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>Maraheel carried the Palestinian flag at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2000 with tears streaming down his face. That's some quality reporting there.


Isn’t 2000 Olympics in Sydney?


> Isn’t 2000 Olympics in Sydney? Yes. Beijing was 2008.


Regardless he didn’t carry the flag at either of those. It was in 1996


You have to be kidding


Ai is trying ok


Ngl, commentors here are either lunatics or just stupid.. Rest in Peace Majed


> died from kidney failure and an inability to receive treatment due to the destruction of hospitals and medical centres by Israeli forces in the ongoing war in Gaza, Paltoday TV reported Not disconnected from the war but of course no one reads the article and immediately assumes he was bombed due to the vague title. No details of why his kidneys were failing either.


This should go over well


Gazan lives don’t matter to Hamas unless they can be weaponized for hate


My comment is about this becoming political.


I hate that you got downvoted for saying something 100% true and correct.


He’s not wrong, but at the same time it diminishes the lives of Palestinians and for a lot of people makes it okay then for Israel to brutalize them


Maybe they should stop starting wars


Ah yes, innocent Palestinians, and especially children, started this war on Israel


It's always been wild how some people have to fight for recognition of even existing. Of course when you pretend they don't exist, they are easier to kill.


Ban Israel like Russia


Ban Ukraine too for standing up for itself.🤷🏼‍♂️


Has Ukraine resorted to a genocide of Russians?


Have you ever thought critically about what a genocide is?


This is ironic because Jewish people also needed to convince the world Germany was committing a genocide. Much like now people didn’t listen and we all know how the Holocaust ended up being. Think whatever you want but don’t forget that Holocaust denial continues to this day.


Pretty sure the world was convinced when American and soviet troops liberated the death camps that killed 6 million jews. didn't need much past that


Please stop. This old gaslighting doesn’t work when one side has the most expensive weapons in the world and the other one doesn’t even an army or even food to keep children alive.


God you people are unbearable, saying I'm gaslighting and not the comment accusing Isreal of a genocide with no evidence whatsoever. Grow up mate, I know you've been brainwashed into viewing the world through your simpleton oppressor and oppressed lens but if you read into the situation a bit more I think you'll realised being the more powerful state doesn't necessarily make you the bad guys.


who said Israel's power is what makes them the bad guys??? Might it be the starvation instead? or the fact that a majority of Gaza is now razed and unlivable?


if they don’t have an army, who carried out the attack on 10/7


terrorists did


ukraine didn’t start an invasion or occupation




How did Olympian Eliezer Halfin die?


The same way, killed by lunatics.


Oh, the IDF gave this guy cancer? lol


He died of a kidney cancer! Don't make it a fuss like Israelis killed him!


Unfortunately, his government doesn’t care about him.


Does that justify Israel killing him?


People die in wars. That’s why we don’t start them.


You’re a lunatic if you think this all started on October 7th. Regardless killing does not justify more killing.


His government is still holding hostages. Israel will not stop until they are released. The Palestinian government in Gaza refuses to do so even today. Israel will not stop trying to free their citizens. What I don’t understand is why there aren’t world wide protests calling for the hostages to be related so the fighting can end. You sir, are the lunatic.


I don’t understand. Israel is holding hostages including children in administrative detention (no charges nor trial). So Palestine has the right to exterminate Israelis to retrieve their hostages?


so you will kill every palestinian just to get a few hostages back? the delusion is astounding


Because Hamas is not a government but a terrorist organization. They are not going to listen to protestors… they are not beholden to any protestors and would not give a shit. Also Israel already has the backing of the United States government, military, and intelligence in efforts to secure and release hostages. What do you want me to protest about for the hostages??


Of course Hamas cares. They have been sending messages to all the college student protestors, thanking them for their support.


I don’t think you realize that me and you believe in all the same things except that I don’t believe Palestinians should die.


>Hamas is not a government Hamas is literally a political party, are you regarded?


Your choice of word (and that you couldn't even spell that correctly) tells me all that I have to know about you.


Confirmed, you are highly regarded


You can protest anyone associated with Hamas and not supporting their removal. Egypt has refused to shelter Palestinians. Are you boycotting Egyptian businesses? Other countries are also launching rockets into Israel on a daily basis. Have you been protesting that. So both sides are doing wrong, one is just better at defending themselves.


well neither does israel clearly so what’s your point?


Another victim of Hamas.


*Israel Edit: literally says in the article Israeli forces are the perpetrators and the reason this man died. There is no reason to downvote me


Hamas’ leaders [were ok with their own taken care of in Israel.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0I80LO/) Their own people on the other hand are just fodder for them. Less than that.


Hamas not giving a shit about Gazans does not justify Israel killing Gazans.


