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Idk, I see how toxic people are in this fandom and if I were them I’d probably say fuck off to that idea. Toxic fans/antis I think have ruined that chance as they continue to ruin the Panic name. Maybe I’m just bitter right now bc I was just on TikTok. Ask me again later.


nothing good comes from tik tok




it’s sad cause the same people who make a brendon urie hate videos are the same ones who do dumb dances to new perspective or house of memories lol


This is how I feel when I go to John/spencer/ryan ‘s pages on Instagram and see the weird comments everyone leaves


So weird and inappropriate. The cringe I feel when I see those is unbearable


Yeah I agree Panic! fans on TikTok are kinda toxic already, especially some of the Ryan stans. I wish they would have a come back as well, I don’t think it’s going to happen because of how toxic people can be. I do think Brendon could make his own music by his own name within a couple of years though hopefully.


I hope that when some of those toxic nonfans grow up, though. Maybe they will learn that you don't just go acting like a dumb animal being cruel to anyone you hear a rumor about. They may learn what a lie is, especially when they themselves have children.


Just like with anything, you have to focus on who loves you not who hates you.


Agree completely, but they do make it hard to have peace.




I mean most of the music in their catalog is music that Brendon Urie wrote himself because he was there for 7 of their 7 albums, the other members were there for 2-3ish. So I don't see why this would happen. The only situation I could see this being a thing is if they did a reunion show for A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. But I honestly doubt they would. Besides Spencer and Brendon the members just don't really swim in the same social circles anymore.


I don’t think for a tour, but a promoter might back a truck up to each of the original member’s houses and bury them in cash for a one off festival like WWWY. I think booking agents, and fans would write blank checks for even just Ryan and Brendon on stage together. Time heals all wounds, but money keeps them healed.


I will honestly be surprised if they are not headlining When We Were Young in Vegas next year for the 20 year of Fever.


you’re so right


As much as I want to believe this I just can’t picture Brendon ever coming back. IMO toxic fans & allegations bullied him into leaving his career behind 😔 I can’t even tell random friends/acquaintances I like Panic without them yelling at me for “supporting a rapist”


You are truly living in a fantasy world.


aren’t we all


strongest hopium i have ever seen lmao


It’s a nice thought and though it seems very unlikely atm with time that could change. The toxicity of the online mafia prevents it rn but eventually those people might grow a brain or at least stop living online


Yeah, maybe when Brendon's kid hits 18 and goes off to college /j But really, if it did happen, it wouldn't be for several years down the road. Like a decade maybe. Brendon's only just retired. Personally, I don't think they'd do it because of how polarized the fans are. Unless they got every single past member back sans Brent, no one would be happy. They weren't typically a band that did stuff solely for drama and engagement, so I feel like returning to Panic specifically would just make the discourse return, too, and I don't think anyone would want to put themselves back into that toxic environment. People need to consider that maybe the band members don't want to go back to that. They're hardly in the public eye anymore as individuals, they clearly just want to vibe with whatever they're doing currently. I get wanting to support them in a tangible way, but sometimes just hoping for the best for them is enough from us as complete strangers and fans. A lot of these reunions are just for the money and the gimmick anyway, I'd rather have Brendon or whoever put their whole heart/ass into a project than just coast off of people's nostalgia to make a buck.


Ryan said he “wasn’t against it” in the past, Jon seems very down, I’d say Spencer is the wild card


I think this misses the point of Brendon ending Panic; the toxic part of the fanbase


I think Spencer is completely out of the performing part of music. It exacerbated his addiction issues. Maybe for a one-off type thing, but I don’t think so. I know he’s still good friends with Brendon. Not sure how the relationship between B and Ryan is because someone gaslit Brendon pretending to be Ryan. It got really bad apparently and they were on the outs over it, IIRC. Jon I think would be a big maybe. IF this were to come to fruition, I hope to he’ll no one reaches out to Dallon


No one would ever reach out to Dallon. It was actually a fan pretending to be Brendon that was talking to Ryan. That was a bad time, but the guys have talked since then.


Whoops. Got that backwards. Yes. You’re right. Thank you for the correction. I know they’ve talked I just don’t know if their relationship was fully repaired


Yeah, I think they are fine, just grown apart. They don’t really cross paths.


I’ve heard. And Ryan is insanely private. His girlfriend posts the odd picture of him but he’s really out of the spotlight. I don’t think he even has social media and if he does it’s so locked down and probably ONLY people he literally knows.


He won’t ever come back to socials either. I don’t think Brendon will either.


Dallon's awful




gosh i hope so, i would kill to see them live at lease once :c


i don't rerally think so, but i don't know them personally, so who knows. not anytime soon anyway, if ever, so there is no point for hoping for it now to me


i agree. i don’t think the blood is as bad as people think. it’ll happen eventually


i just know jon would be the one begging for a reunion out of all of them


I absolutely think Panic/Brendon will come back but probably not an original line up. although I'd be beside myself if Spencer returned! I absolutely adore Brendon but Spencer is 😍


Absolutely not lmao