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Idc how anyone feels about it but you can’t deny the response to this has been dystopian. This is a really bizarre and dark sided world we’re living in now.


Whoever is running the disinfo campaign (and I'm going to guess the Russians have a hand in it) has a never ending supply of stupid people who are so hopped up on their own sanctimony that they justify everything they do. Because, you know, they're righteous.


Oh my god there are so many stupid people riding the sanctimony train. I'm so sick of typing the words insufferable and sanctimony.


It's like a Pavlov's dog reflex for liberals to just saying russia as the explanation of everything. Before you respond, no i'm not a russian spy.


Other countries use our freedom of the press against us. It's well documented if you want to Google it. Yuri Bezmenov and Russian subversion.


I say what I say. If you'd like me to simply chalk it up to college students stupidly imagining the world is some thought experiment instead of harsh and practical hellscape, then I'll say that.


Stupid people with a visceral reaction to a man slugging a woman in the face, breaking her nose, and dropping her to the pavement. What idiots! Unlike smart people who take the word of unnamed sources close to Kaye.


I don't approve of anyone hitting or abusing anyone. The only circumstance where I'd condone it is if someone laid hands on another person and that person defended themselves or if the person was a child molester.


And we don't know if they did except for "unnamed sources close to Kaye." According to other unnamed sources close to Kaye (his neighbor):  Some neighbors told the [*New York Post*](https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nyc-banker-who-slugged-woman-at-pride-event-lashed-out-after-clash-with-anti-israel-group-source/) Kaye isn’t the friendliest, with one recalling a time he became enraged by a kid kicking a pumpkin on Halloween. “It was Halloween and there were some pumpkins on the stoop. Some kid, a late-elementary school or middle-school kid, kicked a pumpkin,” the neighbor told the *New York Post*. “Jonathan saw it, picked it up, ran after the kid and violently threw the pumpkin at this kid. This was 10 years ago, but I still have a strong memory of it. Like, what?” So now we have multiple unnamed sources. Some say he was defending himself, some say he is a psycho. One thing we know for sure thanks to the video is he punched a woman in the face, broke her nose, and is very lucky she didn't whack her head on the pavement. Many people have been tried and convicted of manslaughter for such an act. I don't consider myself hopped up on sanctimony or anything, just pretty upset with seeing a man winding up and clocking a woman in the face causing serious injuries.


Why is this getting heavy downvotes? Can someone explain? I’m OOTL




oh it must be the scary russians!! look at how much israel invests in shaping our politics and our media, there is no equal.


It's been going on since 2016. Activists purposely do shit to get a response and edit out everything that led up to the incident so they can play victim.


And Reddit eats it up every time!


What exactly is the real story?


I sure love when conflicts 6000 miles away result in protests and political violence


We’re paying for it, so of course it’s an issue for some of us




Blaming Israel for 9/11 lmao If it wasn't for Israel surely there would be peace in the Middle East *gestures at civil wars in Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen*


"Well, almost nothing — we got 9/11" Can we jettison this "Jews did 9/11" anti-Semitic garbage please


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


This guy is going to have his life ruined for an act of self-defense.


It's the people that have something to lose are the ones that get punished, regardless if they are guilty.  


News won’t even identify the attacker


But they sure as fuck ID'd the victim based on a no-context clip and made sure to give out his employer info as well.


He’s going to get his life ruined for hitting a woman.


I mean, this is literally r/nyc on Reddit. If he’s not being lambasted here, he’s probably going to be fine


Tbf this subreddit seems to be a majority of people who do not live here and just enjoy arguing with people online.


This is one of the most pro Zionist subs on Reddit, probably only second to r/worldnews and r/israel itself. We’re talking about a tall man punching a skinny women nearly a foot shorter than him in the head. What specific indications in that video would lead someone to believe that he needed to punch her in order to defend himself? We would be having a very different conversation if a pro-Palestinian protestor punched a small Jewish woman in the head with the same size differences.


