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I am not sure how much of this is in reference to recently but since the congestion pricing pause this sub has been heavily brigaded by people who are strongly against it and are only posting here to piss people off. Best not to engage and not sure what the mods could do but it’s really gotten bad


There’s some bike rider subs that discuss it heavily. Why not go over there. This has never been a political sub. A large amount of people here are railfans. No one wants to see/discuss politics and congestion pricing everyday.


I'm not even talking about just the congestion pricing. Also this isn't just a generalized rail sub, it's specifically an NYC rail sub - where else would you talk about NYC rail policy and funding? It's barely "political" it's just about transit funding. Of course people who are interested in NYC rail would be heavily invested in making it better.


Fr like idc about this fake $, don’t expect much to get done either way and I don’t drive