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Does origins still hold up? Might get it.


I tried playing it again around a year ago. From what I recall, it can't do modern resolutions easily. The game could really use a quick modernization upgrade. I don't want a remake, I just want the game to run easily on modern machines.




+1 on that list, spent 2 hours modding it and it's as good as i remember. Worth the time invested


First thing you do is check PCGamingWiki


https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Dragon_Age:_Origins Dropping this as a reference for folks as it lists bug fixing patches and essential mods for a modern setup


You want a remaster


Denerim is still fcked . Get some online patch and resolution might be an issue for certain people .


The world, characters, and story are still great and among the most memorable of any game I’ve ever played. Visuals and gameplay are passably fine.


Idk about more recently but I tried to replay this game about two years ago and it just would not run well on my PC. This is a PC that runs new and old games perfectly fine but DAO just kept crashing every time I tried to play.


It needs a few things first in order to run better on modern PCs. Like the 4 GB patch. The game has an annoying memory leak that gets worse if you crank up the settings and/or use script heavy mods.


DAO is one of my favorite games, tried to play it last year to kill time till BG3 release. I have to say while main story and characters still 10/10 the other parts of the game are complete garbage, combat is boring, most of the side quests just serve as an infodump, visuals are outdated and worst of all that is the game just regularly crashes on modern systems even with all the community patches. I'd still recommend picking it up on -90% sale to experience story, fuck Morrigan and hear her absolutely dunking on Alistair.


"We now have a dog. And Alistair is still the dumbest member of our group."


She's not wrong. I always thought Alistair was a bit of a whiny twat and not very bright.


Combat is not boring, put it on the hardest difficulty. Then you actually use the pause feature and it turns into a half turn based game. It will eventually gets too easy at the end, but by then you will satisfied with how your build worked out.


ngl I struggled pretty bad to win in combat encounters on easy mode, dunno if I just played wrong or something but its a huge pain in the ass.


I don't remember much of the tutorial, but for any deep mechanics it does a poor job. If you learn standard RPG skills should be a walk in the park. Most RPGs tend to be the hardest in early to mid game.


so is it like fuck morrigan, or fuck morrigan?




The game was a masterpiece. Graphics are obviously going to be dated given the age of the game. It’s one of the best CRPGs out there. Its characters and story are still a class above Baldurs Gate 3 IMO.


Gameplay is still fun (easy difficulties are kinda boring though), the writing is still better than 99% of games, voice acting is good, graphics are \*awful\*. Like visually the game is genuinely terrible. It looked pretty poor when it came out, tbh. Art style: kinda bad. Texture work: bad. Models: bad. That said IMO it holds up in general, but you do need to do some dicking around to get it working right. The main thing is that the game has a crashing bug you need a mod to fix (and it'll still crash every now and then, but it's borderline unplayable without the mod/patch). So long as you save regularly and in different slots, you'll be ok.


Note that Origins in available on GOG.


DAO has fantastic writing... But (I know I'll get downvoted into oblivion) the combat was never that great and has aged like milk. On top of that, I personally REALLY don't like the artstyle. 


It's the only DA game where the combat is actually a top down crpg combat shown in 3rd person, instead of action rpg. If you like action rpg sure it's not your cup, but if you like classic crpg like baldur's gate it's the best dragon age combat


I played it on my PC for the first time like 2-3 years ago and had a great time. Never beat the final boss he was way too hard for me, I probably geared and distributed stats wrong and turned out too weak lol.


It's aged really roughly but the worldbuilding, characters, and dialogue are still phenomenal. I replayed back in 2019 and I was shocked at how great the dialogue was. Fantastic writing.


I'd say so.


Played it recently ?


I did and it was great. If you get the 4gb patch it doesn't crash.


