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My mother put up lost signs and offered a considerable reward. Her grey got spooked and flew to a different city. She landed on a person who looked like my mom. There is hope.


Thanks, good idea


My grey was lost for about 36 hours. We found him. ❤️ Never loose hope, he must be somewhere near.




Birdtricks has a guide on how to recover a lost bird on their website, please check that out!




Our conure flew away and we found him in a tree after around 30 hours or so. Make sure to listen as you're searching. His squawking is what lead us to him.


There are too many birds here. All you can hear is bird sounds when you go outside, but thanks anyway


Unless you live somewhere tropical you can definitely tell the difference. The birds in our area were also making lots of noise, a parrot is much louder and has a totally different sound. Plus your parrot will continue to be loud throughout the day as opposed to the native birds. We actually found our bird in a tree which had like 30 other birds in it. They all flew off and it spooked him, leading him to fly away again. We even found him a second time by his sound.


I very much second this! Your bird will sound different to you if you really listen. If you've dismissed the listening & been looking mostly with your eyes, this is actually good, cause it explains why you haven't yet found him & you can now add this into your arsenal & have a massive chance of finding him very quickly. Yes it can be hard to tell them apart, with my lorikeet, i have to differentiate his call from hundreds of other lorikeets when he escapes & there is one bird here that sounds identical to him to me (I think his regular call is actually mimicking that bird, given how similar they are & how my bird likes to mimic birds & other noises) so I've been lead astray before, first escape I ended up, with great difficulty, towing his cage with mate in it about 100 metres, trying to chase the sound I was hearing, but when his mate finally called & bird I was following didn't answer, I started to realise it might not be him & looked even more closely at bird I was following & after some time & with mate's reaction (or rather lack of) I finally realised I'd just wasted over an hour chasing the wrong bird! Other than this though, I find if I really tune my ear in, I can absolutely pick my guy vs regular wild birds. In addition to sound, as szucs says, you're listening for differences in behaviours associated with sound, wild birds will have particular patterns to their calling, your bird won't fit with them & will be noticeable as the odd one out. If you can play sounds he responds to, this will increase this difference even further, as your bird will be the one calling/calling differently after you play the sounds, while the wild birds will have unchanged calls, so you're listening for any differences in that background sound after you play noises your bird will respond to Listen too for differences in the wild bird sounds compared to normal, they will often react to an unusual bird in their territory, so if you hear something unusual from the regular wild birds, absolutely investigate that as well! This is really, really positive imo! I really think now that your bird is likely very close to home & you've probably walked past him maybe hundreds of times in your search, but missed seeing him. Go out at first light & really, really listen! If you can't hear your bird, really, really listen to the wild birds & get their calls into your head so you understand them & even subconsciously notice if something is slightly off in them, cause that will point you to your bird. Wild birds will be loud at first light, what does your bird normally do at that time of day in terms of noise? Really think about it & prepare now to be going out & listening for that. Find the nearest bunch of trees in the direction he flew in & go there & sit on the ground & kinda meditate, just take everything in & try to calm yourself down & really listen & tune in to nature & then try to think from a bird's perspective how you would be responding in that environment, where you would consider going, what you would consider doing, cause that's probably where your bird found himself when he woke up yesterday, he might still be there & if you sit calmly, he might fly down to you, if not & you cannot hear him there, you will hopefully be in a better state of mind to then figure out where he likely went from there. Remember that instinctively, he will be staying still & quiet, unless something in the environment makes him do different. Really listen & tune in to nature & I really think you are going to find him & quickly (at first light, useless looking now if it's currently dark there, which I think it is from what you have said?) Only real problem you are going to have is that it's much harder to focus on this sort of stuff when you're tired & after 2 sleepless nights, you will be. Actually another thought, since you speak of living in a place with lots of friendly people & lots of birds, do you have a bird watcher or similar group there? If so, reach out to them & see if they can help you in your search, as they will probably be more experienced in noticing differences in bird calls, plus they won't be sleep deprived, so will have better focus at this point


I second this. My IRN mimics the cockatiels we have but if you listen, you realize he’s an imposter. His voice is 100% different.


