• By -


to make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger you know, arpg hamster-wheel stuff


Flip in hideout, so you can make bigger flips in hideout, till you have 20 mirrors, that you can then dump into a character you won’t play because you can never farm currency as fast as you can make currency in hideout


Too real. I had this during Heist, where after flipping I would make a 2 mirror autobomber, and I kept thinking “I could be flipping right now and make more currency than from mapping”


It’s because you can. Even empyriangaming has to be capping out at like 20div/hr and I know flippers that have made 800 div in one day lol


no no that's flip bigger items so you can make more profit so that you can flip bigger items. similar but subtly different


And then?


Comes next league and it starts all over again.


And then?


Comes next league and it starts all over again.


Aaaaaand theeeeen?


Chris Wilson nerfs a historical quantity buff and you skip the league


The eventual heat death of the universe


no and then!


Aaaannndddd ttthheeennnn?


Love this. Dude where's my car reference.


Repeat until the end of days


I laughed…and then realized I’ve been on this hamster wheel for the last three years.


Yep, for me it's "only" been two years, but same. Fortunately, I have a lot to do at work currently and so I have to take a break from PoE for at least a league or two. All the more fun to jump back into the hamster wheel grind when the work load goes back to normal.


you burn out, quit, and do it all over again next league


Lose it all on div card gambas and poofing all your gear.


The vaal smile upon your sacrifice Mageblood for the blood mage gods


I only lost around 1000 divines this league to that


I have managed to go the whole league without a single gamba. Spend my time hideout warrior reselling try to hit 1000divs in stash


As long as you have fun doing it!


Thats the beauty of PoE: The next league starts and you can do it over differently...


Then you can finally play the game


farm currency, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger, so that you can farm currency faster, so that you can make your character stronger


And no "and then"!




There is no and then. Upgrades get progressively harder to get, so you never make it to perfect before next league start


Unless you have all mirror tier items


Even then, there are double corruptions, synth bases (less so now, with vultures), etc. Even mirror tier can have a gap between "worth mirroring" and "literal perfection" As well as perfect corruptions on jewels etc. Leagues just don't produce enough of stuff like a well rolled melding with double corrupts, a perfect 3 mod watcher's eye with corrupts, etc. You can get it in a few slots like a bow, where people craft them for standard. But I don't know that there's a literal perfect character in league. The odds just get worse and worse for smaller and smaller benefits. It just gets to the point where you're missing say, 2 HP on your + 4 chest, oh no.


hitting the best heist orb on whatever with the two best double corrupts with all white sockets etc etc is already 10000x more effort than people put in their characters the idea of "perfect" is so so so so so so far out there, it's absurdity supreme! it's just too much to ask mirror tier is actually a very low standard in comparison to "perfect"


Then you finally hit level 100 and realize that the game isn't fun.


Except maybe it's just your build isn't fun. So you make a new build and start again.


You can finally play the game


Every time someone asks me what poe gameplay is like i always told them exactly like this.


RPGs in a nutshell




Because it's fun. I learnt something long ago, almost everything is pointless so if your having fun don't ask why, just have fun.




It was scrawled into a bathroom stall right below some dudes number for a “good time”


And it certainly was a good time ;)


Where is this bathroom so I can stay away from it?




Hoard for my std currency tab


i pile it all in a large vault and then take daily swims in it, like Scrooge McDuck


That would be a cool MTX. Where it turns your stash currency into pool of currency, based on how much you had. Empty floor with wisdom scrolls and flies -> a few transmutations and alchemies surrounding one chaos orb -> some heaps of alchemies and chaos orbs -> A giant pile of chaos with divines and exalts -> a small pool of chaos and exalts with some divines -> a medium-sized pool of chaos -> a fully filled pool with chaos, exalts and divines -> a pool filled with exalts and divines, with mirrors covering the walls -> a room filled with mirrors. Bonus points if Cadiro and Alva interacts with this vault


This is the way (Haha STD currency go up)


Basically you have figured out why the game is so strongly centered around a system of 13 week long "seasons". There is fun to be had post game to continuously get better and better and more and more refined gear, but there is a reason nearly all the games player base plays the seasonal content instead of endlessly grinding forever in the permanent characters. The game basically does hit an end to progress at some point. So the whole game is based on every 13 weeks starting over with some new mechanic or twist, another opportunity to play better or make new choices, and do it all again.


