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Water is good, but please throw in some electrolytes once in awhile. Believe it or not, it is possible to be over-watered.


You ever heard the story of aguita, he was a construction worker who drank a gallon on site daily. One day he passed out and the paramedics come and say he’s dehydrated the coworkers say “HOW all he does is drink water” and precisely why. The water wiped out his sodium and made him dehydrated.


You ever hear the Nintendo Wii story?!? Really happened. So a genius radio station holds a contest when the Nintendo Wii is out of stock everywhere and nobody has any. "Hold your wee for a Wii" it was called. What is this idea, yep. Drink as much water as you can in x amount of time and whoever holds it longest wins. Fast forward to the end. Somebody dies. 28 year old mom of 3. 2 gal in an hour and died a few hours later at home. Worst part (like it need something worse) is she didn't win. Second place for a life. Water intoxication and death happen. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-jan-14-me-water14-story.html


this has Orlando ties. Jayde Donovan , who replaced Doc on xl 106.7’s morning show was one of the morning show dj’s in Sacramento when this happened.


Oh god I remember when Doc left. This makes me feel oooooold.


It gets even worse. A nurse actually called in and told them that the contest was very dangerous and could get even someone killed, but they did the event anyways, without giving the warning to contestants. Which is part of why the radio station lost a $16.5 million lawsuit.


Gym bros regularly drink a gallon of water during their workouts. He had to have drank more than that..???


I thought this was fake until this happened to my X-MIL, and she had to go to the ER.


ELECTOLYTES!!! I use LMNT hydration packs.


Electrolytes are vital. Anecdotally, I kinda recall reading about some variety of caterpillar that stings it's prey with something that depletes the victim's potassium. Once the levels fall far enough, its poor little internal electrical signals no longer process and its heart stops. [Edit] I may be incorrectly using the term "prey", as I believe that most, if not all, caterpillars don't hunt. So it's likely more of a protection mechanism. Reference: I am an idiot. [Edit 2] So... it was a centipede, not a caterpillar, and it does kill prey. Maybe I'm not such an idiot after all, so *there*! Pfffffft. Take that Ronnie. Nyah. https://www.science.org/content/article/giant-centipedes-can-kill-prey-15-times-bigger-they-are-thanks-critical-toxin


Thanks to everyone working in this heat, tho. From construction workers, to landscapers, to waste management. You guys keep the city going, and deserve recognition for working in these conditions. Unfortunately, the most I can give is a simple thank you. 🙏


100% yes! Backbone of the country!


Pest control technician here. As soon as I step outside of the truck I’m sweating and within 10 minutes I’m drenched. I’ve lived here over 10 years now. Never worked outside in the heat before this and am constantly filling up my water jug that holds about 2 1/2 bottles worth. Thankfully in my field you get the relief of sitting in the truck AC between stops. I can’t imagine how people doing roofs feel.


I did Wildlife Removal and Pest control for over a decade in Orlando, it can be brutal. A little tip from being in the field that long, make sure you’re wearing long sleeves (some PC products actually require it per the label) even though it doesn’t seem like you’re in the sun that long running stops you definitely are. And if you have the option, get your uniform shirts in short sleeve and wear a long sleeve dri-fit underneath, you’ll stay a lot cooler in the sun and cool down much faster when you’re not.


Grabs some propel electrolyte packs or make your own but when plumping sweat you need to replenish the salt lost. Im way up north but loom to you guys for suggestions as our summers are getting way hotter for longer.


Same. Just getting out of the truck and walking in to the account is all it takes. Let alone actually doing work outside


Work on a golf course. All day outside. It’s brutal yall.


What’s the deal with the “feels like” temp? That’s the temp. Add like 5 more degrees or 20 if you get in your car. Also way to go everywhere for removing trees and having no shade anywhere at all, in parking lots, anywhere, it’s been so much more apparent how little sun coverage we have available. Also DO NOT GO TO THE THEME PARKS IN THIS went last month it was already killer temps then and they TOOK ALL THE SEATING AWAY and all there again is NO COVER FROM THE SUN you cannot escape it. Huddled in a tiny room to breastfeed and sat on a floor filled with people who were also escaping it was all in all a nightmare experience.


The heat index. Orlando rarely gets above 95°, but that doesn’t stop the humidity from making it feel like 110°. 🥴


I've tried to reason with my parents not to get rid of the three huge trees on the front and back lawns as they provided a bunch of shade to the house. And now stepping into the living room or the back bedrooms feels like standing in front of an oven.


I’m about to have to cut down the large tree that shades the east side of my house. I’m dreading the change in my utility bills.