So they're just meant to allow Hamas to get away with as many terrorist attacks as they want because they use their civilians as human shields?


No, they’re meant to work with the world to find a safe way to retrieve hostages and destroy Hamas. Mass killing and starvation of Palestinians, as well as mass destruction of Gaza is not a requirement to do those two things.


Laughably naïve.


"Hamas uses human shields, so that's why it's ok for Isreal to kill thousands of civilians" Psychopath shit


Can you please name me a war where there hasn't been any civilian casualties? If you actually read into the situation I think you will realise Isreal is actually taking more precautions than most to limit civilian deaths but they aren't helped by Hamas trying to maximise how many die. But if you want to keep living in your fantasy world and call anyone with half a brain a "psychopath shit" then that's totally up to you.


Yea let's lead an anti-insurgent campaign that will just endanger more lives of soldiers that don't want to be there? Will it be better for the individual soldiers to shoot some innocent they thought was an insurgent or be directly betrayed by the Gaza civilians that will shelter terrorists? also this will last decades if done this way


what they’re doing now is just killing the population, hamas is still thriving lol. you can take out terrorists without also murdering the entire population, and if you can’t your army is absolute shit


So great, one Palestinian gets treatment in Israel, while 40k+ die in Gaza at the hands of Israel


20k+ of that number were armed terrorists... keep defending them


Where did you get that number? Sounds very racist


The UN has given that number, are you admitting the UN is racist?


The UN has absolutely not given the number that half the Palestinians being bombed were terrorists lmao. Stop lying and stop being so racist


You're right, not all the terrorists died to bombs... a lot of them died to bullets


I get it mate, you’re racist and hate Palestinians. That isn’t the sub for that


Bullshit no way. Can you source that 20,000 out of the 37,000 killed were terrorists? Absolute misinformation you are spewing.


Plenty of Palestinians receive treatment in Israeli hospitals, by doctors that are both Palestinian and Israeli.


Oh that’s great, that makes it totally okay for the 40k+ innocent Palestinians to be butchered by the Israeli army :)


why are the Israeli forces there again? Who keeps saying no to ceasefires?


Who's Charter states they wish to kill all Jewish people worldwide


Both Hamas and Israel are bad


>~~Who's~~ Whose Charter states they wish to kill all Jewish people worldwide ftfy


You leave the WHO out of this! They want to kill everyone worldwide, not just Jews.






I mean I can say the same to you lol. It’s well known Israel is the perpetrator, they’ve been like that for 60+ years. Doesn’t that make you racist though? Since you’re siding with the perpetrators because you hate Muslims?












The ceasefire agreements that involve Palestine dissolving as a state? A complete ethnic cleansing? This is nearly a century long genocide of Arabic people… and you’re calling other people racist. Edit: before people act like that’s somehow a good deal for Palestinians, the ultimatum is “either we kill everyone in Gaza or you cease to be Palestinians, we displace all of you, and sell the homes we destroyed back to you.”


KK so you chose to ignore my advice and pursue your degree from tiktok university. Good job, stay ignorant. Surely that'll work well for you in life


God damn, my guy. Keep replying to my comments! It’s you vs me! Anyways, I’m getting paid to get my graduate degree—a fellow, I mean. I don’t pay tuition and get a check every other week. Every major and many minor universities have had encampments and protests about this led by people far more educated than you’ll ever be. Stop projecting your academic insecurities.


They don’t involve Palestine dissolving. They involve Hamas dissolving.


Century long genocide...what?








If people downvote you enough, that must mean the genocide of Palestinian civilians is justified. Fucking sickos on both sides of the aisle.


Genocides usually involve populations decreasing over time... not increasing


Yeah it’s crazy. People want to turn the blind eye on Israel, because they’re not Muslims




> Free Palestine and fuck fascists The Gazan government are facists... congrats, you've shown your ignorance


Sorry, I was talking about Americans. Though, to your point, is Netanyahu not a fascist? Is rigging elections and staying president longer than illegal not a totalitarian act?


Which elections were rigged? Oh you mean in Gaza where they havent had any in almost 20 years and as soon as the terrorist organization Hamas won, they literally threw the opposition off rooftops? Israel has had multiple elections in the last few years... seriously how were they rigged? Hell they even allowed Arabs to vote in them and Arabs won seats in the government edit: its always funny when someone blocks the person who threatens their false worldview... stay ignorant!


What was he doing?


He died from bad health, because he couldn’t get hospital help, because Israel keeps bombing hospitals in Gaza


Just look at where's he's from and leave it. Their eyes are blind and hearts closed.


Which hospital was he trying to get help at?


yeah because hamas are the ones bombing their own houses right? it’s not at all the IDF, how could it be? palestinians are genociding themselves!


can we just ban israel like we did with russia? both are clearly murderous states with 0 respect for others