This game does it better than any other game I’ve ever played. I go fucking HARD for the first few weeks of a new season. Like it’s all I think about and it’s so much fun grinding it all out again. After it’s over, I literally never fire up the game for a solid two months. I can feel it…the itch…I know it’s coming. But seriously, for all the faults PoE has (which it certainly does) this game does A LOT right. I’ve yet to find a game that gets me that obsessed with it every few months. Now that im thinking about it, I don’t even really game much outside of PoE leagues besides the occasional game of apex or Overwatch.


PoE league start is legit the only time I've ever felt addicted to a game. I wake up to play, when taking breaks I think about what I'm gonna do when I get back, before bed I catch up on Reddit and YouTube related to PoE. Then when I finally get bored with the league I don't feel like playing anything for a week and nothing seems fun to me. It's scary stuff.


Might be 16-17 weeks from now on tho


As a new dad, I'm appreciative of this. I know its not the same for everyone, but I'd much rather try to no-life higher quality content every 4 months than average content every 3. I just can't play like I used to.


I'm not a dad but same tbh. Working + being in a relationship doesn't really let me no life a game as easily as before.


It might be personal bias, but I'd bet the population of a lot of games like this, league, csgo, etc probably having "aging" populations where we'd love to continue playing but just don't have as much time as when they became super popular.


buy better gear or for a nth character


- Kill pinnacle bosses. - Kill Uber pinnacle bosses. - Finish wave 30 of Delirium. - Get the BIS (best in slot) items for your character. - Reach level 100. - Craft stuff (for your characters or to trade/offer mirror services) - Deep delving. - Prepare the items needed for twink characters. There are A LOT of builds out there to explore. - Gamble.


>Prepare the items needed for twink characters. There are A LOT of builds out there to explore. one with nothing isn't really fun without a +4-briskwrap and other shenanigans. :-D But levelling with pimped golems was just fun, iirc.


Foxshade for 30% movespeed > briskwrap for damage you don't need :D


I like to just twink the actual skill I'm going to use. It's a lot more fun than doing OWT every single time


Don’t forget the real endgame: making builds in PoB. One time I got my drinks and snacks ready and sat down for a few hours of PoE. Fired up PoB and started dicking around with a new build real quick before playing. Two and a half hours go by and I realized I had to leave to go run my errands. I never even launched Steam.


In reality most people spend 2 months out of a league just to get the pieces they want. Then the last month of a league figuring out why it doesn't work like they saw a streamer use it.


Do people not play games to have fun anymore


Just looking for more content I might not be aware of, these comments have been pretty informative.


and you do a good thing. The dude you respond to is cooked. You obiously want to have fun, but maybe you just don't know how to, because you don't know how to access harder content.


buying mageblood, 100div rare items, etc. there's very rarely NOTHING you can buy, it's just often not enough of a power leap to be worth the time. so, you do it when you're grinding pointlessly anyway.


>worth the time That's the kicker right there. It's a matter of "Do I need to swap my tree around, swap my skills around? Do I lose too much life or too much off resists with this item? Do I need to replace more than just these gloves? Does a +2 minions helm justify the life/resists or enchant lost on my current +1 helm? If I *do* replace these gloves, do I need to respec or use a different gem setup? Can this character still do these Atlas node setup if I change a piece of gear or my passive tree for the gear?" It's the running joke that each year the game is Spreadsheet Simulator 2023 or whatever the new year is. In truth it's not far off of this sometimes as it's not always obvious how much a gear "upgrade" can negatively impact your character. A Simi's is totally insane. But that's a ring you've lost something valuable from like a charge on kill, or big chaos resists, or something else. The expensive gear upgrade needs to be worth it in the end and that takes time to figure out.


Even when you're prepared for the spreadsheet, it's often long after you needed it before it's affordable anyway. There are a ton of items that you can spend your super-duper endgame grind money on, they just come too late in the playtime to make an impact.


Yeah by then you are probably checked out TBH


It varies. Everyone has different efficiency and patience. I kept farming gear long past mageblood.


All I play is standard and I don't even have Mageblood lol I don't have a lot of time, so leagues usually fall by the wayside.


That's where efficiency comes in, mageblood doesn't take that long if you know how to farm 10div/hr.