The heat index is a real thing. why would they do that? Seems evilish. W t h


We gotta set a threshold temp for outside workers. I get industry/the state not wanting to do it cause, ya know, money. But where do we draw the line? Like 120? Cause we are gunna start hitting 120 feels like I think. Or just June - Sept u get a mandatory two hour lunch 12-2 or something to cut out the absolute hottest part of the day? Idk


Well our governor banned requiring things like water breaks, so I’d say we’re moving in the wrong direction. But if we lived in a sane and normal world, this would make sense. At very least, we could require double pay for people working above a certain temp.


what the fuuuuuck?


This is why everyone needs to vote. The current people in charge would rather people die than be allowed cold water and shade during work. It's messed up. Eventually, there will be no one left to do roadwork, roofing, landscaping etc


Y’all are so ridiculous. Workers aren’t slaves out here. We actually need guys to be healthy to get work done. Nobody is refusing water breaks to workers in this heat. Have any of y’all ever worked outside for anyone before? Lol


Please go do reading on the heat protection advocacy work from organizations like the Farmworker Association of Florida (one article here https://floridafarmworkers.org/press_releases/fwaf-statement-on-the-announcement-of-federal-actions-on-heat-stress-protection-for-workers/) or the United Farm Workers (ufw.org) before you claim that workers aren’t being denied water breaks.


Ronald Dion DeSantis is refusing water breaks to many people by banning local governments from mandating them. Why ban them? It’s just so sadistic… I have worked outside, yes. Not professionally, but general yard maintenance and whatnot. I wonder if Ronald has ever worked outside 🤔. Something tells me he doesn’t want to get his designer heels dirty.


Probably not. He’s a pandering lying politician. He was in the military though I believe. So I’m sure he’s been out there when younger. I’m not pro desantis either. Thx for the downvote 😛


lol he was a jag. My brother is a jag. Well paid, but no, they don’t get their hands dirty. They do attorney stuff. Being in the military is more performative for them.


Reminds me of that old show JAG. I used to watch episodes of that with my grandma years and years ago. All slacks and button-downs


Yeah. Now that I think about it, DeSantis was at Guantanamo. Maybe he has gotten his hands dirty, figuratively. Idk if there’s any truth to the allegations, but it definitely tracks with someone that would prevent small governments from mandating reasonable safety measures for workers in extreme heat. I just can’t see a non-evil reason why someone would consider doing that.


BTW, I’m sure this entire idea is thought up and only discussed by JAG types. No one in the trades is having issues with this shit. Just a bunch of attorney/politics people coming up with shit to argue about and tell everyone it’s a big problem. Whereas everyone in the trades is looking around like who the hell are they talking about? We get all the breaks we need as long as we aren’t abusing it. Just a bunch of suits arguing about shit they don’t even have experience with. Trades biggest issue right now, like most, is finding ways to be paid more to afford life for them and their families after all of the inflation. Most are getting paid more than 4 years ago but not enough to keep up with the cost of living. That’s the REAL issue these guys need help with.


I’m assuming you work outside, and are maybe assuming everyone has your job and endurance? Lots of different professions work outdoors. There’s no way everyone shares your experience. I’m not sure what has you so convinced that requiring very simple safety measures is some kind of conspiracy.


So, you can speak to the situation of every worker in Florida? Seems like a weird hill to die on 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes it’s true and mean spirited af


The guys on the roofs feel 120 most of the year anyways.


It’s unbelievably cruel that DeSantis signed a bill banning counties from requiring water and heat breaks for outdoor workers. I was outside for a short time today and it was unbearable. https://www.fox13news.com/news/desantis-signs-bill-banning-florida-counties-from-requiring-heat-and-water-breaks-for-outdoor-workers.amp


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Have you seen a single person EVER comment in this sub that they aren’t allowed to take a water break in this heat? If there is ANYONE reading this that works outside and isn’t allowed to take a break for water and shade when you need it please reply and tell me who the hell you work for so we can raise hell about it. Because I’m in the trades and I don’t know if a single damn instance of this being an issue. It’s hell on earth out there and workers have to be healthy to do the job. This idea that we have slaves dying in the heat out here is ridiculous. People are having health issues in the heat because they always do in these conditions. It happens. Especially stubborn men who ignore signs from their bodies that they are struggling. Whether on a roof or on a golf course. More men all falling out on golf courses than roofs… 100%! Please outdoor slaves, comment and tell us who is forcing you to keep working and not take water breaks. Fuck all the pandering political bullshit. From all sides! Politicians time and tax money needs to be going towards our real and mutual issues. It’s all just a bunch of freaking political pandering by the governor and all the clowns on the other side of the “isle” too.