Tried to play Dao on my new gaming pc and it crashed, just want to play an old classic! 🥺


I have heard on the steam reviews there is a modded 4gb patch that fixes all of the crashes. Something abput steam not having the same fixes you get on origin but thake all of this with a grain of salt as I am just parroting without checking it out myself.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-iLFAlldZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-iLFAlldZ4) this has helped me 1-2 years ago. idk if it still work


Flaming hot take on this subreddit, but I think all 3 games are worth playing. Especially for this price.  Dragon Age Origins is pretty unanimously loved.  Dragon Age 2 is a fun game with a more limited scope and action oriented combat.    Inquisition is a fantastic game, just ignore the MMO sidequests. 


>just ignore the MMO sidequests. I still vividly remember the clowns who made this game telling people "just don't do them" like people who play RPGs aren't rampant competionists. They honestly should have released a patch that just disabled ~70% of them, randomly selected, when you started a new game, if that is how the game was intended to be played.


I spent close to 30 hours just in the starting zone lol


Pretty much everyone did. The Hinterlands killed it for a lot of us.


How do you know which quest to avoid that for?


There will be a point in the starting zone where your companions *literally start telling you to leave*. "We really should go to this other place to do that thing." But it's really common for players to ignore that and keep working on the starting area. There are parts of the starting area that are too high level to do until after you've gone off and gained levels elsewhere, so there's no reason to try to explore every inch before you leave. Just pay attention when your companions tell you to go elsewhere.


It highlights that they knew people would stay, especially as we've been trained that "If you don't do the side quest now, you might never be able to do them and get locked out later." Which for people who want to experience everything they can in a single run because they rarely, if ever, do second or more playthrough is absolutely counterintuitive.


The Hinterlands is just the starting area. Just follow the story quests and GTFO and move on when you have the opportunity to or you'll stay there and bore yourself out on it.


Yeah but the problem with “leave the Hinterlands!” Is that every other zone is filled with the same mindless MMO bloat, just in a different biome.


Personally I found a ton of really interesting story content throughout the wider game world, I just couldn't stand the combat until I installed a bunch of mods.


Its why I have never completed this game. The same month this game came out, I finally killed my WoW addiction. I was clean, I was done with anything over repetitive and couldn't wait for an amazing single player game. The DA:I comes out, within the first 5 hours I just stop, all the side quests were hitting the same addiction dopamine that I have been avoiding and consistently trying to ignore but I just couldn't. I knew the game wasn't going to help get over the hurdle so I just never played it, still haven't to this day despite how many times I've played DA:O and DA2.


Aside from the dumb sidequests, I really didn't like what they did with combat and team AI. I don't know if they changed it after launch but you either had complete manual control of your team or all party members were AI controlled and there was no way to program their actions. And since they took away healing and made you rely on magic shielding, my mages were constantly popping the shield off cooldown even when it wasn't needed. It was really frustrating combination. I only played through it once and never touched it or its dlcs afterwards unlike the previous games. Again, this was all at launch, maybe they made adjustments later that I never saw.


It's always been there. It's in the menu where you add skill points to your companions. There's a Tactics and a Behavior section. https://imgur.com/vNxcQ0c Also the lack of healing thing was controversial, but the idea isn't about relying on Barrier per se, it's about attrition. You get an allotment of health potions for the group, and you'll take damage as you explore and fight, forcing you to start using them. But when you start running low, you can visit a campsite to get a free refill back to your max. It's only the other potions (lyrium, regenerate, grenades, tonics) that cost herbs to re-stock.


Honestly it seems like you didn't play it much because there's 100% tactics settings that let you change Ai behavior and those were definetly there at launch. They are just much more streamlined than origins. The game also gives you healing and regeneration potions so there really isn't a need to have a heal spell. You also don't need barrier either, and there is also a guard build up mechanic too.


Most people didn’t use the rudimentary ‘gambit’ system it felt like was cribbed from FF12 (basically you could disable abilities or prioritize them to be used whenever possible). The generic AI remained pretty meh. (Playing through DAI rn).


I was able to ignore them and boy it was a much better experience.


