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"Here lies James, died due to lack of anime titties" Next Nofap November


https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/ People might learn something!


wait WHAT


Just don't show someone that sub on April Fool's Day.


Especially don’t show them r/worldpolitics! (NSFW)


Just what the hell happened here?


Username checks out! Well, Rocket … my understanding is that r/worldpolitics had very laissez-faire moderating to non-existent and this led to it being flooded with increasingly irrelevant and NSFW material.     Now it’s at the point where it’s all anime porn and actual world politics is banned, at some point the other subreddit was founded to actually seriously talk about world politics but you may not know it at first glance from the title which clearly is an ironic protest with r/anime_titties!


Unless it's April Fool's Day


https://www.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts Calm down and be one with the trees.


It’s all r/worldpolitics fault so I hear! Ah, right. Checked the link and a) definitely their fault and b) NSFW.


Yes. r/worldpolitics had a very hands-off approach about what topics where up to discussion, so the community decided to see just how much they could get away with. The first days were pretty funny, people came from everywhere to shitpost about their particular interests, now it's pretty dead. Since worldpolitics was flooded with anime titties, the denizens actually interested in world politics decided that there only was an appropiate name for their new sub.


Hahaha! The story here is that some world news subreddit was too liberal with the "we won't censor anyone" attitude, leading people to post straight-up porn videos. So a new subreddit with stronger moderation was created, with an ironic name that points to its origin.


In the Middle Ages, lots of people died, also no anime titties. COINCIDENCE?


“Little timmy has terminal cancer… there is one cure though” “What is it doc?” “Let’s show that anime girls fat fucking ass on screen.”


It's an anime so the asses are usually flat and knockers are like punching bags.


anime has been evolving. Thick waifus are in


A blessing from the lord!


The random steam games are the worst for that. Got double ZZ cups, literal backbreakers.


Grimgar fantasy of Ash), butts getting proper representation there lol


That being said actually reading the article it’s a pretty shit take that’s essentially “erm if there is no fanservice then people will become sensitized to it so we need to have more of it so people can be desensitized and more willing to accept it as a part of the medium” Which I guess is a different take than what people generally say around this topic (that sex sells and that they need to appeal to people who sexualize the characters because they are the most profitable market, and they need to be better than competitors who are willing to do the same thing even if it means convoluted storytelling) but still lmao


He's just drumming up attention.  The anime industry has it's fair share of rabble rousers too, it's not some sacred industry.   Studio Trigger fans know what they're signing up for and don't need to be sold on the fan service that permeates their work, and everyone else is like "what is this crazy guy saying?  He made what?  Maybe I'll watch it and see what the drama is about" Dudes literally tossing out click bait one liners


Especially since Trigger's current show, Delicious in Dungeon, only has a few instances of fanservice that was already in the manga that they don't play up that they really could have if they wanted to


Not true! They added multiple Senshi panty shots, lol. (For anyone else reading and unaware, Senshi is a burly bearded dwarf. And he receives more fan service shots than any of the female characters).


As should be, of course.


Delicious in dungeon is *trigger*???


So is Little Witch Academia.


Wait, that show had fan service?


No. We are just saying that not all of Triggers shows have fanservice.


Can't wait for it to get derailed by aliens


Damn I had no idea! I've been enjoying it but now I know its only going to ramp up.


Trigger is perfect for Dungeon Meshi. With their goofy animations and big range of character motions they do in all of their works. Dungeon Meshi has sometimes part where you can really see Triggers trademark animation style. : )


The article also makes it clear they were laughing the whole time. I wouldn't take this more seriously than a joke from a couple of guys who like to make cartoons with excessive jiggling.


I think you are taking him overly literally. The two guys are quoted as laughing while they say it. 


