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They have a secret buff where you get a +1 to hit if you play Fortunate Son when they enter the field


Bah. You need to be playing Ride of the Valkyries. "I love the smell of promethium in the morning. You know that smell, that smell of roast beaky. It smells like victory."








I definitely love them but man does it feel so bad when your opponent picks bring it down mission and get ez points


In speaking to more experienced players, it seems the sweatiest comparison are Grot Tanks. You can get more rokkits for fewer points with the Tanks, pound for pound, but they don't fly or roll as many dice in combat, and you would need to either spring for Forge World or proxy them with something you printed or build yourself. Personally, I'd use both if I can fit enough into one list, but for 1000pts I usually pick one or the other.


I am very much holding out to see what happens to this datasheet come codex time. I'd love to do some as a hobby project but not if they end up vanishing. I'm fearful for the finecast characters too.


Grot Tanks are very popular in the Orks meta and are generally delightful models, so I'm hoping they'll end up getting a plastic refresh while they retire the resin kit. I can only assume the same thing is happening to the Death Korps of Krieg, since we have the plastic kit from Kill Team and they retired nearly the entire Forge World range. With luck, Orks will get a few similar options.


My fingers are crossed. A new kit for the Grot Tanks would be a hit.


I keep hoping we might get Wazdakka, the Evil Sunz clan leader, on a suped-up warbike that can be built as a Warboss on Warbike like the Mozrog/Beastboss kit.


Would be nice. There is lots of track to cover in future releases!


They are fun with stormboyz and doing blood axe things


What are blood axe things?


We cud tell ya, boss. But den we'd hafta krump ya.




On my first game using them I rolled amazing on the D6 kustom mega blasta. I haven’t done well with them since, but they definitely have the potential to turn the tides in your favor.


Yes they’re decent, there’s just better options if you’re looking at it from an efficiency standpoint. However, they’re cool as hell, and cool trumps all. You’ll find it much more enjoyable to play the cool stuff you want to build and paint vs just hammering out an army with the “best” options.


Rule of cool baby


it’s the only rule that matters


I’ve got 9 of them and working on a squad of stormboyz. I use them as distractions until the rest of my boyz can get into the fight.


I’ve got 9 deffkoptas as well! I’ve also got 9 warbikers and 9 killa kans too!


I’ve got 4 warbikerz currently. One is a non, two are regular bikers and the last is a kitbashed Warboss. I’m thinking of printing off some proxies for the kans. the official ones are always either sold out or going for too much on eBay. I just play against friends and friends of friends since the nearest game store that allows play is over 2 hours away.


We have a Warhammer outlet here and we also have a killer local miniatures store. Yeah, eBay prices on some things are outrageous these days I’m thinking of grabbing two Wartrakks from the gorkamorka edition. They’re game legal under “legends” I think I’m just learning all this too


I’m relearning. I haven’t played since the beginning of 4th edition. I played imperial guard at the time. Then I moved halfway across the state. A week after I moved my storage locker burnt down and I lost ALL my gaming stuff. Warhammer, d&d, battletech, numerous board games and much more. About two thirds of everything I owned. Figured I’d get back into 40K and have fun the best way I knew how. Build an Ork army and send them to their deaths as fast as possible. Won some, lost some. eBay has bet. Great though. I’ve got about 1500 points worth of boyz that need to be built and painted still. Sorry for rambling on, I get that way sometimes. lol


I got into 40k during rogue trader. I had a hardcover of the rule book and a few miniatures at the time This was in like 1991-1992. I was 13 or 14 Today, I’m 44 and getting back into it. My brother got me the orks combat patrol and since then, I’ve been buying shit used on gaming store sites or on eBay. Teaching myself to paint em and all that. It’s awesome


Never been a good painter, but I do well enough for tabletop standard. My fiancée likes the idea of tyranids so I’m hoping to get her into it.


I’m a longtime graffiti artist IRL so I have some skill in art somewhat. Tyranids are what the covid vaccines turn humies into


lol she likes that they’re basically unstoppable killing machines that can strip a world bare. She worries me sometimes.