It’s an even sillier argument since there’s power requirements for the story missions, and if your trying to do at least the companion quests/romance you gotta do a WHOOOLE lot more boring checklist task. Even if your not a completionist and just want the good stuff you gotta grind.




don’t stay in the hinterlands


"you're not playing it right" is maybe the worst defense of bad game design imaginable.


And so solvable lol. We have to go back to the hinterlands right after the crossroads and VR anyways for a potential mage bit if we went that way, so giving a story reason like ‘oh hey, the hinterlands is the eye of the mage/templar war and inquisition scouts are stopping you from going to all 29 or whatever areas on your first trip would make sense until you’re pursuing an alliance with either side.


DAI is the game version of Oscar bait but worse - assembled by management with no artistic vision to check as many boxes as possible and failing at every one of them. The only world where this game makes any sense is as "baby's first (pseudo) MMO" for people who don't know anything else.


Inquisition's biggest flaw is that the real story is buried a little too far beneath the Corypheus plot and its real ending is in the Trespasser DLC. That story is the best story in all of the games though, and Trespasser is some of the best Dragon Age content ever created.


That’s my feeling. I can see the flaws in DAI, but I played the shit out of it over a long time. There was enough mindless content that I got to enjoy my class and companions. Descent was really good but Trespasser is incredible and I concur on it being their best content. If someone reading hasn’t played the game but is interested, now’s the time.


I agree, and it’s a real shame too, because I have absolutely no desire to replay the game to see it again.


I wanted to like Inquisition, but after finally getting out of the hinterlands into the first major city, one of the first quests was hunting down 5 mail or something and that was it for me. This goes far beyond lazy quest design. It's a placeholder sold as engagement.


> Inquisition is a fantastic game Well, that is bit much. I am playing it, because I got it via Epic and the camera and party control is atrocious and the pseudo action combat is typical "western devs can't do melee combat" niveau.


>Inquisition is a fantastic game, just ignore the MMO sidequests. If DAV can hit the high points of Inq without throwing in those mmo sidequests it'll be pretty great.


I played the hell out of Inquisition I don't give a fuck about the haters. I had a lot of fun with it. My advice to others is to not let anyone have so much control over you they decide what you can or can't play/enjoy.


Even as a certified DA2 and Inquisition hater, it's hard to argue with 4$ if you can just forgot about Origins and enjoy the game for what it is for a little bit.


How does one get that certification?


Complaining on Reddit whenever a new Dragon Age product comes out, mostly.


I really enjoyed DA2's low stakes setting. There was enough going on where you cared about the outcome, but it wasn't "world ending" like DAO was.


Sometimes I wonder about this subreddit when views like "literal game of the year winner is a game worth playing" is considered a hot take.


To be fair, 2014 was a pretty shit year for games overall. Inquisition came out with very little competition near it, and I still don't think it deserved the win over Dark Souls 2


Even for a shitty year, $4 for the Game of the Year and all its DLC is a great deal


I like DAO the same way I like BG3. Inquisition was not it for me. I felt like I was playing a single player mmo and I kept waiting for things to get interesting. DAO mage origin with the test, and the guy you help steal back his blood was more interesting than the first 10ish hours (that's how far I think I got). you know it's bad when you pirated the game and it wasn't even worth your time. maybe the dlc or later game gets better?


I agree with you 100%. I adore DAO, I barely got through Inquisition


DAI has really interesting (at least to me) characters. Cassandra is a very strong and willful woman who isn't a ladyboss. Varric is in general a fan favourite (probably why he's in 3 since everyone loved him in 2). Leliana went in a very interesting direction (from sunshine and rainbows in DAO to Darth Kreia in DAI, but well-justified in the plot). Gameplay is a 6/10 but writing and characters are honestly really good. I think it's a game that's worth playing in story mode and treating it like Final Fantasy, where it's basically just an interactive storyline rather than an open RPG.


Shame because they used to care about gameplay too.


2014 was a historically weak year for vidya. Inquisition is supposedly a decent game (I haven't played it yet) but people weren't exactly hot on it so it's brought up to show just how weak the 2014 lineup was


It's largely because, until the Trespasser DLC, there were some glaring flaws in various abilities. It took the new upgrades added in Trespasser to fix a lot of the problems.


