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I'm definitely getting one to go with the snagga stampede box


Love it


Are all orks pushfit? I do not like having no options for poses or weapons


These kits are not push fit, but they are monopods those. Kitbashing and mods are still possible, but you’ll have to cut/snip/saw and glue em together, painboy style


> monopose That might have been the word I meant. I'm personally not a fan of those kits especially with a faction like orks. So much personality and customization is lost with them IMO.


does anyone know if the codex comes with the stompa boyz battleforce? my friend got the kroot hunting pack which had the tau codex.


No it won’t.


Probably not, the kroot was an army set while this one is a battle force. But forgive me if I am wrong


Yeah I don’t see any mention of the codex in the contents, if it doesn’t I might skip on this box


This kind of makes getting into Orks harder for me. I play AoS and I already have plenty of boys who look like this. What I like and want out of Orks is the old junkyard that grew legs and started shooting vibe and I'm sad to see that affordable ways to get that are being removed instead of some kind of happy middle ground between the aesthetics.


yeah they went real heavy on beast snaggas, the stompa box ain;t bad a bit spendy, I plan on splitting it with a friend


I like beast snaggas so I'm definitely getting this, but also to the folks who are complaining that it's another beast snagga box they literally just swapped recent battleforce vs recent combat patrol in terms of which is beast snaggas and which is standard orks and which is beast snaggas lol. If you don't like beast snaggas there is at least the stompa box coming out. Not that it's perfect, I'm still trying to figure out if I can actually get a way to safely transport the stompa before I decide on the stompa box because the main person I play 40k with is an hour and a half away and so far I'm struggling to figure that out


Meh. I don't really vibe with snaggaz.


I preferred the previous CP composition too. But I guess I can jive with this as well. I prefer more units.


Wait, does this mean the old Combat Patrol is no longer playable?


It's still playable it's just no longer going to be purchasable. The combat patrols cycle every once in a while so that there is a chance for folks to get different models from them


As someone who recently lost his Bonesplitterz army with AOS. I will be converting all of them to the Beast Snagga. Let's hope they do well this edition.


Man am I glad I picked up the old combat patrol. Alongside a box of the old boyz box.


LISTEN UP YA GITZ, I LOIK ME SUM SQUIGZ AS MUCH AS ANY OVA BOY. BUT DIZ IZ GETTIN' OUT OF HAND! ENUFF IS ENUFF. Two sets of monopose models in one box. And those stoooopid Beast Snaggas shoved in our faces. AGAIN!


Just a wh40k noob here. Recently bought ork combat patrol but is this a new one? Did i mess up or is mine with the weird helicopters and big robot thing still okey?


Combat patrol is a format that you can play out of the box with no additional model. GW is doing a thing where with each army release they’ll revamp the Combat Patrol composition, so yours unfortunately is outdated, they’re still good models to start an army with nonetheless. However if you still want to get started getting some games in I’m sure other players would be willing to accommodate with the old combat patrol that you have. CP is not a very competitive format and mostly a way for people to get into the hobby. (Also I feel the old CP Army composition is FAR superior)


GW has said all combat patrols are able to be played, even as new ones are released. So the old box is still perfectly valid for CP format.


You definitely got the better box, even if the deffdread is kinda old now.


Yes, you got the better box in my opinion :)


Hello guys I'm new in 40K game wanted to know if the combat patrol and the futur battleforce can combine ?


Yeah of course they can, you'll have an army bringing you closer to 2000 points games.


yes, though won't be honestly super duper competive, but will work. it;s kinda hard since this box is very melle fast and the box is more so range and tech.


do you think it's still a good start for a newbie who likes orks :D thx for the answer <3


Yes, the battleforce go quickly so be sure to buy one before scalper but combat patrol will be around till next edition so no rush, Honestly the battleforce plus this combat patrol and the old one give you like 2400 points so you can have some choices (if you build the battleforce smart you can kit bash extra flamers useing the boy bits or extra looters)


as long as your not going for competitive and you like all the models in the boxs then yes, it's a good place to start. If not then no.