Perfect example right here of how these edited videos elicit the wrong reaction from people. Yea, if you take things out of context then it's totally a "tall man punching a skinny woman."


Wow are you racist,


“buttwipe” you chose an accurate name


These imbicibles don’t realize they lose more and more support every day for their cause by pulling these vile stunts.


This is their cause: hate Jews.


A lot of them hate white people and anyone who is “white adjacent” no matter what the cause


Sure but this was clearly an antisemitic incident.


Men punching women? No, at least on reddit their support seems to grow, from people not even in NYC \*ahem\* However in the neighborhood where this happened to the victims of this man's violent attack they are showing their support. I don't understand how anyone can agree with his spoiled brat son, I mean the "unnamed source" that he was surrounded, as clearly seen in the video. Guy's lucky this didn't happen in a tougher neighborhood, some asshole punches a woman and knocks her down you better believe the bystanders are administering street justice to him. [https://bronx.news12.com/park-slope-on-edge-amid-viral-video-showing-man-punching-someone-after-pride-celebrations](https://bronx.news12.com/park-slope-on-edge-amid-viral-video-showing-man-punching-someone-after-pride-celebrations)


If you're a fan of street justice, it seems the woman got served what was due. You don't get to attack someone and then hide behind your gender.


Words were exchanged, she may or may not have thrown a drink, we don't know anything else except for what an "unnamed source close to Kaye" claims. (I suspect unnamed source is a family member) We know for a fact this goon punched her in the face and dropped her to the pavement. Didn't say I'm a fan of street justice, just pointing out the obvious to any New Yorker, that if he did this in other neighborhoods he'd catch a serious beating, but the witnesses at the scene, instead of surrounding him call him an asshole and let this coward scurry off back to his home.


We also know for a fact someone threw liquid on him before punches were thrown, as you can see it on the back of his jacket. Just pointing out the obvious to any New Yorker that throwing unidentified liquid on someone may result in punches being thrown.


Throwing a drink on someone is considered battery. Additionally, how do I know what you just threw on me? Don’t throw random liquids on people, and you won’t get beat up. Simple


Hitting a women isn’t any worse than hitting a man


I’m not defending anyone specifically here, but with this logic the “unidentified neighbors” could be her family and friends right?


One of the reasons I bring it up is to illustrate how ludicrous it is to use people close to Kaye as a source


Family members or friends shouldn't be witnesses? Let's hope we get good video of it all.


Second hand witness, no, I don't think they're very reliable here. For example, "he fell or was chest-bumped, he can't remember that bit" ok thanks chief


No doubt friends or family could and sometimes do lie or exaggerate, but sometimes they don't. I think what's upsetting a lot of people with your attitude is the perception that you're making assumptions.


The whole article is based on people close to Kaye who weren't there making assumptions, from a very dubious publication that isn't even based in America let alone NY. Everyone is making assumptions here so why are you singling me out for speculating about what I think happened?


So the dude gets attacked and defends himself from four queers for Palestine (holy stupid fucking alliance, Batman) and then: >Posters with his face, home address and cell phone number have been plastered in the area close to his $4million four-bedroom townhouse in pricey Park Slope, as neighbors erupted and demanded the father-of-three be arrested. Personally if I was looking for investment banking I would hire his firm on the stipulation this dude runs the deal


Yeah, the instant I saw the viral video begin with him punching, I knew for sure that there was a lot of background we weren't being told. That they're not trying to drive him out of his neighborhood is equally unsurprising, but it's likely to backfire.


Yeah. Someone started filming to see their reaction (the punch) to whatever happened before.  Or the news media edited it but I don't really believe that (but do see that as a narrative)


You two guys should just swap info and jack off on Zoom god damn. Living in your own circlejerk fantasy world. You’d be terrified only of your own cognitive dissonance if you actually stepped foot in a protest (or even outside Long Island / Jersey / Staten Island) and saw how these interactions actually go down.