Should have been alien isolation. Game hasn’t aged a day, is incredibly unique and needed the boost. Sure it’s bloated doubt Christ almighty when Inquisition is part of the comparison it all but fades away to nothing.


I feel like inquisition was loved up til Witcher 3 released the following year. I still love inquisition but Witcher 3's approach quest design is substantially better.


You really care if Keighley and his panel of idiots decree a game to be great? Game of the year is only a valuable title if you respect the person awarding it.


DAI was one of the first games that hit it big by just checking all the items on a checklist of what makes a good game, without actually caring about the substance of the game. Also, OW won that same award too, so it really doesn't mean that much. People were already complaining about the game when it released, but it wasn't widely thought yet that formulaic games are generic slop, because that was about the time when the formulas were standardized over multiple genres of games. Games like Disco Elysium or Hades could never have won game of the year back then. Even TW3 would get a lot of shit for it's questionmark filled map if it released today, although it actually has some substance to it.


lol yeah i think the “Dragon Age Origins is the only good Dragon Age” narrative has gotten a little out of hand.  I think if you like the first game, there’s a high chance you’ll like Inquisition and at least a pretty good chance you’ll like DA2. 


As a huge fan of Origins, I was enjoying Dragon Age 2 a lot until I was about half way through the game and realized I never left the one city the game takes place in. I realize what they were trying to do by telling a story of a different scope, but it really backfired on me, personally, and I never finished it. And I was also incredibly turned off on character and monster redesigns. The dark spawn and the Qunari, for example, look way too different which was incredibly jarring to me.


I can understand where you’re coming from. Apparently the game went through a hellish development, and they only had a year and a half to make it.  They originally wanted to call the game Dragon Age Exodus to emphasize it was going to be a different experience than the first game, but the suits forced them to call it Dragon Age 2.  I think those things really worked against them. I was able to enjoy them more limited scope the first time I played it. I’m planning on doing a replay and I’ll have to see how it holds up. 


It has a very interesting storyline, but absolutely I hated the wave mechanics. It throws all your tactics out the window.


>As a huge fan of Origins, I was enjoying Dragon Age 2 a lot until I was about half way through the game and realized I never left the one city the game takes place in. This is exactly what happened to me. I was about halfway through and on my millionth time through the exact same dungeon I said why am I playing this shitty game.


I loved DA:O. I loved DA2, though there are valid criticisms about the repetitive level designs. I was very disappointed with Inquisition and there are a heaping pile of very valid criticisms, but the trespasser DLC was fantastic.


DA2 put the franchise on its deathbed almost immediately what are you talking about. It’s a famously hated game.


How do they run on steam? Lots of crashes?


I’ve heard DAO has crashing issues. I think there’s a fix you can download that mostly resolves it.  Inquisition runs great last i played.  I can’t speak for DA2. 


2 works perfectly


Thank you, kind citizen!


I just played through DAO on my windows 11 PC, was crashing every 15 minutes. Then I installed the 4gb patch and I only crashed 4 more times in a 100 hour playthrough.


I love all of the equally, but there are few here that would agree with me.


Origins and Inquisition are both great games, but I really didn't like two. I ended up just rushing through it for the story which I can't even remember now. Very forgettable game


All are great! 1 is a classic with great depth and atmosphere, 2 has a truly gripping story and great characters, 3 has a great world, important stories unfolding around you and fun combat, and a bunch of lore.


I played all 3. I loved them all. I love the story so I endured.


2 was the first game in my life that I realized the game was just bad. I was probably about 12 or 13 and for the first time in my life I played a game and was disappointed with what I was seeing. It will never be worth it to play that game. I do need to try inquisition.


I wouldn't get on a sinking ship even if the tickets were 90% off


does it download other bs launchers?


Yes and no, it has a slim version of the client that launches when you launch the game. You never see anything but a preparing game splash screen if it's working correctly. However, you have to be online to launch the damn games, which is pretty annoying on steam deck


Still better than requiring a bunch of login shit


Am I the only one here that thinks online only activation is a dealbreaker?