Update: its been 5 days and 6 nights tmrw we r gonna search with a drone but im not very optimistic


Be really careful with that one! Maybe see what others think about it. Drones are noisy "birds", I know planes totally freak my guys out, I would imagine a drone probably would even moreso. I'm thinking that might be good, might scare you bird into flying, so you can see him, but from what others have said, AG's tend to go silent & hide when escaped & scared, so I'm worried the response to the drone might be to stay silent & hiding, when he may otherwise be at the point where he's starting to consider moving for food. That said, not sure if he really could go 5 days without moving for food anyway, I don't know what food is naturally out there that he could find, if there's none, he probably has to be with other humans by now I guess, not sure. I personally would just be going the opposite way with silent, still searching rather than noisy searching




Download the Merlin bird app. It will differentiate among the varying bird sounds for you.


I hope you find your handsome bird




Your best bet is to head in the direction you think he went, call his name, post flyers, post on Facebook, anywhere you can think of. I wish you best of luck.


Thanks, we already did most of that except the flyers which we are doing this evening.


Use an app called Nextdoor and make a post there! It may help. I did it with my bird who flew away, sadly no luck but worth a try. People will help you, there was one case where we got contacted but it wasn’t our bird.


Thanks, I am extremely sorry for your loss❤️❤️🙏


do you have a lost and found bird group on facebook for your city? I have like 3in my part of Australia so find your local one and put up all the information you can and hopefully someone see's him or find's him. Best of luck.


We have a group of lost animals and other little city/town groups. I posted it there all I can


Oh, and listen to the wild birds!!!!! Sometimes they will kick up an absolute fuss if something weird is in their territory.


Ok thanks


Put up signs. Post on lost pet pages on Facebook. Post on local groups on Facebook. Make posts shareable. Contact your local police and animal shelters. Let your local pet stores know. Greys are notorious for tucking in somewhere when they get lost and staying quiet. This makes them more difficult to find than other species of parrots.




Or, down load the merlin app. It will tell u what birds r tweeting around u. And names them. Good luck


Now that's a cool app for this situation! I've never heard of it before, but if it picks up AG's that would be great :)


When my Yellow Naped Amazon flew out I traveled to the furthest reaches of the city and surrounding parks. I found him in a tree just about 50’ from the house.


After how much time did you find him?


Lost her in the morning and found her by evening. I was distraught but she answered me finally.


I lost my African Gray just like that 27 years ago. They get spooked or see a way out. Mine just went out the door while my 4 year old went to go play outside. My neighbors all heard him talking in trees in the neighborhood. I cried and cried trying to get him back. I sat on the roof for hours and hours. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Did you get him back


I’m so sorry to hear this! Is Napoleon traceable in any way? Is he chipped or tagged? Have you looked on Facebook or other social media than Reddit?


He has a marked ring on his left foot and we contacted the police, so if someone takes him there we will get him, we are posting it everywhere we can and we live in a city with nice people so its getting a lot of traction. Thanks


Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, all the socials are good for this… a few years ago I was picking my kids up at school on a winter day and we saw a little indoor bird that had clearly escaped his home. I called him over and he landed on my hand. We posted pics on community groups in Facebook and the owner reached out to me. Within an hour or so my short citizen and I managed to find the owner!


Go outside and call him he's probably close if he knows his name he will come to you he's probably feeling the loss to hun take the cage for when he does come to you try it it works don't give up he will come to you call his name I had two birds my brother let out I looked outside they were flying above our house I called them they landed in a tree and walked right down the branch to my hand it all depends on if you handled him if ya did go looking he's close and he knows where he was fed or leave some food outside on your porch he'll come back I'm sorry for this hun God bless you




I lost my Grey recently, but found him after he spent a night outside. He wasn't far. Go out and search him. Call him, give out flyers. Where are you located? Sorry if you answered that in other comment, I could find it.


Malaga, Spain, he has been out for 40 hours already and we r putting out flyers tmrw


At least it's not cold outside. I wish you good luck getting your baby back! Please keep us updated




My macaw got scared outside and flew into a tree and was gone for over three days. I found him in my neighborhood. He never went farther than probably a quarter to half mile around. I saw him several times and was trying to get him to come down and every time something would spook him and I would loose sight of him and start looking again. From what I was told when it happened birds typically stay within a certain range of a few miles if that far especially if they are primarily inside birds. But obviously that’s not the case always as someone mentioned above. Whatever you do do not lose hope. Post on your regional lost pets Facebook group/ check for found birds as well. Next door app. Neighborly. Exhaust all resources online before you hit the street looking. Or better yet, have someone you trust do it on your behalf (my mom posted for me while I walked around my neighborhood.) What area are you in?