I mean if you want an actual argument for why that's a good thing, that's kind of the whole point of kill la kill, soo


That's a even worst argument than "but sex sells." I don't see what's wrong with people being less desensitized to hypersexual cartoon teens


Massive cope and I'm not really sure why I should want to be desensitised to frankly gross fanservice. And on that note I'm not some prude, I'd be more open to just having scenes of straight-up casual nudity than the weird contrived sexualisation anime often has going on. Like sure, let's stop skirting that edge and just be desensitised to nudity. Will that finally mean we don't need to actually focus on it anymore and can just get good stories?


Dude! There’s Kimigure Orange Road and [that fan service is not exaggerated](https://youtu.be/FJ9ULvlt0O0?si=tZllvGaCc5pTdNpO). it’s surprisingly since its in the Shonen Jump roster (Yes! I know Rosario Vampire and To Love-Ru is in that roster but it’s a 20 year gap and overtly sexual).


I think he just wants everyone to join Nudist Beach.


*And that's how Timmy got miraculously cured of his terminal cancer, a few more deadly genetic diseases he never knew about, fully regrew his hair with lustrous shine he's never had before and had a happy life forever after. All because he saw the close-up of the anime girl's fat ass bouncing on the screen back in that fateful day.*


Well.... have we tried it?


Having read the actual article, I’m just going to say they were trolling and having fun with the interview.


Seriously, Kill la Kill intentionally has over the top fan service. To the point it's actually plot relevant just to justify itself.  The main character's FATHER made her suit and she goes "what the fuck, what pervert made this?!?"  The transformation is Sailor Moon esque and you see the breasts' jiggle physics. It's over the top fan service on top of more. And when you're think they're done, they start throwing men in skimpy costumes and bulges at you.  It's the equivalent of your father catching you smoking and making you smoke a whole box right then and there. Yes. Fan service in anime is too much. I've personally turned off shows due to this. But this show is its own weird category of being a parody of fan service while being fam service.


My fave character from KLK was the 10 foot tall guy who turns into a mummy in battle and shoots whips from his crotch lol. Every fight scene with him was an exercise in "what weird shit are they throwing at us this time".


Gammagori is the GOAT and he's the best. Dont forget that his mummy is literally a bondage suit and he gets stronger the more he gets whipped lol


I love how inconsistent his size is. His height is "bigger than you".


iirc the first time he even shows up he just stretches through a doorway solely so he looks fucking gigantic


Excuse you Gammagori is not 10 feet tall his hight is "bigger than the biggest person in the room" lol 


You right, I'll take that L. He fluctuates between 6 and 90 feet tall, depending on who is standing next to him, if he's getting his ass beat, or how big the doorway he's fitting himself through is.


It's such a good bit 😂


made me think of bobobo lmao


I would watch an X-rated bobobo, "Bobo what are you doing with your nose-hair, step bro?!"


By the end of the series, you stop noticing that everyone is nude. Plus you cannot stop just saying, "Nudist Beach.


Idk about people who watched the dub, but I’m compelled to pronounce it with a bad Japanese accent.


Yeah that, and DTR




“The clothing is evil and we have to be naked to fight against it!” Lmao I should rewatch it, it’s been like a decade


If that is an actual line from the show, I’m adding it to my list of shows starting tonight.


This is a show about clothing.  So when the main antagonist asked in the middle of a monologue, “What’s the original sin?” And then said Adam and Eve putting on clothes, I lost my fucking mind.  This show was a deep as the Mariana Trench man. Absolutely give it a go, and enjoy the deep philosophical questions it brings to the table with its cinematography. Edit: Also, think I misremembered. The question was, “what’s the first thing man did when they had free will and thought?”  “Put on clothes” 🤯


About clothing *and* fascism. I mean the litteral first spoken line is about Hitler coming into power in Germany.


Fashion and fascism sound really similar, after all


Iirc correctly it sounds even more similar with a Japanese accent and it was why they mixed those 2 themes.


