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someone come hit me on the head


Yeah come fuck my shit up, I need to calculate a tip real quick


Shift the decimal one place to the left, and double that number. Boom, 20%.


You got to be giving me sloppy, and a syrup footjob to be tipping 20% gimme a trick for like 12 or smtn


1) open up calculator app on phone. 2) enter in the pre-tax amount 3) X 0.12 4) = button 5) boom! 12% 6) now add total cost after tax 7) = button 8) boom! New total with the tip added.


Bruh. Enter the pre-tax amount x 1.12 and you’re done.


The real lifehack is in the comments. I’m used to just doing it in my head.


To be fair if you want to fill in the tip line too, your way’s probably better. Note the tip amount then add. But for most percentages it’s much easier to do 1.xx and yet a lot of people do the multi-step solution.


It's so funny to see old math (your comment), which is simple, easy, but required a short moment to think about what we're trying to do with the math, vs new math (the comment above), which is very shortsighted, finding the percentage, then adding it to the total, creating additional steps. It would be incredible if schools could just go back. The amount of people who say they "Can't do math" because of the overly complex shit being pushed is sad.


I don’t understand enough of the common core stuff to have an opinion. I hear that it’s supposed to promote better number sense, but my limited experience with kids seems to indicate that it’s not doing so. Just recently had a conversation with a middle schooler who had access to her grades (unweighted) but didn’t know how to figure out what her new grade would be if she got a 95 or 90 etc on the next assignment. Turns out she knew exactly how to calculate mean, but was unaware of any practical application for that knowledge and wasn’t aware that mean and average can be the same thing (acknowledging, of course, that average can also refer to median or mode…but she didn’t know that either). Personally, I don’t care too much about the method but I do care that kids understand practical math so they can figure tips, taxes, measurements, etc reliably. I often use my phone to shortcut but I have enough number sense and can estimate well enough to identify a ridiculous answer. I’m afraid many kids can’t.


I blew my manager's mind showing her that you can do 1.2 for 20% in addition. She had an app on her phone called "Percentage calculator" that required you to view three advertisement videos before giving the calculation. She did not delete the app after learning the new information and I still caught her using it all the time for things like sales, profit margin, and shrink percentage.


I appreciate this story because the horror I feel lets me know I’m still alive.


Real shit


Fuck no, imma take that syrup footjob thanks.




And Godforbid they refill the water!


Shift the decimal over but don't double it. That's 10 percent. Pick a number in the middle depending how you're feeling. Feel free to round to the nearest dollar. Aint nobody saying you need to tip to the penny.


damn, you musta been hit real hard.


*ends up drooling at Cocomelon*


This is probably weird and just a me thing but over the years I have regularly thought of if I ever got into an accident/hit my head hard id love to wake up speaking another language.


Honestly, it’s a win/win. Bash me in the head hard enough and I won’t have to return to work…. Or I’ll become a genius.


First you got to become a jock and start hanging around bars




One dollar per five on the pre-tax total. Boom!


You have now forgotten the letter "B".


Irl idiot savant


Right?! I swear I have some sort of math dyslexia.


Don't they teach pi in like grade school.. It took adulthood and a beating for him to understand a slice of pi ;(


Saw the same,type of thing happened another guy with a head injury, but his new superpower was music. The bad thing is when this kind of thing happens, it usually comes with debilitating and frequent headaches.


I heard of someone who cured their OCD with a failed gunshot to the head.


I heard of someone who cured it with a successful gunshot to the head.


Rose guy!


The (fake) OCD in me is happy that there is balance. One success, one failure.


My OCD does not approve of failure.


Mine doesn't approve of success. Always finding an excuse to redo everything.


Oof i try to avoid that because if i get in that mood i get frustrated and feel like absolutely nothings good enough lol


I recently learned that surgery to cure severe OCD actually exists


I hit my head really hard and all I got was lifelong pain. Lol


I’m surprised it doesn’t cause seizures as well.