It's not that people won't be allowed to take water breaks, rather some employers will threaten employees for "not putting in effort like the rest of the team", and if that employee suffers a heat related Illness from pushing themselves too hard, or they're fired for simply wanting to stay alive in harsh conditions, there will be no consequences for the employer.


Again, this isn’t reality. It’s just more pandering. People aren’t being manipulated like this. The weed always a Mr Burns somewhere not treating workers right, but this is not happening in real life in 99.9999% of situations. Both sides just constantly pander bullshit new laws and topics to stay busy and stir shit up. Someone above said the republicans in office would “rather people die than get water and shade”… lol. Are y’all serious? Why do people eat up this political bullshit? Superintendents are trying to get stubborn men to take MORE breaks. Dudes want to get jobs done though. When we need shade and water we take it and it’s encouraged. I don’t know and never have known anyone being ran like slave cattle in weather like this. That’s not reality. Don’t downvote me just cause you hate DeSantis. I don’t care for that pandering bullshitter either.


I would imagine the people it effects the most are unskilled laborers and immigrants. I’m sure skilled roofers etc are allowed to take their breaks. It’s the people who are out picking strawberries that aren’t even allowed to take bathroom breaks


If it wasn’t reality why would DeSantis feel the need to put in place a ban from requiring shade and water breaks? And yes there are and will always be companies that push the limits failing to protect workers. And there are workers who are getting ill and even dying because of the harsh conditions. Now with this law in place it could get even worse. It’s a disgrace treating people with such little regard. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/08/florida-no-shade-law-endangers-airport-workers-outdoor-laborers-farmworkers-gardeners/73611783007/


So basically because you never experienced it, the thing didn’t happen?


Wearing a hat, t shirt & long sleeves will cool you a little bit. Former phone man


My life force is being drained. Get home every afternoon and just sleep


I don't know what you do but I appreciate you for doing it. Take care of yourself while you're outside.


He is a day time vampire.


Look up in OSHA for outside heat regulations. I’ll save you the effort. There’s none.


My fiancé works at several dealerships reconditioning vehicles and I’ve never been more worried about him. The black asphalt makes everything so much worse, he burns his fingertips trying to touch the surface of vehicles. The vehicles regularly display up to 110* on the dash. I’m praying we can find him something indoors soon. 😭


That’s horrible. Are there certain gloves he could use to help?


Not good bro. Not good lmao


My community HOA had people pressure washing the tile roofs. They were not young. One dude is at least 60. I was so worried about them. They said they were ok but definitely feeling it today.


We always say we’re ok…. Sometimes we’re not though. Especially us getting older. It’s right for you to be worried about them. It’s brutal out there and it’s a young man’s trade


They have an exterior maintenance business so when they are done with the work here tomorrow they will go on to the next hot as blazes place. I am going to worry about that older man all summer. It's not hard to imagine this heat possibly being fatal for someone at that age.




I dig holes all day everyday by hand for utility companies. Wear the proper clothes and take breaks.


I also dig holes all day and it is brutal. Sometimes you just can’t drink water fast enough to replenish what you’ve lost.


Wait.., but everyone is commenting that workers or not being allowed proper breaks outside in this heat. That the evil cruel governor is keeping laws off the books that would allow you to get the water and shade you need to work. And without these new laws the business you work for is going to slave-drive you to death and then throw you out to pasture when you get to weak. Lol


If your company treats you like that, feel free to leave them. Promise you can do better.


I have become adept at staying cool over the years. One tip I would say is I keep a cooler with me all day packed with ice I keep several cool rags in the cooler frozen and I just swap them out all day. I wear them as mask/scarves/under my hat. Big hats work wonders and thin long sleeve shirts. Always wear yellow/white mostly yellow they best reflect heat. Its not going to stop me from sweating but it for sure stops me from overheating.


Drinking plain water depletes electrolytes so try something like LMNT in your water when you’re sweating your ass off!! 🌞


This is patently false.


We’re literally the birthplace of Gatorade, an entire industry formed over this, and you’re disputing it? Found the flat earther


Drinking plain water does not deplete electrolytes. A combination of dehydration and environmental stress may lead to electrolyte loss to varying degrees and effects. The difference is not trivial. In science, precision is everything.


Semantics. You lose water and electrolytes naturally through urination and sweat. If you replace one without the other you eventually die. You’re being a rules lawyer over something that doesn’t matter.