"You're wearing me! And I am being worn by you!" i avoid a lot of anime for the cringy fanservice, this one just worked for me. I don't know why. watched well after it released


one of the best of all time imo. It pays massive homage to the old classics of limited animation and is jammed packed with references if you're a slightly older anime fan. also a pretty fun allegory to the fashion industry.


The name "Kill la Kill" is a polylingual pun that can be translated as "Kill the Clothes". The Japanese title is "Kiru Ra Kiru". Kiru means "To wear". It's similarity to the English "Kill" is exploited for the pun, and a Japanese person saying the word "Kill" translated into their language would say it "Kiru", as in Japanese syllables are produced in identical fashion regardless of the context of the word they're contained in, so directly translated words have to fit the existing syllable schema. Equally, "Fashion" is employed as another word for the Italian "Fascio" (In English, fascism), and "Seifuku" (a japanese high school outfit, aka a "Sailor suit"; This is a Chinese loanword in this role) is simultaneously the word for "Conquest". There's a couple of multilayered language puns like this scattered throughout the series that are used to make the metaphorical meaning of the show a bit more clear, and because it's funny.


I don't think it's a literal quote, but it's basically the plot. Show is a total parody of all the major anime tropes and it's fucking hilarious.


Exactly this. KLK is a parody of over the top fan service anime. If you go into it not knowing this you may hate it, but as somebody who grew to hate a lot of anime because of the fan service, this shit had me cracking up.


It did take me a while to get the joke. I stuck around longer that I would have because story and animation were ridiculously good. But I was leaning toward dropping it for a bit. And then I got the joke. And it kept getting better and better.


I mean, I clearly got it when in the first episode the boxing dude is punching up Ryuko in her sailors uniform and despite clearly coming into contact with skin, the "armor" is protecting her.


>Yes. Fan service in anime is too much. I've personally turned off shows due to this. But this show is its own weird category of being a parody of fan service while being fam service. Omg This is a perfect description of this show.  I remember watching the whole series and being completely confused about my feelings. I hate fan service, but it's just so silly and crazy while somehow having a tangible plot 100% revolving around fanservice. I got emotional at some parts right after egregious, over the top, comically exaggerated fanservice transformations and fight scenes. The ending still gets me teary eyed. Why. 


Also helps that Trigger’s fight scene animation is godtier and KLK has one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard.


I find myself hummkng the KLK epic moment song (don't lose your wiiillll to fight...) during other anime. It's been stuck in my head for like a decade.


Nah man but the whole getting embarrassed causing blood to rush due to embarrassment causing her to get weaker and then her controlling her embarrassment to also control her power was a *very relevant* point in the plot, doncha know? ~For all of one episode before that aspect was no longer important and they start diving into everyone being increasingly naked on screen lmaooo~


Well yeah. She had gotten over her embarrassment to achieve her means and goals. Char growth.


They go so far that you become numb to it incredibly quickly


> > > > > It's over the top fan service on top of more. And when you're think they're done, they start throwing men in skimpy costumes and bulges at you. Equal service fanservice is the best, to be fair.


It's really emphasised by the fact that actual nudity in the show isn't sexualised at all. You see characters in skimpy clothes and they're shown with gratuitous camera angles, massive curves, and body parts that defy physics. Then you see those characters butt naked and they just look like regular people.


It's kinda like how Konosuba is over the top cringe, it's the damn point. Even goes so far that the cringe even becomes part of the plot.


Your last sentence saying fam service might be an error, but, ironically, it's more accurate that way. How many times did the mother of those girls touch and rub them?


I don't think trolling is NottheOnion material.


It's not lol


Yeah, absolutely lol. Basically the only serious part is when they say they don't want it gone if possible.


They absolutely were just being silly.


It’s CBR so it’s a poor article to begin with. OP took the bait unfortunately.


Probably karma farming.


Yeah he is not being serious. Kill la Kill was a parody of magical school girl anime, the same way Gurren Lagan was a parody of Mecha anime. Though Yoko did have an industrial fan amount of service going on.