> stepped foot in a protest (or even outside Long Island / Jersey / Staten Island) and saw how these interactions actually go down. Your unhinged comment aside, there is plenty of video of protestors surrounding, pushing, smacking normal people. Here is something that might shock you, if someone says something you disagree with, it does not give you free rein to harass them physically. Verbally? Sure. Emotionally? Maybe.


I noted two things that could have happened. Sounds like you know what happened given the implication that you’ve seen “how these interactions actually go down.” At the very least add some color to what happened to enlighten us all to the real world. Thanks.




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Is this why i havent seen/heard any charges filed yet from the broad he punched? It would make sense if they were afraid of getting charged with assault themselves.


This is what I was curious about too. Dudes identity got blasted publicly but no charges were ever filed against him.


Exactly. It’s definitely giving way to much credit to members of ‘queers for palestine’ to have that level of foresight. But im also thinking he might turn around and press some serious harassment/defamation charges. And i would not want to get into a legal battle with a dude who is a millionaire…


Also makes sense when marginalized people don't trust the police department and don't willingly involve themselves with cops under any circumstances. Besides, not like the 78th precinct is known for going above and beyond the bare minimum. I suspect many people brigading this sub and defending a violent psycho aren't in NYC, but people in Park Slope and Brooklyn may recall locals had to form a guardian's angels kind of group to protect themselves from a different psycho in the park who killed someone's dog and the local cops did nothing about it. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/04/nyregion/dog-attack-park-slope-police.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/04/nyregion/dog-attack-park-slope-police.html)


She’s not gonna fuck you bro


That's not my motivation at all, but Jonathan ain't gonna fuck you either bra


I don’t have 100 comments in this thread all saying the same shit, white knighting for Jonathan 😂


100? Ok, settle down drama queen. No, I'm just pretty shocked how so many people are now perfectly tolerant of a man slamming a woman in the face and I lived there for years and still hang out on this exact block all the time. It hits close to home.


Why is she attacking people without expecting to get hit back?


Absolutely no one defending him sees it that way. 100% of people defending him say he was attacked first. Don’t attack someone by throwing liquid on them, if you don’t want a punch in the face. It’s pretty standard rules. Don’t be foolish and think spitting or throwing unknown liquids won’t get you punched in the face.


Queers for Palestine 🤔 I wonder how much support they'd get IN Palestine?


The chickens are marching for Popeyes.


I’d say that it’s more like satanist marching for chick-fil-a… but okay, Palestinians eat gay people now


Being lynched after your brother finds you and a lover holding each other close is supportive, but not in the way I believe you meant it.


Can you give me a source on how many gay people have actually been killed in Gaza because of anything related to their sexuality?


Palestinians literally flee to Israel to escape Islamic homophobic persecution


So you don’t have an answer?


Listen buttwipe we both have internet access. If you want a specific number then go google it. Honestly I doubt they’re keeping a tally on how many mob killings are performed so good luck. I’ll give you a starting point. This article does a good job of summing up the situation for gays over there. Spoiler alert, they are indeed hunted and killed. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


Can you at least give an example of a mob killing in either the West Bank or Gaza (since you don’t know the numbers)?


Based on the fact that you responded in one minute I take it you didn’t even bother opening the article, which talks about a gay Palestinian beheaded in West Bank. Why are you relying on me to look this stuff up for you? Is this your idea of a discussion?


Islam is pretty clear about this and most of the population there are islamic so they would not do well.


So is Christianity, Bigot. Get outside your bubble.


I was muslim for about half of my life.... I'm not a - bigot. I'm just stating facts.


Find me a Muslim majority country that has gay rights


The West Bank and Jordan


That is laughable. There's no gay rights there, homosexuality just isn't criminalized. Those two are very, very different things. There's literally a wikipedia article on that shit. How about you educate yourself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Jordan


Oh they’d be popular alrite…


There is no Palestine so we will never find out!