Set a content completion goal, make a new character, repeat


>but aren't you already done with basically all of the game's content at that point? The fun for a lot of people comes from trying different builds they come up with, which you cant play until you have currency to buy everything for them.


This for me, for example impossible spectremancer build


I'm goblin, i hoard it and never spend it. Then I eventually get tired and give everything to a friend or some asking for help in chat




A lot of players have set goals before the seasons start and it’s a good way to avoid burning out on the game. Whatever the goal is…: -Play a build to reach maps for the first time -Kill pinnacle bosses for the first time -kill Ubers -level 100 -farm mageblood or a similar rare item -crafting …transforms the game from a mindless grind to a set of specific actions to meet that predetermined goal. Taking some time before sitting down and saying ‘I’m going to run ## of this map because I’m looking for this div card for my build’ or ’I’m going to run this content today because I need xx currency for this craft or xx item from this boss’ can take the monotony out of the grind. Yes, blasting maps just to blast maps is also fun but I would guess that most people, like me, start to slow down when the game becomes ‘just blasting maps’ with no set goal in mind.


You kill monsters to get more currency to buy/craft more items to kill monsters faster to get more currency faster to buy/craft more items to... Sometimes, monkey brain just likes to chill out and blast maps with a tv series or podcast on the background. And monkey brain wants fast builds, which needs money to start up. Also, bosses and challenges (both personal and league challenges) exist.


Help my friends and people that need help (not those beggars at the party board...)


Hoarding is a real thing


I only farm the currency to pump into my build and play all the content that I want to play in the game, beyond that I chill, it doesn't make sense to me to stockpile currency that will just end up in standard.


Buy that double corrupted Mageblood, Onslaught rings, maybe sprinkle some fractured 35% passive effectiveness's clusters, a 1 nothing node Voices, lvl6 awakened gems. There's always something to upgrade into. Myself I just get to full atlas with 2-3 builds a league and get bored, quit and wait for next league.


I wait for someone in chat asking politely for any leaguequitters that can help with their late start. /s


progression is fun, so when it stops (like after obtaining mage blood, etc) i quit the league


I'm not intensely grinding currency, just playing the game and collecting stuff. Eventually, I'm having a few divines which I'll spend to make a minor improvement on my main character, or fund a new, wacky end-of-league project, or save up some more to pivot with an extisting character into a new, interesting other build.


You mine so that you can craft And craft so that you can mine


Say I’m playing a build, If an Uber is alive for more than 2 frames or my Hp bar even moves a pixel from an Uber slam it’s a shit build so I gotta pump more money to it lmao


The goal is to become good enough so you don't care about currency, start playing SSF any trully enjoying the game in it's purest form.


dang right!


So the easiest answer for me is that currency let's me craft items. I usually stopped playing a month or so in when I hit T16 maps, tried to kill a few pinnacle bosses, realized I needed more investment, and see that the cost of the item I want is like 9+ div. This league however I finally got a handle on crafting. (see my previous post breaking down my RF build this league) I've been playing non stop even though I am just about as optimal as I can get. I've officially done all of the content except for ubers, and have explored parts of the game I usually ignore, but the thrill of making some item that I know can sell for 10 to 20 Div is strong. The temptation is "wait maybe if I block this and hit it with X I could maybe make something better than what I have, and if not I can sell it for more div to craft" rinse and repeat. Heck I got run through a hitless original sin sanctum run recently and ended up with more currency than I have ever had. I got the awesome experience last night of getting a trade request from a new player asking if I'd take 10c for a 20c item. Not only did I just give it to them, I gave them a full stack of 10 Div, and walked them through making currency from Blight. It was awesome to get to be that guy and make someone's day as they were struggling with learning the game.


Upgrade my fishing rods and fishing gear. If you catch each of the legendary fish, you get a 300% increased chance to find t0 drops the following league. Also if you catch the highest weight fish, you get to design a div card. Also I like to pimp out a character, preferably with some MF, then roll expensive maps with random people and split the loot. It's a fun way to give stuff away without straight up giving stuff away.


Poe like most(all?) arpgs are linear grinds. You grind currency on x character, to fund y character. So that you can grind currency presumably better/faster/in a different way, to fund character z. Etc Almost everyone who is farming is either upgrading their current build or funding their next one.


