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Put the Statue of Liberty on OfferUp. There. Funded.


If NY State did that how much could they get? I love the Statue of Liberty, but if some crazy billionaire wants to buy it so NYC can have quality services, it might be worth it!


Or to a company for branding. For example: Geico’s Statue of Liberty!


\*Liberty Mutual seething\*


They may have to change their slogan!


"Liberty Liberty Liberty, Liberty"?


The Statue of Liberty Mutual


they can buy the Liberty Bell out in Philly


Monkey paw curls


Congestion pricing isn't the reason NYC doesn't have quality services. It's incompetence mismanagement and greed.


What do you mean? NYC is great with our tax dollars, and we should totally give them another $15 billion 😑




If you make bold claims you gotta be prepared to back them up. The improvements cost money. And to be honest congestion is costly too. If you want to drive in manhattan you should pay up. And the fact that this was signed off on and pulled out in the last minute doesn’t help things. Again you can’t claim what you did without stating facts. Which you failed to do. Just to support your narrative.


Get a clue. Theres been plenty of evidence of how the MTA mismanages funds- my app crashed from composing this message with so many links but you can search for East side access mta budget (most expensive mile in history of train development), overspending on old train cars for MTA (billions! when they could have bought cheaper, modern cars), underinvestment in day to day maintenance (53rd and Lex escalator breaks due to MTA refusing to hire maintenance person just for massive escalator- it costs 1 million to replace each time- different budget so its cool right?), … honestly theres so much shit its exhausting- I’ve lived here my whole life and the MTA always cries poverty- why? Because they can’t manage money and spent it in the wrong places. Instead of fixing the fucking trains they spend it on OMNY, digital ad screens, bus timer displays that don’t work- oh and the fucking OMNY readers don’t work plus the express bus ticket machines barely work. Maybe if they focused on improving the service for once instead of finding someone who wants to write subway poems while I am stuck under the East River waiting to move more than an inch every 10 minutes so I can only arrive at work 30 minutes late people would take the trains and be happy paying to do so. Oh and btw MTA- nobody fucking cares about shopping in a fucking train station- stop trying to build shopping malls there- its another colossal waste of money. Fix the trains, add escalators and elevators so people can use them.


MTA has a $20,000,000,000 budget with roughly 11B going towards labor costs and 4B going towards non labor cost that means the rest is profit if they wanted to renovate they absolutely could don’t keep letting these greedy pigs put the blame on everyone else. They’re just greedy. All this info is on council.nyc.gov


You’re a little off on those numbers. Labor = 11.5B Non-Labor = 4.6B Debt Service Payments = 3.1B Below Line Adjustments = 100M All together equal 19.3 Billion Their budget is 19.2 Billion


That extra half billion on labor is the unapproved overtime pay that MTA employees regularly take with no consequences since the MTA can’t get its act together. Gotta include the corruption costs or it ain’t an accurate assessment


I’m sure those numbers are exaggerated so they can stuff their pockets.


Tolls alone would cover improvements but corruption (on small scale look up how many TA employees made over $200K from OT) like the other comment said....cars have been a part of NYC before you and I, and they will (and should be) after


I'll back them up. How long have we been waiting for a 2md avenue subway. They spent over 10 billion on 3 stations. Building trackage anywhere is less expensive than here.


>If you make bold claims you gotta be prepared to back them up. MTA has been operating at a loss for years amid constant toll and fare hikes. Where is all the money going? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Citizens already pay to drive in the city.


[Back](https://www.empirecenter.org/publications/mta-payroll-2024/) [Back](https://www.amny.com/transit/mta-watchdog-warns-overtime-reforms-at-risk/) [Back](https://www.wshu.org/long-island-news/2024-04-01/mta-employee-ot-spending-record) [Back](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/mta-overtime-pay-fare-hike/) [it up](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/congestion-pricing-mta-overtime-scandal-new-york-city/)


And this is suspiciously low down


Public transit shouldn’t have to be profitable to survive. It literally improves society unlike cars.


If you look hard enough you can find the answers. Drivers who think they can impose their 30 foot hunks of junk on others for free never fails to amaze me. Your claims of waste is recycled anytime someone finds a project they don’t like.


2.5 billion spent on the illegal immigrants in the past 3 years. That could have been used as funding 🤷‍♂️


Even if it was sold, I'm sure the government in Albany would get the money not the City.