Malaga, Spain


I’m in the US so not familiar with regional stuff, but I’m sure there’s local Facebook groups for birds. I joined Facebook just to reach farther. I joined specifically North East Lost Pets and a NE Lost/ Found birds. They were extremely helpful and I got so many helpful texts and calls about sightings.


Your weather's looking great then :) That's another issue with lost birds, but won't be an issue for you, so even more chance of survival & getting him back :)


Update: it was his birthday yesterday and its already been 2 weeks, same story, no sign of him :(


What I have seen from other cases is that most birds stay in a zone of about 2 km from their escape point. A very common suggestion is to play their favorite song (around the house or when walking in nearby places) & putting their cage outside. P.D. If they are domesticated, they will probably try to approach humans when they go hungry. P.D. 2. Also, sometimes [ParrotAlert.com](http://ParrotAlert.com) can help.


But thanks!


I live in an urbanization so i cant really do that


Extra tip beyond what I've already suggested in other comments. I think it's night where you are now isn't it? So while you can't be out there searching, do you ever watch videos with your bird? If so, are there particular ones he calls in response to? If so, download them & put them onto whatever device you have with the loudest speakers (and portable) so that you can take them out with you & play them in the morning & try that, followed by really listening for a response, then moving to the next tree filled area & repeating & repeating until you've covered all areas in your neighbourhood. If you don't have videos he will respond to, maybe you can post asking for that on the AG sub & see if anyone there can test videos for you & tell you which ones to try. I know if you look at cockatiel call videos on youtube, there's a number of them that have comments sections FULL of people saying they played that video when their bird was lost & it called & they got it back, hopefully you can get the same result with AG calls. You could also try playing videos you have of your own bird to him too, I know my birds react quite strongly to recordings of themself,although for mine at least, they tend to give weird looks & move towards with curiosity, rather than actually calling back, so if you can get videos that consistently actually get birds to respond to them, that would be better




Best of luck to you, keep the hope strong and I’m praying for his safe return x




Put out the cage he used on your drive way


Ill try but i dont think i will for various reasons


if he flies over and sees his cage, he might recognize it and go to it for food and water.


I helped recover Gray a couple of years ago after she had been gone for 4 days. The birds I've helped recover have all been found within a few blocks. Where do you live? You will most likely hear him before you see him. They almost disappear amongst the trees. Post on nextdoor and any other place. Where you will get local interaction. Sightings or hearings are the best way to know where to look. The one comment that stood out Was people recognized a different bird noise? Early in the morning right after sunrise is the best time to look. Since that's when they are most vocal. You will have to walk to look. Driving will not allow you to listen closely.


Okay, thanks


If you're in Colorado I could help look


Im in malaga, spain but thanks


Good luck. Hope you find him soon.




We lost ours for almost 2 days and then we found someone took him and took picture and post it in snap map


Let all the vets in the area know, also, do you have local WhatsApp groups or Facebook groups, let them know too , good luck.


Already did all that, thanks!


have you tried local pet stores and pet food supply stores? they may be willing to put up a flyer for you and they might have other recommendations about organizations to contact for help.


I hope you find him alive




yup, unless startled again after escape, especially very soon after escape, before they settle down into an outdoor space they find safe, so if there were scary (to a bird) noises around when or soon after he escaped, he could have gone further, maybe even a long way, but otherwise he's likely settled down somewhere close by. Most commonly close by I absolutely agree! Just staying quiet, due to feeling out of his depth & instinctively knowing this is how to survive


I am sorry for your situation rn OP..hope you find your African grey!Magnificent your parrot is..praying and sending good vibes your way..✨😇🦜🙏🧿❤️


Post in your local find animal and rescue groups on FB. They help a lot. In my area, people from the groups will go out to help you look. Put his cage outside with food and water so he can find it.


I already did and there is no sign or trace of him


Don't lose hope. They have been known to show up. If you are in the US, go to your local animal control and humane society and fill out the lost pet forms.




If there are any subreddits devoted to your city, region or even country, it would be a good idea to post about the bird in those places if you have not done so already.


