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Whoa. The older I get, the more time flies. Can't believe 15 years have gone by.


Yes it does. August will be 10 years since Robin Williams died.


Sept 4 for Joan Rivers










Farah Fawcett died earlier in the same day. Dude totally upstaged her.


I was sitting in Iraq and there was something about a helicopter going down and a bunch of guys died or something like that in the news.   And it was in the news for like 30 seconds and then ignored for him. Made me feel real good to know our priorities where right. Then I saw a guy strutting around  with a shotgun and lost interest in the news.


I know it's a commonly said phrase, but kids these days *really* don't understand how big he was or what it was like at his prime. This dude is the reason why superbowl halftime shows are what they are. He opened doors all around for music. *Nobody* danced like MJ did.


maybe not a bad thing that kids these days don't know who he is...




oh sorry for mentioning this diddlers prolific abuse, my bad 


Sir, I have never seen Michael's alleged penis, but I bet you that I could describe it. All right, let me guess. There's a head, a shaft, some balls, hair, maybe pressed, permed hair, with glitter sprinkled on it.


I was tossing pizzas in college when I found out. We had a MJ dance party while we were closing that night. Just unlimited beer, loud MJ music, a wet fresh mopped floor to moonwalk on, and good friends/coworkers to dance with. Wed invite sorority members in to dance with us as they walked past the front of the restaurant since there was a club next door. Miss those times.


No one can deny his talent. I was at Ikea when I found out he died.


I was at Taco Bell. Weird how you remember where you were when big things happen.


I was on the way to school. Heard it on the car radio. Next thing I know, everyone in school was talking about it


I was probably in a cradle idk I was 5 months old


I remember that day. We -my mom, siblings and I- had just gotten home from errand running and, upon opening the front door, our dad greeted us by saying Michael Jackson died.


He wasn't alone. Farrah Fawcett also died on this day...


Given she died of anal cancer, I’m almost glad it was overshadowed so stupid things weren’t being said of her. At least back then, I doubt it would have been used to shine a positive light on the disease.


This fact made me remember a joke I heard around that time. It basically went like this: After Farrah Fawcett died she went to heaven where she met an angel at heaven’s gates. He gave her one wish before entering for living a positive life. She said she wished for all the children on Earth to be safe. The angel said your wish will be granted. Then, Michael Jackson died.


I only have memories of a few specific major events in my life and finding out he died was one of them. I remember I was sitting at my desk at work and was the first in the office to find out. Hard believe it's been this long.


nah, that ignorant! you’re being ignorant!




The man was an absolute icon and a musical force that the world hasn’t seen since Elvis. I mean, this fucking guy was a different level of talent. Truly special.


Truly special!


If you have t seen or haven’t watched moonwalker in a while, I suggest watching it, really brought back memories when I was a kid watching it so many times. Great stuff!


Agreed. You have modern artists like Taylor Swift who are mega rich and famous, but even so only manage to attract teenage girls. Then you have Michael Jackson, who it didn't matter if you were black, white, young, old, boy, girl, etc. everyone liked his music at his prime and afterwards.


Musically yes, in terms of touching a little kid inappropriately not really. Sorry to rain on your parade though.


lol you are not sorry


Yes. For me he always will be a paedophile who made great music. The one does not exclude the other.


It's all lies – he was vindicated repeatedly in court. Which universe are you living in?


Apparently the one where he paid 23 million to hush things up? Not sure what universe you live in though, the one where you wear blindfolds? Think he made great music though. Doesn't mean he was nice...


Michael didn’t pay the settlement. His insurance did. It’s the same as geico settling car accident settlements without requiring you to show up in court for a lawsuit. It was a civil matter not a criminal one. Not saying he couldn’t have been a pedo but your statement is incorrect.


Weird justice system but that's just from a non USA perspective. He isn't guilty but 23 million is still paid. Sounds like that OJ case, hè did it, everyone knew. He got free by playing the race card but still had to pay a lot in a civil case. Fucking weird. But anyway.


No, MJ didn't do it, the justice system doesn't work in the way witch hunters like you do👍Go back to the Middle Ages🥱


Oh my, me think the lady protests too much 🤣


The US is definitely a very litigious country. Burden of proof is way lower in civil matters vs. criminal ones. Makes sense really.


No, he was vindicated in court by a well-functioning judiciary despite the blood libel from witch-hunting haters like you who have zero respect for rule of law👍Show me the evidence that he did it – show me that you have evidence that none of the judges or jury members have not seen rather than screech like a beast on Reddit🥱


Look, I'm an MJ defender but you can't use this as your reasoning lmfao. Otherwise OJ is innocent.


You don't trust the court? You trust witch hunts? It's not a single instance of acquittal – it is MULTIPLE. What so strong evidence have you got that could overturn the verdicts of every judge and jury members involved in the processes?