Being in T16 maps and being really godlike are actually different levels of content. One is sufficient to make money but not as smooth, fast etc as you'd like a character to be. You might be scared of certain map mods where a more finished character wouldn't be. You might have extra button presses that can be eliminated. There are always ways to become more efficient or well-rounded.


I do the stupid thing: horde it all in Standart, I never play.


Buy carries for challenges. I just splashed out 9d to get three of five Punishing Pinnacle Pressure goals. I'm not good enough / interested enough / have the right build to manage them all on my own. But I can grind out some currency and pay for help!


for some reason my goal is always to buy one of each very rare uniques each league, this time i stopped at: 1x - stasis 1x - hateforge 1x - kalandra touch 1x - squire perfect rolled 1x - sunset nimis 1x - sunset perfect ashes 2x - sunset magebloods (1 corrupted 1 clean) 3x - original sin's self farmed 1x - sunset oriath's end 1% off perfect 1x - voices 1 passive (no headhunters because i should have dozens rotting in std by now and i got then from so many different ways, nemesis card, belt card, raw drop, ancient orb and chance orbs so i don't find then to be a goal anymore) my build only uses nimis, ortiath's, ashes and mageblood, everything else is just a goal to keep me playing longer, i was aiming for another foil mageblood but i ended gambling with apothecarys when i had 90 divs and lost, seeing my empty divine tab was enough to stop after so much farming and so many goals completed.


Craft craft rm… ops and more craft


i jack off cuz so horny see it filling my stash tab 😋🤤 dw jk


I enjoy linking my fat stacks in global 1


5 ways to 100


These posts always make me question why I play this game. Because ya. There is no point when you consider the time investment to the return. It's such a terrible loot arpg it's beyond ridiculous.


Better gear = faster map/boss clears plus you can run ultra juiced maps which give you even more currency allowing you to get even better gear and big chase items like mageblood, HH etc.


Use std characters to playtest weird builds for leagues to see if they work using your useless std currency. Sometimes I hit 0 currency of some kind in std doing this


1. Make your character stronger. Have you ever tried it in less than 1? Or can you farm 100% deli super giga juiced maps? You need gear for that. Gear is expensive. You can literally spend multiple mirrors on your gear. Most people grind all league and can't get a mirror. Sure you can clear a map in 5 minutes. 2. Make new characters. I've been playing since 2014 I think, there are constantly new builds I want to try. And then revisiting old builds I've tried before using the new skill tree/gear/etc. Again, gear costs money.


I give it away in standard after the league.


You can do apothecary gamba or stacked decks or any insane risk you wanna take. Most people do risky stuff towards the end of the league to blow their currency. You got the freedom of not worrying about currency. And if you want to play standard you can obviously take the money to standard and keep playing there.


Pushing the boundaries for characters. In sanctum I had 5 characters, each worth 300-1000 divines. Builds do fun stuff on that investment.


Give everything to your favourite streamer/youtuber and enjoy how he wastes absurd amount of currencies on meme build


Mageblood for the blood mage gods. Corruption takes a toll, especially when you are trying to get all lvl 21 gems etc


Some builds take a good amount of starting money to even feel playable. Leaguestarters are for beating campaign, finishing 95% of atlas completion and doing it fast enough to stay relevant on the market. Personally a good portion of my wealth goes right back into mapping until my Atlas is done. Just because you've beaten the bosses doesn't mean the game is over. The game is tinkering with builds and gear to make a character you personally love playing. For some people the game doesn't start until they're rich, because of the kind of freedom you get for buying and crafting the exact items they need. Of note, many players claim PoB (Path of Building, a community tool for build design and sharing) is where the real game is. Personally I plan a leaguestarter to pivot into another specific skill easily, once I have the items and then all my spare currency/essence goes towards that. I try to roll most of my own gear, so I never reach having huge stacks of currencies. I also try to learn a few new crafting and gearing tricks for next run. It's really hard to explain. Some of these endgame bosses are hard on newer players. I struggled with each boss as they were released and now they're just part of the checklist of things to do each league.


It’s also fun to challenge yourself with impossible builds and make them work. A buddy and I occasionally make a build based off of a random lab helmet enchantment. It sucked trying to main skill Bodyswap.