I hate the fanservice in TTGL, but I adore Kill la Kill and consider the fan service part of its DNA. I think the latter leans into it more and goes so over the top with it that you can't help but respect it. Also, it helps that KlK's fanservice is quite... egalitarian haha.


I ended up dropping the show due to the constant stream of child molestation jokes. 


That isn't a statement of necessity; It's a threat.


I don't get why they always need to jump through all these hoops to justify it. Just admit "sex sells so it's there" and people will just accept that rather than going on some rant about "long before time, John Anime drew his first titty and so now it must remain!"


I mean, it's called "fan service" to begin with?


That’s the meaning I always thought of


Kill La Kill is an appropriate show to have fan service because the show is literally built around sex as a central theme. It was honest about what it was from the start. Just like darling in the FRANXX, or high school DXD, or any other show like those. What’s eye rolling are shows that have nothing to do with sex but will throw in a boob grope or panty flash coincidental misunderstanding gag literally out of nowhere and for no plot-related reason.


*cough* Fire Force *cough* I fucking HATE the fan service in fire force, it’s genuinely the only anime I’ve ever watched where the fan service actively pissed me off. Plenty where I find it unnecessary but meh it’s whatever, but that one is legitimately awful to the point ruining a character who could actually be really cool *and* ruining multiple fight scenes that could be really cool😑


This is a small one but I dropped Gods Game We Play last week because it was already mediocre but then out of nowhere the goddess woman started groping the new girl character that had been introduced and was like “oh my god why can’t you give me some of your boob sizeeeeeeee”, while the new girl was in panties, while the main guy character was just standing there and watching. It was completely out of nowhere. The show hadn’t done anything that overt before. And the “I’m embarrassed for having small boobs” trope is tired. *particularly because the goddess claiming to have small boobs literally has normal sized ones* The “games” were already kind of contrived and the anime was feeling like a “we’ll just say a bunch of smart sounding things that really aren’t that deep” type show. But that whole 2 minute sequence of non-consensual-groping-boob-size bit completely broke it for me.




God THAT scene pissed me of so much. Pretty interesting setup, excellent animations... Then you get to the first emotional climax with a character doing the world's most aesthetic ugly cry about being saved and some world class fight animation.... Only to have the MC face plant I to the characters crotch mid fight.


It's trigger they're trolling with this article


John Anime. lol


[Nah I just wanted to see Titties](https://youtu.be/ke1YKF3tNCE?si=79-XVkK7A4ikCPVk)


Ain’t nobody watching HunterxHunter for titties lol


We don't know it, but fan service is the only thing keeping Putin's finger off the button


To be fair, Kill la Kill specifically, while filled with fan service, blatantly also made fun of the trope.


Trigger who animated kill la kill exclusively animated underwear shots of the beefy stocky dwarf daddy in dungeon meshi: abso fuckin lutely 🤤🤤🤤


I did not know Trigger did Dungeon Meshi


I always had a suspicion that the Japanese felt physics-defying anime titties were an essential part of the medium rather than shallow fanservice. And here we are.


Attack on Titan did fine without


Biggest inverse ratio of nudity to fan service in all anime.


If there somehow exists a not having any sexual organs kink, which i have to assume it does


You'd be correct! I believe it's called "nullification."


I feel like it would have to be less of a kink and more like an asexuals daydream




Wow, almost like real people just like us...amazing


Depends if vore counts as a form of fan service.


It’s fan service for people who have a vore fetish


Gosh cant even have giants eating people alive without someone being like "ok, hear me out..."


Attack on Titan was great partially because it took itself seriously. There was no pointless fanservice at all because the story didn't call for it. I started watching more anime after that and now my SO and I play a game called "how long until gratuitous fanservice and/or pedophilia?" every time we start a new one. I don't mind characters having big boobs or anything but more often than not I feel it detracts from the anime itself. Most of them have a cool story to tell, you don't need to have every female character have short skirts and massive tits to keep me watching. Even Made In Abyss got really, really fucking sketchy at times for how young and cute the protagonists are.


