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I'm really happy to hear that, and at the same time, I'm not looking forward to paying full-price for a 14 year old game at all I'm gonna inhale some copium and hope it's a full-blown remake shadow drop


If they somehow remade it in RDR2’s engine that’d be amazing but that’s asking A LOT from rockstar. It’s likely just a normal re-release.


Yeah let’s not wish for a remaster seeing how the GTA ones turned out.


That they treat the games that made them big like that is a disgrace. A proper remake of SA would be a money printing guarantee. I don't understand corpos and they don't understand us.




I was genuinely hopeful for exactly that before the trash Def Edition was fully revealed. The remakes of classic VC cars for GTA:O made me believe. It would have been interesting at the very least. No question one of the biggest let-downs in recent years, considering the remasters are arguably worse than the originals.


And they *replaced* the originals. That's the biggest crime here.


The truth is, they definitely do understand we want those things, but they purposefully keep them in their back pocket for years until they have nothing in the pipeline and might miss an earnings expectation


San Andreas is getting a VR port on the Meta Quest . But it hasn't been shown or talked about since it's announcement


It's not coming out. VR market reduced by 10% in 2023, and Meta (the biggest spender on VR) only got 10% return on their spend (4.3 billion in spend only gave them 440 millions in revenue). No company is gonna spend big bucks on a market that is declining and the biggest company is spending less money on it.


Meta has been dumping billions into VR not expecting a quick return. They got an Assassin's Creed game out, Arkham coming out, and still hoarding up VR studios. Building an app market is their no. 1 priority right now because they want to sell their ecosystem to other manufacturers i.e. Google with Android. If GTA SA VR is still MIA I'm inclined to believe the problem is on Rockstar's end.


Do you have a source for the first paragraph?


[440milion for 4.3bilion](https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/meta-spent-4-3-billion-162942740.html?.tsrc=fp_deeplink&guccounter=1) The 10% part I missread, it was growth rate YoY. It ended up being [23% decline YoY](https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS51935924) but it's still different to what I said. For the game not coming out? No I don't have a source. Games get cancelled all the time, very rare for it to be announced. Doesn't look good for the PR


Thanks. If you say VR gaming isn't enough of a money maker for AAA Studios, the Quest subreddits get pretty sensitive


Yeah, I wouldn’t count on that actually happening at this point. It *might* happen.


Did they fix any of the issues they had or did they just abandon them as soon as they were on sale?


Worse, they released on mobile phones and the mobile phone versions are fixed and superior to pc or console versions lmao.


The Definitive editions on iPhone require a Netflix subscription. Luckily the OGs don’t.


The fact I can't tell if this is just some absurd joke or true just makes me sad.


Just drink your verification can of mountain dew and everything will be alright.


Did not know that, what a horrible time to be alive.


"Don't you guys have phones?"


The thing everyone forgets about this is Diablo Eternal made *bank*.


That’s what happens when you contract it out.


honestly the raytracing stuff on PC would be nice, actually. but it never dropped on PC.


Or how RDR released on PS4/Switch


There's a difference between a remaster and a remake. But yeah I doubt they will do either.


I know, I know... but a cowboy can dream


Unfortunately the wording of “is now playable on PC” all but confirms it’s just a port of the original.


It almost felt like that was the idea with recreating West Elizabeth, New Austin and (unfinished) Nuevo Paraiso in RDR2. I can't think of any reason to go through all of that effort only to throw in a few extra random characters and collectibles; the main map was already more than big enough.


It’ll happen one day. I just replayed RDR on PS, and while it’s fun and good still, it’s lacking so much in comparison to RDR2 that if they mechanically made it the same and expanded somethings like more missions or things to do, RDR1 would be able to go toe to toe with the second game again. At this point, it feels like going from GTA VC to GTA V in terms of mechanics and playability.


I’m just hoping its not a half baked remaster, like the GTA collection was.


It probably will be a port of Switch version.


Of course it will be. Like all of the sudden Rockstar is going to start putting out great remasters or remaking games. This will probably be a straight port of the Xbox version with as little work put into it as possible.


They should remake it in the engine of those GTA remakes, that would make it look hilarious!


It blows my mind they didn't redo RDR1 in the 2 engine, given 95% of the map is already there, all the activities are already there, all the writing and VA is done. Like, it'd be a lot of scripting to tuck it back in, but surely the income would be well worth any cost.


Yeah, exactly. That's the reason I'm still holding a bit of hope. It seems like they have already done a huge part of the work, and like, it's gonna print money like crazy. It's even stupid not to do it


Considering how much of RDR1 map was in RDR2 but basically unused it wouldn't surprise me.


