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As useless as these barriers are, am I the only one who thinks the unpainted silver looks better than the cheap yellow used?


I was just about to say that lol. I think they probably put yellow in for safety or something so it’s more noticeable.


Put red warning stripes at the end of each one and call it a night. So many ways to warn people and they still go for the Darwin award. Didn't somebody get hit that went around these not too long ago?


I personally don’t think it’s useless. At first I did, but the more I thought about it, someone who wants to jump onto the tracks might have a second thought if they see these barriers. Or, if someone tries to push another person onto the tracks, there’s a chance these barriers might stop the person from falling. Obviously platform doors would be better though.


Yeah I don’t get the hate they definitely make me feel less worried about someone coming up behind me and shoving me onto the tracks. Simple but effective


Yeah, for stopping pushing they definitely work. Just stand behind one and you're pretty much 100% safe. It really doesn't stop people from jumping or accessing the tracks in general. I guess we'll take what we can get...


They aren’t yellow, it’s like a painted dark gray Still hate em, but it’s nicer than yellow


I know they aren't painted yellow, I'm saying they look better before they end up spray painting it yellow. There is no paint on them from the video, you can see the bare steel.


They painted them a different color than yellow, I’m not talking about the video I’m talking about the barricades and how they look now at the station


Yes... I know what they look like and what color without the video... 🤨


Ok I guess im just confused These barriers at this stop are painted and are not yellow, that’s all I was saying


Toward the end, you see around 7 employees working on one barrier. This is why the MTA is always asking for more money.


Now *that's* a power drill!


Is this the pilot program that has a supposed cost of millions of dollars? Wish we could have something that extends across the entire platform, but better than nothing I suppose…


No the PSD pilot will be at 3 Av L and will be a retrofit of the the full platform (wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-ceiling barrier).


But will it happen without CP $ to finance?


MTA C&D but still evaluating what programs are going to be cut because of the congestion tolling "pause". I believe they're going to discuss that more at the board meeting this week, but I would imagine the platform screen door pilot would be on chopping block.


That will be 3 billion. Thank you MTA.