Oh ye the stompa will be a pain to build but it's usually worth a lot of points so it can help you build a 2k list fast.


perfect thank again for the answers its a go for me then next week my wallet gonna cry :)


Called it exactly >>What do you expect from the new codex? by Cyrix89 in orks >[–]Drxero1xero 18 points 2 months ago >We are seeing power seep not creep with each codex. My bet's Gaz and Mog get massive nerf hammers just like the lion. > A bunch of older units fall off the book. esp OOP characters. even one in print in resin may go. > The new mini's will not have as much power as people expect. > and a worse new combat patrol. based round 20 beastsnagers a beast boss and the squig riders as whole thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/orks/comments/19dheoe/what_do_you_expect_from_the_new_codex/


Shame. Was kinda hoping for a speedfreeks 2.0 For some reason I only seem to like the snagga nob. Rest of his squad just doesn't do it for me. No need to get this, but i guess it's a great box to get to add to the stampede if you're into snaggas!


I like snaggas but so far missed all the bigger boxes that had them so I was just waiting for something like this to cone along


If I didn't know better, just from the box art I would think this was an AoS box set. To me the beast snagga boyz are a major thematic failure.


It really depends on how you paint them. The GW scheme makes them look very "fantasy" but I have seen some amazing dark and gritty paint jobs that make's them slot right into 40k nicely. I wasn't a fan of the models much either until I saw them in person as bare plastic. I replaced all the heads on mine with regular Boyz heads though as the newer style Ork heads lack the same cheeky charm of the earlier style. Here's one of mine. Not the greatest paint job, it's supposed to be a Goff style scheme. https://preview.redd.it/kz03fkn378tc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59dc2604268b9fa960c67db443797bb939b65682


Ok the hat helps a LOT. This dude is dope.


I had exactly the same looking at it 😆


I feel sorry for those who don’t like the beast snagga theme but for me it’s a perfect box! I have started half a year ago and picked up the old CP. it’s pretty fun but I was immediately drawn to the Snagga theme. This is literally more than half of what I would need for my dream army. All I need will be another box of squighogs and mozrok skragbad and I’m finished.


It's just so F sad. Get only 2 new models (one of them is a Legend) and lose Badrukk and Zagstruk. Incredibly sad. I just have nothing to say.


I really hope they will redo badrukk and his amo grots… those are insane models


Badrukk is such an iconic orc character, really hope he comes back


Stop with This fucking feral orks, give me the old ones


wow, two whole squads of monopose primaris-orks with a beastboss. As well as rubbing the salt into the freshly demolished nob on SS character well done GW


Ngl I got the beast snaggas battleforce only reason I am picking this up is for the Brady snagga detachment


It's a worse value, but better deal for new comers. I would much rather have this set for three years than the old one. It's a lot easier to understand "unit with boss important, unit without boss not important, smasha nob and squigs go rawr. It's straight forward and plays really well, and let's newbies play with units that are not complicated at all. The old combat patrol is a mess of units that are not newbie friendly *deff dread* and the load out has wasted models as nothing is even close to optimal if built blindly. Even the character doesn't fit into the very box it's packaged in, leading no one and default teleporting in. I don't plan on buying the new box, but I'm not the target audience, the teenager getting into the hobby is.


i am a teenager that got in the hobby and i loved my dd an koptas they are just so much more fun than than just getting boyz and squigs


The only issue is moving forward you don't have any direction for your collection. The new patrol needs like 3 kits and you have a 1k snakebite themed force. Goff is the most popular faction And the old patrol is very Goff themed but from a collectors pov you don't have much to build off, especially with the new detachments. Kopta is a cult of speed unit, dread is for dread mob, boyz are a mess with the new kit, and you need about 100 dollars of minis to make the boss' unit. The content of the old box really fun and cool, not good to make an army.


Because Snaggas should not be the first introduction to Orks they're a new subgroup... Orks are for Orks and this is just not cool at all forcing the newbies box into Snagga theme honestly


Snaggaz existed in 2nd, they just rode boars. What are you even on about?