Probably upscaled some random textures with AI and called it a day


It will be the Switch version... with an AAAA price.


Don’t even bother coping. This is likely just a port of the recent ps4 and switch ports.


Those ports are great. Runs at 4k 60 on PS5, will most likely be unlocked on PC


They aren’t bad ports but it won’t be a total remake.


undead nightmare with RDR2 graphics


> I'm gonna inhale some copium and hope it's a full-blown remake shadow drop It's 100% the same one they launched on Switch


>I'm gonna inhale some copium and hope it's a full-blown remake shadow drop Not happening, there was no point in going through the effort of fixing and releasing the ports to PS5/XS/Switch last year then. Why its taken this long for PC idk, but atleast its coming (and sadly no doubt at full price).


Most likely answer: $$$ There are a lot of people who will buy this multiple times due to this release strategy. Same reason they will likely release GTA 6 towards the tail end of the current console cycle. That way people will buy it on current gen, next gen, and then they'll do a staggered PC release again too.


>Why its taken this long for PC idk In case you didn't notice since GTA3, Rockstar always release their games for PC with delay. Mostly thanks to people who buy it on consoles than on PC again.


Rockstar have always hated PC


Rockstar doesn't believe in remakes, only rereleases. They believe the art made for its time should be untouched. Yet look at San Andreas recent rerelease tho. Well the housers ain't really there anymore so I guess this statements a dud


GtaV's jump to Xbox one/PS4 was complete asset swaps though, especially for the vegetation. They can do it but I think there are diminishing returns trying to adapt older games to newer hardware.


pirate it, it’ll probably get cracked day 1


Yeah I'll wait and see. It's gonna have to beat the Xbox One upscale I have on hand that I paid $10 for forever ago




It'll be $50-70 minimum


Yeah you know that there’s no way they actually sell it for a reasonable price


I'm just gonna pirate the shit out of it lmao


dont forget the always online drm malware rockstar launcher. You got an internet outage or want to play on your laptop or steamdeck while on the road with no mobile data? Sucks to be you i guess. I'd rather boot up my ps3 again to play it


Me neither but I absolutely over the game and will buy it…..when it goes on sale lol 


After all this waiting, waiting a little longer for some price drops isn't really all that bad. It went on sale on ps4 fairly quick


I hate them because they know we are going to buy it. They could do it the right way and remaster or remake it in rdr2’s engine but na, just port it to PC like people have been asking since release probably.


Just wait. If it gets a steam release i guarantee it’ll be 50% off in the first sale that happens post release. I got the Resident Evil 4 remake for 40% or 50% off a few months after it released.


You should hate the reflection in the mirror if you buy it eyes closed, no one else


You’re hating the wrong people my dude


For real. Hate them because they know people are going to buy it? Then hate the people who are enabling it. These companies pander to the gamers that don't have any control over their spending. This is why the industry is littered with microtransactions, DLC, multiple editions of games, etc. Because the average gamer keeps throwing money at them and preordering all the bullshit. I'm not buying GTA6 at release due to how they handled GTA5. Milking it for a decade and abandoning the single-player gamer. Rockstar realized that only focusing on online gave them the best platform to push out mtx and that's fine. Any business's goal is to make more money. I can confidently say that I'm at least one person who is no longer going to enable them. I know that's probably inconsequential in the grand scheme of things since today's gamer has evolved. Today's gamer is speaking with their wallets, which is why these practices are in place.


No, hate the corporation.


> we There’s the problem, you’ve probably already budgeted $70 from daily life to buy the game despite knowing it’ll be subpar.


A remake is cool, but I'd still love to have the original game on PC rather than only the remake. If something I've learned from a couple of Resident Evil remakes is that not all remakes are as good to replace the original game.


It's the original, no way this will be a remake lmao


Emulate it with Xenia Canary. Almost completely replicates the Xbox 360 version with less lag. Unless they gave the game proper graphical upgrades and 60 fps, it isn’t worth a buy to me. Edit: I have been informed that the Yuzu emulation is even better. Maybe try that.


If it comes with the undead expansion I'll suck it up, rdr1 is the only modern console game I actually platinumed.


You and I both know that it's not.


Don't forget having to use their shitty launcher


Brought to you by the guys who did the GTA trilogy...


If I had to guess it'll be similar to the PS5(4?) release they did where it was $50 CAD instead of 80. Still not great, but not full price per se.


Is gonna be the same remaster that was released last year for consoles, but now on pc -finally-, I personally can't wait, don't give a crap about the price, I adore the game.


