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If u guys were dating I would say dump her


this is the best… yeah it’s okay she said it AFTER we broke up… i think she was just mad


She seems like a red flag. Brendon is the best, there’s no actual reason to not like him. He’s not a bad person.


Every experience I've heard from people who have met him describe him as just a genuinely wonderful human being. I will continue to support him until I see proof otherwise.


He said some stupid stuff when he was younger and is getting skewered for it. I’ve also heard from people who’ve worked with him, from hair and makeup to people in videos to crew how amazing he is. And those aren’t people who have anything to gain by being sycophants. This was AFTER the Jan 24, 2023 announcement


It’s honestly so stupid, like what dude in his twenties doesn’t say dumb shit


Right? And HE APOLOGIZED!! He admitted to being a stupid kid. I mean, he’s not exactly the epitome of maturity. One of the things he I love about him is his man-childness


What HUMAN over the age of accountability hasn’t said some things they regret in hindsight? Honestly none of us have clean hands because the world has changed and our understanding of inclusivity has evolved.


i could go on a whole tangent about this shit… but people make mistakes. brendon is human, as are we all. he’s fine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him as a person. he has immature humor but thats about it. like who you want to like


If someone tells you your opinions about a band are a red flag, just like in general, that's a red flag on them. If your ex isn't willing to deal with differing opinions on trivial matters (like music opinions) then it's going to be worse on issues that actually make a substantial difference in your life. I'd say it's good you got away from them. I realize that more likely than music opinions, your ex considers Brendon's supposed actions the reason you shouldn't like his content, including post-split Panic!. I still think they're being way to overbearing on the issue though. Celebrities do bad things because people do bad things. They just get more publicity. Being tuned into celebrity drama and being concerned about it enough to shame others for difference of opinion (ie: whether or not it's ok to enjoy post-split Panic! (I mean Brendon Urie was still in pre-split Panic! so I don't see why post-split is the problem)) is a red flag in my books.


DUMP HER NOW PLS no seriously if liking Brendon is a red flag, she's probably not only a supporter of cancel culture (which seems stupid but is actually really bad) but also won't accept past mistakes and growth


KEYWORD IS EX GIRLFRIEND!!! she supported a lot of things i don’t really agree with and she herself is a very problematic person so idk 😭


OH SORRY I DIDN'T READ THAT PROPERLY 😭 My apologies🙌❤️ In this case I'm happy you two broke up, you're much better off without her! I'm sure you will find ur person🫶




People who just say stuff like this to others... your life must suck! Like, go outside, it's the summer. Vitamin D is important for your health.


What has Brendon done so bad? All I can think of is the fake allegations that were debunked YEARS ago that people are still bringing up


Anything I could think of is a bunch of jokes or things he said YEARS AGO that he has since apologized for. I learned a long time ago that cancel culture isn't teaching someone better and holding them accountable, it's usually people that don't like the artist trying to get them to stop making music or leave the internet entirely. There's literally nothing Brendon could do for these people to stop hating him.


i honestly don’t know, the only thing i know is that he said the T-slur on a podcast a while back (that he apologized for) idk i just am careful around people when i talk about brendon cuz i feel like everyone i meet hates him


It's not a red flag lol. I'll never understand why some pre-split fans are so mad. Like, they spend all of their time focusing on how much they hate Brendon and hate post-split Panic! when nobody's stopping them from listening to the first two albums or Ryan's other music. Like, they get more obsessive about Brendon than his fans do at this point, it's honestly kinda funny.


I got that too, no it’s not. Enjoying the band’s later music isn’t a red flag, even if you were to enjoy it more than the old stuff. Like what you like.


Let's just say I'm glad she's you're ex-girlfriend.


Anyone who uses your musical taste as a ‘red flag’ and cannot see past that to see you as a person does not deserve your time. That is a control tactic regardless of the gender of the person using it, and such behavior can be an ACTUAL red flag that the person may be emotionally abusive in the future. Someone trying to control your musical tastes, your style of dress, who you hang with, what you watch etc is a precursor to worse.


Geez I hate her already


ur tellin me


I motion to take the term ‘red flag’ away from the internet




probably chronically online and think being into anything from or of or about a “cancelled” artist, means that you’re even worse than said artist, imo canceling ppl only exists online and you can like whatever you want from an artist without supporting the negative things they do


your ex girlfriend is the type of person to judge someone based on pop culture instead of actual human characteristics and also sounds like an insufferable annoying twat 😭


i mean… ur not wrong!


Personally I wouldn’t consider Brendon Urie, pre/post P!ATD or liking any Panic songs a problem. Most cancel/allegation stuff was apologized for or never actually happened. A lot of people also just casually like it and aren’t super in deep about everything. Generally speaking it should always highly depend on someone’s reasons for liking something. Example when it comes to a band/musician they may just individually like the music, person or aesthetic. They also may like all of those things as a whole. Depending what they particularly like about it and what that media/band/artist particularly does/has done would shape my overall thoughts. I think just immediately assuming a blanket red flag over a media interest in general is in poor taste. I can see someone being wary of some interests but to call it/most an immediate “red flag” without inquiring why someone particularly likes it is silly. Occasionally yea there may be something a bit eyebrow raising. With music though most times people just like the sound and it isn’t anything that serious.


Your ex is a red flag. To judge someone simply for saying stupid shit years ago is asinine. If we were all under scrutiny for putting our foot in our mouths as young adults then I surely would have been canceled way before I could even become famous. Here’s another thing. Post split panic? There was never a split.. B was and and always will be the heart and soul of panic!


by post split i mean everything after ryan and jon left the band :)


good thing you dumped her dude yuck


yeah i bet u thinking yuck i mean u heard all about her 🤗🤗🤗 hai


He’s the same freaking person presplit and postsplit. What an incredibly dumb thing to say on her part. I would say people that think that way are the real red flag. That means that you can never grow or change. It means no matter what you have done to become a better person doesn’t matter. It also means they have mob mentality and no common sense. She, obviously, believes in cancel culture which is a HUGE red flag. There’s nothing more toxic.


Opinions on Brendon Urie aside, thinking of liking any particular piece of media as an "ick" or a "red flag" is pathetic.


Huh... liking music is not a red flag. Music is art!


That panic at the disco is not her thing that is fine but liking a patd post is not a red flag tho. Just like what you want.


I'd get the ick over her, good luck. Not just because I prefer post split but because it's a stupid cringe thing to think and say out loud. Do you have to wear matching clothes too?


NO! people should be allowed to like whatever they like!!


Brendon has a messy history that people can be justifiably turned off by, but he was ALWAYS in the band, he didn't just show up when Ryan Ross left. You can't just pick and choose


Your green flag is MCR. You don’t have any red flags after that


Like if Mikey way is your Reddit photo, you’re a walking green flag






It’s a GREEN flag




Anyone who literally would consider someone like a certain band something that bothers them so much into not dating them are the problem. Like what’s the heck? Unless you make it your whole personality.


She is based. I couldn't agree more with her mindset. Hopefully your ex will find someone as aware of the truth as her.


L mindset L opinion :P


yeah kinda.