Sooo.. the boys get replaced by Beast Snaggas, the Boss in Mega Armor replaced by a beast boss, and the Koptas replaced by the squid hog boys. Deff Dred wasn’t replaced by anything. It’s a worse box for the same price. The only thing you’d want is the squig hogs, and even now the Non Smasha is basically worthless


Well, price wise I would agree, but unit relevance wise, everything in the new CP (assuming points and rules don’t have any amazingly drastic change) is highly relevant, and GW tend to give newer models better rules (to sell more models?). Beast snagga boyz are more resilient than normal boyz. The Beastboss hits just as hard as a warboss in mega armor, maybe more so against vehicles. AND he can lead a beast snagga unit. Squighog boyz, move slower, can’t really shoot for shit, but has a squigbomb which is essentially a magic missile. Koptas are a good shooting option in an otherwise melee box, and they can hold the backfield as well. But relevance and effectiveness wise, I feel the squighogboyz come out ahead. You lose the deff dread Ofcourse, but that model has struggled getting much use in 9th or 10th (although he kicks ass in a smaller battlefield like combat patrol), they sort of sub it with a mob on Smasha squig, which looks like it’s gonna be rolled into the squighog boyz mob? Either way, I think the new CP hits harder and is generally more resilient. I’m hoping they get some special combat patrol rules


My thing is why 4 squighog boyz when they come in threes


The squighog boyz Box always comes with the 3 boys on squig an the charakter/leader.


It seems nob becomes squad leader instead of character


Not bad as a starter set, but worthless if you're not into the Snagga aesthetic. GW must've decided that everyone who wanted the standard Ork patrol picked one up already.


Nope lol


the worst ork box ever


don't forget stompa box!


Couple hilarious notes. 1. This box COMES AFTER they announce the stomps battlef9rce box, filled with regular orks 2. This is a box of anti vehicle infantry, as they're planning to REMOVE vehicles from combat patrol boxes. 3. They pair well with the Christmas box of LAST YEAR, not This year, which pairs well with LAST EDITIONS combat patrol. 4. They know people hate they're removing vehicles from future Combat Patrol boxes, and decide to make a playful jab about it. Saying these orks are upset there's no vehicles so they're going to punch everyone else... Gw sucks.


This isn't exactly true. New tau combat has a devilfish in it.


This is so strange regarding the no more vehicles in Combat Patrols because the new Necron Combat Patrol comes with a Canoptek Doomstalker which is significant in height and has the Vehicle keyword (in 9th edition most of the Canoptek units such as Spyders, Reanimators, Doomstalkers, Tomb Stalkers and Sentinels had the Monster keyword and for some reason they flipped all of them over to Vehicles in 10th...)


"Hey boss what do we do with all these Beast Snaggaz nobody would buy?"


*"Hey boss what do we* *Do with all these Beast Snaggaz* *Nobody would buy?"* \- RaHuHe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


where trukk?


They'd only put a trukk in there if they actually liked their players.


Oh wow that stinks, like that is the exact opposit of what i want to play


Same. I looked at it, laughed and said no thanks. I probably wouldn't pick it up if it was 50% off.


If you like beast snagga, you own at least 3 of everything here. It’s not a good representation of the majority of the faction, and they had a Christmas box


Why every time a new Combat Patrol is released, it feels worse than it's predecessor?


Except for Custodes






Am I missing something? I havent checked Games Workshop site. But Amazon and Ebay still list the Boyz/Meganobz/Deff Dred set...


This will go on pre-order this Saturday then likely release 27th April. The old CP won’t get anymore printings. If you like the old one I’d get it now.


Yeah, I just had a wild urge to pick up an Orks combat patrol as an alternative to my Imperial Guard, then saw how the old CP box is phasing out and the new beast focused one is coming. I ordered the old one while I could on Amazon, I like the mechy, tech focused Orks more.


Yeah this is the new one for the rest of 10th, announced today.


