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Losing both at the same time is brutal. Usually, when one ends the idea is you use the other one(s) to coast and look for another position. But sucks man hang in there you can do it. At least hopefully the savings will keep you afloat for a while.


Thank you šŸ™


Enjoy your US citizenship, not joking.


Yep, a reminder to only live off the lowest salary of all your Js.Ā  Save and invest ALL the income from the other Js, and you'll be well prepared.


It hurts to go from unemployed with free time to overemployed with a lot less free time too. Enjoy it while you can


Youā€™re right honestly. I have felt so burnt out so may just enjoy the next few weeks/months.


Iā€™m going through this now. A year ago I had 3Js (contract ended June 2023). 2 months ago the layoff from J1 that I knew was coming finally happened. Was ready to chill for a few weeks with J2 before getting back to OE. Laid off from J2 less than a week after J1. Trying to find a balance between finding the next job(s) and enjoying the summer.


Just keep applying even if you plan to relax for a while.. You dont know when the next opportunity would come.


Thatā€™s correct, also you can pretend that you have 2 months notice from prev J and still have a vacation while settled future server.


How did you know the layoff was coming if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Possibly a unique situation, but it had been over two years since they first talked about relocation/RTO mandates. Which is when I first branched into adding a contract job and thought I could wait it out a few months, hopefully until I could convert to FTE. Chaos ensued at J1 with people quitting left and right, including several layers of management above me. Discovered this sub and eventually added the temporary J3. So I knew it was coming someday, but damn did I wait it out. Majorly brushed up my job searching/interview skills in the meantime. And got more weeks of severance pay for staying on so long.


Yea take the time to recharge. I worked 15 hours today. Ive been doing it for 2 years now. I'm toast. I would love a recharge period before jumping back in.


The best periods of my life have always been during the time of transition between jobs. Both because I'm free to explore new things and myself, but also because you realize in actuality how few moments you have in this rat race, how short life is - and the criticality of recentering and connecting with what's important to you.


Love this so much. Youā€™re so right. I worked with someone who recently passed of cancer and it really does put life into perspective. Iā€™ll probably chill for some weeks while I work on myself and mental health


Even going from unemployed to regular employed in an office sucks. It felt like being retired for two months but now I have to sit in this building all day. Got a lot of work done on my home at least lol


I got laid off and they spent 2.8k on marketing to try and find a new person....it hasn't happened yet.... Always be applying


How do you know that?


I was doing payables and went "wait... that's my job in filing stuff for."


I'm sure you were very motivated to do a great job from that point on šŸ¤£


Oh you know it šŸ˜Ž


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Write them a letter and offer to do their payables on contract while they look. For quadruple the hourly, at least. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Get out your chalk and write it with me: I will always be applying and interviewing I will always be applying and interviewing I will always be applying and interviewing I will always be applying and interviewing I will always be applying and interviewing I will always be applying and interviewing


if recruiters can post jobs that aren't real, you can apply for jobs you have no intention of taking. I do it all the time. Probably casually applying for one ortwo a week despite being very happy where I am. It lets me know my market value and that there is demand for my skills when it comes to negotiation time.


It takes so much time and energyā€¦. A casual 15 min interview itā€™s fine, but a technical 1 hour live coding is draining. How do you handle it?


Definitely will acknowledge that it is stressful or draining. It's part of the biz unfortunately. I'd probably ask more probing questions in the initial interview and decide if it really sounds like a good place before you accept doing a live coding interview. Or you just use it as "practice" and not care about the results anyway. Depending on the interviewer, some of the tests are just shy of hazing. If it's a well-known company, there is usually data out there about the most frequent questions. If you're deep into coding, using something like Interview Cake can help you brush up on fairly difficult coding exercises. Myself, I sometimes get flustered when the pressure's on and I'll make mistakes or draw a blank. Drilling can help you get confidence.


Every job that is pitched to me from recruiters is hybridā€¦ How do you guys find these remote only jobs? I did happen to pick up a fully remote 6 month contract but j1 is hybrid as wellā€¦


On LinkedIn or Dice you have to check your search criteria. "Remote" sometimes includes hybrids. It is annoying to see "remote" then further down in the description that it's hybrid or remote only from certain states. As a side note, if it's a not-from-America recruiter, just hang up. They will lie, low-ball or just sit on your right to represent as a way to keep other recruiters from trying to get you in a position at a particular company. I've also gotten the "oh, they're flexible on that" in order to get you to say yes.


What is your stack/speciality?


Data engineering


FYI if you apply too much, too often, recruiters recognise your name and as per their internal policies, you get automatically rejected from the candidate pool.