No, but its obviously not a big deal to most gamers otherwise GoG would be a more popular storefront.


No you're not but most people won't know until they don't have wifi.


Even then just put your phone up as a hotspot for the login and you can keep playing. Maybe its different for other countries but i don't think i've ever had a case here in The Netherlands where both the normal network and phone network were both done. That said, fuck systems like this for singleplayer games.


You could get it on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/en/game/dragon_age_origins) if you want to avoid that (Only Origins available so far though).


This is the real question. They're probably good or at least decent games but I won't touch anything that requires me to install that awful EA launcher.


OK but does da2 and 3 still need the ea app and a online connection to play or start up?.


fairly certain it does, pretty much every ea game requires you to go through their launcher, like ubisoft games


Too bad it's just a jumping off point to another launcher. EA app is demonstrably disrespectful to users. 8oÞ


Can I just get the Origins?


It says you can for $2.99 so..... Yes


Origins is the best by far and it's sad that Bioware decided to lean more towards the combat/action aspect to try and attract more casuals. That being said, DA2 is decent and DAI is not bad but filled with far too much MMO bloat. They get way too much hate because they are not Origins.


Origins came out during the EA peak when they actually made good games and the rest of the games came out as EA was enshittifiying themselves.


Eh... I don't know about that. DA:O started production in 2002 and released in 2009. EA bought Bioware in 2007. I think the simplest answer is DA:O avoided EA interference due to timing more than anything thing else. You're absolutely not wrong about 2000's EA being different from right now EA, but I think it was around that time we started seeing the shift to what it is today.


ME2 and 3 were both released under EA


Yeah, and those two games, along with DA2 and DAI started downward trends we see from modern Bioware. ME2 had some of the best character writing that I've ever enjoyed in a game, but it suffered from a pretty incoherent central plot, hit and miss mission structure and an ending that felt very rushed. With a significantly shorter development time than ME1, that shouldn't be surprising. Don't get me wrong, I love that game, but you can see some of the issues begin to develop. As for ME3, Same rushed development time and another rushed ending. So bad this time that they had to spend serious time recontextualizing the whole thing so it made sense. Not to mention a DLC character that should never have been a DLC character, and other scummy EA practices.


DA2 had a decent story(except for the ending), but the repetitive encounter design and scenery was dull. It was a rushed game and it shows.


yeah, no. EA title. They'll have to pay me.


DA:I was *just* free on Epic the other month


I think it was the goty version, which imo has dlc that are better than the base game. The bad part is, you have to play the base game to reach the dlc.


All of Origins was fantastic for its time. Watching my decisions even carryover onto the DLC was pretty great. The time between the extra content just shows how much they improved everything with the DLC.


they don't sell the base version anymore


What's hilarious is I only played the base game once and none of the DLC, and didn't have Solas in my party. So when Dreadwolf/Veilguard was announced and everyone was going nuts over Solas I was like "who?"


Leave the Hinderlands, install some mods on DAI and its a pretty great game. The Trespasser DLC is fantastic especially.


EA launcher :\[


There's some reports Da2 ultimate on steam might not be ultimate at all. With absolutely no DLCs included with refunds already going up. Anyone to confirm that?


Inquisition never hooked me at all. Too little substance and too much inconsequential chatter. Da2 I really enjoyed and was what got me into it but left a really bad taste in my mouth. No matter what decision you made, you were the bad guy, in every single instance. These mages are running from the law? Kill them? You killed innocents! Save them? They killed innocents! Every...single...mission... Da:o was excellent. Play it.


I dont know anything about the Dragon Age games, but I hear a lot about them on this sub... I'm hoping someone can give me some insight into which is the best one. I think I got DA:I free on Epic (it might be DA:O though) but I've heard one of these is a grindy MMO-lite single player experience. I'm not too sure if I'm into that... EDIT - I just looked at Steam reviews and can see DA:I is the grindy one. Seeing as all these games are 10+ years old, which one would you recommend more?