If I'm playing a build I really enjoy, I try to minmax it as hard as possible. Otherwise, I just quit the league and let the currency rot in standard.


i buy hideouts and op items that i can store forever in standard


the same thing you do with all those rare consumables in any rpg - finish the game with them sitting in your inventory unused


gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble. gamble.


The upgrading your character bit never really ends. I've seen people double corrupting 80 divine rare items that they have to craft by hand lol


Honestly I just fill my currency tab and do nothing else with it.


I'm using to finish my starter build 😭


There's a little more depth to the endgame than just hitting t16 maps- a character that can easily clear t16 maps might not be able to clear flawless breachstones, or 100% delirious maps, or efficiently farm 5 ways etc. The most difficult content in the game, the uber pinnacle bosses, requires characters that have very high-investment gear.


For me? Kill my league goal(s) and build out alts.


I'm fairly new as well, but I've planned to work on a self-crafted expensive build as my "endgame" for next season, so that I a) have something to dump my farmed currency into and b) can try to get used to crafting in-game (as opposed to on CraftOfExile).


Minmaxing build Switching to another build Minmaxing it Give everything to Empyrian


I play poe to experiment with new builds and unique interactions. The currency funds more experimentation.


T16s are the *start* of the end game. I did more farming and bought more upgrades than any league before in Sanctum, and while I did more content than ever (Uber Elder, Wave 30 simulacrum, crazy juiced maps) my build still couldn't do Maven, Uber Eater of Worlds, and a couple other pieces of end end game. PoE has more content that you'll be able to comprehend, and it scales nearly infinitely, so unless you play a meta build 10 hours per day for a month you'll likely not be able to do "all content" with a single character


I usually just play to get 40/40 and then just chill out for rest of the league. Maybe start a new character if im really bored and all other alternative games seem dull at the moment.


nothing :( it's all in standard now. Forever lost


I usually invest in my build so its easier to crush everything in the game with it or i save up for a big boy build of the league. In 3.18 that was wardloop for me and i started the build with around 150ex and ended up spending around 300+ex in the build (exalts used to be these day's divines like they used to cost around 150-200c each, its wierd, don't worry about it)


You figured it out. The game is over once you beat the pinnacle bosses. Every bit of grinding past that is for making some ridiculous build. This is part of what I like about ssf. I actually finish the game at some point.


Heard a story that people take all their currency to standard to tell for big RMT money.


Bigger numbers more dopamine


Thats the thing, anytime you end up having "stack" there is always an upgrade that cost more than that, so you gotta keep grindin


What currency!!!


That depends person to person. Some people are farming mirrors for standard, some ppl just like to min max as hard as possible. Most ppl make a build/a few builds and just have fun for a month or 2 then wait for next league. Most important part is to not burn urself out


Nothing... Because with 180 Divines I cant swap over to the Omni Setu, because I need much more than that...


I save up for mageblood or headhunter but I end up bored before being able to afford it so around 60 divines root in my stash forever every league


Use it until i am done and the it sits until league is over for standard storage


"the mindless accumulation of excess wealth ultimately leads to diminishing returns on happiness" Give it to friends when done with the league. Or strangers.


Usually make an off meta weird build that's just for shits n gigs


Numbers go up


i just look at it if its a lot i smile if its not a lot i hit esc


Honestly, if I'm really enjoying the league I'll push one character as far as humanly possible for the time I'm willing to devote. This usually amounts to me trying to make a character as TANKY as humanly possible while still having 10+ million DPS. I can usually pull it off but it requires significant investment 300-600 div


Bossing.. later red maps are used to farm different fragments which then open a portal to bosses.. the bosses are hard so you need great gear to fight them.


gamba or giveaways Stacked Dcks, Double Corrupts, Div Card turn ins, harvest gambles, synth beasts, watchers eyes and rerollbeasts, boss runs, sextant rolling. I like to set up a "giveaway" tab when I'm getting tired of the game, usually like 3-5c per item but if someone buys it I'll give them a divine or a bunch of chaos or random items


Personally in the past I ask myself do I want to keep playing and if the answer is yes then I set goals to chase after, such as kill X bosses, acquire X items, gear up another character, finish X number of challenges, etc.