Praying you find him ♥️




You need to keep looking for him, and get help from as many people as you can to keep looking. Birds don't come back home on their own, and even if someone else finds him, there's no telling if they'll even contact you. Don't give up, there's still a chance.


I’m so so sorry for this happening to you and your family I will pray for your friends return and prayers for him to be strong and find good and water and make a safe return !


I am so sprry


Its ok, thanks


OMG we just went through this ourselves w a Blue Front Amazon Parrot! He was sitting on his purch minding his business then..... Boom.. he took off! Had never done that before! Our neighbor saw the direction he flew and it took us some time but found him! Deep in the woods behind our home. Once I got him from the tree he was in... And on my shoulder.... He was very cuddly and loving on the way back home! Keep the faith! Listen hard for his cues.... You'll know it's your kid! Please keep us posted too!! I get the fear you are experiencing! Blessings and positive vibes for you all involved ~☕




Start knocking on every door within 4 block radius. Can’t be too far from your home. I would walk around morning and afternoons. Make sure to leave a flyer on every home


Here’s what I share with people in your situation as i was one there and reunited with my green cheek. First, keep your cage outside. If your bird’s nearby and hungry, they may head to it. There’s a good chance your bird is close by and freaked out. Your bird will be hungry in 48hrs or so. Right after an escape, they’re more shocked and not as interested in food. Social media will be your greatest asset. Make a “missing” digital flier with your contact info. Post this on your Facebook publicly (so it can be shared) as well as Nextdoor app and Craigslist. As far as FB groups, join/post flyer on local FB city/town/neighborhood groups, missing pet groups, ParrotAlert US - Lost and Found Birds (and their website), Pawboost, & Parrots United States / USA. My local police dept posted my flyer on their FB page. Call all locals vets, humane society, shelters etc. to give them your info in case your bird gets brought in. Do circles around your neighborhood and call for bird. Shake a bag of your bird’s favorite treats, especially “naughty”/ noisy ones like a bag of potato chips or ring a fave bell. Whistle your sounds/calls. Best wishes and don’t give up hope. Social media helped me reunite with my conure. ❤️ Update all your missing posts when reunited.


I lost my African grey girl. She was gone two days, I think she was high in a tree about 8 houses away. When she got hungry she flew down & landed on a man working in his yard. He advertised that he found her on the local town Facebook page. Such a relief! I hope you find your baby 😓❤️ Keep your eye on Facebook local pages, lost & found, bird rescues & if you can safely go door knocking & walk the area


My pionus just got out a week ago and was found after 3 days. The biggest thing that helped me was posting flyers. They say to post them around your neighborhood (which I did), but she wound up 2 miles away and thankfully I had flyers posted up at shopping centers where someone saw one. Please, if you can, post flyers at shopping centers at the very least. This was a game changer for me. I can provide further suggestions if you want to DM me. Use a bluetooth speaker and play sounds your bird recognizes. Make it loud enough that they can hear it. I hope you find your baby. Keep looking, go out at sunrise and sunset when it's quietest - that's when birds are most active and looking for food. He wants to find you too. Do not give up; you are still within a very good window of finding him. On average it takes 3 days for a bird to be found once they've gotten out. My girl was found at 67 hours. Good luck. 🤍




Don't give up! Years ago my dad accidentally let my cockatiel outside into a bad storm (a tornado touched down in a neighboring town!), and I got her back in about a week because someone saw a "missing" poster I put up in a pet store 10 miles away!


My grey was lost for 48h! We found him! There’s definitely still hope!! They are survivors! 🩶 A person in our neighborhood who got one of the “bird missing” flyers spotted him in a tree! *edit: more info


I found my Parrott after 4 days hungry and thirsty and he flew for 500 meters and someone found him and immediately contacted me please please keep looking and do not givee up




also if there are any children in the area, try to ask them if they have seen a bird show them a picture. kids are very attentive towards “unique” things. That’s how we were led to our conure because two young girls came up to us saying they saw a colourful bird that looked like mine. So if there are kids living in your area and are playing outside try to approach them (kindly) and ask them!


Update; its been 9 days and there is literally nothing. Its like he fell down through the ground


Don't give up. My mom's parrot was missing for weeks. I'm sorry. You must be feeling horrible with worry every day.