I just played through them for the first time throughout the last year. Play them in order. Your actions in each game slightly affect things that happen in subsequent games, but you don't play the same main character in each game. Side characters can show up in multiple games though. Origins → Dragon Age 2 → Dragon Age Inquisition In my opinion Origins is the best, as it feels more like a classic RPG but might not be for everyone because the controls are ancient. Combat can be tough early on, and at times feel unfair. You can get lost and it really is an "explore everywhere and read your journal" kind of game. About 20-30 hours. Dragon Age 2 does a good job at making combat feel more streamlined and fun, but I found the combat overall to be pretty easy. It was fun to play and talk to people, but almost all your time is spent in one city and you don't really feel like you are exploring that much. You go outside the city at times but not far, except for one case. About 20 hours. Inquisition was probably my least favorite. It boasts the longest playthrough for me, about 70 hours. The combat is similar to Dragon Age 2. It's strength is you really feel like you are exploring an entire world and meeting all sorts of different people. The issue is each region feels pretty much the same with the same style of quests with a new coat of paint on the environment. The story is fine, but with so much content, if you are exploring a lot you will over level and at times be a little confused as it may have been awhile since you interacted with the main story.


Dragon age orgins is what keeps the series popular and was the best by far. 2 was rushed and made and released a year after orgins, 3 has a mixed reception and was given for free on either gog or epic


Epic, cuz GOG only has Origins.


DAO is one of the greatest RPGs ever made, and arguably the last truly fantastic game Bioware made. If you care about RPGs at all you owe it to yourself to play it. DA2 is considered the worst. It's one of those games where you're either going to love it or hate it. If you play this I'd recommend not going into it right after finishing Origins, because Origins makes DA2 look like a bad joke. DAI is good. It's got a great story, characters and gameplay but it's buried behind a ton of tedious open world activities and grind. Kind of the same issue the modern Assassins Creed games have. That said it's still a solid game and 100% mandatory if you're planning on playing Veilguard.


“arguably the last truly fantastic game Bioware made.” Mass Effect 2 would disagree with that.


The shitty main storyline and dumbed down RPG mechanics hold it back from being fantastic.


DA origins is the best story and it has more of a CRPG combat. The story and characters are really good, but the combat is a bit aged at this point. Will need some mods like 4gb patch to run well without crashes. DA2 is in a weird spot, the characters and the story are well written imo, and in some parts the story gets really heavy, but the game had only a bit over a year in the oven and it really show, there are loads of recycled areas and you visit them constantly. The combat is like faster paced Origins combat so more RTWP, but more flashy, and melee jumps to enemies for example. Fights also get a bit boring because basically every enemy encounter has enemies spawning in waves, its never just the guys you see, but theres basically a double of triple amount of them spawning after a while. DAI is probably my favourite personally, the combat is getting into a hybrid Action rpg territory at this point. Instead of clicking enemies you hold down a button to attack, and you have less skills to use at a time, but it FEELs more actiony. Skills move you around more for example. The open worlds in the game can get a bit boring cause theres a lot of busywork to do like collecting bottles, planting flags, collecting this and that, but honestly it's not necessary stuff. I liked the story from inquisition a lot, and the combat is easily best feeling for me. Inquisition also still looks really good graphically. I also really loved the companions and their stories here. If you can, get them all, they all follow different characters mostly (except 2 and 3 share at least 1 major character) and play them in order. None of them are bad, even though all of them are flawed games. My personal order is: DAI (most modern, my favourite like you said it can get grindy, but the grind is honestly pretty useless) DAO (one of the best RPGs, combat is showing its age) DA2 (obviously rushed, but really good story and characters, combat and balancing can get wonky) But i know that a lot of people will disagree with me on this one.


Aqesome, thanks! I might look at getting all of them as I don't mind older games anyway.


