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God I just tested and they are




How I texted or how the illusion does illusioning


How the illusion illusioning


Yeah, Brain doing primal brain thing


I think its the same thing that happens when people with light eyes wear different colored clothes and their eyes look like a different color or shade, right?


The blue and red filters are changing what you see, if it was just 2 eyes alone they’d both look grey


Ok thanks


Yes upvotes


First time getting 10 thank you


If u take a screenshot on iPhone u can use the colour sample on the digital pens and see the colours of the eyes


I did that or if you zoom in they turn more gray


I must know


If you can use your fingers to cover around the eyes so you can just see the colors, you see it. It’s crazy!


It’s funny because when I looked at it the first time I caught the eyes first and could see them as the same shade. But then I looked away and then when I looked back I can’t make them match anymore lol


I opened the pic is MS Paint, both eyes are grey WTF?!


No, you didn't




I just also did. Can confirm.


Gunna need that gray bar check


I can't upload a screenshot here, but both eyes are gray, the photoshop color picker shows #848484 color code for the darker gray tone. This illusion is nuts




That is way too trippy


Thank you for this. Wooow. That's crazy. It looks like the bar even changes colors, scanning from left to right. Primitive brain goes "ugh"


Is this a joke or am I the only one that sees them as gray?


Possibly. Even when I drew the proof on the picture, it still seemed like it morphed from blue to yellow for a minute or two


They both look like the exact same color to me. What is everyone else seeing here?


Cyan on the left. Yellow on the right. That’s what my illusioned opticals see.


You can't convince me that people aren't lying about this one. They are very clearly and visibly the same.


haha ~ I assure you I'm not joking! They look so completely different to me than until I screenshot, zoomed in and screenshot again I didn't believe it!


This is very similar to the dress illusion, with people’s brains making different assumptions while processing what our eyes took in. For those this the illusion works on, what we are seeing is that each grey eye is tinted by that half of the image’s complimentary color. If you’ve ever mixed complimentary colors, you’d note that they make grey. Red+cyan, blue+yellow, etc. That means in this image there are two reasons for why the eyes could appear grey in this otherwise colorful environment: 1) they are the complimentary color, 2) they are actually just grey. Those of use who’s brains are making the former assumption are adding a little after-sight color to convey to our conscious selves that “that eye is cyan!” The problem? The assumption was wrong! It’s similar to the people who saw white and gold in the dress. There were also two assumptions that could be made. Assumption 1) the dress is brightly lit; assumption 2 the dress is dimly lit. Their brains made an assumption that the dress was dimly lit, and assumed wrong!


i saw it both ways, i can see them being different but if i focus more on the eyes colors they look the same


Same. Just looking it’s different but focusing it’s the same


why did i get downvoted and you got upvoted when agreeing with me 😔


I see no grey


I see them as tinted with the complimentary color. The red side I’m seeing a cyan (blue-green) tinted eye. On the blue side, I’m seeing a yellow tint. There’s actually a sensible reason to why people’s brains would see this tint. Our brains actually do post-sight processing. If you ever mix complimentary colors, you’ll notice they create gray, because they are canceling each other out. Essentially, my brain is seeing grey, and then going “if everything in this image is colored, and blue colored, except for that spot, that spot must be yellow and that’s why it’s turning grey. Then my brain adds a little post-processing yellow to what I’m seeing, to convey this processing “assumption.” However, in reality it’s not grey because it’s yellow+blue, it’s grey because it’s literally just grey. Your brain made the correct assumption - that’s it’s grey because it’s grey! Not everyone’s brains processes images after-sight all the same. You may recall the infamous yellow/gold or black/blue dress? That was the same as this, with our brains doing a little after-sight processing to tell us what we are *really* seeing, and in the case of the white/gold people, the processing assumptions were wrong. Sight is actually crazy wild and complicated. There’s a type of blindness (called “blindsight”) in which the eyes work and most of the rest of the seeing processes in the brain work; the only part that’s interrupted is our brains transferring this final image to the conscious part of our brains. These people can’t see, at least not that they are aware of, yet can still walk around obstacles. Crazy stuff.


The one in the blue half doesn’t look yellow to you? And the one in the red half a little blue/green?


Me too, I was like, “Uh…yes.”


It's weird, I don’t get fooled by these anymore. I can easily see each as grey.


You unlocked absolute color perception


What changed?


I don't know. My brain used to see the different colors, but now they look the same.


This one they both look the same to me. Other ones I've been tricked.


if i stare at one or the other i can see them as grey, but looking over the whole image they go back to what my brain thinks they are


This sub should allow pics in the comment section.. I literally made an edit for no reason


I made a scribble of grey between her eyes (using color match so that it is the exact same color). This helps your eyes bridge the colors and be less trippy. [Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/5ZUcoxP) I used the left eye to match the color.


That's pretty cool! If I cover the scribble with my thumb the eye colors slowly start to appear again.


Unfortunately for me since I did it my brain will no longer see the right eye as yellow. I broke it for myself :(


The one eye is still yellow


It’s not perfect, just helps. The left eye still had a blue tint for me, but it was a bit better


This is crazy. If I just look at the left eye, I can see it's grey. But even when I just look at the right eye, all I can ever see is yellow.


For people having trouble seeing them as gray- make fist, leaving a super small hole to look through, and look at each eye individually through the hole.






Color theory is wild man.


Try covering one side of the image and the eye will look gray. It works because you are perceiving the color relative to the blue and red, but if it's completely monochromatic, it suddenly looks gray. At least that is my theory.


