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A bake sale


Ape muffins don’t sound appetizing though


But monkey bread does


I wonder if Kathy Hochul has any good recipes besides her recipe for disaster?


Reclaim the 800 mm we gave the Buffalo bills for their stadium


Really re-contextualizing their name for New Yorkers. Maybe Giants fans can join us in hatred


Or the money they built that stupid stadium for the Islanders for that matter.


Well only one of these hasn’t been spent yet


We all participate in a train orgy that each one of us uploads our particular angle of to an individual onlyfans account, but the subscription money goes to the MTA. no fare for the orgy though lets be reasonable


We can convert Central Park to a privately owned parking lot and charge people to park, those anti-congestion suburban would love that! Who would buy it? Ford, Disney, the NFL? So exciting.


Nah close LaGuardia and it a make it an airport lol Plenty of transit links already there lots of space. No need for an airtrain. Would be convenient as hell of a location.


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) Hochul


So. Was all this canceled because the powers that be can claim gambling is the only solution to funding? Sounds really gamlbly.


Give super exclusive tours to railfans willing to pay top dollar


Top dollar exclusive tour. I’m sure they will love it. All four of them.


Carwash which creates the craziest traffic jam in the world and brings back congestion pricing. MTA selling weed and marijuana products.


"One blunt for the train to the beach please" I said to the attendant. "blarg-a-bag-bzzzzbzzzz" through the microphone was what i heard back. I said "uhhh sure" and was then slipped 2 F Train Specials for the price of one "Ahhh, it two train blunt Sundays, thank you!".


Drive through car wash on all the tunnels and bridges. Costs $15.


Concession stand at each station like the movies




Start selling crack


Let’s fuck the hard working New Yorkers in the ass by increasing subway fares to $5, $10 during peak times and let’s make the fare $20 flat rate in the poor areas of Brooklyn and the Bronx. We’ll make sure all of this money will go into the pockets of the higher ups…..I mean fund the MTA so they can make the subways safer


But let’s keep the LIRR fare low to make it fair to the working class islander who takes their car from their house to the station


Not only that, in order to enter the subway from the LIRR it will be $20 during the off peak times and $30 during the peak times. During the summer time it will be $50 because fuck you that’s why. This is very fundamental to “funding” the Mta and not a total fucking cash grab to fuck New Yorkers out of their money just like the congestion pricing. But the clowns in this forum that live in crime ridden Brooklyn and the Bronx will totally ignore that because they think congestion pricing will somehow help fund and improve the MTA subways however all other funding that the MTA have gotten somehow never improved the MTA before back then 😂😂😂


Not LIRR but MNR and I have to say I agree with congestion pricing. There’s no reason not to have it if you already take the MNR or LIRR into the city.


Sell loosiees


Enforce fares on express buses except for the ones I happen to be on


What if we built a new line to the basement of the federal reserve and took the contents of said basement as payment.


Well that’s pretty much what the old railroads did. Install some rail, get the gold, sell the land.


The state government is considering raising payroll taxes on businesses statewide


Good thing they aren’t doing congestion pricing to protect that crucial business recovery progress


Yes,its called wait till after the election and then its ice cream for everyone.


Increase the parking lot tax by $15/day and institute metering on all parking spaces below 60th st, at a rate of $50/hr. Also: bring back the windshield wash guys that spit on your windshield and wipe it around. Allow them to charge $20 to not do it to you.


We are going to cut social services for low income and then we r going to raise taxes for the middle class.


Well, if we charged people like, 1 ounce of blood, no one would have any excuse not to pay the Fare. Which is the real problem. The tiny amount of fare evaders getting stopped will definitely solve all our problems. How much does it cost the NYPD to arrest one fare evader, vs the fare itself?


And the price of subway delays cost the city a lot of money in lost wages and lost tax revenue. Right now, the 1, 4/5, A/C/E, B, M, J, L are experiencing delays. I wouldn't be surprised if those delays cost more than the money they have to pay police and the $2.90 that they missed out on.


Yeah, fiscal responsibility by the MTA.


Negotiate with union on cost savings. Cut OT spending. None of which MTA HQ would like. Easier for them to hike fares and push CP than to seek cost savings, etc.