Have fun (which is different for different people). I finally accumulated enough currency in standard to see if I can make an absurd build with stasis prison and 9 lives. I’ll probably fail but it will be fun


Get stronger or make new characters


If you aren't rmt. It's the same reasons billionaires don't retire. Hoarding is half the fun. Maybe? Lol. Personally it's a fear or loss issue. Prly once when I was 7 I gave away all my garbage pail kids and regret it to this day. Idk really. Just add it to the pile


Buy parts of the game you like, fragments you like, div cards for crazy double corrupted items, crazy items you want for outside the league for long term game enjoyment. Or liquidate all to exalts/divines/chaos


Waste it all on meme builds that end up being complete failures. And sometimes a build turns out alright and I am happy.


My fun in the game is from trying out new builds and that needs a lot of currency.


Well honestly there is a large difference between a character being able to do a t16 map for completion and with a death every other map and being able to quickly and efficiently grind juced t16. And the content progression doesn't stop there. There are bosses, delirium, delve and so on. And then there is the second or third character that is really OP in one kind of content but bad at others, for example a bosser so you want to grind currency on character 1 to use on character 2. And as the cost of upgrade grows exponentially so does the required grind.


i bought 90 div worth of voidborn reliquary keys last week, and also spent about 100d gambling insane cat cards. but before that i spent around 80 div on one of my builds buying good corruptions for all my gear.


I’ll dump pretty much all of my currency into one character. Then when I’m done with the league, I’ll give away my build and whatever currency is left. I usually give out about 500 div worth of gear and raw currency. I enjoy giving people their first mageblood or headhunter.


I usually farm currency to make a really strong character to do all the game's content. When I can do the top of the line stuff (like Uber bosses) that's when the league is essentially over for me. Most of the time I burn out before I hit that point.


Infinate sextant, winged farming, with 40% deli scarb farming. Over sustaining gilded scrabs and yellow lifeforce 200k over sustain so far. Do it while watching tv shows on other monitor


Number go up!


I try to get super niche items for absurd builds in std 😂


Invest in next build


Invest currency in my character to execute my league plan. One component would be challenges (e.g., buy the unique maps or whatever is needed). One component would be access to content I have not experienced yet (e.g., experience blight-ravaged maps, Aul, an Uber boss) If I can't make any reasonable priced upgrades (e.g., 15-20div+) and achieved all reasonable, non-tedious challenges (generally somewhere around 24) I stop playing.


Most leagues after I got my character strong enough to kill all the challenges related bosses, I stop improving it and just spend it on stupid shit, like wearing a mageblood skinned HH whilst having a HH skinned mageblood in inventory, or meta craft locking an item just to reroll the name


If i cant reasonably upgrade my char anymore, i'll buy stuff for my standard collection. This league i bought original sin, kalandras touch and nimis. The leagues before i mostly bought mirror shards


I'm on hc ssf and I'm farming for a long time, because I'm paranoid of any boss killing me. And then I die to DD...


there is harder content than alch and go t16 but yeah eventually your character can do everything. At that point you can increase your pob dps to beat other people on poe ninja. Or make weird builds.


Personally I play different modes to avoid burnout. Events if you like them, ssf and private leagues. Try new chars in these with new skills. Starting fresh is always fun.


Gamble it all away.


After 4 years of this game, I am still too slow to clear all endgame by end of season, so I also keep grinding in standard to try and better understand how to scale damage and defense. I became slower learner as I get older and worse at game playing, and overall a very late bloomer. I try different atlas settings, from the obvious to the baffling ones on how to make them useful. I'm the type of nerd who wants to try every interesting type of build, which also means that even though I don't have a single character in league or standard who can beat all Ubers, I still had to buy extra character slots lol. Also, challenged myself to get into red maps and t16's in SSF which I did and proud of me self. Started HC in both trade and SSF, got as far as act 9. The deepest I have ever delved was 370, but I am still progressing downward and want to make it to 500, 1000, 2k, 5k, 10k that I see the delve leader made it to+ I would love to have enough currency to make mirror level gear and sell, make ultimate level build, etc. Oftentimes, I help out people who are brand new and know less than I do, 😁 as others have and are helping me out.


I look At Challenges rewards, if i like them, 36/40 and quit, don't care about currency. I usually end 3-4 different builds At league over lvl 95+ and actually i have 900~ divine in the stash according to exilenext. But: Who cares?