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And then when the AC works it'll be the train was late. And when the train is on time it'll be there was a crackhead And when there's no crackhead it'll be 'oh I had to transfer' And when the train goes express to their stop it'll be 'oh but its a lot of money' People just don't wanna pay and they'll come up with any rationalization besides admitting it.


God i fucking hate those people who complain about transfers. Like you're mad that that's how the fucking system works. Its like saying "I'm mad there's no highway outside my house and i have to take a local road to get to it".


I'd argue that the first three points are relatively reasonable. Running AC, properly scheduled train arrivals, and safety/cleanliness is the bare minimum expectation of public transit, we shouldn't be stuck pleading for them, the other excuses are bs though.


From personal experience, the definition of 'on time' by people who are complaining is very capricious. Train across the platform pulled off, late. Conductor closed down with you running 'late'. Missed your train because the bus you were on was held up by people parked in the bus stop 'late'. Hell, I have regulars on my train complaining about being delayed, meanwhile we're in holding for time in the station... PS the AC in the train rarely if ever fails entirely, depending on what equipment you are in the AC will work in the other half of the car or in the next car over.


My thing is, just walk. If you don't want the service that the MTA is providing no matter how crappy they are, then just walk. You don't have a right to transportation in NYC.


The people who make excuses aren’t paying at 2.90 but they also weren’t paying at 2.75, etc. The train could be 50 cents and they’d find a reason to hop.


Some people aren’t worth convincing. They are quite literally just haters. They just hate. That’s all they know how to do. Not that you should even bother, but: * Fare evasion is bad because while not every fare evader commits other crimes (probably not even 5%), it is statistically probable in DC’s system (and thus almost certainly true of ours) that somewhere between 99 and 100 percent of every single violent crime and QoL incident that happens on a platform or a train is caused by someone who didn’t pay the fare. Fare enforcement directly reduces “subway stories”, and dangerous, shitty incidents on the trains that make people less likely to use it. * The MTA has billions, yes. But it’s the single most important piece of infrastructure in the entire country (maybe tied with or slightly behind the Amtrak NEC, but definitely top 2 if not #1). It is the lifeblood of the most robust economy on earth and move more people per day than pretty much anything else in the new world. NYC has a metropolitan population bigger than 170+ entire countries. So of course the budget is going to match. And while people might shit on it for A/C or being dirty, they have no idea what an actually poorly run metro transit system looks like, and let’s hope they never have to find out. * In unrelated estimates in general affordability, somewhere between 0-35% of the cost of literally anything is to account for high rents attributable to the housing crisis. Because we’ve illegalized organic development patterns, creating the housing crisis, we’ve now made every single thing the MTA spends money on - the majority of which is labor - vastly more expensive for no reason. Ostensibly so that a handful of landowning NIMBYs in Jersey, queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, upstate, nassau, Long Island etc. won’t have to live near apartment complexes. Like, that’s the literal reason. And in exchange we get nothing except general unaffordability.


I whole heartedly agree with you on this, and I feel like people are forgetting the fact the NYCT has tons of workers, tens of thousands in fact. They need to get paid, which they will never get out of and this is a very large and expansive transit system, a lot of that money is going towards them and sustaining their benefits they work for. These workers are making up that lifeblood (Maybe if the U.S had a proper healthcare system, that money cld be saved and go more towards wages but thats an irrelevant point) Fare evasion does cost a lot too, which is why I don't get the whole "Scrap the fare" thing, when its the contributor for giving money to transit to the MTA in general.


Scrapping the fare would also mean that the MTA gets zero money from tourists, unless they also get it from something like sales tax or hotel tax revenue.


When hochul suggested an increased Buisness Tax I got so angry because it was so tone-deaf and unnecessary, taxes are always going to have consequences especially an increase of taxes What I think they should do is increase MTA Surcharges you see on Energy/heating bills (Exemptions for those with Low Income/Disabled) by a dollar or two, or maybe a Land Value thing ? I've been reading up on that but I feel like thats too economical lol, but it would also mean less people getting angry in general especially since NYC likes to focus on tourism


Roads and highways get billions of dollars yet there are potholes and constant maintenance on them. Imagine telling them the best way to fix it is to just stop spending money on them. People don’t realize how huge the MTA is and that it’s running in one of the most expensive cities in the world for construction.


