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God he wants back into politics so badly


But apparently as a Republican this time??


He’s always been an opportunist. If he thinks he can win over some center-right voters, he will say what they want to hear. The guy has flip-flopped on so many issues. Legal weed wasn’t right until it was. Congestion pricing was bad then good then bad again. He used homophobic smears against Ed Koch and then passed gay marriage the second it got majority support.


Tbf thats what a good politician does, but also someone who is weak and uninspiring


Maybe because Biden's DOJ says he's guilty af https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/26/cuomo-sexual-harassment-doj-00138140


He's trying everything to get attention. Next he'll declare he's a Republican now because he had "no choice." What a psychopath.


he sounds scared that it set a precedent of powerful assholes being held accountable


For sex related shit nonetheless


>[https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-2022-midterm-elections-business-elections-presidential-elections-5468774d18e8c46f81b55e9260b13e93](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-2022-midterm-elections-business-elections-presidential-elections-5468774d18e8c46f81b55e9260b13e93) “By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments,” the campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” So I guess when a political ally purposefully misclassifies campaign expenses as legal expenses to influence the outcome of the election they just have to "agree to a fine" but when a political enemy purposefully misclassifies campaign expenses as legal expenses to influence the election 20 blocks away it's clearly a felony that we need to hold powerful assholes to account for? Cuomo is right. Obviously. So is Alan Dershowitz, obviously. But they are both Very Bad Men so we have to just listen to the DNC and believe that they were just trying to save democracy.


This is an example of woeful reading comprehension, key part is this >have agreed to settle The latest case of campaign finance violations could likely have been settled if the defendant wasn't such a litigious asshole. Admit guilt and pay a fine was all he had to do.


LOL, what? When did the FEC or SDNY offer Trump an opportunity to settle before they decided to magically transform a misdemeanor past it's statute of limitations into a felony seven years after it happened and right before an election? If what they BOTH did was a felony, then why wasn't Hillary charged with a felony?


> past it's statute of limitations Maybe Trump should have handled the pandemic properly and the courts wouldn't have gotten the pandemic era extension. Sucks to suck.


Settlement discussions are always private so we may not know for a long time. But from the defendants legal history he would rather not participate and let a court case go into default judgement than admit any kind of fault.


The "settlement discussions" for Hillary's campaign purposefully misclassifying campaign expenses as legal expenses to influence the election were not private. Its right there in the title of the AP article...


Goddamn! Again proving your reading skills are seriously lacking! This was reported on after the negotiations were completed and signed. The actual negotiations, and the initial plea offer were all done in private.


Oh. So, what, you think there were negotiations for a fine for Trump that happened but are somehow still private?


Well it was, and lookie what happened 


>Well it was, and lookie what happened Trump rose in the polls as a result. Indeed, lookie what happened.


Over the past ~4 months all the polling has been showing Trump closing what was a large gap with Biden and then over the past ~2-3 weeks polls have shown a slight reversal in that trend with Trump no longer gaining and some signs of Biden rebounding. Polling specifically on the conviction has been quite mixed, and overall seems to have had minimal effects at least as of now. However that polling has been interesting in that more voters agree with the outcome and fairness of the trial than voice an intent to vote for Biden almost across the board. So it certainly seems if it would have any effect it would be mildly negative for Trump.


Just clearly [false](https://split-ticket.org/2024/06/20/the-conviction-bounce/) - The data suggests that the picture has shifted by approximately two points towards Biden since Trump’s conviction. That lines up with voter recontact surveys done by Echelon Insights and the New York Times/Siena College, where voters previously surveyed were asked about their current vote choice immediately post-conviction. Both surveys found a two point shift towards Biden — Echelon went from a tie (47-47) to a Biden +2 lead (49-47), while the Times went from a Trump +3 lead (48-45) to a Trump +1 margin (47-46).


try aggregating more polling instead of selectively using just one or two https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4725659-did-trumps-guilty-conviction-hurt-his-polling-numbers/


Your post: >Trump rose in the polls Your link: >Overall, the polling tracked by The Hill/Decision Desk HQ shows **Trump’s lead has, on average, held steady** over Biden since his conviction.


>Your post: >Trump rose in the polls >Your link: >Overall, the polling tracked by The Hill/Decision Desk HQ shows Trump’s lead has, on average, held steady over Biden since his conviction. Yes so he leads in more polls than Biden then to get to that. Buy-Bye 👋


nah trump went up on real clear politics poll avg. lookie there


Consider the people who had life in prison but were freed due to the Innocence project. Imagine you saying to them, well you were tried and found convicted so.... Must have been the right move


Yeah that’s not at all the same as the Trump case. The whole point of the innocence project is to free people who are innocent but were convicted due to prosecutors misapplying the law or falsified evidence. The trump case was as cut and dry as his signature on the checks that went to Michael Cohen and trump recorded on audio tape discussing sending hush money to Stormy and Karen Macdougal, along with Trump’s own employees and cohorts testifying against him.