Reread the first 5 words of my reply and stop getting so defensive.


Because he did nothing wrong. There is no middle ground on this issue.


I remember that day well. I was in the basement at my parents in 7th grade, oddly enough playing the Halo 3 custom game mode "Michael Jackson" on the map "Neverland Ranch". The match ended, my buddy and I went upstairs to get something to drink, and my sister, who was and still is a TMZ addict, got the notification right then and told everyone. Whenever anyone super famous dies she's still the first to tell me.




And children everywhere were just a little bit safer


15 years ago that was 6 years ago


Pedophile who should be forgotten


This man was a child, not a pedophile


No, he was an adult man. **Edit: Check it out, psycho OP got so mad about these two completely reasonable comments I left that he started stalking me on Reddit, spamming all of my posts with this nonsense:** https://www.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/1dn2cjl/getting_my_atlp120xusbklipsch_r51pm_setup_to_work/la80h14/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/comments/1dlftcu/35_tint_beforeafter/la80lnp/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/classicalmusic/comments/1dj7mgh/what_version_of_prokofievs_dance_of_the_five/la80osp/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectricians/comments/1disewm/replace_crousehinds_1991_panel/la80tgq/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/comments/1dlftcu/35_tint_beforeafter/la8150z/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectricians/comments/1disewm/replace_crousehinds_1991_panel/la81656/?context=3 He just replied to about 20 of my posts and threatened to "downvote every one of them" before blocking me. Holy shit...


OP definitely needs to go touch grass regardless of stance on MJ. 47 posts since this one was made 15 hours ago. I have not made 47 posts, and I've been on Reddit since 2005.


Yeah, it's super cringey. It's not even like I left a rabidly anti-MJ comment or anything, so I don't know why that set him off. So weird...


While haters are losers.


"While haters"? What does that mean? I'm not hating anyone, if that's what you're implying. I'm calling out the claim that Michael Jackson was a child, as he was not. While the jury may still be out regarding whether he actually sexually abused children, there is no doubt that he had poor boundaries and behaved inappropriately around them. Suggesting that he was somehow not an adult doesn't excuse that behavior.


He is innocent. He did nothing wrong. Everything was proven to be smears levied by greedy parents having been wiretapped to have conspired to blackmail him. Plus you aren't even in the trial having looked up all the evidence, are you? Have you got evidence not available to any of them that can prove his guilt? Can you show us rather than bark like a dog on Reddit?




Does that automatically imply he had sexual feelings towards that? Or just that he didn't think it was inappropriate to know or see such things? My understanding is he was way too innocent for this world from the abuse received from his own father. And got stolen from a normal childhood. I might be wrong.


Liar are you.


Downvoting me simply proves my point – loser👎


I remember being freaked out that day. As a kid I never liked seeing Michael Jackson on TV because his pale, ghost white complexation scared me. So when the TV cut from Jay Leno to the news bulletin that he died, and they put up his face, well I hid in my Mother's arms. His pale face is simply unnerving.


This is it, and it was.


Damn I feel old


Or did he ...?


On my birthday😔


King of Pop. May He Rest


I can't believe how this dude's reputation remained relatively unblemished despite a plethora of evidence of him being a serial pedophile. The investigators finding the kids could accurately map his penis vitiligo. The character witnesses changing their minds. All the new evidence that came with the documentary. It was left up to a jury, and there is no such thing as an unbiased jury when it comes to Michael Jackson. No one wanted to believe he was guilty. That's how he kept getting away with it.


I've looked into these claims before. The kid (singular, Jordan Chandler) said that MJ was circumcised when he wasn't, pretty major thing to get wrong when he apparently knew it in such detail that he could "accurately map his penis vitiligo".


Even if I'm wrong about that, what about the other things I brought up? I feel like people just can't admit to themselves that he wasn't anyone to be looked up to.


I was walking around summer fest in Milwaukee Wisconsin when I heard this news


Creeper with too much money. BYE


He helped more people around the world than terminally online Reddit anons like you.


Help as many people as you want….. you mess with kids you lose mine and millions of others respect


No, he didn't. These are all lies refuted during trials – he was vindicated every single time in court while the parents of the alleged victims were found to have taped themselves discussing extortion plans🥱


There's just too much evidence at this point to deny it. Sorry, man. The dude was talented, but he was a serial pedophile.


Stop posting.


Stop hating. Get a life.


Say the one nonstop posting on reddit Lmao You literally just sit on reddit all day, don't you?


He isn't. It's all lies made up by some greedy dads to extort money who recorded themselves🥱That's why MJ got vindicated in court again and again👍It's only basement-dwelling losers like you who can't accept the fact because you are simply jealous of anyone more successful than you🤣


I still remember the day, when I read the news. What a shitty fuckin' day. He still remains one of a kind, a legend.




No one said she didn't matter.