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Probably not.\* Brendon is busy raising a child and spending time with his friends and family, which is the main reason he dropped his status, platform, etc. as PATD and social media. He would have to agree to the tour, obviously, for it to be an official PATD reunion. I imagine that if he were to agree, there would be no dates out of the country and it wouldn't be any longer than a couple months. I would say Spencer has the highest chance of returning. He's working at Decaydance now, and (to my knowledge) a lot healthier of a person. Also, he's obviously in some contact with Brendon to have cameoed in the Sugar Soaker MV. Jon is probably down because of how much he's posted about PATD in recent years, and he's still making music. However, Brendon and Jon haven't interacted in a long long time so the chances of that are low. Ryan, on the other hand? He was in the 'public eye' for his tour dates in 2019 then dipped. Unlike Jon, Ryan isn't actively (to this day) making music. Also, no offense, but I can't imagine Ryan Ross playing High Hopes. Brent Wilson is either incarcerated or dead, so not him. \* = Brendon and Spencer *could* both return if they wanted to. Don't know about the other two.


“Brent Wilson is either incarcerated or dead” had ME dead 🤣


He is actually in prison


Yeah i know. He was arrested in 2021


I'd love more stuff with Brendon and Spencer


what if dallon weekes stepped in? or do you think thats not what the people want, personally i really liked him :)


Considering the fall out (boy) between Brendon and Dallon, it is almost a zero chance that would happen. As much as I like Dallons music, I won’t deny he has a tendency to hold a grudge, and seems to have it to this day. We also don’t know truly what happened behind the scenes between them specially (other than Dallon being demoted, but even then, we don’t know the reason why), but regardless, it’s not at all likely


There’s something beautiful and tragic in the fall out.


oh shit i didnt realise they fell out! my bad haha. such a shame to be honest but i hope they are both doing well


You got a better chance of Freddie fronting Queen again than Dallon returning to PATD.


Dallon did some shady shit to Brendon that personally went well over lines for me. He has been nursing that grudge for so long, it must be full grown adult. A number of ppl are aware of it and dislike Dallon but I suspect the vast majority don’t know or especially care


I'm one of the people who don't know! What happened?


Very long story but basically did his best to ensure any nasty rumour about Brendon was hyped up and stayed silent on the stuff he knew wasn’t true. Encouraged his family to share hate on Brendon and his wife from multiple sm accounts including the false allegations. Encouraged ppl to boo Brendon at his concerts. Changed years old insta posts to make out Brendon was a bad guy, and hid his own involvement in all the things Brendon was accused of. If you want receipts hmu on dm.


Yikes! Thanks for responding. I've become too much of a casual fan since Ryan and Jon left to stay caught up in the drama. Glad this is out of Brendon's way now.


Yeah imho Dallon is a really nasty piece of work. He’s in his 40s and not some immature kid. I loathe spiteful people


^^ me too? i honestly dont really involve myself in anything other than the music but now im intrigued


I’ve put some stuff on the other comment but if you want receipts etc, sent me a dm. There’s way too much to put here


ty! ill check it out


Honestly I’d rather brendon make a real solo debut at this point tbh.




The only reason he never did was because he would then have to pay to sing the songs his fans would want. At some point he would just be making a negative profit probably


he wrote the songs, he doesn't have to pay to perform them...


That’s actually not how it works, for example, Paul McCartney had to pay MICHAEL JACKSON every time Paul played the songs HE had written himself live, because Micheal Jackson bought the rights to all of the Beatles songs for some reason. So Brendon would definitely have to pay a hefty fine for sure


Because Michael bought the whole Beatles catalog. Nobody bought the panic catalog. PATD also doesnt have investors lol- 100% of the rights belong to FBR and DCD2. When Brendon goes solo and he uses a different label, that's where things can get tricky, but I'm sure arrangements could be made for Brendon fucking Urie


Making a new album would be more efficient but I don't think they all have the time for that


Most likely not , at most one of them will make a social media post about it


Ain't no way they're gonna return 3 years after disbanding


For the majority of fans, who are not in the on line fandom, the og line up, with Brent or the PO line up with Jon are long in the past. Brendon is the face of Panic and so as long as he is there, that’s Panic. Do I think Brendon will play shows under the Panic name in the future, maybe. Depends how many kids he has and how much he needs the money (probably never so it would need to be for other reasons like nostalgia) Would any of the previous members return, - also maybe (except Dallon). If they did they would need to be on board with playing any of the songs from all eras. Spencer turned up for an appearance once (him and Brendon are close friends as are their wives), the guys from the later albums definitely would, like Dan and Mike. Jon I think would like a shot. Ryan I think most likely would not. He barely shows up for his close friends stuff. The limelight is not for him and there would be a huge amount of attention from the crazy people. The man is wealthy from the royalties he gets from fever he doesn’t have a family and doesn’t need extra cash Also Brendon would inevitably get hate and accusations of all sorts of unfounded crap, whatever he did from the online hate mob. I suspect Ryan is too good of a person to want to see that on his behalf


If Brendon comes back I hope he makes music under his own name instead of patd!


The Return of Jesus is more likely to happen than this


Definitely not for the 20th. 25th might happen but honestly I don't really think there's going to be a reunion outside of the guys meeting up for dinner and maybe posting a photo online


I agree, but I'd love that picture tho


No. Point blank. Period. Maybe if hell froze over.


That's what the Eagles said. And then Hell did freeze over. (EDIT: This is a joke BTW, I have to get the Eagles reference in whenever we're talking about bands getting back together)




Next year, no. Someday, maybe.


I honestly don’t think it will ever happen at any point.


Here’s what I think is logical and probable. Brendon will chill for a little while. He will jam with his buddies (drums for Mike viola) and co write a bit more (one ok rock). Then he’ll do the band thing again but it will be a new band. I heard years ago Urie and Wentz were in talks of doing a side project together so maybe we will see an emo trinity super group type (B, wentz and way?) Urie would not have to be the lead and center of attention which would be a nice return to form but also change of scenery. Moderate success with that and maybe an album and some small venue shows. A few years later he will release a solo album which will would do the same , moderate success, small venue shows. Then years and years later. The internet will be asking whatever happened to panic!? Time will heal all wounds and panic music will be running rampant on social media, movies, shows, video games etc.. the band will come back by popular demand (including Spencer and maybeee Jon) Ross will be hiding out on a mountain in the middle of the cabins.


I love this scenario


Personally I think the best we could hope for would be like… a one-off anniversary performance at When We Were Young, maybe. As far as who all would participate… idek. Note: I’m not saying I don’t want to see a reunion tour happen— I would do whatever it took to get tickets to my nearest show. I just think it’s really, really unlikely to happen.


If the money’s there and they’re able to get along, I’m sure they’ll do it within the next few years. I could definitely see them headlining a big festival since those kinds of events always have some sort of gimmick. That way it could be just a one-off if they want, and if it goes well and they decide to keep going they can book more shows. I’m pretty positive that it’s likely to happen eventually.


yes I believe a future reunion is possible at some point - hell, I personally believe that all the shit that happened between Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, and Jon back in 2009 is all square now and guys are for the most part all friendly again - however, not next year, possibly not in the next 5 years. Brendon is a dad now and it’ll be a while before we see him in the spotlight again


If they just did a big show in Vegas, I could get u all.out there in great accommodations. great transportation, dirt cheap. I could work with their agent. I hope for this. And I will take a 20th anniversary show anytime in the next 4 years. Then they have to call it 25th lol.. But as adults, I don't see why this couldn't happen. It could easily be a small festival, with some other acts we love, and It would be a landmark for millennial music.