Managers at MTA HQ would love that. The problem is the politicians like Hochul are afraid to cross the unions so they would never do it


I do my part by not jumping the turnstile. Do you?


Open more dispensaries and use the tax revenue to fix the infrastructure. They need to make it easier for places to finally sell bud.


The MTA is funded. They are saying they are short $1 billion a year for 15 years. A lot of this looks like propaganda at this point.


expedite the replacement of existing turnstiles. start tackling overtime abuse starting with senior workers who use it to puff up their pension plans. find some politicians to change burdensome labor and construction regulations that drive up costs. stop artificially raising project costs in the name of creating less disturbance. optimize express buses or get rid of some routes so they aren't the gigantic money pits they currently are. [https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/rpa-org/pdfs/RPA-Building-Rail-Transit-Projects-Better-for-Less.pdf](https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/rpa-org/pdfs/RPA-Building-Rail-Transit-Projects-Better-for-Less.pdf) [https://transitcosts.com/transit-costs-study-final-report/](https://transitcosts.com/transit-costs-study-final-report/) of course, this requires janno and crichlow and sprigner and free to grow some balls and be willing to combative with those who want to keeping money-burning practices and operations.


Make all the migrants NYC feeds, clothes and houses to the tune of billions a year work to dig the tunnels and maintain equipment. The news said they're all brain surgeons and rocket scientists, so surely they can magic up a solution.


ah, slavery, why didn’t anyone consider that!


Who said that? Pay them minimum wage along with what they’re already getting for nothing and call it day, everyone wins.


If what those guys got going on right now is slavery, sign me up. Getting to live in a luxury hotel for free? Debit cards? Free meals? An entire political class that bends over backwards and burns piles of tax dollars to keep me appeased, at the expense of services that citizens use? Wish working class people had that type of representation.


Who said that. These ppl came here to work but all they do is bleed the system dry.


Pay per distances traveled like everywhere else.


Hire the Chinese. A friend back from China. “We will NEVER be able to come close to the Chinese in rail transportation. Never.” Hire the Chinese. It’s a plan.


We will NEVER be able to come close to the Chinese in rail transportation, because they have the CCCP. The more you think about it the more fucked up it gets. And I don’t mean “American bad”.


We have Wall Street (trillions $$$s a day pass through downtown) a sea of millionaires in NYC, and lots of billionaires. Guess maybe we should just ask for a few $$$s? Maybe they can donate something? ------ N.Y.C. Has More Millionaires Than Any Other City in the World [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/n-y-c-more-millionaires-110000587.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/n-y-c-more-millionaires-110000587.html) New York City was home to the most billionaires in 2022 [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/11/cities-most-billionaires-wealth-x-report.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/11/cities-most-billionaires-wealth-x-report.html)


Yeah now that you mention it it’s weird they are curing AIDS in Africa but fuck the American commuter. In general they do more abroad than at home. I guess they’re bitter about being taxed. The CCCP gets so much rail because they’re a centrally planned authoritarian government. They don’t have opposition, or NIMBYs, and they can make anything happen. But that comes at a cost. You really have no say in what happens. If you agree with the government, awesome! If you don’t agree, you’re fucked. Even if you are 99% majority. But on the other side of the coin you have democracy which is never perfectly democratic. You can work with that… but it’s also so slow to make progress.


Our God is money. Just how it goes. The amount that passes through Wall Street in 90 seconds is probably more than all the $$$s spent in Africa in the last 20 years.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/awe94ilICn Not when they spend over $1 billion in OT. Let them figure that shit out.


All these comments and not one person said raise the fare. Every $1 would bring in 1.15b a year


Fewer people would pay and raising the fare is infinitely more regressive than congestion pricing


You could say the same with congestion pricing. People would cover their plates to avoid the cameras.


Stop being a sanctuary state for starters. Yes, imagine that.


Complete non-sequitur


Congestion pricing was just paused. Give it some time. Even assuming it isn't just restarted after the election, there are plenty of revenue streams for capital money. Casino taxes, some random sales tax, adding tolls to more bridges, more taxes on legal cannabis sales, etc... None of them are as good as congestion pricing, but we can still find funding for projects. It sucks that it was "indefinitely postponed", but it's far from the end of the world.


