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I just can't understand what has Brendon ever done in particular to piss so many people off and for them to hate him with a passion, that's just disgusting. These people need to grow up and have a life. edit: typo


They still believe the rape rumours and any other rumours since he’s popular


Honestly at this point I feel like it's just jealousy. I remember some of these people on Twitter just saying they did it because it's "fun". They're literally just assholes lmao.


I think some people do take things too far, but I'd personally cite the time he let his manager get away with sexually harassing a former band mates wife. And the rape allegations. And some of the less than kosher comments he's made. Should he be in prison? Maybe not. But is he a good person? Also no. Edit: He also loves to push people out because they're getting more attention than him. Again, not like, the worst thing but still annoying at best.




didn't he apologize for that though?


He did


An old clip of him singing a song. So tired of this crap. Everyone knows he’s not actually racist if you’ve followed him.


he literally apologized dimwit, that happened some years ago. it’s 2024!! get over it!!


He says the n word while singing along to a song that uses it, its very different to using the n word in general conversation. Yes he should have censored, it was a mistake which he apologised for and it was also MANY YEARS AGO


so what? Should I care?


so why does this bother you? if it’s not true? but him saying the n word is a fact doesn’t phase you lol this man is as white as it gets


He mouthed it, while lipsyncing. He didn’t actually say it.


The thing is it doesn't. And I feel like I shouldn't go into this here, but anyway, riddle me this how many times does a black person say the n word in comparison to a white guy? >!It's not "as white as it gets"!<


He didn’t say it he lipsynced it which is mouthing it. There’s a difference. It doesn’t count as saying it if you’re mouthing it.


Yeah jesus... saw this on my FYP and... *Can we at least read the articles before jumping to pedophila*.


its so irritating that people just blindly believe accusations. if he never comes back it’s because of this, i wouldn’t want to come back to a scene where im viewed as a rapist pedophile either.


I think regardless he’s gonna come back because 1.) he can’t stay out of the spotlight to save his life. I’m sure right now he’s dying to be back on stage and 2.) this does seem to be a vocal minority. Like very minor. I don’t think I’ve really seen people accuse Brendan of anything, but I also don’t go on TikTok or YT Shorts or whatever else


i think the reason you haven’t seen it is cause you’re not on those platforms LOL tiktok HATES brendon so bad for no reason whatsoever. they are really the worst with everything, and they don’t listen when you try and tell them it’s not real. they just go off of something they saw 4 years ago and it’s real to them


Off TikTok for 2 years strong ✊


How is It possible to achieve this sort of power. Teach me your ways


I have found that Reddit is better imo (although a bit toxic sometimes) and dedicating more time to my hobbies has helped as well.


Thanks for the adivce! I definitely should log off especially instgram, stay as far away from instagram as you can 🫠


he sounds like ass so he shouldn't come back


he literally has a CHILD. so like boo womp 🤣


he's also a fucking millionaire and has more money than any of us can ever think of BOO HOO🙄


he also doesn’t wanna come back and deal with disgusting assholes like who, who continue to bring up shit from YEARS AGO. he’s over it, get a fuckin life.


suck him off a LITTLE HARDER


why are you such a bitch


because i can and you people have worms in your brain for defending people who don't give a rats ass about you


okay? and yall wanna keep bringing up shit from years ago so of course i’m gonna defend him?? idc if he doesn’t care about me or care if i exist?? stop being a fuckin prick and get a life. move the fuck on, seems like you have nothing to do with your pathetic, petty and boring ass life.


i said he sounds like ass nothing else. you need to grow up and realize these people will be just fine without your defense ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW YOU OR CARE ABOUT YOU


you should honestly take your own advice 💀


honey i know they don't care about us. you're the one defending them.


I'm not gonna lie i got into a pretty heated argument with someone online about Brendon from a post i made 10ish months ago. They started off by calling me delusional, after i made a post saying i was tired of seeing Brendon getting shit on. Their argument for him being a bad person was the rape joke ALL the way back in 2011, like what is he supposed to do?? Go back in times and stop himself from saying it, he can't, and it's not like he actually did, yeah it was in bad taste, but there is so much to that joke, the time period, how old he was, the age rang of the show, like he was just in a mood bruh, chill, he didn't mean it clearly.


I really hate when they want to bring up stuff from over 10 years to say this is a representation of their character NOW. If he had a 100% pristine behavior for 10+ years and misbehaved now, you throw all the 10 years of good behavior away because that’s who he is now. So why can’t you do it the opposite way?


the rape joke was also aimed at a heckler that was being disgusting too but of course brendon haters take it out of proportion.