I'm sure Elon would love to spend $30 billion to replace The New Colossus with something too racist for even the most insane long islander.


“We own it” - NJ


The statue itself was given to the USA.


It belongs to New Jersey


air bnb lol


Can someone explain why this congestion pricing is somehow the only solution to improving our subways? Is that literally the only viable good solution?


That’s what i wanna know too 💀 the real problem is the MTA mismanaging funds 👀


No no you don’t understand throwing more money from the citizens to the government ALWAYS works


Not the only solution in a world of all possible solutions but a pretty good one compared to others. Addresses congestion directly, is a new source of funds that is a consumption tax instead of a payroll or other tax that NYC already has. Would be a steady stream that allows for better projecting. That’s before you get to the last minute cancelation by the governor after all the stakeholders had agreed to it. The alternatives had already been discussed.


Saw more along the (F) (L) and (A/C) Ya love to see it. Let's make em bigger next time


Theoretically if someone made these available as PDF files, other people could download and hang them in their stations. Theoretically.


Why are we speaking theoretically? This ain’t some illegal thing to do that we gotta be hush hush about


NYC AC 117-10 states it is illegal to post anything to city property. Although given the number of Israeli prisoners posters, weed advertising, and business advertising I see in my neighborhood, it's not enforced at all.


You guys actually want congestion pricing? You understand its not the about how much money the mta takes in right? Corruption and squandering money is all they do. You dont throw money at a black hole and expect it to work out. It costs the mta 7 times more than the avg in the world for projects. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html


I don’t get it either. I know someone who broke down in tears because they halted the plan. Its was because she wouldn’t have been able to afford it. She has a couple of kids and had to come up with a travel plan to get them to school and she’s struggling. It’s absolutely baffling to me that people want this congestion pricing. It’s to the point that I honestly believe it’s just a PR firm or astroturfing that’s convincing these people that this is a good thing.


This guy loves huffing car exhaust pipes


For real. This plan in its current state has the immediate impact of causing additional hardship to people already struggling and the potential impact of eventual improvements to public transit, if the MTA uses the money for what they say they will. I’ve lived here long enough to not expect the proposed improvements to come on any sort of reasonable timeline.


Most of the pple who wants it, are cyclists. They want it because it's less Cars on the streets and essentially makes the whole street a bike lane for them. Cyclists are the only idiots put protesting for CP, just go on any redditor who post about CP and you'll see they're bike riders.


[Relevant vid](https://youtu.be/JnX-D4kkPOQ?si=GMlgFXoVOnUdnH8R)


Need a subscription to read this :/


You’re missing the other point of congestion pricing: reducing the number of car trips into the city. There are negative externalities to having the roads jammed with cars every single day. All this bill seeks to do is price that in, and reinvest into transit so that it’s easier to reduce the number of car trips. You can be pro congestion pricing and pro MTA financial reform at the same time.


If youre an mta rider, the effect of having less cars is really minimal. Subways arent affected by cars, and we have bus lanes everywhere. The benefit from having less cars does not outweigh the detriment this will have on the people that have no choice but to drive in the city. Also, I dont want to have to pay more for uber/lyft/taxi when i have to take it. And i definitely dont want to give the mta the money that you say we receive as a byproduct of your main point of "reducing the number of cars in the city". Id rather give it to the homeless or just straight up reduce our city tax. The mta is going to do what they always do and give it to corrupt individuals or squander it. It will never get to the projects its intended for. This is looking at the historical performance of the mta as a whole. I think the bbb has this, a tool that you can use before donating to a charity. You can see how much of your dollar goes to admin and how much it actually goes to the cause. It never gets to the cause with the mta. If it was a charity for homeless people, all the homeless would be dead.


Making stations ADA accessible should have been done decades ago. It’s not the fault of this single half baked policy falling through.


I think the point is that the congestion pricing was supposed to help fund all of these other improvements. Edit: Should this have been done already? Absolutely.


But but but….the price of pizza would have gone up!! 🤣. I like this sign. Everyone should yell at her.


https://preview.redd.it/ep4zj8czx57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3faad1b12304410ced23308e4949a0b888c59b The irony is that these were found at ***a fully ADA accessible station***.


Hopefully no one confused!


The MTA was once given $24B, and they squandered all of it. They need to be audited.


Once? Their annual budget is 20B. They squander it every single day


Holy f*ck. No way should the MTA receive another dime from taxpayers until they sort their budgeting issues. I always understood the service was worsening due to budget constraints but $20B is unfathomable.