$70.00 USD exclusive to the Epic Games Store always online with Denuvo DRM mandatory Rockstar Account required to run the game limited availability to only English speaking territories but only 27 of the 50 US States


Sad thing this sorta shit is becoming normalised, gaming is becoming such a headache.


Not only are games getting worse/scammy but gaming hardware too. ASUS voiding warranty on ROGs and Monitors for no reason, and people losing their stuff. If my computer breaks I'm moving onto another hobby.


Only because Gamers Nexus made a rant video and finally put them in the spotlight, doesn't mean that this is a new thing. I remember people getting fucked over on $2000 Laptops all the way back when i bought my EVGA GTX1080 ...and because of those tech support horror stories i stayed clear of Asus. ...they just seem to always check the right boxes for me when it comes to Motherboards.


Not if you live in the EU! As long as you live in the northwestern countries... Because it's totally your fault if you live in the Balkans, you should have moved to Norway or something, it's as easy as that 😮‍💨


You don't have denuvo in EU?


Even in the balkans, you're better off with Croatia or Serbia. Montenegro getting specifically fucked. Still dont even have paypal.


Have y’all ever thought about… I dunno uniting under one country? Montenegro and Serbia are totally onboard. What could possibly go wrong?


Ah, yes. Norway... Remind me again, how long has Norway been in the EU?


They won’t release epic exclusive. They will make it exclusive to their own platform initially. Just like rdr2.


yea i think ill stick to my emulator edition


Blew a load reading the title of this post and retracted that load like a tape measure reading this.


To play RDR2, I would have to go thru the epic launcher (log in because it never fucking remembers me or my computer), launch the game, then go thru R* launcher, login (go thru headache of remembering login because I have a total 2 games on the launcher and never need it), go thru their bullshit R* captcha to finally play the fucking game. I got sick of it and just torrented another copy of RDR2 even tho I have a legal copy. Now I just click the exe and the game fucking starts. I hate it so much.


True gaming-based brainrot.


It's stuff like this that makes me check PCGamingWiki frequently before buying a new game. If I have to jump through 5 hoops to play your game I'll just spend my money elsewhere.


Have to wonder how games piracy gives you a less painful experience.


Denuvo etc are ads for piracy.


Cracked in 24hrs.


For the first two or three lines I thought it was a real copy paste of the article 💀


man i wonder how that **pie** gets so many good **rating**s, lmao.


That should go without saying.


And runs at 30fps locked


Game will check every 5 seconds if the R* game launcher is running and if it detects that it isn't it will proceed to uninstall all your software and install malware instead. Thanks for shopping at R*, see you around.


Forgot the PSN account requirement


>$70.00 USD exclusive to the Epic Games Store Probably going to be a social club exclusive. I suspect gta 6 won't be on steam either.


They tried that with the GTA trilogy "remasters" and it went about as well as you'd expect.


Hopefully it's not as bad as those gta remakes.


Worst comes to worst, it emulates excellently on Xenia.


Insanely good, it blew my mind when I tried it 6 months ago. I can’t recommend RDR1 on Xenia enough. The game plays near-flawlessly at 4k 60 fps these days.


Yep, I have a 4090 and it uses like 50% of the GPU to reach 4K 60FPS. It should be very doable on a 3080/4070, and at 1080p or 1440p it should be a breeze even on slightly older PCs. Xenia is great - biggest issues I have are some shadow glitches in Forza Horizon 1


I played it at 4k on my 3080 + 5800x3d and I never saw it dip below 60fps. I had I think one or two graphical glitches, but otherwise it was flawless. Absolutely blew my mind when I first booted it up.


Yep, I only ever played it on the 360 beforehand so it was a whole new world. The game already looks outstanding, to this day even, on classic systems and emulating it at 8x the resolution and over double the framerate is a dream come true. Textures sometimes leave a bit to be desired and models haven't aged *terribly* well but IMO people still look good and there's a cartoony, overblown look to it that lends itself to the graphics well. The outstanding lighting holds up very well, and the score is so good that it still feels modern and impressive to me today. But so does GTA V on 7th gen consoles, and the PC/next gen release is just so much better that I'm excited to hopefully see the same treatment for RDR.




It's probably just the PS4/Switch port from last year with some PC features like uncapped FPS, KB/M and higher res support. That port was, while disappointing, solid enough and there wasn't really anything wrong with it aside from it not going far enough. I expect this'll be the same. Technically uninspired and just a simple port job to finally put the game on PC, throw in some enhancements to satiate PC users, and call it a day. Anyone expecting new content, remastered stuff and QoL changes to the game are gonna be disappointed.


And hopefully it’s not a Switch port. While the Switch port is an almost 1:1 copy of the console version, it lacks the same lighting. Also a graphics upscale would be nice.