Yea but just wait till they find dna evidence to exonerate him from his white collar crimes /s


I never said that the two were equal. I wasn't even comparing the two trials. I was comparing the poster's response to the trials. Remember they had to change the law to make this trial work against President Trump. When people bring up concerns as to if the trial should have ever been brought. Then somebody says well they did bring it and he got convicted. That's no different than saying to somebody who got wrongly convicted that well because they did bring the charges and you did get convicted Just deal with it


E-mail them about it, maybe they’ll take an interest.


Not trying to put words in your mouth here but it sounds like you’re suggesting the *entire* justice system is bullshit. Like every case should be looked at with suspicion because a few were wrong. Is that what you’re saying?


Not at all. The person I responded to said they did bring the trial and he did get convicted. Using that itself as justification for the trial. Remember we are talking about Cuomo saying the trial should have never been brought. If you take that line of thinking and apply it to a case where somebody was freed due to the interference project. What I'm saying is imagine going to that person and saying well we did bring the trial and you did get convicted, so even though we probably shouldn't have brought the trial against you because there was doubt, you did get convicted so that justified the whole thing anyway. I'm not comparing trump to a freed person from the innocence project.


Yes. Thanks. Great for fundraising. Your kangaroo court was awesome!


wtf... is he dredging the river for republican votes to get him back in office?


God can this guy just go away? Take Adams with him and just go to some island


One sexual predator advocating for another. Shut your face and go away.


Cuomo's terminally-online cultists masquerading as Democrats, including his right-handed cabinet goons Rich AZZopardi and Melissa DeRotten, had already unveiled their true colors and exposed themselves who they actually were. The election results between Hochul and Lee Zeldin says it all.


Haha guess it's time for someone to look into who Cuomo paid off to keep their mouth shut.


I am an amateur, but let me pretend to be a political strategist for just 2 seconds. "Any press is good press." Donald Trump does not stand for anything, he is a throbbing middle finger to educated elites. He is popular because Democrats don't just hate him, they love to hate him. So guess what makes him more popular? The gnashing of teeth of Democrats. If you want to defeat Donald Trump, stop giving him free press. Hell, I would shoot for the moon, and pick a moderate to hate. Strategically ignoring Trump is the right way to deal with the very serious danger he is.


I disagree. Trump is currently benefiting from the vague “nostalgia” that many people feel for the pre-pandemic years. They associate the Biden years with the awful post-pandemic inflation, and they associate Trump with pre-pandemic relative stability. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/15/briefing/donald-trump-polls.html?unlocked_article_code=1.100.X0GI.wKzQ2_3BnjN_&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb Focus groups have actually shown that the more independent voters (key phrase being independent) are exposed to Trump and the memories of what his presidency was actually like (i.e., separating families at the border; praising neo-Nazis; stop the steal conspiracy theories; etc.), the less likely they are to support him. This isn’t like 2016, where the media covering Trump with free press absolutely did help him get elected. People have lived through a Trump presidency—they just have to remember what that actually felt like.


he didn't praise neo-nazis. stop it.


https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/trump-defends-white-nationalist-protesters-some-very-fine-people-on-both-sides/537012/ lol that took five seconds to find


Even the pretty left wing Snopes disagrees with you. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/


That’s a cop-out and you know it. Give me one source that has him say the words “I condemn neo-nazis.”


Love how you didn’t contest the separation of families or the lies about the election and an attempted coup. It’s just the praising neo-Nazis part that you have to set the record straight on.


Let's face it, at this point people are longing for migrant families to be separated again - at least they weren't roaming the streets like they are now.


Obama built those cages fyi


The best play for Biden is to focus and resolving the issues in front of him as neatly as possible prior to election day. Both candidates suck, Biden's best asset is that he represents the status quo and there is always a natural tendency toward the status quo, he needs to make the status quo as good as possible for as many people as possible.


I know that zeitgeist is that Biden sucks, but I can't remember a president who did more for me than Biden. Not hyperbole, and definitely limited to my anecdote, but Biden pausing school loans allowed me to save up to be able to afford having a kid (we did). My biggest hesitation was environmental stuff, and he delivered something tangible. My wife's (but not mine- yet) loans were forgiven, and she was one of the ones that had been tied up in limbo under Trump. On foreign affairs, I was amazed at the contrast between how we handled BushII's Iraq stuff, where we pretended to be more powerful than we were, and a U.S. effort aimed at coordinating with Europe rather than just doing everything ourselves. So yeah, I'm not saying that previous U.S. presidents were terrible, just that I didn't really notice my life change in any appreciable way but Biden being in charge was very palpable for me. Aside from Trump saying offensive shit to say offensive shit, I wasn't miserable under him. I thought he was a WWF/WWE wrestlemania personality, so I mostly just thought of him as such. It wasn't until he started using force in the protests in Portland (Seattle?) and tried to overthrow the election results, and actively supported a mob trying to prevent rule of power that I really appreciated how incredibly dangerous he is. I remember thinking that Trump winning was _funny_, that it showed what a charade US politics were. I wish I had taken the threat of him as seriously as my friends on the Left told me to.