Firstly, only half of that goes to NYC transit (subway +bus). The rest is LIRR, bridges, tunnels, metro north etc. Second- absolute majority of it is going to slaries. They are employing ~70k people. If they only paid everyone only 60k, that would be 4.2Billion already. Plus all the operating costs of managing and operating one of the only 24/7 subway service that happens to be one if the biggest as well. What do you expect the budget should be exactly? Thinking you are the only genius that thinks of cutting costs?


We’re quick to think it’s squandering and corruption, and there’s probably some of that but it’s pretty basic math.


Probably because any time you watch the MTA work it’s 3 people working and 18 watching them, and they’re on OT.


I have heard routinely that politicians would like to cut headcount but the unions are too strong. I will say I am skeptical that a transit authority needs to have 70k people, which is about how many people a major airline employs


What would a transit authority need less people than an airline ? The MTA moves way more people every day than any airline does, has way more infrastructure to maintain, etc. I don’t understand why you’d think it’d require less people


You think just because it goes to a different part of the MTA it’s not squandered? The MTA squanders in every division. The LIRR built their massive flagship station, and only after its grand opening did they address the problem that [a quarter of its trains didn’t fit in it.](https://gothamist.com/news/more-than-20-of-lirr-trains-cant-fit-into-grand-central-madison-tunnel) . And salaries are another example. Up to [half a billion](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/mta-overtime-pay-fare-hike/) in unapproved overtime pay. Does the MTA do anything about it? Of course not, after all it’s not their money. It’s either incompetence, negligence, or malice but if one thing is for certain it’s squander.


On top of that, there is debt servicing obligations. Basically interest on money they borrowed for improvements.


Sometimes I forget the people on Reddit are always the unreasonable heels


Does this mean the work on the G is cancelled this summer?


MTA: We have no money so we will not be completing repairs. Also MTA: Train service will be suspended Monday through Friday 9:30am to 3:30pm and weekends from 2am Saturday to 2am Monday for from April 1st to Late September for “essential repairs”


I’m sorry but didn’t the Times Square train station open in 1917 (107 years ago) how is it only Hochul’s fault that it’s not accessible?


No one would realistically argue that, but it's guaranteed that many accessibility projects are now going to be stalled.


But the first passenger elevator was installed in NYC in 1857. The first subway hall station was 1904 city hall. It’s not about congestion pricing it’s a long running lack of priority in fixing a problem that created from lack of forethought and continually pushed to back burner for decades. You can start counting from the invention of the elevator. The disability rights protests of the 1970s The passage of the ADA in 1990. Either way the MTA had been slow walking for decades. It’s just a matter of how many decades the MTA is at fault for. I guess I’m more annoyed that a decades old problem is supposed to be fixed by this new funding scheme no one knows will work.


I have similar doubts that the funds would do anything transformational for the system, but they'd at least be a net positive for mobility- especially in terms of the bus network, which is currently the slowest in the entire country purely due to pointless gridlock. Overall this just feels like yet another instance of NYC's transit riders being told we should just settle for sub-mediocrity, while other countries are racing to build out and modernize their transportation as aggressively as possible, alongside intercity HSR. I.e., we can't even do this one thing that's (in the greater scheme of the region) a pretty modest change


The post has a number you can call and educate someone on these failures


There have been multiple lawsuits on this. https://dralegal.org/case/the-history-of-dras-lawsuits-against-the-nyc-metropolitan-transit-authority/ I think they know


Dont kid yourself. That money wouldve never made it there anyway. You dont throw money at a black hole and expect it to work out. It costs the mta 7 times more than the avg in the world for projects. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html


Bro don’t waste your time this subreddit refuses to acknowledge that financial mismanagement of the MTA and broken construction unions are the main reason the subway has sucked and will always suck.


NY Subway is awful but yet at the same time awesome. It is somehow simultaneously the best and worst metro in the world. Other subways might be new and fancy but they close down at 11PM and have 1 train every hour and only go north-south and east-west.


Agreed, I don't think people have looked at the MTA budget. If I'm reading this correctly they're projecting a $6 billion loss. An additional $1 Billion does almost nothing. Not that you can't support surge pricing but it's not going to make these stations ada accessible.


