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This is excellent news. NYC taxpayers should not be doing without libraries, parks, and infrastructure. Some of the highest taxes in the country.


So it wasn’t the migrants’ fault we can’t find money


You made me laugh out loud.


The amount that NYC taxpayers should be allocating to assist people with abusing asylum should be pretty much 0. Kind of hard to pat ourselves on the back here. We should be experiencing a golden era after the miracle of the city's recovery from COVID. Public learning, arts, nature, and educational programs should be overflowing with the funding that we received from the fed for that recovery.


“abusing asylum” You are making up shit again.


The vast majority of migrants are seeking a better life and economic opportunity. Laudable, but that's no basis for asylum. And there are rules that apply as well as a very long waiting list of people who would like to immigrate or long-term visit the US for that purpose. We should not be helping anyone to game the asylum system.


You have no clue of anyone’s immigration cases or why they are claiming asylum Asylum is a legal process You have to LIE in order to support your argument A lie. It’s embarrassing to watch


I've seen a ton of interviews with people flatly stating that they want a better life, that there are no jobs at home, stuff like that. One of the first red flags I read was in a sympathetic NYT profile in which a lady flat out said that she was working as an unlicensed vendor in order to save up money to open her restaurant in Venezuela. Record remittances are flowing out of the country as many people are doing the exact same thing: using asylum as a loophole to work here and provide for various people and investments at home. I have no issue at all with people chasing economic opportunity. Abusing asylum is not the right way to go about that, and there are many unintended consequences materializing. Again, NYC taxpayer money used to assist people to abuse asylum should be **0**.


Really confused why you're getting downvoted, I'm not even conservative and it's common knowledge that most of the migrants come for economic reasons.


tl;dr more bullshit lie You have no proof anyone is abusing anything except your abuse of the truth since you have no argument lol Same with you simping for a corrupt police union


Remittances to South America, Central America, and Mexico have all nearly doubled from 2019 to 2023. The NYT story is easily findable by google. It's not as if this isn't common knowledge. People are here to work and use public benefits. They're not facing direct government persecution. We should not be helping them to game the asylum system. Especially while so many NYers are struggling.


You’re getting downvoted for literally saying it as it is and how most every day NY’ers feel, this is peak Reddit, ignore those downvotes. Well done on articulating what most people who have spent any amount of time grinding to live in this city, and who are old enough to be paying bills, actually feel like, and especially those of us who immigrated legally, at great financial and emotional cost to our lives and families lives, through an arduous process that took years. This is not even partisan at this point, it’s not even unique to the US, it’s happening across Western Europe too. It’s abuse of a system set up with good intent, being mis-managed by incompetent people who do not want nor care to address it, or who might even be in on it depending what weird and wacky theories you choose to believe or not, leaving the problem squarely at the feet of the citizens and tax payers who deserve better.


I mean what’s a few billion right? The MTA certainly couldn’t have used that money.


Yes just like all those billions for cops standing around on their phones doing nothing right?


they are doing important Candy Crush research.


New high score




Why? The migrants serve a purpose


Why do hospitals have security guards? Why don’t they just use that budget to hire more social workers?


Uh what ? Security guards in hospitals do more work So you agree we should cut police overtime right? Save money for the MTA right? Of course not. Republicans are never part of solution


Source on hospital security guards doing more work? You do realize many hospital security guards in the city are retired NYPD or off duty NYPD right? You do realize how many 911 calls requesting police assistance at this city gets right?


I am referring to the police standing around on their phones Some police making $500 per year because overtime That should stop right? Lol … deflection in 3… 2… 1…


So you follow them around all day and know for a fact that all they do is stand on their phone? I bet if you were to go into any DoE offices that the public isn’t accessible to you’d find people sitting on their phones too


Lol yeah we see them all day standing in a crowd of cops all on their phone So that could be cut right? No public employee should be making more than $200k in overtime right????


Maybe the city should take over the libraries and they shouldn’t be run by nonprofits?




The New York Public library is not a city agency and is operated by a nonprofit with a CEO that has an $1 million a year salary as well as other executives that make $500k plus a year. For contrast, the mayor makes a $250kish salary and has infinitely more responsibility. Maybe we could expand services if it was under the cities umbrella.


This is positively insane. Private companies have no business being anywhere near public libraries.


Yeah, I am thrilled libraries won’t get cut but residents need to voice their concern about how libraries’ budgets are managed. Too much fat at the top, not enough where it matters most (inside the libraries themselves). And get some working air conditioning!


What kind of expand services would you like to see?


I'm not really sure this is a good idea. What this city needs more of are community centers so the library can focus on its core mission: lending books.


Libraries ARE very effective community centers. They would have died long ago if all they focused on was lending books




You don’t think it’s good that he’s funding the libraries?


It should have never been defunded or funding cut off on weekends to begin with!


Wow are you always like this?


Yes, Grass8989 is a known right wing troll


0/10 trolling


> “Some have over a billion dollars in their endowment,” he said in January. “Let's share the wealth. Let's find ways of helping all New Yorkers navigate through this crisis that we're facing.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for another pointless overseas vacation imma need the taxpayers to fund


That’s great but he also cut libraries last year just a couple of months after restoring the money as he’s doing now. I just don’t know how long this will last, for libraries or for anything besides the police.


its a known technique to take attention away from other shit moves he is going w/ the rest of the budget. next week we'll find out about some fleet of NYPD solid gold tanks or some shit.


I think he thinks this makes him look good....


Congrats to Mayor Adams for saving us from... himself


Thank fucking christ. Now get the MTA sorted out.


MTA is a state agency, NYPL Is a city agency. But yeah


NYPL is a nonprofit that is partially funded with city funds.




Voting for City Council MATTERS


Oh shit we do have the money after all!


I go to the library every 2 weeks or so. Very happy.


Wow so it wasn’t the migrants’ fault?? /s


Good, now please hire people that actually enjoy their jobs. It’s always the most disgruntled workers at these libraries.


I had no idea the library was open on Sunday, couldn’t remember that being the case growing up. Just looked and it’s 18 locations. Where’d the money come from?


Shouldn’t we be turning these into migrant shelters