Ghibli films are good for not being lewd as fugg either.


Its the most annoying thing in so many anime. First, it makes me weary to get into series where i cant get past the a few episodes from all the cringy innuendo when 90% of the characters are kids. Second, in all of them its the same awkward jokes that go nowhere in every series and every episode. Its boring. Especially when it happens to the main character over and over with every female character introduced. You can certainly make sex references without being weird about or overbearing. Cowboy Bebop had plenty of fan service. Devilman Crybaby had well...its complicated. If you are gonna introduce sex just do it. The problem is i assume that they REALLY wanna bring up sex a lot but can't because all the characters are children. Which yeah, its fuckin weird to do that. So they dance constantly on the line so they can keep up the facade making cartoons for kids. I'll admit, all the fan service may be the thing that makes most of them money and keeps them printing, it just kinda sucks, but i guess for me it makes the ones that really try stand out. Like AoT.


I was perturbed enough when I saw the MIA anime, checked the manga and then instantly turned off after a few pages.  Personally, I think Made in Abyss' story is pretty unique and good. But boy does the mangaka feels like one bad day away from being charged for SA.


That time when Levi is doing some house cleaning tho…


The article is a joke. Kill la Kill is literally a parody anime where the entire plot revolves around justifying the fan service. Clothing is literally the main antagonist.


A LOT of anime/manga do incredibly well without fanservice


Yes but are they at the top of the crunchyroll genre selections?! I think not


Well, many are really popular at least XD Frieren, Blue Lock (there are only dudes with muscles in the show. There is a bathing scene, but that's it), A sign of affection, Delicious in Dungeon (a short scene at the end of the first cour aside, the series doesn't have any other fanservice moments, and it's still really popular both in Japan and overseas), etc


> Delicious in Dungeon (a short scene at the end of the first cour aside, the series doesn't have any other fanservice moments There's like 20 upskirt panty shots in the first dozen or so episodes. Of Senshi.


I'm sure a simple search would provide several lists but i am lazy, so thanks for the suggestions!


Did you not see the scene of Frieren >!blowing that kiss!


It could have been worse, it could have been premarital hand holding! XD


I assume you're referring to the bath, with Delicious in Dungeon? I wouldn't even call that fan service, tbh - yes, two women get naked and bathe together, but the moment isn't framed as being titillating or sexual.


Frieren and Delicious in Dungeon are great, and they steer clear of any creepy shit.


Never even heard of frieren, but yeah delicious is great


Frieren literally came out of nowhere and became [the highest rated anime of all time on MAL](https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php)


Frieren came out of nowhere as a manga, but it was one of the most hyped anime of 2023 due to it's already massive fan-base.


I will likely look into it then! Arigato


But all the titans are nude.


The difference between nudity and fan service. Plus the titans dont have genitals


That blonde titan with all the muscles showing though...


You mean the colossal titan with all the muscles showing though...


It did end up rationalizing genocide in the end though, so at what cost?


I took it more as Eren rationalized genocide (so did Zeke with the euthanasia), thats why the other characters turned against him. As if genocides happen regardless of many of the individuals on both sides wanting to live normal lives. They all seem human but caught up in the waves of society and war and dont seem to have control in situations that seem like have been unavoidable. in retrospect like it all HAD to happen even if you could see all the individual decisions that led to the catastrophe...or maybe its pro genocide idk


Zero cost? I thought the dichotomy between martyrdom and genocide was illustrated beautifully in the show, where each participant had their own logical reasoning. If you are reducing the show to just flat out justification of genocide, I think that's more of a media literacy issue on your end tbh. 