It’s because unions have been proven to not be an issue. Plenty of examples across the globe on how unions are beneficial and industries with unions are still successful. The MTA is one of the only transit systems that runs 24/7. It’s also located in one of the busiest and most expensive cities in the world. Lastly, it doesn’t get the same level of funding/subsidies that most transit programs across the globe get. Particularly Japan, China, and Europe.


Congestion pricing money was supposed to be used for installing elevators. Now it won't. Hence this station won't be made accessible due to Hochul. Not sure what's confusing here.


MTA profits in the multiples of billions if they wanted to they could, all they do is hike fairs and deliver broken promises. It’s just easy to blame congestion pricing


The system operates at a loss. If you wanted a private company to run the system, fares would be at least 3-5x what they are.


> MTA profits in the multiples of billions Source?


Dont kid yourself. That money wouldve never made it there anyway. You dont throw money at a black hole and expect it to work out. It costs the mta 7 times more than the avg in the world for projects. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html


Ok that explains 2024. What explains 1917-2023? Are you pretending that past choices stop mattering once to clock turns midnight? Cause newsflash they don’t.


It’s funny that ppl think the MTA is going to adhere to ADA rules once congestion pricing is launched ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).


The first disability rights protests happened in the 1970s. The MTA has been fighting against disability improvements ever since.


A lot of these assholes are new and will be gone in 2 years while everyone else is stuck with a $15 toll to feed corruption.


Seriously MTA is the bad guy here. They didn't do the maintenance for years that was funded now they want more to pay in overtime scams to mobsters parading around as unions.


MTA riders know Congestion pricing wont fix a thing. My nearby station always smells like vomit, 10 min wait time between trains, no A/C in the Summer, useless employees that hide in the bathroom, rats and roaches everywhere, and no concept of customer service. The city has money to put new screens to play ads in every station but they can’t make a reliable transit? They have money to remodel stations in Manhattan but not make stations that aren’t tourist traps safer? okay sure The train system is disgusting and inconsiderate. Congestion pricing means the East and West side highways will get more traffic and trains will be more crowded and delayed. But tHe MoNeY iS gOiNG tO fIX tHe MtA…..okay sure


10 minute wait between trains is really good service compared to most metros in the world lol. NYC subways is gross, but the service level is actually pretty good comparatively. Ive been shocked to be in "Amazing" subways around the world that close at midnight.


Lmfao such a joke.


To be fair, “transit improvements are cancelled because the government isn’t charging an extra fee to drivers in Manhattan” is doubly stupid. Why is it that the only way to maintain existing infrastructure is to invent a new tax? Don’t we already pay all the tax?


Public transit should be getting almost all of city tax dollars. State tax dollars should go to Public schools and other projects. The problem is more money is going to building highways and new bridges etc. instead of improving public transit. Most tax dollars go to maintaining roads because we as a country favor cars over public transit, but it’s more expensive and less efficient to upkeep roads so a disproportionate amount of money is going to the wrong place. Public transit has been struggling for decades due to underfunding.


We all know the $15 congestion price will double within 5 years. There is always need for money by MTA and PANYNJ.


It’s almost like the subway, bridges and tunnels (which drivers use), LIRR and metro north actually cost a lot of money to maintain and improve especially when millions of people use them every day.


The bridges and tunnels run by the MTA collect more in tolling than their cost. The tolls are used to subsidize mass transit.


And they should subsidize mass transit. Not enough space for all the cars here and our air quality is shit lately. If you’re using a car for your own personal transportation, it is a luxury, and luxuries should be more expensive. If you are driving due to disability or health reasons, then maybe just make a tax credit for those people. Meanwhile the extra funding can help make mass transit more accessible to disabled people. The fact is mass transit and micro mobility alternatives are way more efficient and eco friendly for millions of people to get around and into an ultra dense area like Manhattan.


Why manage the MTA responsibly when you can just extract more money from your “constituents”?


Exactly this. Just gaslight the tax and toll payer for the mta’s incompetence.


The fact that the Throgs Neck and Triborough toll is $6.94 *both ways* and the roads are in shit condition should tell you exactly how bad things are all around.


PANYNJ is a big loser with congestion pricing if it actually keeps people from driving in to NYC. The PANYNJ gets a substantial portion of its funding from the Hudson River crossings. With less funds, it will be hard for them to deal with increased demand for the PATH.


$15 you say? The MTA now needs it to be $45 or else they’ll have to raise fares and cut service.