I have been thinking about this too. Everyone thinks it’s okay to spend public money on highways and roads. I may be paying for the some roads in upstate or in Montana which I don’t know exists, but I don’t complain, and I believe that's how things work. On the other hand, so many people get upset about some public money spent on MTA. It is silly.


Your roommate is garbage


Imagine coming to this conclusion because you disagree. Speaks volumes about you


My apologies, you have me mistaken for someone that gives a fuck.


You may have mistaken them with someone that GivesAF about you GivingAF. However, I don't assume you GAF about my comment or that judging a whole person as garbage by one thing is wise behavior.


No one is scared of u


lol imagine thinking that opinions can’t be evaluated for quality and strong reasoning, and that people can’t be judged for bad ones. That’s the logical reasoning ability of a 6th grader


Also worth pointing out that fare box revenue can legally only go to operations costs (like salaries and frequency) and if you don’t pay your fare you’re picking the pocket of working class MTA employees and defunding frequent service


They're not going to not get their paycheck because you jump the fare. There's an alternative to all of this, which is that a political movement forces the state to give the MTA all the funding it needs up front instead of nickel and dimeing straphangers.


I don't know why you're being down voted so much. You're completely correct. Other places in the country and world have fare-free transit systems


>Other places in the country and world have fare-free transit systems Ah yes, the shining example of extensive transit systems like those in, :reads list: Tallinn, Estonia and....Kansas City, Missouri...


There’s a lot of bootlickers in this sub


Yeah haha we're such bootlickers for wanting a clean, safe, and fully functional public transportation system. God, people like us that want to make things better for everyone are such pieces of shit.


Yea that’s clearly not what I’m talking about moron who wouldn’t nice things that I can tell you’ve never had to hop a turnstile and u hate the people that do


this is a stupid comment


Good luck getting that to pass and if it does be at all reliable. The best public transit systems in the world have much higher farebox recoveries than we do and their operational funding isn't subject to the whims of politics.


Sure go ahead and create and built that political movement. It’s a good idea. In the meantime stop stealing from the most important public infrastructure in the region and pay your fare.


It literally cost more to enforce the fares than what they lose though so that's a tough sell


Not true. Fare evasion cost $690M. Enforcement cost N.Y.P.D. $150M


Did the NYPD solve fare evasion with the additional money they were given?


I never implied fare evasion was solved. I simply stated the amount of money that was spent.


You said u/chakrablocker was wrong when they said enforcing fares costs more than what fare evasion costs. Now you agree with that statement…




How much do you estimate it would cost for NYPD to completely eradicate fare evasion? Have a look at this: [https://hellgatenyc.com/the-nypd-spent-150-million-to-catch-farebeaters-who-cost-the-mta-104000](https://hellgatenyc.com/the-nypd-spent-150-million-to-catch-farebeaters-who-cost-the-mta-104000)


When they put extra cops in the train station,they weren't there to catch fare beaters...mta is a state agency and nypd is a city agency>meaning mta didn't pay anything to the nypd...and hellgate isn't a reliable news source either,it's just a far left news site.


Well… I guess NYPD wasted that $150 million completely by your accounts. We should have just given that money straight to the MTA for some of the projects that are going to get cut because of the governor’s dumbassery.


I wouldn't say it's a waste...when Adam's put those extra cops from nearby percents,crime went down.those extra cops disappear once the money ran out at the beginning of this year.


Where’s the data for that $700 million figure?




You made the statement, show your sources




The past three weeks have reminded me that there are plenty of subway haters within the five boroughs. With extremely rare exceptions, these people let their disdain for the MTA cloud their judgment as to why the recent developments, or fare evasion for that matter, are terrible news for all city residents. With "friends" like these in the five boroughs, who needs haters from Long Island and Westchester?


The quality of service has been decreasing even before this so called crisis of fare evasion. We need to move beyond the idea of paying fare and just tax rich people.


why do HK and Tokyo charge fares while being extremely good systems?


Can you give an example of any country that offers strong public services by *only* putting super-high taxes on the rich? That’s not what European countries do. They broadly put high taxes on everyone. The idea of taxing *only* the rich is a fantasy. Everyone should just pay their fare.


Odd that rich people are exempt from paying their fair share, but everyone is expected to. If you feel bad for rich people after taxes are increased you can donate to their GoFundMe.