Maybe you aren't part of the fandom, so that's why you didn't get my point. If so, I'm happy for you. To contextualize, a big chunk of the manga readers here on Reddit were serious on their defense of Eren as the moral actor during the whole genocide. Like, not sympathizing with his experiences and understanding him actions given them - just fullblown believing that destroying the world was \_the\_ correct course from an ethical standpoint. So this is what I meant with "rationalizing genocide" - that Isayama's ending wasn't firm enough on condemning Eren's actions and deconstructing his arguments, which ultimately led people to believe (and I assume this wasn't the author's intentions) that he was right. \*\*\* Obviously I don't consider the whole show a flat-out justification of genocide. Because like, I love the show and have re-watched/re-read Season 3 and 4+ a number of times. It's among one of my all-time favorites, and I really like how it works the themes of martyrdom, determinism and utilitarianism. And have already given the context above, I would just like to clarify that my remark was mostly humorous in nature. You aren't obligated to get my (or anyone's) sarcasm, but I find somehow funny that you didn't and them questioned my "media literacy".


I tolerate fanservice as long as it doesn't wreck the tone. It's when a show tries to pretend it's time for serious business while simultaneously focusing on the lead female's jiggling boobs that I start to roll my eyes. Especially the ones that are ostensibly trying to be a serious story about sexual assault! Here's my spicy hot take of the day: I have more respect for something like Redo of Healer that knows what it is (unrealistic pornographic revenge fantasy schlock) than something like Goblin Slayer that pretends it's portraying the horrors of rape while panning over the womens' naked bodies and posing them like porn stars. Not trying to say I'm morally outraged, or anything; I'm definitely not. I don't judge people for their kinks, and I don't believe that enjoying something in fiction makes you a bad person IRL. But I'd be lying if I said the shotacon/lolicon content in, say, Made in Abyss doesn't completely take me out of an otherwise excellent story. I'm over here just trying to focus on the lore being discussed, and this dude's smacking me in the face with a bath scene so gratuitous that I just deleted my description of it.


all the loli garbage is certainly something that needs to go the way of the dinosaur it makes anime fans look bad for sure


Anyone who has seen kill la kill will know that this article is a troll.




Kill la Kill got you covered there as well.


Nudist Beach~~! <>


Gintama says hello


Cleary ignored an entire subgenre of shoujo, yaoi, etc. Also BL. Also JJK and other Shounens like Windbreaker et al.


JoJo pretty much carries the anime world in that regard.


Araki likes hot people wearing cool clothes inspired by high fashion, that doesn't mean that his male characters are anywhere near to something like Kill la Kill.


Kill la Kill's got you ["covered"](https://images.app.goo.gl/Xst5rR7vTW398RE47) there too


Fun fact the main character is 17 and the entire setting takes place in a high school, do what you will with that information. Let’s not forget when they also sprinkled in jokes pertaining to S/A


Watching old anime is just seeing how long it takes until the sexual assault or voyeurism jokes tame to come in. I went back to watch Kaichou wa Maid Sama since I liked it in high school and holy fuck lmao. My personal favorite is sword art online that legitimately did the “we made our strong female lead suddenly become a submissive housewife to our generic self-insert character because ??? Something something glopping sound”


SAO is like peak Gary Stu neckbeard wish fulfilment nonsense through and through, there's no way Asuna was going to survive as a strong independent female character for more than a season. The fucking *nurse* even falls for Kirito.  It's absurd.


Why lie. The Nurse is a government agent and is just honeypotting Kirito.


SAO Abridged handled that part better, same with that tentacle scene in Alfheim.


Oh god, I forgot the tentacle scene. The Alicization scene towards the end where Leafa just gets randomly molested by a demon and is like "I shouldn't fight back because what if this *obviously evil* demon that's *raping me* is someone important or something?" When the demon just totally murdered a beastman in front of her seconds before. Then she decides the demon raping her is *not* secretly one of the good guys and murders her like... two minutes later.