I see this as an absolute win


Lol no blame for the failures and shortcomings of past MTA officials and other city/state pols though




You dont throw money at a black hole and expect it to work out. It costs the mta 7 times more than the avg in the world for projects. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html


I think other measures being implemented would be beneficial, a lower CP rate for one


You can blame both


None of them are blocking an already signed law.


I am very unhappy with Hochul's decision. I live in midtown Manhattan and hate the traffic. Maybe they should have started with vehicles coming into the city with just one person in them. That would make a dent.


bro congestion pricing will not reduce all the ubers the rich people in your neighborhood always take


How many more times do New Yorkers need to be conned before they get a grip and realize everything is just a money making scheme for the executives and benefactors at the top, not the average every day New Yorker? MTA gets a ton of revenue on the subways and buses alone, despite the “fair dodging” being absolutely over estimated (on purpose). The MTA also gets money from government subsidies, our tax dollars go into the service, and on top of that, they own every toll on every bridge in and out of the city. They’ve even cut back on the train crew per train (used to be 4, now it’s 2) cut bus services and train services so consistently that they’re saving on operating costs, cut station maintenance and attendant jobs, and *still* say there’s no money? They make more than enough, and it’s high time the MTA gets audited and a regime change comes into place. It’s unfair to want to punish the New Yorkers who don’t want to put up with the absolute filthy state of the subway. This isn’t a defense of Hochul, this is a criticism of how awful the whole MTA has become and how they’re continuing to overreach to see what else they can get away with.




Yeah no. MTA “Operational costs” were bloated as hell. And their construction costs have been beyond questionable in terms of cost. Excessive Overtime Abuse reported back in 2019, 2020, and recently re-reported in 2023. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/03/nyregion/mta-overtime-fraud.html https://mtaig.ny.gov/Reports/2023-02%20Overtime%20Abuse%20by%20NYC%20Transit%20Bus%20%20Maintainers%20at%20Yukon%20Depot.pdf https://www.empirecenter.org/publications/8-mta-workers-got-200k-in-overtime-as-total-ot-neared-record-high/ As well. MTA's had a history of high construction costs that are bloated to a point of questionability. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-23/in-nyc-subway-a-case-study-in-runaway-transit-construction-costs https://transitcosts.com/transit-costs-study-final-report/#case_newyork




The second set of links is quite literally all about construction costs that you’re talking about.


if you link these sources in the r/nyc sub they start foaming at the mouth


You know how you can tell congestion pricing isnt a 'money making scheme for executives at the top'? Because Kathy shut it down.


She shut it down to give her constituents a fighting chance in the upcoming elections. If it wasn’t election year this year, it would’ve gone through. Congestion pricing will come back, whether we want it to or not, too much money for the rich to pass up on.


Somehow your have managed worse political analysis than even the governor.


We’ll revisit this issue after election season then.


Exactly, like they were going to use that money to “fund” transit, 😆


Not to mention all the MTA surcharges on our utility bills.


The MTA receives & miss uses a lot of money but libs prefer to blame citizens who refuse to pay $15 to ride their cars.


Stop being a parrot and forcing politics into every discussion and you might have something meaningful to contribute to society. I doubt it, but it might be better than libs vs conservatives, which will be a start.


The city scams us out of enough money. They're just not spending it accordingly


The city gets zero dollars from congestion pricing.


Paying for public transport is a poor tax


So like now until the end of time anytime the mta wants to excuse how awful they are they can say its because no congestion pricing. Its an awful out of touch agency that should not be given unlimited money. If we are going to overhaul the city to give them money we should overhaul the mta so they spend it correct.


They don’t have unlimited money. Isn’t that obvious?


Saw this when getting off the 7 train today at 52nd


Recently visited London and their transportation is 100 times better than NYC. I know London is not as dense as NYC but there are elevators everywhere in that system and their cars and bikes seem to live in harmony. NYC is embarrassing in this instance


To be fair London Underground actually made an effort to treat disabled riders like whole human beings. The MTA has no such plans.


The state already robs us blind with taxes and people think there isn't enough money to fund these improvements without congestion pricing?


This. People are fucking stupid. We have the fucking money right now to do this stuff. NYC mismanages OUR money like crazy.


I wish we didn't have to fund police settlements, overtime, and pension obligations


You’re right, the city should just ban cars in Manhattan altogether. Only vehicles permitted should be busses for public transport and a set number of taxis, which should be hybrids or full electric. And even then, cars should only be permitted on certain streets/avenues. Make it better for bikes/pedestrians. I like where you’re going with this.