I was going to say we should eat them but that works too


We need their money, it’s harder to get it from them when they’ve been eaten. 


You cant eat money but you can eat person. Just my opinion. We can feed them to the masses. With their gluttony we wouldn't need food for decades


First of all, the vast majority of taxes are paid by those who are incredibly wealthy, disproportionately so actually. Secondly, removing fares would cut so much funding and last I checked not a single major transit agency on earth has free fares. You can have fun saying your little talking point because boiling down complex issues into “tax the rich” is easy. Because you don’t want to actually understand how to solve the problem. But keep shouting tax the rich from the rooftops, surely that’ll solve all of our problems.


Stop voting against your interests


Dude is literally simping for rich people lmao


Yea half the country does that now


How dare they expect us to pay for this coffee. If you don’t want to pay don’t use it. The trains aren’t perfect with ac, but that’s not something you would know before you hop a turnstile. So that choice was made first


No need to defend it, everyone knows it’s pretty ass already.


Congestion pricing would not fix the MTAs ills. It's a poorly run organization that's rife with waste and inefficiency. Only in the public sector can you get away with what the MTA does. If you feel the need to defend them, get a hobby because even with congestion pricing, it's going to be the same old shit.


These people dont know and dont care to know. Yea, let's fix the subway by making traveling in new york by car significantly more inconvenient for the working class in the middle of a recession. Dumbest shit i ever heard in my life


Transplants have been soaking up all the propaganda. They believe MTA will use that money responsibly to solve problems. Native New Yorkers know that wont be the case because we’ve seen this charade before. Look at how the NYPD turned out after Adams gave them all that funding. Last I checked they’re still silently protesting because they cant beat and harrass people at will anymore.


No and you shouldn’t. The MTA is and always has been garbage. But understand most public transportation systems in the U.S. are garbage. It has nothing to do with money either. It’s about the people who run it.


Where do they think those dollars are meant to be coming from.


Extract it from the rich, instead of from straphangers. That simple.


That's an impossibility because our politicians either are the rich or owned by them 😂


Yeah so, we need to go up against the politicians. Surrendering to them is a shitty option. This whole "lack of funding" thing is precisely because we've let the subway be subordinated to the scum of the earth.


Bernhard Goetz did.


“Has billions” is a good sign this person is just stupid and/or justifying their own selfishness after the fact. It’s a major public infrastructure. Billions doesn’t mean it’s flush.


Honestly yeah, I feel the subway needs all the defenders it can get. While it's important to be critical of NYCT operation, I feel like the train is often gawked at like it's a spectacle. In traditional media (especially the Post, JFC), the subway is often demonized as a harbinger of crime and villainy. This characterization just distracts from the consequences of political decisions which are further jeopardizing transit operation (i.e. axing of congestion pricing, etc.) Ive mentioned this in another comment I made, but the same can be said for new media like YouTube or TikTok. Every time I want to look up news or history regarding NYCT, the top video is invariably making a mockery of some homeless dude having an issue, or emphasizing crime on the subway. The worst part is, these stories are further sensationalized in subsequent op-eds or other "deep dives" that just further degrade transit operation. It's sickening!


Because the subways is a shit show these days and congestion pricing wouldn't done much to fix it either.


If we had the same service as the JR train from Japan in New York I get defending it, unfortunately we have one of the worst systems in the entire world.


Ngl I do get a little mad with people jumping, it’s not my business to care enough because the MTA doesn’t get enough funding regardless of whether somebody pays 3 bucks or not, but that type of thinking on a larger scale definitely makes a difference. I’ve definitely done it in the past but when you look at the subway system and see how faulty it is it just feels wrong to try and get a free ride. I don’t care when kids do it or people who are clearly just trying to make ends meet, but when I’m in park slope or see a transplant wearing high fashion do it it makes me a little disappointed, like come on you could spare 3 dollars to make this system a little better


I came across this subreddit recently and I honestly don’t know what it is. Is this a Pro-MTA subreddit? I have rode subways and LIRR everyday for a long time, I cannot ever justify defending the MTA in any capacity.


The MTA shouldn't had to rely on congestion pricing to fix it. They mismanaged billions of dollars every year, what gives any of us the confidence that the revenue from congestion pricing would've actually improved the service? Probably would've been wasted just like the project to install those useless metal barricades on the platforms. You can't convince me that wasn't some corruption, likely some friends & family of the MTA decision makers owning metal companies and getting the government contract. Millions of dollars to install metal barricades that look like they were painted by elementary school kids...