Lol no no it’s all good. Locker BURNT DOWN??? Jesus. I’m sorry pal


It’s ok, it happens. Worst part is I didn’t have renters insurance at the time. It was arson and they haven’t caught the bastard(s) yet.


Omfg. I’m so sorry. Man, there are so many piece of shit humies on earth that it literally has to be pointed out that not all humies are pieces of shit and that’s the problem


Exactly what I use them for. Fly to the middle, hope they don't get shot down turn 1, then try to chop them up the best I can before the nobz arrive


They are very cool and that’s much more important and why you want to be an Ork, surely?


I like them. I prefer 9th edition. The rockets were 2d3 attacks each. Now they are d3, still good but just less good. I run 2 units of 3 myself and sometimes they can be very helpful. Remember though, they only have 4 wounds and are easily destroy able. And make sure you store them where the propellers won't get dammaged, most common area.


I magnetized my kopta blades. Now they literally can't break off. Added bonus is I can spin them with my fingers now and make "whop whop whop" noises.




The real question is "Do you think they are cool?". Rule of cool trumps all


I personally love them, I run two units and don’t deepstrike (have stormboys for that). I’ll usually have one on each side of the board to grab objectives and make a large screen if needed for my more important units running up in trucks. While yes their shooting is inaccurate they can do some chip damage vs vehicles. On average you are killing a terminator per shooting phase as well. Also if they survive a charge or whatever I often like to retreat them over the unit they are engaged with for a chance at mortals, but also this usually lets me get into an opponent’s back like for a little mayhem. This is coming from an exclusively casual player.


Wait, you can do that? I thought deff from above was only for normal moves, not retreats or advancing 


I swear I read somewhere that a retreat counts as a normal move, but looking it up now I discovered that it was either a rule for a different edition or I made it up in my head. So I don’t believe Deff from above does work for fall back moves.


The rule specifically states "normal move". I'd thus expect you cannot, though I'm also no expert by any means.




They're a lot of fun. Okay-not-great currently, but the codex is coming out really soon so the meta will shake up a lot. Their shooting is underwhelming unless they spike, though they can really hurt elite infantry or light vehicles. I try to target high value infantry with them to take advantage of the extra shots from Blast and much easier wound rolls than fishing for 5s against tanks. Their bomb ability almost never comes into play, but it is a fun mental image when it does. Them having the Grenades keyword helps their value, as anything that can throw mortals at tough targets is big for Orks with our lack of anti-tank shooting. They're easy to underrate in melee, but they can mow through chaff well and put some hurt on MEQs on the Waaagh!


Yes i put mine in deepstrike to do a secondary and then they are fast and shoot not to bad


I've had decent success. They're great at dropping near objectives and harassing little humies.


They got Deff in tha name dont they?


Depends a bit on the enemy. I'd rate them as 'solid, not op'.


Lies from da humies, da deff koptas go fast n has lots of dakka= god teir


I got my orkcopters buzzing around for my combat patrol. I like them


I would say they are a kinda 'mid tier' orky unit. Very fast, deepstrike is very useful. Normally Stormboyz and Bikers are better for grabbing objectives etc, but these guys can be good because they can sit on an objective and provide decent (very swingy) firepower. They have a bit of melee damage against weak horde capping units too. I am building a unit and hoping they might become more useful in a possible future 'dakka' detachment.


Swingy at range but o gork are they putting out a lot of melee on waagh


Dey da bezt!


Don't glue da propellaz on, dey break too eazie I do miss when you could have a whole kopta squad of 3 with kustom Mega blastaz but those are in legends now. I like dem, as you have field a ton of the speed freaks of da air


I've magnetised mine


They aren't the best unit in the index but the codex is around the corner and they may get an uplift or a tweak. They are cool as fuck though.


They are okay on the table, but there are better options (stormboys) Models are cool, though


The models are great and that’s what really matters. So no they aren’t good, but they are okay at least.