It can


Being able to draw fractal shapes doesn't make you a math genius. "Understanding the concept of pi" doesn't actually mean anything. I tried to track down any evidence that he actually gained understanding of advanced math or physics, but I didn't find any. His Wikipedia page seems to be largely sourced by this article: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190411-the-violent-attack-that-turned-a-man-into-a-maths-genius It seems that he got OCD and synesthesia from his head injury. The synesthesia makes him connect mathematical concepts to visual phenomena, which manifest ordinary objects as curves and fractals. It's cool, but it doesn't make him a "math genius". The only thing related to math or physics from that article is this quote: >“I’m trying to describe the discrete structure of space time based on Planck length (a tiny unit of measurement developed by physicist Max Planck) and quantum black holes,” Padgett told him. It turned out the man was a physicist and recognised the high-level mathematics Padgett was drawing. He urged him to take a maths class, which led Padgett to enrol in a community college, where he began to learn the language he needed to describe his obsession. The first sentence sounds like gibberish from someone who has heard something about physics, but doesn't understand the concepts they're spouting. No source is provided to corroborate the story about this "physicist" who told him that he was talking about high-level math. Maybe the physicist said his drawing looks like fractals? Idk. This part really caught my eye: >Padgett believed his drawings held the key to the universe and took them everywhere with him >“I had literally a thousand or more drawings of circles, fractals, every shape that I could manage to draw. It was the only way I could manage to communicate effectively what I was seeing.” This sounds like manic schizoaffective disorder. Delusions of grandeur, hallucinations, thinking you've figured out the universe...sounds like the people who send emails to my university email address saying Einstein is wrong and they've solved the universe. Tl;dr: His art is cool, (see his website https://jason-padgett.pixels.com/) but I am not convinced that he is a "math genius". People are conflating synesthesia and visual manifestations of mathematical concepts with actual deep understanding of math or physics. "[Quantum hand](https://jason-padgett.pixels.com/featured/1-quantum-hand-through-my-eyes-jason-padgett.html)" - Caption: "Quantum hand 2° frequency" [meaningless] "[Fusion](https://jason-padgett.pixels.com/featured/fractal-fusion-hw-equals-mc-squared-jason-padgett.html)" - Caption: "Fusion, hw = mc^2" [I fail to see how this image has anything to do with fusion. Again, it's cool but isn't physics.]


>He urged him to take a maths class... >No source is provided to corroborate the story about this "physicist" who told him that he was talking about high-level math. Maybe the physicist said his drawing looks like fractals? Sounds to me like the physicist met some dude who thought he discovered the structure of the universe supporting his claims with nonsensical drawings and replied, "Uh, cool man. Maybe you should go take a maths class," in the hopes that he would go away without having to resort to being rude. In other words, diplomatic code for, "Dude you have no clue what you're talking about."


This detail of the story is so funny to me. When a physicist says you need to go take a math class, that is _not_ a compliment.


Lol, great point. "Go to college and then we can talk" isn't exactly a vote of confidence from the physicist


That's funny. I have synesthesia from a brain tumor. But I can see sounds and some smells. Its generally so misunderstood by people. Usually people say "Oh cool!!! What does this *makes noise* look like?!" Without understanding that my experience (and it sounds like his) is most often very unpleasant. And misunderstood.


hbar omega is the energy of a photon of frequency omega. he thinks he’s being clever by rewriting E=mc^2, but completely misses that photons don’t have mass. the full mass energy relation is E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2, and had he used it correctly he would have related a photon’s frequency to its momentum (hbar omega / c = p)


reminded me of [E=MC^2 + AI](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/13tbfqm/what/)


epic word salad. the funniest part about people thinking that AI will make breakthrough discoveries in science is the total lack of understanding that AI only functions on what it has been trained on, in other words you would need to feed it with an input of initial conditions and assumptions about physical laws, and then it could make inferences based only on those things, in other words you've created a machine that spits out ideas that are completely constrained by the inputs, the total opposite of a new, breakthrough idea


While it's true that AI is constrained based on it's training data, I don't think that means that it can't be a great tool for making breakthrough discoveries in science. Alpha Go is much better at Go than humans are, a supercomputer can be much better than a human at things like protein folding (see eg AlphaFold) or drug discovery, or it can be used to do things like efficiently interpreting a lot of data to identify patterns we want to find. Like sequencing genes, or creating a dna sequence for vaccine candidates, or to find exoplanets or pulsars. I suppose if you're talking about LLMs like GPT, sure it might not be very good at spontaneously inventing novel ideas, but even that undersells how much an LLM can possibly "learn", with enough compute and enough data, it is very possible for supercomputers to have above human "intelligence" at least at a very particular thing (like Go), and that's all you really need for an AI to make a breakthrough discovery. We'll start seeing AI discovered drugs on the market in the next 10 years, I'm nearly certain of it. I actually worked on a few autonomous ai drug discovery robotic systems for pharmaceutical companies, and now work on a gene sequencer that uses ai in its pipeline, so I wouldn't discount its usefulness, even if its a huge techbro bubble right now.


I'm not arguing that they can't do work. I'm saying that they can't imagine new ideas that fall outside the bounds of the assumptions they were fed with. I'm talking about things like new, transformative ideas in theoretical physics.