The article you cited is an analysis of methods used to conduct sweat tests. It in no way confirms that drinking water reduces one’s electrolytes.


Outdoor theme park worker here! I just try not to think about it. Thankfully they take the heat seriously, so it's survivable for now


I freeze a camel pack the night before and let it melt on me all day. Not perfect, but helps a lot.




Try out liquid IV! Waters great but doesn't provide electrolytes


Or if you're like me and don't drink sugar, eat a banana!


I think I go through 20 bottles of water at least in a shift. They have cold water available at my work place but man does the sun beat down


I feel for you. When they say it is 91* that is in the shade. My truck will reach 121* while in direct sunlight. Every Thursday I have to work in a enclosed apt building where the inside hallway temps are 72*, fantastic. The problem is when I have to leave the building to drive to another side of the property and the temperature swing is roughly 50°. That is extremely rough. By the way, the way to stay alive in this heat is to drink even when you're not thirsty, take sips often. You got to stay hydrated. So it's a lot of water and the one product that I found is great for working in the heat and hydrating you is body armor. That is way better than Gatorade. Makes me feel like I'm 15 years younger working in that heat. It definitely has pulled me through a few burning hot days. Also take breaks when you can and get into the air conditioning and help pull some of that heat out of your body. I've gone into an office to return some keys a couple years ago and the leasing agent was about 2 ft away from me and she said wow, I can feel the heat radiating off your body. The Florida heat is no joke.


I'm an electrician that does commercial and industrial generator systems. 90% of my work is outside. Osha required pants and minimum of a t-shirt. It's been brutal. Water and cool down breaks every chance we get. Sun hats and lightweight/breathable long sleeve shirts have helped a ton, especially so we're not getting sunburnt on top of heat exhaustion.


Certified Pest control worker here. Required to wear long sleeve shirts and pants


Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Drink regularly when you're working in the heat.


I quit. Got a job working mostly indoors now.


Beekeeping is pure aids rn. Hate this time of year




Is it too much to ask companies or employees to provide canopies (i.e. the triangle or square sun shades stretched and tied to posts)? If I had to work outside for a living doing semi-stationary work I would bring my own rig: large tarp, portable pillars, etc. I hired a company to install a new AC and vents. Unfortunately everything is in the attic. The estimator told me not to worry about it. The crew shows up and are pissed they have to work in the atic during the summer. I asked them if they brought a portable AC to use in the attic and they said no and came up with excuses about why it wouldn't work. I was shocked. Then they proceeded to remove a panel once the system was installed to cool down the attic... so that proved it is possible to cool down the attic. I hired a father/son duo to replace the ac in my condo. It was on a chilled water system so they were using buckets to catch the water. I asked if they had a hose long enough to drain the water into the tub or toilet and they looked at me as if that was a stupid question. Then the next time they arrive, the son is bragging how he rigged a hose to drain the water into the toilet on another project. I digress. But sometimes I wonder why people don't think outside of the box on jobs that are supposedly their bread and butter.


I know nothing about attics or A/C systems but unless you're literally sitting still it's way easier to just cover your skin than try to set up and move some kind of tent. I'm in live music so the fixed gear (consoles mostly) gets tents but even the instruments that only move 1-2 times during the day make due with sun shades and the humans have... hats that shade our ears and noses. Too much other shit to do. :)


Am a real estate photographer, and while I'm not in the sun **all** day, I'm out there for a good 30-40 minutes a shoot, and I agree, it's getting incredibly hard doing this every year. Moving out of state this weekend, it's a bittersweet goodbye!


The humidity was crazy before that storm broke earlier around 4.


I have no room to complain, I have a business with a small warehouse crew doing basic shipping/receiving. Our building has spray foam insulation and 4 industrial exhaust fans in the walls pumping the heat out, and it’s still unbearable at times! I give them gatorades and unlimited water breaks in the AC to cool off, and I’ve still considered shutting down by 2pm as it’s just too hot out there for them. My hat is off to all of you that do not have these options. Stay hydrated, eat light, rest well, know the signs of heat exhaustion. God speed.


It is dangerous.


I reapplied sun screen today, wore a had, barely faced the sun at the beach today and somehow my face still burnt, brutal


Rays reflect off water and sand


I just moved to Phoenix. I feel SO BAD for the dogs owned by the homeless and then the people working in 120 degrees.


Luckily I only work outside 2-3 days a week on the beach, usually with a breeze. But man that sun is a scorcher. I couldn’t handle it FT. At the end of the day I’m at home useless dehydrated with a headache.


Pack a small jar of pickles in a lunchbox. Drink the juice and/or eat them. We’d play a bunch of tournaments during the summer all day long and always had this on stand by.