Can gay people get married in israel?


No but they can live an open life. There’s a world of difference between not getting married legally and not legally being alive.


> and not legally being alive. As long as you aren’t one of the tens of thousands Palestinian women and children that have been murdered since October by the IDF, absolutely. The whole “progressive” narrative falls apart when they’re cool with the whole murdering kids because of where they were born thing. 


Outside of the horrible extremist West Bank Settlers, nobody enjoys the deaths of Palestinian innocent civilians, but many of us understand that this is the reality of war. Wars cause deaths, many of those can and will be of civilians. There is no such thing as a "clean" war. Add in that Hamas literally has as a strategy to maximize civilian deaths in order to make their enemies look bad, most non moronic people understand that the fault of that lies more with Hamas than it does with the Israel (who are certainly not above criticism and can, and should, do more to lessen the amount of casualities that is happening). But if one side is out there using as a major strategy to have their own people die unnecessarily, they are the worse offender.




There's no denying that there's violent homophobia in Palestine, but to use that fact to attempt to silence those protesting for palestinian liberation is disingenuous. After all there are gay people in palestine despite the homophobia, and there are gay people in isreal who face homophobia despite it being generally safer for them there. How can we protect queer people in palestine if they are forced to stay there due to the occupation? The current greatest threat to both queer and straight civilians in gaza right now is the IDF


The gay people in Palestine who [flee to Israel to seek asylum](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp)? Those gay people in Palestine? None of what you said really holds water.




How can you be so hyperbolic in demonizing every single person in Palestine as genocidal and murderous against queer people? it's so off base and racist. Your prejudices against brown people are clear




I’m starting to think these goons aren’t even real. The logic is just too backwards for anyone with a brain to believe it.


Palestinian is a race now?


Can you give me a source on how many gay people have been killed in either Gaza or the West Bank because of their sexuality? It seems like you’re well versed on the issue


Can Gazans stop throwing homosexuals off of the tops of buildings?


Source? Did that actually happen? [https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.347B339](https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.347B339)


Executions of homosexuals by Hamas and the Palestinian public? Multiple times [recently](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp) [few years back](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/world/middleeast/hamas-commander-mahmoud-ishtiwi-killed-palestine.html)


The first link you provided is from the West Bank, which hamas has no control over. You should know that given how well informed you are on this part of the world. Furthermore, Palestinian police arrested the person who killed him (the very first. I’m not sure why you’re pretending as though it was some government ordered initiative.


My comment said ‘executions by Hamas and the Palestinian public’. I didn’t pretend that Hamas controls the West Bank (although they do operate there) nor did I claim that the link you’re citing was government ordered. There is a second linked article about Hamas executing a potentially gay commander (who they conveniently accused of stealing). Why did you comment again?


The claim you’re defending said “Can Gazans stop throwing homosexuals off of the tops of buildings?” So far, you’ve only provided one example of hamas executing one of their own commanders for homosexuality (and possibly theft). He obviously was not thrown off a building. That’s just a basing talking point that’s regurgitated by supporters of Israel. Also, it wasn’t a mob of civilians that killed another random civilian because of their sexuality. Since you’re defending the claim, I’d love to see a statistic on how many people in either Gaza or the West Bank have been killed due to their sexuality? How many of them were thrown off buildings or helicopters?


So not only did I not regurgitate that claim (one that I am unsure of), but I actually clarified what I was referring to before giving evidence. In response to the question ‘Source did that actually happen’ I said ‘Executions of homosexuals by Hamas and the Palestinian public? Multiple times’ with links to evidence. I didn’t regurgitate the claim you’re saying I defended, and I clarified what I was giving evidence for. More than that, I gave 2 examples from recent years of executions of homosexuals in Palestinian society. One by the public in the West Bank, the other in Gaza by the elected government of Gaza. You decided that the best response to this was to insinuate that 2 isn’t enough and ask for more. Pretty gross line that you’re attempting to walk.


