gretzky the GOAT.


It’s crazy they put up at least 32 last night. I fell asleep early :(


How many assists did he have in a game?


McDavid just went back in time and benched Gretzky


Keep racking up those personal records!


No cup tho


Nhl Reddit > any other platform


Is this an NHL record or Oilers record? (Or "yes"?)


NHL, but yeah, both.


Seems like bragging about how bad the rest of your team is, but we got knocked out in the first round, so whatever.


He broke the record for grabbing a puck and throwing it with NO CALL IN DECIDING GAMES TOO:/ Not this year bro PUCK DONT LIE!!!


I’m an islanders fan routing for the oilers!!!!!! Let’s oilers!!!!!!! Love the underdogs!!!! Reverse sweep has commenced


Ovi absolutely molding that anyone else beat a Gretzky record this season




You are a moron and have no idea what you are talking about. How is your internet skills so bad yet you say look it up so confidently... his best playoff year for assists was 87-88 and he had 31 in 19 games. Ypu hate the oilers so much you are making up your own stats hahaha. Or did you just accidently get stats from when he was still in atom for Brantford steelers? Hahah either way you dumb


I stand corrected . No dog in this race , hate the stinkin panthers, but the Oilers are the dirtiest team I've seen in 57 years & I had Flyers season ticket from 69 so now it doesn't matter only one more game , then you can go cry in yer beer


"I was wrong, but I'm still angry and hating" ok buddy. Pathetic, use ypur ad hominems and pathetic attacks, I attacked your inability to Google and your certainty that you are confidently incorrect, your response "Go cry in your beer" Are you 12?


Internet anger & hate flmao , you need more therapy, but I will commend your use of the English language. Now have another. It's all over Tuesday 😪


Exactly what I said, no substance just trolling comments after proven wrong. Try to find something to make you happy other then trying to make yourself feel better by insulting random people on line when they prove you wrong... why did you delete your wrong comment and not just edit it to show you were wrong? Oh I know, are you 12? See two can play that game. And for what it's worth, I am blocking you because I don't need a sociopathic troll/ lier in my life. Season tickets since 69, you 85 years old? With the mentality of a teen? Yeah you are just a lier. Good bye, stick to your watches and knife subreddits.


They just need to take the same approach they took in November while sitting at the bottom of the standings. Light that fire, and take it one game at a time. There’s at least a possibility they take it to game 7. I wouldn’t have said this, until witnessing last nights outburst.


Now it’s time for him to lead the most amazing comeback of all time!!!!!


Cool. Now win something. Fuck… anything. Did he even win in Juniors?


He won a world junior gold and world championship gold




You asked the question


I said “neat”. He won two Junior championships… what did you want me to say? “That will for sure help him sleep if he loses this Cup Finals!”? He needs to win something meaningful and I don’t think he’d disagree…


Well considering he's currently playing in the SCF I'm not sure what you're trying to say with your comment. He's as close as can be to winning. The series isn't over


No… he could be up 3-1… that would be closer. I didn’t say it was over.


Not the same number of games played


Rig workers have lost their mind. Last night, we witnessed sludge seeping out of their pores. No one slept in Rigville, this last game was their penultimate victory. Oil production fell yesterday before steeply climbing today. Duty calls, oil must be extracted. Another day, another day.


Stat padding a handful of games while ghosting in the others is not impressive


No such thing as stat padding in the playoffs. You earn every goal at this stage of the season. Stop hating on greatness.


Who gives a shit? He's down 3-1.


The oilers are down 3-1, Not mcdavid


Lmao...he's their captain. So, yeah, he's down 3-1 with them.


What team does McDavid play for?


Typical, mcdavid does something. Team still fails. Lol


They won 8-1 and are one of two teams currently playing for the cup. Nice attempt at trolling


Not trolling at all. Mcdavid has done wonderful things, every year.. EDM still wins no cup.. it's called a pattern. They were on the verge of being swept in their own barn. Let's not sugar coat that as, "they won 8-1" They could lose 8-1 next time and it'll be all over, still no cup.


Does anyone think it’s possible McDavid gets the Conn-Smythe even if the Panthers win the cup? Hasn’t happened since 2003 that a losing team player won it


No, the last 2 winners from losing teams went to game 7. My understanding is that the conn smythe winner is already chosen by the 1st intermission of a cup clinching game. So whoever shows up in the 1st is chosen. Because the nhl loves mcdavid so much. Yes.




Participation trophy stats


In more games?


Bet Floridia lost on purpose.. they want to win at home… final game will be 4 - 1 Florida


Another participation trophy to ad to the mantel


Perry got to Bob’s mom confirmed


I'm a big Mc D hater - basically thinking that he doesn't have what makes the great, great, aka lemieux, Crosby, Gretzky. Very biased from Pitt. But this is legit impressive. I think if Mc D grows his game defensively like Crosby, he could go down as a top 10 of all time. But as of now he's a huge talent with a lack of results. I accept your down votes. But remember, down votes are for off. Topic and troll comments, not an opinion that you disagree with.


There’s always one guy in every post


Your opinion sucks.