Oh shit, thank you, i wouldn't have known that, so there you go, there was so much to that joke than just wanting to rape minors, which weren't at that show lol


my ex gf told me about it because she’s a HUGE brendon stan. people need to get over things that happened years ago.


Hella agree, I'm tired of hearing the same shit over and over, it's not fun it's never been fun


people get clowned for doing shit they didn’t mean everyday b


Yeah but that's different than straight up hating him for words, which that person does


yeah but it’s also critically acclaimed brendon urie and not someone playing the blood violin in their bedroom. i think he’ll be okay dealing with the consequences of his own actions


Sure, and I'm not saying he shouldn't, but it's so long ago, people have said much worse in recent times and actually meant what they said, like andrew tate, or shia (the holes guy) plus Brendon is gone now, isn't that enough? What else do you want realistically, a hand written apology sent to your house??


i thought he got exposed for texting teenage fans


That's straight up a lie, those people only said that because they weren't hearing anything about Zack getting fired, which was a legal problem that couldn't be talked about, they admitted to lying and then deleted their twitter account


thank you for actually educating me instead of losing your top haha


Of course! (: I only return energy, you coke at me sideways except it back. You were asking a question and you deserve to know what the actual truth was, you're not a bad person just misinformed, have a good day okay 👍


To be fair i was misinformed about the Melanie Martinez situation a long time ago, and i got my facts straight and just went back to listening to her cause i still very much like her stuff


If your grandmother said she was texting Kid Rock but never met him in person, never talked to him over the phone, and never video called him, would you believe that she was talking to who she says she is? No? Then why would you believe someone on the internet that said the same thing?


This this this . Why don't people say this more often? The story is too stupid to believe. Yet they were all about it as soon as they heard. I blame the Mayor Pete fans lol


dude yall are insane i never said i believed that😂 that was the only thing i could remember but everyone was talking about slurs which isnt even a reason to “cancel” someone so i was trying to see if that “exposing” was what actually had people hating on him so much, i forgot you gotta watch your words on fan reddits because people go soooo nuts soo fast lmao


I’m sorry, what was nuts about my comment?


thats a lie, wheres your proof?


i didnt say he did chill i was asking 😭 i just wanted more info on it and i knew ppl here would have some maybe i shouldve worded it better lmfao


please give me the @


nvm i found it and i regret it


I blocked them, so I can't, sorry


just search up the name


I'm so glad he retired. This is dumb


At this point, the obsession they have over someone they don’t like is menace behavior. This man hasn’t been in the public eye for over a year and the people who hate him still have his name in their mouths. It’s deeply weird. Why are they so obsessed with him of all people?


More and more I realize people are just not worthy of existence.


How are they not tired yet


It’s so interesting because I feel like I’ve seen female celebs get treatment like this - Anne Hathaway for example has never killed anyone but you’d think she had the way people hate her so bad bc she “seems rude” or they “just hate her face”. But I’ve not seen another male celeb get pseudo canceled like this. I really can’t understand why people don’t like him. Aside from the music I think he’s a very like-able guy. AND I’ve met him, and he was so kind. You can tell he has a gentle heart under is rockstar facade.


Anne Hathaways definitely the female equivalent of Brendon in terms of hate. Literally did nothing others didn’t do and got so much hated and still does. She talked about it recently and how much it affected her. I think Brendon’s right to withdraw bc no one behaves to him irl like this, he needs to stay away from the toxicity online and make his money behind the scenes like loads of ppl do. He’s rich and always will be, he has a happy marriage and a family. He’s doing good. Ppl just like to choose a scapegoat


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how damaging false allegations are.


aint it funny that the only people complaining about brendon saying the nword are white people? we need to grop tf up as a society and accept its only a word




Not me trying to press play even tho the TikTok layout is there 😳


These kinds of people piss me off and makes my blood boil so much


I was so shocked when he was mentioned as a rapist and pedo in the comment section of one of the pop culture subs. More shocked because that comment had so many upvotes and replies. Only a few people tried to explain that almost all of the rumours were false, proven false or cherry picked. People just decided to believe whatever they read or heard.


Go away.


Remember do not engage with people like this as its like playing chess with a pigeon It'll just kick the board and shit all over it and march around like it won


That's the best way I've ever heard anyone describe interacting with antis.


Some people have done and said worse things, and they are embraced by these types of people. We need to figure out how to let people know the fucking truth, which is that he’s being scapegoated and his allegations are false. Goshhh!