Update: it was his birthday yesterday and its already been 2 weeks, same story, no sign of him :(


Update: its been literally 28 days and there is 0 sign of him


There is hope. Parrots are somewhat territorial, so chances are he is close by. Take the Pic you posted, make hundreds of flyers, by a heavy staple gun and put them on every tree in your neighborhood. Chances are, someone will spot him


Okay, will do!


I' had a Quaker flew out one year ago never found her good luck hope you find your grey those Africa grey cost alot of money




Sorry for your loss❤️❤️🙏


Use Merlin


Whats that


It’s a genius app that you can use to record birds and it tells you what kind of birds you are hearing. You can also take a picture and it will play the sound it would make. It’s free and easy to use


Updates?????? hopefully you've found him


I got my Amazon back a week later. Me and the person that found her had both been putting up fliers in different parts of town. Finally got in contact when I gave one to the pet store and they contacted both of us. Apparently the lady had been walking out to her mailbox and Pepper landed on her shoulder and said Hello.


My birds have gotten out 3 separate times more than likely.He's in a tree in the neighborhood. Get a pair of binoculars take your time and he'll start settling before dark. Keep calm and good luck..


Also if you have a small cage put his food bowls in it and on top of that cage but a bluetooth speaker with With sounds of him or other african grey's blasting out of it keep that going periodically.....


A birdwatcher saw an African grey at a lake/park in pa this past week. Maybe get in touch with some local birdwatchers.


Oh no! Prayers he's found


Hello. I hope you’re doing okay. I have an African Grey and she flew away halloween morning when someone left a door open. Everyone told me it would be impossible to find her but i never gave up hope. For two nights I searched, bombarded the neighbors, and put up posters. After two days of searching one morning on my way to school I heard a familiar squeak! It was my bird all the way at the top of a 80ft tree! She flew down and has been safe at home since. Do not give up hope. Birds tend to stay near home. Although they can be quiet at first from the initial fear or not knowing their surroundings birds are smart and will try to contact their family through sounds. More important than your eyes keep your ears open. Keep the cage out front so if the bird sees it, it will know where you are and leave food in the cage. Don’t give up hope. Praying for you and your beautiful birdy. ❤️


I lost my tiel years ago after flying from the backyard, and he was just a few houses down with dogs there. Thankfully the dogs were inside and everyone on the block knew about him so he was returned from neighbors. Don’t lose hope, keep looking and maybe posting on facebook/pet finder websites.


If you can't find him hun or call him down I'd put up flyers up in stores on telephone poles or maybe someone found him look for found signs to sometimes there are good people in the world put some food out on your ledge they remember where there fed it don't take long he will come back to you I'll pray for you to ok I really feel had for you God bless you and your bird


I’m so sorry, hopefully you find them soon ❤️


Let vets office know and shelters And put up and posters. It can be tough to find them but sometimes they figure out how to survive long enough. I found a lost nanday a few weeks ago and he was in strangely good condition for how long he’d been out. By any chance does he have an ankle band or a micro chip? A lot of people don’t chip their birds but if you did it may help a TON


Do you have FB? If so, share to 911 parrot alert


When my GCC escaped I posted his photo on NextDoor our community app & someone found him the next day & contacted me. Best of luck to you.


Hey!! I’ve actually had a conure fly up to me in my backyard, and my husband and I spent hours trying to find the owners!! We eventually connected with them on Facebook and our neighborhood apps, like ring or Nextdoor. Totally hope you can recover your sweet babe! Best of luck. My heart hurts for you!


I pray that he is close by for your sake. My parrot  flew when she shouldn't have.   Her wings were clipped.   We found her up in a tree.  It took alot of patients to convince her to come down.   She flew across the street into another tree.  We live in Florida  and it was very hot that day. She got hungry and thirsty.   She flew to our house and landed on our banaster. We got her and she was exhausted.  Very happy  to be back.  She now knows it's  booboos to fly away.if he's familiar  with the area he'll get  back to his surroundings. He needs to hear your voice.  Any special music that he likes.  My parrots  love AC DC.  If you can put his perch outside with some treats and water.  Parrots are smarter than you think.  I hope it all turns out well.  Your in my prayers. Ps.  There are good peps out there that will return him.  God bless 


So sweet


Pray imagine he’s coming home


Check with vets, local FB groups and local apps. Put out its food around your house. Keep at it. Our cockatoo was gone for a year before we got a call and got him back.