Yeah, best to be applying directly if you have recently taken some offers via agents. Leave the agents for when youā€™re desperate.


Fear mongering, gate keeping.


They can do background checks too for job history


No one is doing a background check on you because you s8mply applied for a job. Jesus.




I understand your message and agree with you. However, as someone whoā€™s been OEing 3-4 Js for close to 4 years, burnout is fucking real. Iā€™m legit curious if folks really stay at applying and interviewing non stop.


What happened? If you did it once, you can do it again.


Thank you. Up until May 8 was making $193K with 2. Now I am making $82,000. I am thankful but also wondering if I will be able to find another $100K+ gig.


I was in a similar situation clearing over 200k mow down to about 105. Market right now for remote is brutal


I noticed that luckily some companies still list hybrid per company policy but a bit more digging and you find out itā€™s remote thatā€™s how I got my latest position.


Just be careful with that because at any point they can start asking you to go I'm which can mess with OE. A spot I worked for started making everyone within a certain radius start coming in mandatory


Right if the team were actually in the same location they could but they arenā€™t so unless they plan to fire like 15 people in the next year I should be okay. Granted hybrid isnā€™t an issue for me I was doing this before everyone went remote with contract work so in the event I had to go back Iā€™d also go back to contracting as well.


I would claim i moved out of state. Just fire me or let me do a good job remote. Your choice.


Would you mind sharing what type of position it is? I've been trying to get a remote job for a while now but unfortunately my skills are in a field that generally requires in person work 100% of the time. Anyways, I'm just curious to know what kinds of jobs are remote friendly when considering what skills to develop or what training I should be pursuing.


Many IT jobs. Get some skills in managing or supporting cloud environments


For what type of job?


what do you do?




How do you get to that posistion?


Deleting my comment haha hopefully you read it and got the notification šŸ˜‰


No problem I have worked independently in marketing for two years, but need to stop working for a corporation to get a work visa so just asking as much as possible whenever I can hehe. Appreciate you answering at all!


I feel you - stay strong, keep your head up we be back OEing soon


Going to need a LOT more details here. Were you unable to balance things? Did bosses find out? Family emergency? Sector down turn? What were the positions? Glad you have savings to pad the double blows


All good questions. The first job had lay offs, so I was booted along with my entire team. I coasted with J2 (which had been a 1099 for years) and was going to apply for other jobs but felt so drained and burnt out tbh. At the same time, 1099 hired a director which essentially replaced me in a way. We worked well together, I thought, until I realized she was ramping up to get the ins and outs before letting me go. So earlier today I got an email from the owner being like ā€˜youā€™re relieved of work dutiesā€™ and ā€˜weā€™ll let you know when we need your services.ā€™ Said the company was struggling financially. PManager at both positions.


Gotta love being with a company for years and your employment ended via a terse email. Always a good reminder that they don't really care at the end of the day.


This happened to me not long ago. Luckily I knew it was coming and was able to line something new up. You go through enough layoffs early in your career and you know the warning signs.


How do you know what the warning signs are?


Well if publicallt traded itā€™s as easy as looking at the stock price, otherwise if you see a decrease in meetings and your managing director is giving less directives itā€™s usually a good sign to start interviewing.


I mean, would you rather awkwardly have a conversation with HR? I think I'd rather just get an email.


Always make them work for it and be helpful but not answer their queries 100%. Itā€™s the age of siloing your own work and your job security .


Marketing always gets the brunt initially.


Whats a 1099?


Contractor, not employee


Man I feel you. I lurk a lot here - but I was at TC of 380 and last Nov/Dec I just had that gut feeling both servers were going to crash. Feb it happened within 3 DAYS of each other. I had a decent emergency fund thanks to OE - but BOTH...it stung. Nothing stung as much as the next 4 months of job searching. To include one offer and then a retraction of said offer with no explanation. It'll all work out but yeah - it was a HUGE hole in my wallet :)


damn Iā€™m sorry!! Are you still job searching now?


Just got a job offer today. I knew it was coming but didn't want to jinx it. So at least I'm at a J1.....




What were you doing OP? what industry? what sector? what titles?


Manager, marketing.


tough. sorry.


Im always fascinated by roles i have no idea about. And how could you do multiple of these, remotelyĀ 


The same thing happened to me. I went from $380 K to $0 K.


Itā€™s crazy how fast it changes, right? I was just telling my therapist, Iā€™m so lucky blah blah, I make so much blah blah, and now lookā€¦


Small world I suppose, as I was telling my therapist the same thing.


Atleast we got our sev and 6 months of savingĀ 


Agreed. I saved enough money to retire comfortably but I am already 63.


