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You’re in a strange spot if your choices are between Boston NYC Chicago or…. NWA lol. You might want to iron out what’s most important to your personal life and then make the decision with those parameters in mind.


They keep bringing in people to fill jobs, without giving jobs to qualified people who already live here. NWA is swimming in people with accounting backgrounds, and all kinds of degrees, because of it. The big four just pull people in to look flashy, then cut them loose a couple years later, like fishing. Walmart is the worst, as they make massive layoffs each year, just to bring in more hires from other states a few months later. I’ve seen the NWA worker death spiral a lot. People move here for a job, then have to settle for less for the next job, and so on until they can’t afford to live here. These companies thrive on turnover. Maybe change your address or location to Chicago, and then apply for another job here? I’m kind of joking, but it just might work.


Kinda what you'd expect from a soulless company that haggles with its vendors until they can barely afford to operate.


Finally! Someone else who tells people about this! I feel like spend half my life explaining that specific form of price-gouging that Walmart does to people who keep calling it “inflation”.


Out of those three I’d go Chicago personally


Yep, I’d move elsewhere where you’ll have more opportunities!


And waaay higher rent, utilities, groceries, etc. not worth it unless your doubling or tripling your salary


We live here for a reason. Love the area but depending on your salary expectations, you’re probably a larger fish in a smaller but growing pond. My family love the northeast and Boston area. We’ve actually looked into commute times north of Boston suburbs and found some great prices and areas to raise a family.


The job market would be better in a bigger city, but then you have cost of living to contend with. I’m a Boston girl myself, but it is not a commuter friendly city. NY or Chicago are way better for that, which saves you money on a car & insurance. IMO you would only live in NWA if you have a spouse and kids under 5th grade. It’s a good starter life. After that, get more money and better schools elsewhere.


You shouldn't have an issue finding an accounting job but obviously bigger cities have more choices.


I just moved here from Chicago. I can't speak to the accounting field specifically but overall the city is struggling right now. I'm not sure I'd suggest there unless you find an epic job.


Honestly, if you have no ties here, it would be better for you to leave for a large city. NWA has its upsides, but Arkansas is so stuck on being in the past that it can be painful living here. You’re getting paid significantly less here than you would be just about anywhere else but Mississippi. Cost of living in Arkansas on average is 2nd lowest in the nation, but NWA is the most expensive part of the state to live in. If you want any kind of nightlife, you’re stuck with Fayetteville. If you want to see newer musical groups, you have to drive to Tulsa or Kansas City usually. The AMP sometimes gets good bands, but it’s mainly older groups still touring. Great if you love music from the 90s and early 2000s, though. I don’t know your personal life, but if you have or are planning on having kids, Arkansas is in the bottom 5 states for education. You’re also really limited in demographic here if you’re trying to find a partner. If you really like riding a bicycle, this is a great place to be, and our nature trails are really nice, so it’s not all bad. Basically, you have to look at your life and see if you want to get back to a big city or not. Life out here has its upsides, but unless you can work remotely, career prospects aren’t great.


Try applying to Landmark CPAs.