Need to fund those elevators that cost 100 million…for one 🤣


The mta is supported by city and federal taxes, by fares, tolls and all the rent charged to retails in their stations. The mta got federal funding to rebuild after Katrina and sandy. And most of that money didn't even go to repairs. Congestion pricing will only be going into the pockets of the greedy. Holland tunnel is falling apart, the bqe also.


But but but it’ll definitely be different this time. The MTA said so! The fact anyone actually believes the MTA will make good on their promises is hilarious. I’ve lived here my entire life, seen multiple rate hikes and everything you just mentioned above. They will not do dick with that congestion pricing money to improve our abysmal subway system.


MTA has a spending issue. Not a revenue issue


At this rate MTA is going to end up not living up to the ADA settlement they agreed to, will eventually get sued for it decades, and that will end up costing them more money. >[Judge Approves MTA Deal to Make Subways 95% ADA-Compliant by 2055](https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/04/07/subways-disability-act-compliant-2055/) >A Manhattan federal judge on Friday approved a settlement to a class action lawsuit that locks the MTA into equipping 95% of subway and Staten Island Railway stations with elevators or ramps — with a deadline three decades away. >The approval by U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos caps one part of a long-running push by advocates for people with disabilities to improve access to a transit system where merely a quarter of the nearly 500 stations comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. >... >The MTA announced the settlement last June — agreeing to install elevators or ramps by 2055 at the more than 300 stations that are currently inaccessible to wheelchair users and others with mobility impairments — but it wasn’t made official until Friday. >... >Under the terms of the settlement, the transit agency is also committed to meeting several marks in order to keep the 2055 goal on track, including making 81 more stations accessible as part of its more than $50 billion 2020 to 2024 MTA Capital Program. And 15% of New York City Transit’s portion of future capital plan funding must now be set aside for accessibility upgrades.


Anyone saw the video there's was a team of cleaning crew for a 1person job power washing the damn bench in a subway station. I bet they paid 100k per person. That was why.


If the mta has made all of its improvements without congestion pricing in the past, then why is it necessary now. A better thing to do would be to investigate the MTAs spending and weed out the billions wasted every project.


There isn’t enough money going toward public transit to make improvements. It goes toward keeping an incredibly outdated rail system going. What we need is a complete overhaul, but that’s so expensive no one would pay for it. The system has been underfunded forever.


Add me to the group who believes the MTA would have taken the congestion pricing money and done hardly nothing to improve service. These improvements could be done right now but aren’t. Easy to blame Hochul and the congestion pricing as scapegoat for what they probably weren’t going to do anyway.


Fuck that horse shit. “MTA’s overtime budget last year = $1.5 billion. Congestion pricing projected income = $1.5 billion”. Stop guilt tripping the millions of people against the money grab tax for the inept MTA.


LOL these transplants are mad. Real New Yorkers don’t want this garbage.


You mean to tell me they have money for all these other projects, but not for the ones listed for congestion. They improved other stations before congestion, making them ADA complient. Sounds like someone spreading misinformation. They can definitely afford it, it just will take longer.


Of course they have the money. The only people who had hard ons about this are those who live in lower manhattan who want the streets turned into parks and the bike riders.


I mean the only thing missing is “this station no longer has funding for ADA improvements”. Hardly misleading to say a station will no longer receive ADA improvement (because there’s no longer funding). A poster isn’t a legal document that needs to have every bit of nuance. Conciseness is valuable.


Uhhhh no. Try deprivatizing the mta


The MTA is a public agency.


Already happened in the 1960s. The outcome was called the 'MTA'


Congestion pricing iptal edildi diye geliştirme yapılamıyorsa mta'nın beceriksizliğindendir.




W ![gif](giphy|d4W4ZshZVbrqYvVnh8|downsized)


where does all the NYC tax money and revenue from bridge/tunnel tolls go? they have more than enough money, they just need to learn how to fucking prioritize their focus and stop stuffing it in their deep pockets…


Bull shit this deserves an uproar


I thought the people didn’t want congestion pricing, so now you do? Or is this nyc being sarcastic?


People in NYC want it. Not just for the additional revenue, but to decrease pollution and traffic. NYC needs to be more pedestrian and biker friendly. The people that don’t want it are the people that drive in from NJ or Long Island.