I visited the Rockstar studios about 15 years ago and interviewed one of the RDR1 developers who swore to me that it was "totally" coming out on PC. To his credit, he never told me when.


Dont give me hope


I'm sure this will be in a perfect state immediately on release, with no major issues or inconveniences whatsoever


Rockstar Launcher exclusive for $50-$60 incoming


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Wow, took them this many years to finally clean up the source code? At least, that was the reason I heard for ages, why PC never got a port. The source code was a complete mess, held together by duct tape and prayers, and nobody was even sure why it worked so well on X360 and PS3. So, they said there would never be a PC port, because it would be too much work to clean up the code.


*launches a PS emulator in background* Port's done guys!


> So, they said there would never be a PC port, because it would be too much work to clean up the code. That was probably bullshit


Oh, it is absolutely bullshit. Nobody knows what the RDR source code looks like besides those who directly worked on it, and they've certainly never involved the community in conversation about it, lol. Rockstar nor T2 have also never "said" anything whatsoever about a RDR PC port, let alone that there would never be one or that the code needed to be 'cleaned up' before release of said port. That comment is literally just hearsay nonsense based on nothing.


i always thought it was a bullshit reason of source code being messy. They would have made the money in less than a week for the amount of work it would have required


Do you think it's going to be cleaned up? I don't. I'm fully expecting a rush port using a conversion program and the pc port being a hot mess.


I’m not sure why people keep bringing up this messy source code claim despite the fact that Rockstar in the 2000s to early-2010s ported their games to PC sparingly. It’s very likely that they just didn’t see it as being worth it.


Stop perpetuating the source code myth


Do you have a source on this? I've heard it for years but never seen it verified.


[This is the best I can find](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/red-dead-redemption-a-recurring-nightmare-during-d/1100-6438770/). It sounds like development was a nightmare but it's an assumption to translate that into "the codebase was too unstable to port easily to PC".


Thank you so much. I've heard for years claims of 'spaghetti code' tossed around in relation to this game with no basis.


I mean it was already ported to PS4 which is basically a PC and Nintendo switch. Source code can’t be that messy if they managed to port it to two different architectures


Steam or I'm out


Your answer is GTA Trilogy DE


It'll be on Steam, it'll just require the Rockstar Launcher too.


Gentlemen. Its been such an honor and a privilege serving with you. Soon, 14 years of watch will have ended. There are many people who sadly didnt live long enough to see this day...


Give it to me, baby


Uh huh uh huh


nah bruh its the same shitty port that they released on switch and ps4 back then


Hey do we remember the two most common lies about this game that have been spread for over a decade? 1. RDR1 was built in a way that makes it next to impossible to port to PC. 2. Rockstar has lost the game code, so it's impossible now to port to PC. ROFL


Well there’s one good thing about launchers I guess. We get these leaks


So the source code problem was just a lie to not release it on PC with xbox360 and PS3 ?


It was always a rumour


That was fake as they launched for PS4 and Switch.


If they were to fully remake this game from the ground up in RDR2s engine, I’d throw my money at this so fast. However, what’s probably going to be a near full priced title for, if we’re lucky, a resolution option and unlocked frame rate… nah. Maybe when it’s like $10.


I will believe it when I see it. I don't trust rockstar and Take2 at all. Hype makes you stupid.


And force you to use their launcher to play it


Do you have to play RDR1 before playing RDR2?


No RDR2 is actually a prequel and you could really play in either order story wise.


Is there some sort of preference? I see different opinions on the subject, but looking for an optimal way to get into RDR story-wise.


I think from a narrative perspective RDR2 first is a bit better? If you play 2 first though, the game and map for the original might feel a bit outdated. If you were just going to play one game, I’d say play 2. So maybe just start there?


Thanks, i probably will start with RDR2. Usually no problem with outdated games. I've played Witcher 1 & 2, after playing the third and still enjoyed it.


The /r/patientgamers white whale. I can't believe it.


They're gonna have to be patient for a while longer if they don't wanna pay $70+.


Soon all that will remain is Bloodborne


So much cynicism in here. I want to play it on PC, officially from Rockstar. I am happy if it's simply a port.


You  do sound like person  justifying overpriced ps5/ switch port (!)    And I said that  as person who wanted to play proper PC version like... decade ago as kid


If it's overpriced then just wait for a sale. It's not a huge deal. I think it's really stupid to get mad at a port for...well, being just that.


Do you want to know why we are skeptical. They burned us with the GTA Trilogy definitive edition. They ruined the legacy of those games. Take2 & Rockstar only care about GTA Online Sharkcards. They turned into the same greedy leeching company they parodied in their past games. I do not even trust GTA6 until i've seen all the reviews. Hell I won't even buy it until it is out on PC and it has a decent Single player story.