What was so dangerous about his first presidency? Like what did he do that harmed people and made their lives worse? In what way was he a danger to us? I’m genuinely curious what you think. To me it felt like any other presidency. Nothing really changed


Lying to the American people about how deadly covid was. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-told-bob-woodward-he-knew-february-covid-19-was-n1239658 He know it was deadly in February, said so on a recording, but lied to us and said it wound be gone by Easter.  I lost 7 family members to covid in NYC.  That doesn't even account for the intentional delays in PPE that he and his administration caused.  Not to mention their desire for covid to hit places like NYC harder because they thought it would kill more democrats than Republicans.  https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/hospitals-face-a-white-house-blockade-for-coronavirus-ppe.html https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/09/jared-kushner-let-the-markets-decide-covid-19-fate Then you have stuff like his trade war which made life harder for farmers than he had to cut a check to fix his financial mistake.  And there are other lies that he told daily that causes various issue and even lies to the death of Americans.


lol he didn’t lie. He was just hoping it would be gone. Fauci said it would be gone by then too. Is Fauci a liar? Being wrong doesn’t make you a liar. Nobody knew what Covid was going to be like.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-calls-coronavirus-democrats-new-hoax-n1145721](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-calls-coronavirus-democrats-new-hoax-n1145721) I forgot that he called it a hoax in February live. Around the time he was interviewed by Bod Wooward. Calling something a hoax is done with intent. And of course people like Joe Rogan did similar.


Fauci did not say it would be gone by Easter. He was trying to work around the bullshit Trump said because he know Trump wound fire his ass if he came out and called Trump a moron who didn't know anything.  https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/27/politics/fauci-trump-easter-coronavirus-pandemic/index.html >Washington(CNN)Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, had a straightforward message Wednesday night about how long the novel coronavirus could affect daily life in the US: **"You don't make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline."** >"You've got to be realistic," Fauci told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Prime Time." >"And you've got to understand that you don't make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline. So you've got to respond, in what you see happen. And if you keep seeing this acceleration, it doesn't matter what you say. One week, two weeks, three weeks -- you've got to go with what the situation on the ground is."


No, he lied. He knew about it being airborne and dangerous early on, but he hid that from the American people because he was too busy being narcissistic and caring about his election. It was revealed in interview tapes much later, I believe from the Bob Woodward interview, and Woodward was wrong for hiding all that information for so long in order to sell his book.


[US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump’s policies](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy) > The commission said evidence is growing that Trump’s regulatory rollbacks have increased death and disease. Between 2016 and 2019, the annual number of deaths from environmental and occupational factors increased by more than 22,000 after years of steady decline.


From this, you are almost certainly not transgender, Muslim, disabled or chronically ill, LGBTQIA+, an immigrant, or someone who loves immigrants, a woman, someone who has been sexually assaulted, pro-choice, or someone who cares about other people.


None of those people had worse existences under trump than they do under Biden.


Lying about covid. Putting Supreme court justices that didn’t separate church and state leading to the overturning of Roe V Wade. Lifting restrictions for protecting the environment etc. With all due respect, you have a computer in your pocket you should be looking things rather than asking reddit imo. God bless


Maybe he and Russel Brand can get in an RV and have a right-wing ass-kissing tour of America.


Sexual predator going pro tRUMP... what a surprise?


I’m guessing he’s dipping his toes in to see if Republicans would vote for him


I can't tell what his next move is because I would think he would try to run for NYC mayor and then try for governor again hoping people forgot his last governor term


Pundit gig on Newsmax or Fox News as a "liberal"


Andy is like herpes. You think he's gone, but then he just pops up out of nowhere.


If I could place cuomo and Trump on the same ice floe, I absolutely would


I vote we yeet them into the sun. As soon as possible.


Oh no, Governor McGrabby is mad and scared when other former politicians are prosecuted for breaking the laws while campaigning or in-office?


Birds of a feather


He needs to focus on keeping his own ass out of prison.


One sex pest sticking up for another. Love to see it


That’s why the sexist was removed from office. Outdated views and egregious entitled behavior.


Most people think that. This isn’t some kind of Socrates moment.


“Everybody in my bubble thinks so.”


I meant you are in nyc. There isn't a bigger bubble than NYC.


People who don’t devote their being to politics and lies politicians tell think this was a huge waste of time and taxpayer money. I’m going to take a wild guess and say none of those people are right wing or left wing extremists.


Imagine making this statement on Reddit unironically.