Yes. Yes they are. They seem to turn blue and yellow when I cross my eyes though.


If I look at the line in the middle they look different but when I look at the individual eye I can tell they are the same color


I've had my fill of this type of illusion lately. Still cool.


My dumbass thought the red and blue were meant to be the same colour and I was tryna figure out wtf u guys were on about


Another post to make me mad again.


It took me like 20 seconds before I saw them as colors other than gray. Thought it was a troll at first.


The political compass is inescapable 😭


Don't believe OP? Put your finger in your ass


Now I have to live with the remote but non null possibility that somebody out there put a finger on their ass because of me.


You know when you look at a magic eye stereogram and you make things go double? I did that here, and it’s crazy to see them have a different color when they look right next to each other.


Love me some Silhouette Mirage, gonna go play now.


I'm pretty good with illusions but this one got me a bit. If I stare dead center I see gray in each eye out of my peripheral. Wondering how the rest of you recognize it.


Nuh uh


Not this again!


If you're on phone, just pinch zoom into the eyes to confirm


Not me zooming in very hard just to see if the eye color is grey. I can confirm, that I’m colorblind. (Yes, it’s grey.)


If I squint my eyes reeeeeeeal hard I can see them as the same color.


Here we go again with this mind fuck


They are very clearly the same colour. This is a bad one


Would a completely colorblind person see that as a single unbroken image?


Does it really count as an optical illusion if its color filtered?


This is cool, kinda can be a way to tell if you’re warm or cool toned. (Warm toned looks more blue/grey, cool toned looks more green)


I don't get it. They are grey. No illusion here on my side. 🤷


Yup they look gray to me. I don’t think this is an illusion.


i had to screenshot and crop the bar to make sure it was one solid color


Not sure what’s crazier to me, how strong this illusion is to me or the fact that so many people here don’t see it at all


I read eyes as sides and thought that I was legit crazy for a moment.




Just zoom in and cover the middle and you can see it that’s what I did


One is blue and the other yellow


Color theory 💖💖


Yep and they look like it. Not as good as you think it is


Are you talking about under the color that was added over them?


I used color picker and drew a line from one eye to the other. I didn't use any fancy tricks, no gradients. The eyes are the same color. https://imgur.com/a/qNaTJq5


Neither eye has a color added over them. Open the image in paint and check, they're the same color


No, one is yellow and one is blue


They clearly aren't.


Copy the picture, put it into a graphics program of your choice and take a color measurement of the eyes. Some JPEG artifacts aside, they're perfectly gray. What's mainly happening is that our brain is compensating for the color of each half of the drawing, which throws the color balance of the gray out of balance. We're literally interpreting a color into the gray eyes. Illusions like these are a really good reminder how subjective our experience is. We really can not trust our own brain, it only gives us pre-processed perceptions. Everything is subjective. Kinda scary to think about.


My brain is all I got to perceive this world. If it though my eyes is telling me two colors are different in going to believe it. I don't like the idea that reality is different than how we perceive it.


maybe you shouldn't be in an optical illusion subreddit then


Ya but this is reddit.


>If it though my eyes is telling me two colors are different in going to believe it. Please don't fall into blind ignorance, though. I know it's hard to make the decision to not trust your own senses, but... Maybe you can take this as some kind of lesson about the importance of our own biases and the need to verify that what we believe/perceive is true.


Well then you are fucked. Our brain is still evolving and going over these things that were needed in past but not in our current life. Both litrally and philosophically your approach might lead you into trouble in future. I hope that your approach helps you and it is your life so I will not tell you to change it.


If you look at one half for a long time and them at the other you can see a color


This doesn’t look as an illusion to me. Both eyes *easily* look identically grey. There’s not even a hint of difference


Are you colour blind?


Nope, they just look so obviously grey to me. What do you see?


This shouldn't have to do anything with color blindness, but the brain's internal color correction process. If it was color blindness, we'd be the ones affected, because we don't see the color for what it is, but they do.


Why not? If you are blind to the difference of red and blue, there is no way for this illusion to work. If it's even worse that you can't see and colors at all, than everything will look gray to you, including both eyes and the rest of the image.  And no, the ability to see an illusion that arise from the usage of different colors wouldn't mean that we are color blind.


They show up as blue and green to me


Blue and yellow to me


yeah you might wanna get your eyes checked


you guys and these "there both the same color" pics....they are NEVER the SAME color....just look at it.. blue or green and yellow...these get old..not funny anymore


Absolutely not. They aren't both grey. Unless some can prove otherwise in calling bull shit.


I used color picker and drew a line from one eye to the other. The two eyes use the same colors. Whether you want to call that color grey is up to you. https://imgur.com/a/qNaTJq5


i checked and they literally aren't, y'all must be colorblind. both are grey but the one on the left is more saturated towards green


I used color picker and drew a line from one eye to the other. Same color. https://imgur.com/a/qNaTJq5


hex codes aren't even the same lol https://imgur.com/a/xW9xc0P


Each eye features two colors: one for the upper bit and one for the lower bit to simulate a glint. I drew lines with both.


Ya this is stupid… it’s like saying - ‘my cars paint is black, it just looks red or blue because I put a wrap on it.’ This isn’t an optical illusion, it’s a pic on the internet with overlay..


I used color picker and drew a line from one eye to the other. Same color. https://imgur.com/a/qNaTJq5


You guys don't know what context is