Cut spending.


What are they doing with the money they already get?


Seriously? I mean there are a few things... I live in Dutchess County. I work in Dutchess County. Currently everyone registering a car in Dutchess County gets the privledge of paying an extra $25/year to register a car for living in the MTA zone, dodgable by (Like a lot of monthly pass holders) living in Ulster County. My drivers license renewal costs $10 more than a non MTA county. Statewide we pay a fuel tax. Our businesses in Dutchess County, which do not require any sort of service from the MTA to operate, have to pay a tax to support the MTA. If I buy a house, 1% of the house cost... yes... GOES TO THE MTA. I know of no other utility that, instead of charging Per-use or monthly fees that actually touch the people who use it, that the MTA taxes the surrounding region, like we are its personal piggy bank. From the [MTA Themselves](https://new.mta.info/budget/MTA-operating-budget-basics) they state that more than a third of their cash comes from taxes. In addition to paying high NYS Income, and Dutchess County Property Tax, I get to support an agency that while I support the mission of, it totally fails at doing what it's supposed to do. Currently people are paying $72 dollars or more to take Amtrak daily from Rhinecliff or Poughkeepsie vs $54 on the MTA. There's gotta be a reason for that. Taking the Bus from the local bus station takes... THE SAME TIME and is 6 bucks cheaper. Driving from Poughkeepsie Costs 10 dollars more (if youre getting 20mpg, most cars get more) and thats including the parking garage. And it takes the same amount of time as well. Please remember that I know the people in NYC should need to get around, it shouldn't be on the rest of the state to subsidize your transit.


Have you looked at the fare box recovery ratio for Metro North? With your logic, one could say that it’s not for NYC residents to subsidize your train. If we take your logic to the extreme, then you should only pay for the government services you use.


Fair enough. I don't send my child to the crap public school across the street. My school taxes would actually pay for the private school, but punish the public school more. I would rather pay fire/EMS on a per call basis. (Insurance might be higher but would pay for it). I didn't say that NYC Residents should subsidize the train. I said everyone should pay for the train that takes the train. If its $50 each way based on ridership so be it. THEN congestion pricing pushing people to the train would happen. Making the train cheaper per ride.


Want to add that my intent is not to attack you personally but to reiterate that NYC is a city and a region and we are interconnected. Sadly the “transit should pay its own way” mentality is prevalent throughout the whole region, including the five boroughs. Politicians, including NYC politicians, love this mentality because they now have an excuse to not fund mass transit, particularly the subway. Meanwhile suburban roads and interests are always prioritized and no one even questions that. Exhibit A is the East Side Access project which had massive cost overruns, thus depriving the rest of the MTA service region of dollars for future capital improvements. This is a profoundly wrong way of thinking about transportation in the region and it frustrates me to no end.


Raise the fares and enforce the fare. Congestion pricing was never the answer it wasn’t fair for automobile drivers to subsidize the subway. Also you’re a fool if you thought any of that congestion money was gonna go to the MTA or the subway, it would all go to illegal migrants.


Lol not fair to automobile drivers? We've been subsidizing car drivers for eternity....we never expect a road or car driver to completely fund itself or make a profit why should we require that of mass transit...... Congestion pricing provided a revenue stream for countless projects that were laid out...please provide your irrefutable proof the money wasn't gonna go towards improvement projects I'll wait....but won't hold my breath as you completely made it up


I didn’t completely make anything up, all of nyc’s money has gone to funding the illegals. You really believe that money was gonna get you a beautiful subway system like Japan? Keep dreaming that congestion nonsense was only said to generate 1 billion MTA needs 20 billion. That money was going straight to the illegal migrants that you idiots wanted here in the first place. How have you been subsidizing car drivers? Our taxes go to road repairs sure ok they do fair enough but we need the roads. Will your groceries and other goods get to the stores by subway? Mass transit should be funding it self that’s what fares are for. MTA does not own the streets and has no right to charge cars to use said streets. The people of New York pay enough in taxes. The only people that were gonna benefit from congestion pricing were the super rich that live in nyc less traffic and air pollution for them in midtown.