Gotcha. When we gonna get our damn Codex?? Lol


April 27th


Everything releases at the same time.


Coupled with the old combat patrol seems like it could work if you like the snaggas. I just started my first army with the old combat patrol and will probably get the stompa box instead


Looks good if you're into snaggas... I'm not...


They are usurpers of the faction, getting pushed too hard by GW


i like it. i get that it is a bit too much of the same, but I can't complain, I'm new in the hobby


See I really hate this box. Feral orks are cool and all, but I miss the days where were more Mad Max and less caveman.


This ^


So… two units of beast snaggas, a beast boss, and a unit of squighog boys? Kind of a boring selection of models that most ppl collecting almost def have already, and it kinda implies that the whole beat snaggification of the orks continues? I mean, a good deal on some must have units so that’s nice but doesn’t offer much to ppl with armies already.


>the whole beat snaggification of the orks continues? I almost want to say: IF ONLY! But look at here, here we got the same boring "old" monopose (!) models from three (?) years ago. No new squig models, no new concepts (squig horde, anyone?), no new characters. If the beast-snaggafication is indeed pushed by GW (and yes, that's an impression I do get!), it's a pretty half-arsed attempt.


But. But. Combat Patrol isn't for people who have armies already. That's what the battle force boxes are.


Yup, that’s fair.


And nob on smash squigg.


I mean, I like junk yard orks, and I don't like mono-pose, so for me it's a no. But for those that like the new way orks are going, or those that play competitively, I hope it's a good box.


The boyz are ok, but I don’t like the rest of the sculpts. Glad I’m done collecting Orks -aside from the new Big Mek, that is.


Not sure if unpopular or popular opinion, but am not a fan of the snaggas. So easy skip for me I guess :)


Agreed. Their aesthetic is bleh.


Same, they just don't do it for me


Happy for snagga enjoyers, but I am pretty disappointed


I love the snaggas but I feel bad for other clan enjoyers :(


It's me, I'm other clan enjoyers :(


Starting from scratch, would you get the current CP or the new one?


If you want to go Beast Snaggas the Christmas Box is still floating around online. I got two Christmas boxes and another couple units of swuighog boys and it was $600 for a competitive 2000pts. I went 3-1 in out last 25+ person local and only lost in the last round by 3 points to pulling perfect secondaries. It’s a very basic RUN, CHARGE, SWING playstyle but I found it’s nice and simple.


Depends, if you doing the theme of beast snaggas. This will be your goat. But if you are doing any other themes. The old one is great (expect for the monopose boyz) OR you can spend a bit extra for the new BF box


Isn’t this literally the beast snaggas box that came out with the 9th Ed release sans the beast boss. It’s an ok assortment, snaggas get an invuln save at the price of not really having great weapon options and the thump gun being kinda buns. At least this was the truth in 9th. These will be mono pose if that bothers you, the best model in the box is the nob on smasha as well as the squighog riders the regular boys are ok and the boss well I never had much luck with him but to each their own. I wish you luck in your endeavor


That doesn’t look awful, it looks pretty good actually! All the units are pretty good especially the Squig Boyz and the Snagga models are nice, shame they seem to be pushing out standard Boyz but I wouldn’t complain about this box if I was starting out


I am both excited and sad as a new (ish) player. I already have the old combat patrol but I want to get another so i have enough minis to try out the different ideas and paint styles I want to do and also to give me flexibility for army compositions. On the other hand I don’t own any beast snaggas yet so this is probably the perfect cost effective way for me to add them to my horde. Now i just need to decide if it’s worth being a fomo and getting an old cp before they get hoovered up by scalpers or if i should save my money until I’m less skint. The joys. P.s: the models of the old cp are nearly twice as expensive sold separately so there’s a high incentive to get it while it’s still there.