> So not only did I not regurgitate that claim (one that I am unsure of), but I actually clarified what I was referring to before giving evidence. You defended the claim, which was a regurgitation of a talking point. > In response to the question ‘Source did that actually happen’ I said ‘Executions of homosexuals by Hamas and the Palestinian public? Multiple times’ with links to evidence. Once again, which source pointed to “the Palestinian public” executing gay people. That’s like me saying the American public are serial rapists because Ted Bundy killed 35-100 women. > More than that, I gave 2 examples from recent years of executions of homosexuals in Palestinian society. One by the public in the West Bank, the other in Gaza by the elected government of Gaza. You’re using these two examples as a reflection of the society when I could do the same for the US. Why don’t the dozens of LGBTQ+ people in the US matter to you? “Sadly, 2021 has already seen at least 59 transgender or gender-expansive people fatally shot or killed by other violent means. We say at least because too often these stories go unreported — or misreported. In previous years, the majority of these people were Black and Latine transgender women.” https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-expansive-community-in-2021 “At least 26 transgender people since November 2022 have been killed in crimes motivated by an anti-transgender bias, according to Thursday’s count, released three days before the one-year anniversary of a mass shooting carried out at Club Q, a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs.” (November 2023) https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4313588-lgbtq-people-targeted-700-incidents-2023-report/mlite/ > You decided that the best response to this was to insinuate that 2 isn’t enough and ask for more. Pretty gross line that you’re attempting to walk Hahaha Since you were defending the claim that “Gazans throw people off of buildings because they are gay” and seem to care a lot about LGBTQ+ rights in the Middle East, I simply asked you for some statistics. Do you not have them? If 2 is enough to make claims about Palestinians as whole, isn’t 20-60 every year enough to make those same claims about the US? If not, why not?


I just really don't think anyone who brings up LGBT rights in Palestine in this context actually cares about them, they just want to whatabout to distract from the real issue at hand


Being murdered by your own family members out of shame before Hamas can even get its hands on you to put you on trial. Is not a serious issue for people in a group called Queers for Palestine? Do you not think its strange that a group of people who would be hunted down by their own fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles and brother in laws and killed by them should be supporting Palestine? Yahya Sinwar the man leading the war for Hamas murdered countless rivals for power by claiming they are homosexuals. Just a few months after being released by Israel the body count started for his enemies in the Gaza strip. Some real others slandered by his supporters with the list including many committed extremists who themselves carried out horrific terrorist attacks.


Nah. It's just that we can't get with a movement whose whole entire goal is to expand the number of places where gay people are systemically murdered. It's just a weird thing to spend your time on.


Can the IDF stop targeting children and foreign aid workers?


About the same as from Ben Gvir and Smotrich, 2 of the most powerful people in Israel


Ah yes Ben gvir and smotrich famously *checks notes* unequivocally condemned the Jerusalem pride stabbing by a radical right wing Israeli. Meanwhile in the West Bank and Gaza - lynchings of those accused of being homosexual have happened no less than 3 times since October 7th. You said you’re no fan of street justice yet here you are trying to draw an equivalency where none is found, and are all over this thread trying to claim that this was unprovoked and that he wasn’t attacked first (even going so far as to claim that the unnamed source is a family member with 0 evidence to boot). What is your position? Why are you in this sub defending the hell out of the person who defended themself?


My position? Apparently among the dwindling group of men who get repulsed when they see a man slug a woman in the face, break her nose and drop her to the pavement. That this happened in my old neighborhood and where I often still hang out hits closer to home. Just last year Smotrich was still calling himself a "fascist homophobe" and then of course Ben Gvir participated in the beast parade, physically attacked a trans marcher, but yeah, they're a little more polished now, and don't publicly celebrate a stabbing spree at a pride parade.


You believe that self defense doesn’t apply to a man if attacked by a woman? That’s not very equal.