I love Akira but there was just no need for that scene


Studio Trigger is raunchy as fuck, always has been.  They just have style and sometimes they manage to tell a good story so they get away with it more than most. It's telling that their *least* raunchy series was *cyberpunk edgerunners* lol


Little Witch Academia, Brave New Animal, Delicious in Dungeon, and I'd argue Gridman/Dynazenon are all less raunchy than Edgerunners tho.


Adding Kiznaiver, Ninja Slayer and Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de. Trigger overall made more shows with almost none or no fanservice at all than shows with fanservice. Darling in the Franxx was even a studio collab so there is that too.


Even if the story isn’t good, it’ll certainly be interesting. Fabric based aliens invading Earth through the clothing industry and the only way to defeat them is a giant pair of scissors is quite the premise. 


And other times, I guess *someone* was curious to answer the question "What if Evangelion was like... *extra extra* horny?"


Plus the scissors users are really good at scissoring.


I don't mind this, became its upfront about it. It annoys me a lot when stories that truly don't need fan service add it in jarring ways, seemingly to fill a quota or something. I remember someone recommended me summertime rendering as a deep, complex and heartfelt story with time travel elements, only for there to be a gratuitous shot of a high school aged characters panties like 5 minutes in and I just clicked off. Stuff like that makes me feel insecure about recommending even the normal anime I like to normal people


Also >! The other lead gets molested by her mother in a bath house scene and dudes got their dicks out around high schoolers constantly !<


Oh yeah they depicted an incest sexual assault scene the same way one would depict a lesbian bath sex scene. Thank God I was a dumb fuck who didn't get what was going on back then.


The whole show is self aware and used the fan service as a plot point, pretty obvious he’s trolling


Yoko Taro is somewhere clapping for joy, and he has no idea why.


They needed to put fanservice in Kill la Kill. It's a canon event.


The overwhelming amount of oversized tits and random unnecessary upskirt shots in anime absolutely ruin my desire to watch most of it.


Lots of anime don't have it. Take a look at Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, One Punch Man, Full metal Alchemist, or Mob Psycho, Chainsaw Man, or Jiu-jitsu Kaisen, just off the top of my head :) enjoy!


i don't get why the need to even defend it. is there some kind of anti-anime lobby i don't know about? feels like every anime has *some* weird sexual content. i'm 36, it's been that way since saturday morning cartoons with the original dragonball and master roshi creeping on child bulma. even goku himself and his wife, that all started when they were children (though there was no real sexuality to it that i remember but i was a child).


Looking at this comment section, there is a bit I get recommended some other subs where I see a lot


Yes, there is anti-fan service stuff going on right now, mainly coming from the west.


I don't mind fan service but in anime it is just so ridiculously unsexy and cringe. It ruins the flow and also makes it so hard to recommend to people.


Yes there is an anti anime lobby. See article about a certain group wanting non sexualization anime mascot posters being removed from a train station.


It seems like he's merely amusing himself with the subject. That show Kill La Kill is so much fun. It's unfortunate that some individuals find the fan service too offensive. Its existence goes beyond its mere existence (which it still does).


pretty sure people survived for 10s of years before anime was invented...


I have no problem with fanservice as a concept for the same reason I have no problem with gratuitous violence, as long as everyone knows from the outset what to expect going forwards shows like The Boys can turn people to paste, Game of Thrones can have it's incest and attempted child murder and The Kardashians can keep it's Kardashians. The problem is when such themes and tropes show up in places they have no reason to, were not expected to, and add nothing of value to the content simply because either the creators or a portion of the fanbase are into such things. It's why we don't have exploding dicks in Grey's Anatomy, flayings in Modern Family, or Kim Kardashian anywhere but her own dark little corner of TV that can be safely ignored.


So fucking based


r/nottheonion, taking the figurative literally all day every day.


Anime tiddies are non-negotiable.