You have to decide what kind of Ork army you want to be playing with. You need to figure out how the different sets would compliment each other and/or help you. Some people love the beast snaggas, some loathe them, some use a mix of everything. I would be hesitant to have too many of any one thing before you paint some and/or play some because painting/playing may make you go insane with certain units. That said, you can always use some battle line units, so often can;'t go wrong with those. Also watch out for counts-- if they have 4 and you can only play 3... you are getting a useless model. Ignore the "hype" or FOMO going on right now-- remember, a new CODEX is about to drop, so existing Ork players are awake and online right now, v. in their normal hidey holes figuring out how to conquer the galaxy with their armies... :) Cost-effective is good... but don't buy just to be cost-effective. Prices fluctuate constantly. The new CP box will be around a while once the hype is over. The old box is on its way out, but then again... how many of those units do you want/need? It is only a great deal if you need those units AND you will use them all. Most of all... ENJOY THE FUN!!!


Christmas box lite. I’ll take one. Didn’t get my hands on the Stampede Battleforce, but I’m trying to get the Stompa one, so this might round things out a little. I’ve been buying a single Snagga here and there from eBay, so I’m not oversaturated with them, nor do I find them tedious to paint. If anything, the second lot of 10 in this kit will help convert some Boyz. I just need a second job to get it all together.


*laughs in Snakebites* Joking aside, it seems likely that the Beast Snaggas are going to get their own detachment in the codex. My heart goes out to all the non-snaggas Ork players out there though.


There is a hunt waagh in the new codex. Along with a speed freaks one. Honestly, I think the complaints about beast snaggas are unfounded, I mean it's fine if you don't like them, but of course gw is going to push the newer models. Eventually the other ranges will get refreshed, right now, snaggas are fresh on the line and easy to repackage.


\*\*heavy sigh\*\* GW is pushing Snaggas hard, and I really wish they'd give it a rest. How about the rest of our line (speedwaagh, dreadmob, etc.) get--at the very least--their character models? No? Alas.


Isn’t their announced launch army box a mech box?


I mean yes, but the CP is way more important than a onetime release box (esp. one built around the infamous stompa kit). The old was at least an Orks CP, not a damn Beast Snagga one--I could sub in my old boyz just fine.


Speed and dreadmob are at least getting detachments - so the playstyles are getting love.


Don't go too fast. Maybe those detatchments don't represent the meaning of those playstyles at all, cause WG tend to fuck things so bad (I pray to be wrong here for the sake of my boyz).


i cant slow down ONLY SPEED


I won't be buying one because I've already got this twice over, but getting Beast Snagga rules for Combat Patrol is nice.


Honestly big L. At least make 2 of them,both different, like woth space marines.


At this point I'm indifferent to them. Last year or the year before I'd have picked it up in a heartbeat, but now I'm going to skip it since I've already bought all these kits and a BSS box.


I'm getting back into Orks and ordered the old Combat Patrol last week, so this is actually perfect, since I wanted most of these anyway!


I don’t like it because it focuses on a niche part of the army seperate from the majority of models which i think is a bad entry point, if it was sold alongside the old one then it would be fine but it’s replacing it for a probably worse entry point






Honestly I think both can exist side by side, gives a nice variety as orks are pretty well known for not being uniform, plus we've had more tribal orks in lore for ages.


The battleforce is still a good choice with stompa in tow


I'm okay with the Combat Patrol boxes being infantry focused, but I kinda wish they'd included some non-squig related troops as well? I mean you can have Beasty Boyz and Lootas in the same army right? So why not give the box set a variety of play style units? Ork armies should not be so uniformly organized! 😁


So glad this was rumoured, so I bought the old combat patrol last week to start my Waaaaagh!


Purchased the old one 2 days ago, didn't even know of the rumours lmao. Lucky me


It's nice to see a Beastboss in a discount box for the first time, and 20 Snagga Boyz is admittedly a better deal than 20 Boyz that you can't build all with the same weaponry. Still, I feel the pain of there being no value equivalent to the Deff Dread. Perhaps they could have thrown in a Painboss to help sweeten the deal.


Such a cool box. I think these models are phenomenal. Even if the BS Boyz are monopose, there is still enough customization options to have 2 somewhat different units. The Squigs are just way too cool (Orks on robot dinosaurs??? Yes please) and Beastboss is so good right now.