My neighbour has a parrot Years ago , one day it flew off and sat on the top of a palm tree about half a kilometre away My neighbours searched for it for two days , they were so restless about two days later a man while walking in the streets knew of it and said that near his house a parrot is sitting since two days and has been violently screaming in the day , the neighbours' daughter ran after knowing this and went there and called him by his name he came flying to her . So don't lose hope


Any updates yet? It's about 2pm now your time, so hoping you have found him this morning (although I guess the lack of updates may mean you're still out looking while it's daylight. Still got fingers crossed for you!)


Nope, its been 3 days already :( im starting to lose hope but ill try therapy and keep going strong


Dam :( Do you have any bird watchers in your local area that can help you search? That's the strongest suggestion I have with what you have said about lots of birds around & a friendly community, if you have a bird watching community willing to go out & try to find him, I think they will be able to differentiate his calls from other birds & hear him. He's likely going ot be pretty quiet around strangers, but I still think they would have a good chance of finding him, due to what they know about bird behaviours, particularly birds in the local area & those birds are probably giving away signals of a foreign bird in the area to those who know what to look & listen for


Its hard to find but ill try


Put posters up everywhere. That way if anyone finds him they can call and tell you.


Don’t lose hope. There was recently a story here about someone who found their bird after 3 MONTHS! The bird landed on a stranger in a nearby city, who then checked the local Facebook group for missing pets. It happens all the time! You will find your baby!! ❤️


Don’t loose your hope - chances are good that you will find him


Damn that's so sad, if he has a cage put it outside with his favorite treats , he can't recognise your house but can his own cage, and let God decide


Put the cage out with food and water. He may find it


I am so sorry


are u in uk barnsley? someone i know found one today but probably a coincidence




fair enough mucka hope u find ur young en




I’m soooo sorry 😢 this is heart breaking 💔


I knew someone that happened to and they put the cage outside so their bird could see it from afar and it came back at dusk. Good luck 🍀


Try using a drone if you can find one and scanning whole of your locality. High chances to be found in first 24 to 48 hours.


Its alrey been 3 and a half days


don't give up my budgie also flew away twice but luckily 🤞🏻I was able to find it. Please try in your local park or garden on the top of trees as they like to go and perch on the top of the trees. African grey being a big bird will be easily visible. But don't give up too soon. Still a drone will be highly helpful.


Go out at night with a flashlight as during night time birds wont fly away and try playing african grey sounds on a portable speaker. Please carry a bowl with his seeds and try to losten carefully if he tries to answer to your sounds.


Our conure flew away a few weeks ago and i spent about 5 hours searching for him in our neighborhood. Put up flyers and try to give them out to people as you scout your neighborhood. One of the most helpful things we did was play conure recall sounds on our phone really loudly and walk around the neighborhood. That’s how we found him because he replied back to the conure sounds. I would also suggest going a little after 8pm when not too many people are outside


Ok we alrey did all that


Also leave his cage outside, he might see it when flying around and come back


do you guys have a place that he would use the bathroom and stuff? if so, put it outside because that smell can kind of feel nostalgic for him and make him fly back home:)


I currently have an African grey, but I had a cockatiel at one point who flew away multiple times. She was gone for 3 days at one point and was walking at the park and she flew down from a tree to us. There is hope, they are smart


Where did this happen?


Marbella, spain


Update: its been 5 days and 6 nights tmrw we r gonna search with a drone but im not very optimistic


Any updates?


No, no sign of him, its gonna be a week since he left tmrw evening


Maybe a dumb question, but why on earth would you open a window without a screen on it if you own a bird? I have cats and one in particular loves to try to get outside. We have taken precautions to make sure none of them can accidentally slip out the glass door. This just seems like a problem that was absolutely avoidable.


1. It wasnt me it was my mum 2. We live in spain and by window i mean glass door sorry


Im so devastated, its been 2 and a half weeks and there is STILL no sign of him, i searched everywhere, i told everyone, and yet still i just dont have a clue where he might be


its been 3 and a half weeks, nothing


OMG he’s gorgeous! Isn’t this the smartest breed of parrot in the world?




So cool! I hope you find your baby 🤍