I mean, if you actually watch *Kill la Kill*, the story absolutely does justify it. It’s a bonkers series for a multitude of reasons, and it absolutely owns it. As a general point, I sort of understand it - if a creative work doesn’t push boundaries, it not only becomes vapid, but it doesn’t provoke discussion. Fanservice is an odd example to use to make that point, but it’s not necessarily a wrong one. A lot of people get puritanical about sex and nudity, so why not challenge it?


You people are fucking stupid, it's literally the plot of the anime...


I really enjoyed Chainsaw Man's over the top story...but the main character's obsession with touching a boob or having sex as his main driving plot point almost ruined it.


That’s what makes it what it is. Some people forget what it’s like to be a dumb horny kid that just wants to see some titties. It’s also cool seeing him mature a bit in part 2 and not have it be his main motivation


I would argue that this motivation in Chainsaw Man makes \_a lot\_ of sense. It is not just the author barely disguised fetish or nods for his favorite media - although it *also* is those things -, but an important characterization for the protagonist, that is integral to both his arc and the story themes. The characterization is question is that Denji is fucking socially \_broken\_. He is a normal enough guy, but society failed him to the point that he had to learn to eat cigars' cinders. In this context, he is completely foreign to most of our contemporary values and experiences. He is also foreign to his own feelings, because the only way he could survive is by being desensitized. So his dreams, his aspirations - and most shounen manga is aspirational - are a mix of his bare desires and the consumerism-centric image of success of the 90s. A good chunk of 90s American media is about escaping the Matrix - taking the red pill and discovering what life is \_really\_ about. Denji's life sucks so much that his dilemma isn't really picking between excruciating truth and false comfort. Instead, his \_initial\_ goal is experiencing false comfort. Also, he is a 17 (or 16? I can't remember) years boy.


thats the best part, he's not some grandoise wants to be hokage, he's a hobo that was mistreated for years and just wishes he could have real human interaction, because he's not grown up he thinks touching boobs is the way to achieve that


Denjis character is a rare instance of it being totally justified and well handled. If you don't like that, you don't like chainsaw man


me when the show about deprived people has deprived tones


I choose to believe this comment is entirely sarcastic and therefore furthers my theory that Kill La Kill is satirical in nature and critical of fan service.


"Fanservice" is why largely avoid anime in the first place.  I think it's weird.  Gimme more stuff like Howls Moving Castle and Spirited Away.


With stakes that high, I’m inclined to agree


The moment I see over-sexualized shit in anime, I dip tf out. Fucking obnoxious seeing panty shots every other episode, or girls (notice how I didn’t say women) moaning for no reason other than, “horny man will enjoy.” I tried watching the og dragon ball anime but it’ll always tainted by my younger self’s memories of watching kid Goku smack on Bulma’s vagooner, only to proceed to sneak a peek at her clit and balls. I was less than ten, I did NOT need to be seeing that fuckin shit. I remember talking to this dude (first time meeting him mind you) and he proceeds to tell me about an anime he doesn’t “let” his girlfriend watch. Some freak shit about the hero’s cock being able to imbue magical powers so the villains in the show continuously hunt him down and fuck him. Talking to me about, “the girls in the show are so hot!” Like????? The *GIRLS*?????????? That’s the kind of mind that fuck shit can formulate, it’s fucking sick and it’s fucking weird. Granted, maybe in my uncomfortableness I misheard and he was probably describing a hentai, but the fact that the conversation started with, “do you watch anime” makes me think that kind of degeneracy can be normalized by any self-described “real” fan. To me, any analyzations of sexual themes in an anime are thrown out the window if *any* of the female characters are two-dimensional, horribly written, disrespectfully designed carriages to remind men to go check out a R34 page. “Oh, but women with fat tits exist!” Yeah, but they don’t bounce them around and let them recoil, and they definitely have more to their personality than their skimpy outfit/being someone’s partner. Big animes like Mob Psycho or AOT exist and can be good without catering to the almighty sex sells philosophy. Go fuckin jack off to one of the billions of hentai if you’re so horny.


Well clothing is quite literally the enemy in the show so...