… I like beast snaggas


I like them too, but I already have 30 of them. And I want new sculpts. When were they first presented? In 2021? I'm waiting for new miniatures! I don't care Snaggas or not! Give me more different orks! I need MORE!


I like them so much I already have doubles of everything in this box! Would've loved this a year ago but now I'm all snagged up.


M o r e s n a g g a


You can like Beastsnaggas but the way GW is handling them is much like with Primaris Marines in a more subtle way.




Are vehicles getting overhauled or is beast ork just the direction they want to go with?


I believed they talked about removing vehicles from combat patrol as they gave a big advantage in the combat patrol format, so we can expect all combat patrols to be heavy with infantry


They better give them some new rules then cause BS are monster/vehicle hunters.


*glances at the Devilfish in Tau*


Awww lame. I don’t even play, I just liked boxes with vehicles included for kit bashing.


Idk if I'm missing something but didn't we recently get a beast snagga box that was basically this plus a kill rig, painboss and mozrog? I feel like by this point snakebites are way too over represented


Beast snaggas are no snakebites :D


In fact this is a really good box to combine with the christmas one. It gives you the 2nd and 3rd battlrline, the HQ that was missing and 3 extra squighogs to make the 6man unit. It is sad by itself though. It misses a big centerpice


If I needed to start from scratch, this would be the kit. I prefer the new Kommandos to these Snaggas but at least the heads and arms are some what swappable between the newer kits. The squighogs are good but they would have done well to include a vehicle.


I am happy because I already have all these models, I am also sad because I wanted an excuse to buy the new Combat Patrol for new models I don't own. Unsure how I feel right now


I’m not a fan of the new CP box or the army box. If I was starting from scratch they might have been useful but for someone who already has some minis I just don’t see the value. I really wish they would have released something a bit different this time.


Honestly I think the point is to give new players a good variety of staple units. This presents some pretty clear avenues of expansion w/ vehicles or even just the whole old combat patrol. Perfect for new players who these boxes are definitely aimed at.


You are probably right considering GW’s new player focus but I would submit that a huge chunk of these boxes sell to seasoned players.


I mean, we can talk about how much of their focus is justified, but GW's investors have them by the balls like all modern companies, so they're forced to look towards expanding their consumer base whether anyone likes it or not


2x of a monopose set in a box is kinda sad. Would be nice to have more variation (both in the kit and combat patrol).


So tired of snaggas. Want technorks back


Same. Can’t wait to get the new Mekboss!


Glad they still have the old ones in stock.


Not even Killa Kans?


Honestly, I would not count on seeing those in patrols. Remember that these are mostly aimed at new players. You’d rather put the newest kits in them instead of older ones.


That’s fair. I’m just thinking about how a good amount of these combat patrols don’t have any vehicle or vehicle-esq. models


Someone else said they may be moving away from vehicles in CPs because they unbalanced the relative game mode a bit too much, which is a shame but I guess it makes sense? Although I feel like vehicles added an extra layer of interest in CPs :(


Oof, glad I got back into the hobby before this set replaced the other patrol. I'm trying to make a deathskull technorkracy, so this set would kinda run counter to that. Cool if you like beast snaggas though I guess?


Fuck, i need to get myself a copy of the last one. I didn't expect anything good, but none of this is even adequate kitbash fodder


Already ordered one


My concern is if the beast snaggas a a more subtle primaris ork.


Nah, they released a new ork boys kit, new koptas, new megaboss. They’re not trying to make beast snaggas the new standard orks, no need to worry.


They also released a beastboss instead of warboss, a painboss instead of painboy and a wurrboy instead of a weirdboy. Not to mention kill rigs and beast rigs are locked to snagga infantry. There is absolutely a comparison to be made with primaris.


I guess? But that is limited to there being “different”, parallel choices to the standard orks. When somebody uses Primaris as a comparison is to say that the new models are bound to take the old ones’ place, which is not the case here.