What were u doing to make that much money?


Two software architecture jobs and a $25K annual military pension.


Yep I was working 3 for 3 years, got laid off from 2 of them earlier this year. Back to 2 now


Was the job search hard?


It actually wasn't too bad, but I started looking early over I was laid off from the first one. So it didn't feel too bad once the 2nd one was gone because I was already in the interview process. But it's actually been good because I realize 2 is the sweet spot for me. Feel like I have alot more time


It happens to all the best of us . Take a break and get back at it. Job market is a little rough dont stay on the sidelines too long.


Hear you on this. Thanks!šŸ™




#brokepeople problems


For the past year, I have 2 jobs (>$250K/year) Iā€™ve QQ since basically Day 1 and today I still have these jobs! Itā€™s beyond crazy how clueless employers and managers are. Both companies have laid off thousands the past 8 months too. Lesson: the less you care, the more they want you.


YES. This!


this is something i tell people all the time, everyone seems to confident in their jobs, like they can never lose their job. people lose jobs ALL THE TIME for all sorts of reasons and nobody is immune from it. Good for you for saving because it would be very hard otherwise. Ive learned to have a plan B because life happens!


Glad to hear you have enough savings to enjoy some rest for a while. Youā€™ll have to get back into job hunting eventually, but while youā€™re on vacation, might want to let this thing run in the background to have some jobs lined up when you get back https://first2apply.com/


Trust me I feel your pain last year I had two now none laid off smh


How have you been holding off?


Same here!! I went from $300k+ to No K's of an income since last month... My current job is applying to jobs online. Fingers crossed. Hopefully i can rebuild this thing again.


Best of luck!!


What did u do that made that much $$?


J1: SR. Cloud Engineer $175K B2B and J:2 Database Admin III $130K W2


I went from 3j. 1 full time which i loved. Another that I hated and a contract that was supposed to be my new car money. j1 found out j2. I have no idea how. I had to resign. j3 has 3 weeks left on the contract. wife is pregnant. I'm stressed every day. OE is great until it's not.


A reminder to always live off the worst salary of all your Js.Ā  Never increase lifestyle beyond what the worst J can provide.


Mmm with 3 j and you dont have savings šŸ¤”,maybe you need to lower you standars of life šŸ¤”


Waitā€¦you were found out? You locked down TWN? Locked down LinkedIn?


Everything was locked down.


Thanks for engaging. Do you remember how they approached you? Did they have evidence?


8 am touch base. Manager called me. Visibly upset. I liked the guy. He asked if I was working at a specific location and team. I said I was contracting for them but the relationship was over. He asked why. I said for medical bills. He said ok. Then I saw a bunch of meetings get canceled over the next 24 hours. I had 4 weeks of pto banked up. I resigned.


Why we OE


Enjoy some unemployment while it lasts, then get back to the grind


This has happened to me as well. Lost 2 at the same time.


I'm nearing the point of imploding, on my own, if I'm being honest; I've been with 3 jobs making over $450k a year for well over 2 years now. I've been burnt out for a year though. I'm nearing the point of just blowing up completely and quitting everything, taking a break, and then coming back and trying to give it a go in starting a C2C business. I already have an LLC set up that I formed in 2020 that has been profitable on it's own for the past 4 years and it's completely outside the tech space I do for my "day jobs". Lately I've been very snappy with all of my coworkers which is completely unlike me. I'm typically very easy to get along with. I am finding myself absolutely exhausted after just a standard 8 hour day; to the point where I just end up sitting around doing nothing after a workday except watch random youtube videos. Some days I will feel so exhausted that I literally go lay down and just have to chill out for an hour or two in bed immediately at 5 PM. I am literally at the point where I do not care any more. I'm hoping to be laid off at some point with severance from one or multiple of these jobs, but I'm not going to be the one to initiate it. I am not confident on the future of remote work, even with a skillset and history such as mine. That's the only reason I haven't already just quit everything to take a break. I will never go into an office again after remote work. I have enough liquid assets to fully pay off the mortgage on both of my houses and to live off of for a year if I wanted to, with no change to my lifestyle. This is not including my retirement savings which I will never touch until I actually retire. I originally started OE because I was saddled with $120k+ of student loan debt and that never would have been paid off had I not gone down the OE path. But, that's long since been paid off and I have no debt other than my two houses. I don't even know what I'm doing any more.