My gut is telling me R* is gonna make it an exclusive to their GTA sub service. What better way to sell rdr1 on PC by making it an "included" bonus for gta+


We don't have GTA+ on pc. Per their website "GTA+ is a new membership program exclusively for GTA Online on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S". We never even got the next gen update on pc so I doubt it's coming anytime soon. I can see it being EGS exclusive but with epic ending the exclusivity money and now allowing devs to get 100% of profits for the first few months I can see it coming to Steam right away.


But the service isn't on PC and Rockstar would have to update the PC version of GTA 5 to the PS5/Xbox Series version for the service to make sense. I don't see that happening.


Don’t give them any ideas


This would just be dumb, even by Rockstar's business standards.


I want to believe this port won’t be ass but Rockstar’s track record is horrible


Has Rockstar required their Rockstar launcher for releases lately?


I'm calling a terrible port that will probably look and perform worse than the game on an emulator.


Grove street games is doing the port. Don't worry! /s


Let's goooo!


There is no way this is a remake. It's the same port of the game on consoles. Rockstar doesn't care about PC enough to make a dedicated port.


This should have been released on pc 14 years ago


If its anything like the switch port, Please fuck off


What's wrong with the Switch port? I've played it and found 0 issues. Other than the lack of online, it's a good port.


I guess some people were disappointed that it's a really old game and the recent ports didn't do anything other than the bare minimum. There were no QoL changes or graphical enhancements other than upscaling the resolution. I still it's worth launching it on PC, especially for people who never played it before. The emulated version (at least on Xenia) is fully playable but has a few annoying visual glitches that spoil the experience a bit, in my opinion.


> The emulated version (at least on Xenia) is fully playable but has a few annoying visual glitches that spoil the experience a bit, in my opinion. How about emulating the Switch version?


Isn't the Switch Port actually pretty fantastic in that it offers performance equal to or better than the 360/PS3 on handheld? I remember seeing a digital foundry video on and it being impressed even if it wasn't a groundbreaking remaster




Emulate the switch version on PC


Red Dead 1 made me cry no joke


Already played on Yuzu


I bet it's gonna run better on an emulator


Most likely just a port of the console remasters. Still pretty cool but definitely not paying full price. Will keep playing on xenia.


Too late. I already beat it on a Ryujinx Em- I mean the PC port early access version :^)


No thanks, I'll just stick with emulation


Dont give me hope


Oh, good, now the first game can require the Rockstar launcher and an internet connection, too! What fun!


Knowing they likely won't go without the launcher, they'll go without my money.


Will I have to use a launcher? If so, fuck the fuck off.


Too late, 100%d it on Xenia lmfao and ran amazingly


At least 10 years too late


If it's good I hope it comes with Undead Nightmare. That DLC is my single favourite DLC ever made and it's sad we don't get DLCs like that anymore from other games.


Wonder if it'll have the same bullshit DRM that sometimes prevents you from playing your legally-purchased copy of RDR2. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2045236490321505818/4897D971D8F24351B04AB2CA5555C43E24B98DBC/?imw=512&imh=179&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true


Please, I have been wanting to play undead nightmare again for so long


How does RDR1 compare to RDR2 gameplay/sory wise?


The game is obviously more dated, both graphically and gameplay wise, but it is still a fantastic game. 2 has the better story, but 1 isn’t anything to scoff at either. For its release, RDR1 was a fantastic game and is one of my favorite games of all time along with Undead Nightmare being a fantastic DLC. It plays as a less serious game, with general gameplay mechanics not being anywhere as “slow” as RDR2 and shared mechanics are less in depth, but I still find myself enjoying some parts of it more than 2.


That actually sounds good to me. I've tried to play RDR2 at least 4-5 times now, getting about 4-5 hours in and just lose interest because of the slow pace, which is a shame because I like the setting/gunplay etc.


If you played GTA4 than RDR1 is pretty much that with Horses.


One thing that I really hope they don't fumble in the PC version is improving the shooting mechanics...they were ass in the original version and they're still ass in the recent PS/Switch ports. So you might think, "Well I'll just use mouse and keyboard," but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they managed to mess up the shooting on M+KB too.


RDR1 is the sequel to RDR2 that ties the story. There's no asking "what's next?" when you reach the end.


I prefer the first one still. Feels like a proper western. I also prefer John as a character more... But that's controversial. The story is really good, the ending is shocking, shooting feels impactful, the soundtrack is amazing. I am biased, yes :)