Right?! I thought this last night as I was lamenting the new combat patrol


Ah bollocks. Im not interested in this box at all. I play orcs for the weird mechanical inventions. This is fantasy not 40K :P


Nice, they kinda took my advice! Just no meganobz!


Or trukk


Or Megatrukk!


Or trukknobz.


I love snaggas, and I want to build an army around them, but for getting people into the faction this was a very bad move. Will be buying it, though.


The subfaction getting more love than the main faction... again... When I first saw beast snaggas I thought they were pretty cool, not my style but some more snakebite-y lads is nice. And then they kept pushing them. And pushing them. And pushing them. I'm honestly at the point where I kind of hate the beast snaggas, because they've just totally overtaken the proper orks. And next time we get a big release (more than 1 single model), it'll be more bloody beast snaggas. I honestly think GW's designers have lost their touch when it comes to orks, between this and the de-cartoonifying and the monopose boyz.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Completely agree


I was really hoping the rumors weren’t true, the snaggas are good but since this is for new players I suppose it makes sense it is a great deal but I got more than enough of all of these already :(


If you own no orks this is a fine start which is cool but if you own like any beast snagga stuff this is pretty redundant. I dont mind the beast snaggas (although i do prefer junkyard orks) but its a small range of units that they keep pushing. Needs some more variety.


I really like beast snaggas, but already have these. Excellent for people starting them though


It's not even 500 pts, it's 495. Maybe something will cost 5 points more in later balance changes.


Temping. I probably would never run them in a list, but It would be a nice side project for the collection.




Just repackage the squigalanche box set for 40K at this point lol. Trying to foist the beast snaggas line on us like that, but I like orks for the mechs and scrap craziness they’re known for. Beast snaggas belong in AoS imo…


Snakebites and primitive Orks have been part of the lore since before AoS existed


Beastsnaggas are no snakebites


Snakebites are a fair point. They don’t really match the historical lore of feral orks though. Feral orks were weenier than boyz. They were more accurate at shooting and worse in melee. They often had more primitive weapons (like bows) and were worse technologically. In the kits Snagga’s frequently have mechanical limbs whereas neither boyz kit has any. I find it a bit jarring. The only way it makes sense is for beast snagga boyz to be at heightened risk of injury (perhaps squig obsessed) with a mek in tow.


What are the odds that the old box to be worth more in a couple of months?


As long as there’s absolutely no push fit models whatsoever I’m fine with this


An Orks CP with zero real Orks unit, smh.


Ffs, I know how the new models are “so dynamic” compared to old boyz, but this would have been the perfect time to release a new boyz box without the fixed loadouts that the old combat patrol had, but instead it’s just more beastsnaggas. And the lack of a big centerpiece model like the last combat patrol box’s deff dread is another blow, they could have at least chucked in a nob on smasha squig to lead- oh, wait, GW squatted it within a couple years of its release. Ugh. I hate to feel such negativity for a new box but between this and what they did to AoS, GW is really starting to annoy me


The nob is built from the same kit as the squighogs. He's almost definitely just been condensed into their datasheet now.


There is a nob on smasha squig in this combat patrol lol


Yesn't, look at the leaked datasheets.


6 datasheets have been taken out if I'm not mistaken.. 57 down to 51. So the Nob could be one of them especially seeing as they didn't mention it in the article


To be fair I've not had a chance to look at the article yet


Nob is part of the squighog unit now


I don't mind beast snagga but they shouldn't be a combat patrol This is all very..meh I might pick it up later down the road but this combat patrol is pretty disappointing


I might be alone but i really like it


I agree, and I’ll be picking up a copy or two myself. 3 combat patrols, 4 trukks, Moz, and a unit of gretchin will be my “Starting Orks” recommendation from now on. It’ll be the right kind of “beginner friendly”, and is a thematic list. I’m a little iffy on if making the Nob on a Smasha Squig a regular Squighog Boy is the right call, but Orks were offering up way too much Assassination and Bring It Down right now.