Nope. I’m a native born and raised. I use the mta everyday and I don’t want congestion pricing. Why? Because mta is not going to manage the funds any better than they do now. You don’t just throw money at issues and expect it to get resolved. The excuse of better air quality is a load of bs. Most of the cars that are causing congestion are caused by ride share drivers. Why are you saying pedestrians need it to be more friendly; Have you even been to nyc?


Yes, I lived in Chelsea for 6 years and UES for 5 and now live in Westchester. You can regulate rideshares and mandate hybrids and electric and reduce the overall number. That can be in conjunction with surge pricing to discourage people driving into the city more. I’m saying NYC should be more pedestrian friendly because right now it’s nothing but roads between buildings. Imagine if half of the roads were instead like the high line. More green. More space for people and bikes to walk peacefully. Instead, we get fumes and car horns and trash everywhere


You do realize reducing traffic isn’t going magically make the roads disappear to. Chalk that up to rapid expansion and luxury housing. That’s what took up all the spaces that could’ve made the city more “pedestrian friendly”. No one complaining about walk ability hasn’t lived here long enough for their opinion to matter anyway


I think the first step is reducing traffic, then it’s eliminating most of the roads/avenues to car traffic. It needs to be done in steps so that public transport is better/cleaner. Also creating better bike infrastructure. The city is definitely walkable, it’s just not a pleasurable experience. The high line is so crowded because it’s actually a nice walk. Imagine if it were like that every other Avenue and street.


Use the damn fair money like yall supposed to


Let’s try this first before anything. We do a full financial audit of the MTA and move on from there. This is not only the ethical thing to do, but correct for any business management situation. You need money? Let’s open the books and see where it is currently going, what is your income and expenses. Thank you.


The MTA or mafia transit administration needs to get their head out their rear and start budgeting and running them selves like a business. Further more the state of new york needs to provide infrastructure planning and budgeting to the mta. If not the state of new york should not use any tax money that comes out of nyc to fund the states issues. That city money should be used to be reinvested in the city. The congestion toll is a bad idea because it does not fix any issues it just robs from peter to pay mta paul. I get it less people would drive in and take "mass trasit" but i want you to stand in penn station or commute in the morning. Where are these people going to stand . Also, what if i told you that im fixing my house but its going to cause your house to have more noise and pollution? Thats what mtas congestion toll would do to their neighbors. The city needs better city planning. Right now nyc is just pulling rats out of their .....and not addressing their issues logically


i’m not understanding , wtf do u mean All Transit Improvements Canceled ?


The stupidity of people who think congestion pricing money was going to be used to improve the Subway, are the same people who fell for the lotto money was going to be used to fund education and better public schools. 🤣


So where exactly is our tax money going?


MTA needs an audit


The money from congestion pricing would have never been reflected in mta improvements. It would have lined someone's pockets like much of the prior funds generated from fare hikes.


This is literally not legal per the ADA Federal law 😑 guess it's time to call the DOJ.


It’s amazing how smug people get thinking they have a right to spend other people’s money.


Admire the vengeful effort. Unfortunately, wrong audience.




Not sure if this was a direct line but it’s a 90 minute wait to speak to someone now lol


MTA is in $50 billion debt meanwhile


was there a project for this station that got canceled? i don't see any project listed for this station here https://new.mta.info/press-release/icymi-governor-hochul-announces-mta-and-accessibility-advocates-agree-historic-plan


Let's not blame the people for lack of transit improvements, though. The MTA has enough. The CITY has enough. Congestion pricing is great for limiting congestion, but I hate the whole "fight for the right to pay more toward something that your taxes should already cover."


Maybe they can sell that idiotic robot on ebay


You guys actually want congestion pricing? You understand its not the about how much money the mta takes in right? Corruption and squandering money is all they do. You dont throw money at a black hole and expect it to work out. It costs the mta 7 times more than the avg in the world for projects. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html


Or we could tax the rich appropriately, more than one way to build infrastructure.


Why should cars have to pay for trains? If that’s how it works shouldn’t we raise train fares to fix the roads?


If the city would just invest some of its money in KENDU INU the improvements could be paid for.


Shutting down congestion pricing was the right call. Believe me, I want the subway (and the MTA as a whole) to be better, but you’re really going to punish people for *driving on a city street*??? **In a country that was literally designed for cars???** That’s only going to piss people off.