Youā€™re saying exactly how I felt and exactly how I was feeling towards the end. I was snapping and annoyed at everything and everyone. If they so much as took a breath, I was on their necks. It wasnā€™t healthy but I didnā€™t realize I was burnout. I think this community is great but it rarely shows the burnout that comes with OE. Itā€™s very real and very exhausting. I was also managing a LDR and traveling a lot, so it was continuous stress. I took vacations with my partner but I was always on. Or at least thinking about my jobs in some way, because I was 1099 at one of them after all so I couldnā€™t ā€˜take off.ā€™ My biggest question towards the end was: When is enough enough? I was let go but I wouldā€™ve probably quit by the end of summer. I just feel utterly tired.


Enjoy your free time.


Thank you šŸ™


This is why we oe


What happened bro


Out of curiosity, what is the health insurance situation now? Are you still able to pay in for benefits once youā€™re let go? Not sure how it works.


So my w2 gave me nice severance and HI for six months. So I have it until end of august, but now paying COBRA (last 3 months they paid 90% and Iā€™m paying 10%, which is about $200/month). After august, COBRA jumped to $974 HA!


Can you let us know when you find another job again? - i'm curious as to how long it's taking to from 0js to at least j1 when this happens - i only have j1 but starting to consider a j2 precisely because of this


now comes the hard part of trying to find J1 while you know others hold down 3-4.




Did you feel like doing two jobs increased your chances of being fired at both?Ā 


No, honestly. J1 was gonna cut me eventually, with the new CMO. If anything, it helped me save enough to not worry about a job. Iā€™d do it all over again if I could. Though I will say it did burn me out faster


I tried to make a post on here but it didnā€™t go through, Iā€™m going through the same thing. Except fired from my own small duuumbbbass mistake after a few years and they found out about eachother. Anyone have experience with getting fired and how EI works? From what Iā€™ve been told itā€™s you most likely donā€™t qualify but wanted to ask the fellow compadres as Iā€™ve gone from 2 Jā€™s to 0 within 24 hours and wanted to know what steps people typically take. Of course the hunt for jobs is on again but wanted to get a feel for peoples experience putting in an EI application (both records of employment say fired for misconduct)


Damn, I feel your pain. I had 3 jobs a few months ago and now I'm down to just 1 (quit one due to burnout and got laid off from the other one a few weeks after) and you're right, that feeling of going from making a ton of money to a lot less is a real shot to the ego. I'm thankful I still have J1 but I've been looking to get a J2 and the job market is tough right now. Hope you find another job soon and keep your head up.


Youā€™ll be okay. Use that experience to land 1 Bright side is you can unfreeze everything and not worry about juggling Once you get comfy aim for 2 again Dm me and let me know how itā€™s going


Will do, thanks šŸ™


Sorry to hear that. Which role did you play?


What was the reasons behind no jobs now? Did you get fired or laid off due to them finding you are OE? Reason no specified.


They never knew of OE. New CMO started and wanted to show how effective she was so she laid people off aka my team and me. Then J2 hired a director who replaced me essentially.


Howā€™d you lose both?


I know I went from $460k to $80k it's rough in this economy


What were u doing that made that much money?


Is this humble brag over? Good.


look at the positive... when you land the next offers, you can accept both (3?), stack start dates, and onboard one right after the other. As for employment verification (if that's a concern), new jobs can verify that you are no longer employed at your last employer. My application-to-offer ratio has been 150:1 during crappy market and <80:1 in good markets. It's a numbers game, just gotta keep applying. In the meantime, enjoy your well deserved unpaid vacation and do something fun! You've been OEing for a long time and need time to recharge as well. The next chapter will be much, much better than the last. We got this!


what happened to your jobs


how are people getting multiple 100k+ jobs? I feel trapped in my 1 60k job and not a lot of great prospects around me.


Go back to school or get more certs. It helps!


This scenario is part of why people OE though. There is no job security anymore so the next best thing is to make and save as much money as we can while we have the jobs. Working 2 jobs and losing both is a hell of a lot better than working 1 job then losing it.


Thanks for sharing actually. Was always curious if this ended up being me one day would anyone know if you qualify for unemployment for more than one job or does it matter? Unemployment is the same rate whether you lose one or more jobs? Hang in there, you'll find something I'm sure!


AbI Always Be Interviewing Also... Upwork? Keeps you running.


AbI Always Be Interviewing Also... Upwork? Keeps you running.