This dude has a weird ass take that women have a right to throw drinks at men with no consequence and that is totally normal and acceptable behavior.


Do you believe in a man's right to defend himself?


Yup, I don't think a drink being poured on you requires any defense though


Are we sure that that is the extent of what occurred? Even if so, in a chaotic environment, with lots of people, noise, anxiety and emotions, something like that could be extremely unnerving and perceptually threatening. I don't know if any of that is the case though.


I think if I was in this “chaos” I’d select flight mode rather than smashing a woman’s face and further inflaming the situation. Although I also keep to myself and don’t confront people for having different beliefs than me, so I’ve never been in this situation. The only thing we know for sure is the few seconds of video presented and by that evidence I can tell these sources are lying, for instance he wasn’t surrounded. There were people standing around the incident and no one laid a hand on him. I’m surprised nobody stopped him or hit him if this was indeed the dangerous situation the sources close to Kaye who weren’t there say it was. Take care now, have a pleasant evening.


These users literally haven’t stepped foot in manhattan or Brooklyn in decades. Basically talking to a wall. Don’t waste your time.




I say we send them there to find out. Social science!


They’d still get bombed by the IDF. 


They’d get bombed by the IDF, like all of the other queers in Palestine.


[Not quite](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp) In fact many gay Palestinians live in Israel as asylum seekers.


They would be bombed. The IDF does not discriminate who they bomb.


As opposed to all those who have straight-and-cis-only bombs?


Does that mean they should support Israel’s genocide of Palestinians then?


They should at least stop supporting Hamas' genocide, that's a start 


Why don’t you ask a gay Palestinian?


yeah, it's really dangerous to be gay in Palestine, because israel likes to blackmail gay Palestinians and kill them if they don't give in


Sinwar (the head of Hamas in Gaza) had some other Hamas leadership executed on suspicion of being gay


Wow. Pro-Palestinians are antiemetic. Who would have guessed ? > four 'Queers for Palestine' protesters hurled anti-Semitic slurs at him and left him bleeding


What did they say, specifically, that was antisemtic. An anonymous source saying the whole thing was “super anti-Semitic” doesn’t prove anything, obviously


>Wow. Pro-Palestinians are antiemetic. Who would have guessed ? I dunno man, they make me pretty queasy.


not the daily mail being the source lmao


Queers for Palestine? As to chickens marching for Popeyes?


The daily mail reported it so it must be true !


This city is a shithole. The media loves the attention for this case, meanwhile the dude who is a head of business at a fucking banking firm will get flak for this. Certainly not the unemployed Queers for Palestine harassing people with lives when its dark


Lol “head of business” “Chief of money” “Vice president of deals”


won't someone think of the poor investment bankers 🤧


> Neighbors yelled at Kaye's children as they entered the front door. You could also think of the poor children being harassed despite doing nothing wrong.


The DailyMail is trash and shouldn’t be used as a reliable source.


The hero we need


Would the attacking protestors lie about the whole thing and make the punching dude the bad guy? Very likely. I wouldn't trust these domestic terrorists. They are just looking for attention and think they are doing it for some revolutionary cause. Which is all bullshit to begin with.


would the guy who got caught on video beating a woman lie? no,  he supports israel he's honest a priori


Its not about israel palestine. Talking about the guy being an unhinged attacker punching a woman in the face for no reason. Highly unlikely that's the case






Dude, that's just embarrassing.


I fucking hate the daily mail and their annoying mobile UI


Whatever happened to punching nazis? Does this not apply to lgbt nazis?


So “They” now identify themselves as women?


Well well well, looks like this guy ain’t getting anymore Queers For Palestine M&A deals! Also, where is his prize?




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Gotta not get baited into punching a woman. Sounds quaint to some, but to many there’s almost no level of provocation that justifies it. Tough spot.