You haven't contradicted the man. He is saying that, currently, an AI will give you answers based on an initial data set, and only an initial data set. Which is exactly what you have described. Playing go, discovering pulsars, sequencing genes - for all of these you give the AI an initial data set and he finds patterns within the initial data set, but it will not think outside the box.


Perhaps there's a point to be made that Go and Chess AI do indeed play in novel ways. "Move 37" in Lee Sudol's game comes to mind, as does Alpha Zero's flank pawn pushes. Folks like Magnus Carlsen have integrated these ideas into their play. I see this pattern repeating elsewhere.


In novel ways? Yes, I do not deny that. But you are still receiving an output within the constraints of an inputed data set.


Sounds like Terrence Howard got hit in the head too.


Yeah, reminds me of the gibberish math by Torrance Howard and Zim Olson and such


I was gonna come and say this, everything in the picture is either bollocks or trivial. It's technically physically impossible to hand-draw fractals cos of the physical limitations, pi is just a number so great he understands the concept of numbers, and seeing the world in pixelated geometric shapes is not a maths thing, that's either a lie or he's got a serious problem. The whole post and the article you linked just read like someone wrote all thr maths jargon they know without knowing anything about what it means


It seems so similar to how Terrence Howard talks, it really does seem like it's some kind of mental disorder. I might be wrong but doesn't Terrence Howard also have some pretty unique and cool art?


My on-the-spot theory is that a brain injury that causes damage to Personality (bloatware) leaves extra room for pattern recognizing (OS) to run un-obfuscated


https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190411-the-violent-attack-that-turned-a-man-into-a-maths-genius > Brogaard believes the brain injury Padgett sustained caused him to develop a form of synaesthesia where certain things triggered visions of mathematical formulas or geometric shapes, either in his mind or projected in front of him. > “They found that I had access to parts of the brain that we don’t have conscious access to and also the visual cortex was working in conjunction with the part of the brain that does mathematics, which obviously makes sense,” says Padgett.


I am not smart enough to tell if I was vaguely on the right track or not, but I kinda feel like I was (biased because i want to be correct)


Basically when he got whacked in the head, it altered his UI so he now has administrative access to the background processes that are normally hidden from the average user.


Thank you for using a similar analogy. Greatly increases my ability to understand


He basically enabled the HUD in an FPS lol. Got a minimap and bullet counter


Eeeeeeehhhh, sorry brah, what that article says is that the head trauma allowed the mathematical part of his brain to somehow form connections with the visual part of his brain. So his computer got whacked, and it somehow altered his OS.




The crazy part is, this should be able to be duplicated and improved upon when scientists understand how that happened.


TBI = Defrag/sys clean. Got it. BRB.


Don't forget to reflash to a backdated bios


Just started playing cyberpunk 2077 again and this shit is freaking me out


My on the spot theory is that it's made up


Well that is way less whimsical


They beat the savant into him...


Fuck all my head injury gave me was behavioral problems and a shit memory.


I got attacked and beaten and all I got is ongoing paranoia of people walking behind me and an entrusting disposition towards strangers


Where is the exact spot to hit and the amount of force to be applied please? 😅


I want to know that too, might be very useful for my carreer hah.


"understand the concept of pi" what does it mean


A lot of people seem to think pi is some strange and crazy number that you have to be a genius to understand. If this really happened it’s very strange and interesting, but “understanding the concept of pi” is not impressive in the slightest.


maybe in today’s Tiktok world, it is.


Remember, there are people out there who wonder how a mirror can "see" on the other side of a piece of paper!


This guy was a jock?


It gave him every other ability but it didn’t give him grammar one.


Bruv can draw a repeating shape over and over and thinks he's Einstein




Hmm I always wonder if I unlocked latent abilities through random injuries over the years. Still trying to figure what those abilities are


Yep "Real" superpowers are just lame


I just slapped my forehead for a chance, will see if I improve.


I got hit on the head and just have memory problems and dyslexia. I can play guitar now tho 🤷‍♂️


Tried to be a jock but I got my ass beat. It was then that I realized, I must be good at math. - Chris rock


His brain was definitely altered but this is another account of terrible math literacy from the media… a more “geometric” perception of space does not equate to suddenly being a math genius (anyone who’s done shrooms will tell you that) and although he subsequently took math classes, he hasn’t produced any mathematics. His drawings are pretty sick though (but not fractals)


If I’m not mistaken being able to draw fractals is not math…


Ngl, this does sound like something Marvel would come up with.


how do people fall for this shit “understanding the concept of pi” is something you learn in middle school geometry


Makes you wonder just how limited our brains are by their own design.. its stuff like this that makes me think the new age hippy crowd might be scientifically onto something with the psychedelics shit, even if you aren't into the woo side of it all. Geometric patterns and shapes are prevalent in many things to do with the brain going weird, either intentionally or unintentionally, maybe how the brain creates a visual 'image' of its own inner workings and coding..


