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Hey gang, Regarding parking, there is a medium size lot behind the Ten10 building. The back-up parking is at Aldan Electric Supply. It’s right behind their lot. [Ten10's website](https://www.ten10brewingcompany.com/) This is intended to be a fun, social, networking, even family-friendly event. You can bring friends, a date, a spouse, or solo. You can come to make friends, talk about hobbies, gossip about your neighborhood, talk shop, or talk about your work. Be kind. Expect to introduce yourself. Follow our vendor's rules. Plan to put a card down for your tab. Tip your bartender. Be courteous to other patrons. Clean up after yourself. If you feel like you've had to much to drink, please just uber. I'm just going to set the expectation - **if anyone is rude, belligerent, or otherwise nasty, you WILL be asked to leave.** Also, I've been asked by more than one person if this could be a pub crawl. This is an excellent area for a crawl, although I will not be moving on, you are welcome to, if you hit it off with a group or person. I will also note that our vendor has noted that the space we will be using has a capacity of 80, however, they mentioned opening a garage door to increase the space/capacity. Because we genuinely have no idea how many people are coming, some of the group may be encouraged to move the party along Virginia. I highly recommend checking out Nora's, Santiago's Bodega, GB's Bottle Shop, Hideaway and Gnarly Barley. Please be safe walking.


If you all need a designated driver then let me know. I think the SUV could accomodate 4 people besides me.


Thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to meeting whoever shows up!


I don't know what anyone has planned for after the meetup, but there's a fun show happening at Will's Pub around the corner that night... [https://willspub.org/tm-event/10-foot-mountain-beast-pussy-american-scythe-and-indorphine/](https://willspub.org/tm-event/10-foot-mountain-beast-pussy-american-scythe-and-indorphine/)


Hey u/creepy-dark6459 have you met u/vertigoflow ? Yall might make good punk buddies / music friends.


I was definitely eager to see Indorphine afterwards, but I haven’t been able to find out more about the other bands and the punk show at Grumpys Underground has 9 bands. I’m torn between the options.


Either show is gonna be a good time, I'm friends with some of the guys playing at Wills so I'm heading there after the meetup. Honestly, you can't go wrong.






u/rhubes did you see this ?


Yiss! I'm actually camped in Altamonte right now, I've got some family stuff going on but I'm going to do my best to get there. I did bring my pocket kitten with me.


Family stuff takes priority always. Be well friend. If you make it there, I'll find you!


I believe I can make this one :)


I'll be missing this meetup but I look forward to the next one!




I think you may have posted this in the wrong thread haha.


Bummer.  I'll be out of town. 


You guys going to kill me if I wear my trump hat?


I'm guessing most people would just avoid talking to you since most people don't want to talk about politics with a stranger who's making Trump their main personality trait. But do what you want, it's a free country.




We want to keep it a free country too, so vote BLUE