After watching the video clip several times, no one was holding him there, nor blocking his escape. He chose to hit her when he could have left and we would not be talking about this now. Maybe when he went out to dinner he had a few drinks after a bad day at work? We don’t know. He is playing the Jewish card. The smart thing to do would be to escape and call Police. He did neither. He didn’t look scared in the video, but angry, he didn’t run away he walked calmly. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know who really cause the problem. Beware of short or edited video clips, they don’t give the whole story.


And he has every right to defend himself if he feels threatened. He isn’t obligated to escape. Throw shit at somebody / hit somebody, and risk getting punched in the face in return. That’s life, and I’m guessing the judge will agree.


You don't though. In NYC you don't have every right to defend yourself disproportionately especially for something as vague as "feeling threatened". Recall Daniel Penny from last year.


Yeah it’s true. Always a judgement call. My guess is “random dude walking home from dinner who gets assaulted by Queers for Palestine Protestors” and punches one in the face in response will do just fine.


I know. People in this threat are nuts. Acting like slurs make it OK to escalate to physical violence.


In NYC (and NY state), don’t you have a duty to retreat first? Even in your own home the law is not entirely clear. I’m not giving any opinion on the matter at hand above, just showing how NYC laws can sometimes be confusing.


Yes duty to retreat is the law of the land in NY. The victim becomes the perp here.


No. You can feel how you want for morality, but in legally hard to imagine what could have made that level of violence legally OK. Self defense must be reasonable and proportionate. Words alone? No level of violence OK, no matter what was said. Throwing a drink? Throwing a drink is assault, but again the response must be proportionate to the threat.


The question is did he reasonably feel threatened. Did she identify the drink? Was he surrounded? Was he assaulted? If no / yes / yes, then I’d guess a punch to his assailants face will be deemed reasonable. We shall see.


Based on him getting hit in the back with the liquid he was probably walking away, and they pulled him back into the conflict instead of letting it go.


Maybe, but the video does not show that. What you have is he said this and she said that. If he was so fearful, then why did he walk away after beating the woman instead of running? He also took his plastic bag with him. When you are in fear for your life, health or safety you wouldn't be worried about a plastic bag.


laughing my ass off at 'blood pooling around his ankle.'  dude tripped and got a boo-boo then punched a lady.  edit - y'all downvoting but seriously, those photos show the amount of blood that my eight pound cat has drawn from me on accident before. this dude's a little baby to swing on a woman for that. 


I’m confused. There’s no proof other than he said she said about a prior incident. There are pictures of his clothes and a cut he got but who knows how he got them. What is true with clear evidence is that he punched a women. You should NEVER punch a woman as a man.


When you're one person being attacked by four people you should punch whoever you need to in order to defend yourself.


Equal rights and equal lefts buddy.


ITT people people cool with potentially deadly levels of violence in response to words


You’d celebrate violence in response to the N word. Admit it.


no, i geniuenly would not


No way the person posting this has a big ol Nimrata Haley avatar… too Rich


Since it's not a brain dead New York Post story, you can actually believe it. Sounds like this was self-defense.


Ehhhhh I mean the Daily Mail (like the NY Post) is owned by Murdoch so you are wrong on that. However if it’s true that he was assaulted by 4 people just prior, then you are correct in the self defense assessment. Edit: seems that DM is owned by The 4th Viscount Rothermere lol. My point still stands: DM and NYP are cut from the same rag.


Wrong. Murdoch does not own the Mail. You probably believe everything he tells you anyways so I'm yelling at the clouds on this one I'm sure.


What a pitiful little scratch on that I-banker. I’ve seen bigger boo-boos on cocomelon.


So what’s your argument exactly?


Well, not sure about an argument exactly, more a dismissal of his bitch ass story and this ridiculous article. We all saw him deck a woman, we all know bankers are fucking scum, and I for one can't wait to see him lose his job, his tacky condo on the upper east side, his hamptons share, his leased BMW, and his titty-implant leopard print lululemon long island fiancee.


He gets what he deserves for voting for democrats