I service pools and just purchased a portable fan to go around my neck 🤣 I’m not looking forward to August


Does it help? My dad works outside. He's getting up there in age and I'm worried about him in this heat.


It works great for me! Even if it’s 102° outside the movement of air on your neck and face helps a lot. Although I’m considering getting the one that also mists bc I carry around a gallon of freezing water and it would be pretty convenient to have cold mist during the hottest days


I cover every inch I can like a leper and apply for other jobs that I do not get. Its swell.


Lifeguard here. It's rough but we are least get to jump in the water whenever to cool off. Certainly beats any other outdoor job I've had in Florida


Recommendations for sunscreen for someone who sweats profusely? It's like walking a few blocks to the car my whole head is covered with sweat. Also, yes - props to those of you out working in the sun.


Passing by the workers on Semoran always hurts bc I can’t even walk from the parking lot to my lecture at UCF without needing to pass out. Please everyone make sure you are also consuming electrolytes during the day as drinking too much of just water will deplete your electrolytes and in turn dehydrate you anyways!


I was helping my dad yesterday on his porch roof. I’m not afraid of hard work/discomfort, and I never complain. I’m always the ‘suck it up and get it done’ type. I felt like I was going to legit pass out from the heat. I was covered, kept hydrating with electrolytes, but I was dizzy AF, sweating like a mofo, and legit just wondering all day how they would get me off the roof if I actually passed out. Our convo all day was about moving tonAlaska.


I do not get how theme park workers make it work. Being in a cement and structure hotspot would be crazy.


Steam was coming off my body when i got home, put the shower to the coldest setting and it did not feel cold at all


I was walking back to my car from seaworld yesterday afternoon and man that asphalt was giving off some really nasty heat. I've never walked faster back to my car for ac then I did yesterday.


yesterday, Tuesday was brutal for me, i had to work in a building with no ventilation, my leg and arms started to cramp up after few hours of strenuous painting and sanding labor. first time ever I had heat exhaustion borderline stroke. it is cruel to work in those conditions. I am slowly recovering today rehydrating, my calves still feel cramped up/sore. Mind you I had drank a full gallon of water throughout the day, and a gatorade. I think temperature yesterday was 100.


Can we normalize sunbrellas + light sunscreen? I feel like I hardly see anyone else doing this, and it's odd to me. It feels like a 15-degree cooler in the shade. Obviously, this wouldn't work for people working with their hands.


What’s your hat situation looking like? You might have to step your hat game up wet the hat here and there.


I have a brimmed hat. But you and others are right. So my birthday was yesterday. I ordered a bunch of white long sleeve dry fit tops and I'm looking at hats now. Oh and I ordered a camelback!


Happy bday get yourself something nice! Throw a small drop of water at the top of the hat. Boy Scout trick is to also put water on the back of your ears. Cools you off quick.


Water Gatorade Water Gatorade Repete


This heat is diabolical lol about to rebuke it lol


I had roofers doing my roof Wednesday and one came off the roof puking and about to fall out from heat exhaustion. I quick ran in and made 2 half gallons of Gatorade to replenish them. There were 6 of them and that heat is No Joke!!!


Add a pinch of salt to your water. I was told this by a physician as too much plain water didn’t rehydrate me.


I work in sports consulting. I won't dare pretend this is as hard work outdoors as roofing or landscaping, but I am out wakeboarding or on soccer fields or diving (platform, not SCUBA) enough I need gallons of sunscreen to keep my pale Nordic self from absolutely roasting. And I drink water or unsweetend iced tea near constantly, too.


Y'all need to toughen tf up or find new jobs! I taught PE outside for 6+ hours/day for over 5 years! And, no, I wasnt the lazy teacher. I was actually playing the sports with my classes! No gym, no shade, etc. I had to bring shirts to change into due to soaking my shirts daily. This was SoFL. I also helped my dad who was a roofer & his dad before him. Its ALWAYS been hot & humid in FL. All y'all complaining are either not native or you were born after 1990. #facts


You taught pe years ago. You have no relevant take on working outside in the current heat. So fuck off.


How do you know when it was? I could have stopped teaching last year. Andd how nice of you to tell me to f off. 😂


Fuck... off...


I worked outside (for 15 years) until a couple of years ago. Now I’m a student doing field work outside a couple of times a month. It has been getting hotter and more unbearable outside in recent years. It was part of the reason that I left my old job. Our climate is getting hotter. It’s not about people needing to be tougher.




School starts in August, genius....the hottest/most humid month