The MTA will never win. Either the riders are complaining about the infrastructure falling apart, or the inconvenience they have to go through when they fix something it's a lose lose. I tell those people like your friend for under 3 dollars they can can get any where in 4 bouroghs take an Uber everywhere for a week and let see how fast your back on that train


The thing is that ppl have paid for decades and the MTA has had such issues for a long time. There is no accountability with the MTA. Overall I take the trains and buses but the system is very ghetto compared to transit systems around the world. Also love how ppl go back and forth. One minute it’s “the MTA isn’t supposed to make money” to “pay your fare to help them improve service.” Nobody wants zone based fares, union wants cushy salaries for their workers and the gov doesn’t want to fund the agency well enough. Something has to give.


At this point my only complaint is the cleanliness of the stations and cars. People just don't know or seem to forget the shit show subway service used to be back in the 80s and 90s. Service disruptions all the time, you would end up stuck between stations for half hour sometimes, real shit. There's a lot that needs to be done, but in terms of service, you'll never find me complaining. I just think that the system was pretty abandoned from the 50-90s and it reached a point where it was almost impossible to fix stations and make them look good without some major investment. Of course the MTA is partly to be blamed, but considering how things run in this city I'm surprised the subway works as good as it does.


i agree that there's no good reason for congestion pricing not to go into effect, and that they only added insult to injury by waiving beach parking fees during the heatwave this time last week, but i'm not going to sit here and pretend that my tax dollars don't also pay for the trains to run. there's no reason for us to be paying cops MORE in overtime than the city is losing in fare evasion so that they can stand around playing candy crush and intimidating citizens. i'm tired of being reminded i live in a police state every time i head to work or out to dinner. it's no way to live. the AC should work! we do pay for it! one cop's overtime could pay for it!!


Nothing pisses me off more than people bitching about public services who refuse to acknowledge their part in helping support those services. You want a nice transit system? Pay for your fucking rides. It’s that simple. I really really really hate the posts to local Brooklyn subreddits about “watch out! there’s cops at XYZ station today! find another entrance”. Like, how is there going to be collective bitching about safety on the subways, and the condition of the subways, then also intentionally trying to subvert the thing that attempts to address both at once? Bizarre. I realize the *national guard* coming to check bags is a political stunt and a likely waste of resources. There’s many conversations to be had about wasteful spending and funding within the NYPD and MTA, but not paying your fare isn’t the solution to that, it only makes the issues worse.


Nah, MTA has had PLENTY of money. Congestion pricing was just stealing the money from a group that had nothing to do with the subway. Money is just laundered.


I will never defend the MTA system. Here's why: First off, the company is mismanaged. And that's a problem, not only to me but to many others. Second, the employees are penalized so quickly. And I've heard about strict supervisors. Third, and lastly, I don't get paid to defend a transportation system. As much as I utilize their system, I'm paying for it. I don't get a discount and I don't get any special favors, nor will I ever ask for one. It's too much stress to defend a transportation that's outside my family and my home. No, thank you!


Counter: Like any purchase, default pay with a credit card because you don't know and do a chargeback when MTA didn't deliver.


The MTA is well aware of chargeback abusers, and they will ban them from the subways.


>people's talking points/conversations are like surrounding the subway and the MTA in general The opposite of yours, except I'll take congestion pricing as a useful interim measure. The MTA need to be funded entirely up front, absolutely zero farebox recovery. A system that throws an unnecessary hassle to people using it, that disproportionately affects the worst off in our society, is not a good system. The cops shouldn't exist.




Everything should be free and cops shouldn’t exist. That’s quite the terminally online take. Maybe go touch some grass.


I think your roommate is right, actually. if you’ve been to a city where the subway runs well, like Hong Kong, it makes it even more depressing. you see that a reliable service with nice trains is possible.


People should 100% pay their fare! They should also increase the price of a single swipe to offset the congestion pricing debacle. Let the MTA figure out their issues without randomly taxing New Yorkers that are driving and not even using the system!!!


the MTA has been getting funds cut in austerity measures for decades now. it’s not about the fare. it’s about politicians that focus money towards the private sector.