I didn’t get jack after my tbi 😒


I wonder how a thing like this works. Brain gets damaged and heals in a way that provides short cuts or easy access to parts that are normally hard to get to?


The movie Pi explores the life of someone who sees the world this way. Very good indie film highly recommend.


I was actually wondering if the movie Pi was somehow based on this. I barely remember the movie since it's been so long since I've seen it.


Great film. Definitely holds up should rewatch it. https://youtu.be/6_CtgelI6xU?si=f7VwPjcDJTlPJLPL


I need a good smash


I saw this on a VSauce video.


So they knocked some sense into him ? I swear my mom used to threaten that on me.


I got beat up and all I got was ptsd


He didn't become a math genius, he could see geometry and draw it, but had to go to actual math geniuses to understand what he was seeing.


Understood the concept of pi. Wow, Americans are really easy to impress.


Like Neo at the end of the Matrix.


Rocked his world into a new dimension


How does that even like does it damage the connections in the brain and the brain tries to fix those by making new ones and sometimes it creates ones where you understand stuff like this or music or accent?


Got the sense beat into him.


I bet he only retains those powers when he wears his glasses. If he takes them off he turns back into a jock with no memory of the incident.


Jokes aside, is that really possible tho? Or is it some kind of pr and he already knew how to do math? I mean I don't say his being beaten up is fake, but what happens after this might be a pr.


How did this happen?


Bro got reverse brain damage 




They done beat the stupid out of him...


I can do this when I get really high


Moral of the story?


There’s a video on YouTube about this guy. Very interesting. He’s a savant.


Why does shit like that never happen to me?


So.... the movie "Phenomenon"


Meanwhile I had about 2 years of amnesia from my head injuries. Never got help from doctors still feels like my brain is bleeding years later. No medicine just awful pain 24 hours.


"Pixelated Geometric chapes" So he got a free perma-high similar to what you get from Mushroom or Acid without the hallucination.


He got rewired


This is why I want to major in neuroscience


Damn, maybe if I got fucked up a bit more when getting jumped I wouldn't have dropped out of college


Anyone watch Travelers on Netflix?


Maybe I should throw myself down a set of stairs


Terrence Howard is on thee way.


Somebody beat some sense into him


Very intriguing how many view consciousness as potentially being fractal, how his art reflects some religious symbolism and how the Buddhabrot also does….


How is this even remotely terrifying? I’m honestly confused.




I had something similar when i took a stray cue ball to the back of my head after a bar fight broke out... gained the uncanny power to roll around on the floor and shit my pants.


Old news really but fascinating. Still I don't think I'm going to pay a gang to repeatedly kick me in the head. NOW look up the name Chris Langan.


Did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it.




I call bullshit!


How is this terrifying?


Sam Kinison was hit by a car in his younger years I believe. As I recall I think it was his brother that said the accident definitely changed him, and in time Sam became the larger than life persona we all knew and either loved or were offended by back in the 80s/90s.


Though not a super power, I saw a documentary about people that develop genuine language accents after head injuries. English woman get popped in the head, wakes and and speaks with a perfect Irish accent.


Please bash my head in I need it


This gives new meaning to the phrase, "I'm gonna beat that shit into you so you'll remember it the next time."


Understood the concept of pi is a crazy sentence. It is literally a number / ratio between circumference and diameter. There is nothing to understand


Man looks like he got shoved into lockers in highschool. Really expect me to believe he was a jock?


That guy in that picture was never a jock


Huh most of the time it just makes people violent.


Are there any scientists trying to replicate this sort of result with a scientific approach?


This has been debunked so many times. My guy started drawing symmetrical shapes and that's it, he didn't get any enlightenment


He needed a good beating to get his shit together.


What if we unlocked 100% of our brains “bonk”


Looks like we could all use a good beating


Says the internet.


I'm pretty sure "understanding the concept of pi" is part of the high school curriculum. Drawing fractals isn't really impressive either, you can do it in MS Paint even.


what part of this is "powers" or being a math genius lmao


Damn. Deadpool type shit. Stress and trauma until latent mutant powers emerge...