I know you are going to make it sound like it's not your fault but I know many doing overemployed got fired from both or all jobs almost at same time because they did a mediocre shitty job with all


sounds like the usual bullshit, so: * firstly you know "many" people OE * secondly, out of these people many of them miraculously got fired from all their OE for doing a shitty job I imagine you actually mean you're basing this on a sample size of 1, or 0


Rofl I'm on multiple OE related subs and Discord where I have seen multiple such instances. I never said I knew them in person offline dumbass


Genuinely curious as to why it's a common assumption these days on this sub that people lose their jobs because they suck??? And it's from people spared from layoffs and they think it's because they're good and it's because others suck. Do guys that get to keep their jobs in this chaos just straight up think this way? The last few months, layoffs have been happening left and right, are downright brutal, and it's unfortunately hitting positions that have historicallt been OE-compatible.


Most people do a shitty job as it isā€¦ the usual ohh my pc disconnected, or I need time to unpack that quips are all the same that are indicative of people not really tryingā€¦ I get it why try in this economy. OE just makes it harder on the few less fortunate to OE, but itā€™s survival of the fittest so I get it. Whatever happened to looking out for one another, but still saying fuck the organization


How much savings you got left?


Maybe because only the chosen can OE. Itā€™s a secret that just certain people can understand. There is a special handshake and everything.


When you half-ass 2 jobs, you get none.


Good, you were basically committing fraud. Glad you got what was coming to you


If you put this same energy into getting another job, youā€™d probably be happier. But instead here you are trolling. Get a life


No, I use my spare time to invest in real estate and stocks, like an adult. I probably have a higher net worth than you and I donā€™t have to lie and deceive people for it. Glad you got what was coming


Then why are your jimmies so rustled?


lol, I am happy justice was served. I donā€™t understand how that is related with jimmies getting rustled. I am not ā€œtrollingā€. I simply donā€™t like people who cheat, lie, or deceive others to get ahead


You can work 5 years and maybe get a promotion and 2% raise or you can double your salary in an instant by being OE. No one is defrauding anyone here


Yes, you are. Your employer and your colleagues. Stop trying to act like you are not. Enjoy the lawsuits and never getting hired again when it backfires


Every CEO is on different boards at the same time, from 9-5. And apparently itā€™s okay for them to do it


A board seat does not equal a second 9-5 job. A board seat is not paid a salary but is generally paid in stock. There is no conflict here just like there is no conflict to buy stocks, real estate, consult, or to work a REAL side job.


To be honest is it really bad to work at two different restaurants for example


No, it isnā€™t. That isnā€™t what this stupid sub is about. Having a real second job is an honorable and hardworking way of life. Scamming and pretending to work 2+ jobs during the exact same 9-5 when most contracts have a clause against it is unethical and fraud.


Itā€™s just an analogy though where i feel like it isnt unethical as you make it seem. I dont feel like all the people here are harming anyone. A lot of people just do their same 3 hours of daily work..at two places that day. All my friends mention that they only work for like 4 actual hours a day out of the 8. Itā€™s stressful to imagine OE its not easy but its for our financial future. Saving in the stock market and maxing out 401k is good but its slow lane for a lot of people. I work in IT and even with a degree and certs and years of experiences im getting $25 an hour job interviews at most sometimes. These same companies would lay you off instantly and screw you over for no reason even if your performance was top tier, i was laid off similarly and its motivation to grind two jobs for a few months or years to speedrun my savings. Hopefully you dont view me as evil for this haha


Salty. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having two jobs at the same time. I will die on this hill.Ā  Sounds like OP had a W2 and a consultancy going. Perfectly legit. Go be bitter elsewhere.


It is legit to do consulting and W2 but no I am not salty. My life is amazing


yeah, we believe you, buddy. that's usually why people go trolling on the internet.. because their lives are so amazing. lol.


Giving a value judgement on fraud and deceit is not trolling. You are on the same app as me doing the exact same thing. Donā€™t you, supposedly, have like 5 jobs. Get back to work fraud.


Thatā€™s what heā€™s doing as 1099


Yeah, I missed that part. As long as there is no agreements with overlapping time then it is fine and very hardworking.


Not sure your approval matters. Iā€™m of the mind that if I have an assignment, I complete that assignment, I can do whatever I want with the rest of that time. Overlapping or not.


No one cares about what is on your mind. They care about what is in your contract. You can tell yourself whatever fairytale you want. When you find out the hard way and there are consequences, have fun.


Iā€™m not sure what contract youā€™re talking about because usually it states FT. If the work assigned is full time, it shouldnā€™t matter how many hours that actually is. But ok.Ā 


Your employment contract. I am starting to suspect, based on this conversation, that you donā€™t have one anyway


I do, but it states none of this only ā€œget your work doneā€ language. Note that the average raise is 1%, so of course you need more than 1 job. Iā€™m staying for the pension. J1 for 7+ years. J2 as a consultant for 6.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) Another Beth Carvin alt user account


I have no idea who that is.