I wanna jump in and let you know that all 3 games are good, and all 3 are worth playing, but all 3 are super different. If you like RPGs in general, I would play all three. DA:O is classic cRPG style, so if you only like cRPGs get that one. If you get DA:I dont do all the sidequests, its super bloated with sidequests, but its still worth playing. Dont listen to the nay sayers and let them taint the games, they are definitely all good games.


The first DA is an absolute masterpiece. It's dark, gritty, with great story and characters, and a bunch of great DLC that adds new (shorter) campaigns. It's so great, I bought it three times by now (on Xbox360, the PC DVD release, and on GOG), and I'm thinking of buying the Steam version as well now. DA2 was a bit of a letdown. The gameplay was made more action-y, the story isn't nearly as great (though still good), and it's blatantly obvious that BioWare didn't have nearly enough time to finish the game. That's most obvious with the game's dungeon as only a small number of dungeon maps exist that get reused over and over for different dungeons by just blocking off rooms and passages. As for DA:Inquisistion, I can't help you. Haven't played it yet. Sorry. However, at the very worst you can play the first DA as a complete stand-alone experience and ignore the other games if you want.


Da: o is more of a strategy rpg, with real time combat. It is genuinely a good game but im not sure how it has aged. Its probably one of the only games i recall where decisions actually matter. This game has a lot going for it, from a pretty big got type of story - betrayal , nudity, gore, intrigue, and even comedy. It has a lot about the blight and what makes dragon age different than other rpgs. Da: 2 is real time button mashing combat with minor strategy. You can ram things, change character and ram the same enemy, requiring very little strategy for most things. Hawke is a boring ass character and the game revolves around templar vs sorcerers and the idea of what makes someone dangerous. I loved this game on my first pt, but on subsequent pt, i despised this. Da i imo is in the middle. Da:I takes place few years after da 2 and its about stopping a new blight lf sorts, but it has more characters involved and countries/ politicis simulator. My main problem with da i is that there is lot of fluff in this game and the good moments are severely hampered down. I think da I dlc is far superior than the base game and honestly, i hope the new da game does the story stuff as well as inquisiyion, but without the needless fluff.


Origins is the only one that's worth playing, everything after that from Bioware was just marking their slow descent into trash.


I think Dragon Age 2 suffers because it was obviously rushed, leaned more into combat, and it was not as good as its predecessor. But it's a good or at least decent RPG, especially if you are into the Dragon Age lore. If it was released as any other game besides a DA sequel, it would be a lot better received I think.


Little warning, There are lot of reports of Dragon Age Origins being unplayable on modern computers, steam and newest windows. Lot of steam reviews reporting annoying crashes during game.


4gb patch fixes this iirc. Otherwise it will just crash in Denerim after 2 seconds.


Get Dragon Age origins, play the shit out of it, and stop right there. Enjoy a blissful dragon age experience.


This is the correct answer.


It really isnt.


Imo the quality drops off significantly after it. 🤷‍♂️ In any case, i just bought origins for my steam deck. 🤓


They are still good games though, and worth playing.


This is a fantastic deal for some great games and I'll will fight anyone outside at the Arby's parking lot who says otherwise!


How does Origins play on a controller/deck? I have the Xbox version if the PC version blows on controller, never got around to it


To bad you still have to have the dogshit EA launcher installed to play them.


First one good, second one ass, third one okay.


People. Bookmark pcgamingwiki and use it like a bible


Pretty sure they only made one Dragon Age game. I don't know what the fuck those other two are.


Havent liked any since DA Origins


Origins is the best without a doubt, DA2 is okay, Inquisition is good, a bit grindy but The Trespasser DLC is phenomenal.


If you've not played Origins you really need to play it. Its probably one of the better CRPGs out there even today, Bioware back when they were good. DA2 is ok, its not as good as origins but its....ok. I fucking hated Inquisition, whoever decided to make it a single-player MMO needs to not be allowed to make videogames anymore. it's a shame Dragon Age has only declined as a series after it peaked with the first one. If you want the best Dragon Age experience, play Origins, play Origins again, enjoy the pure bliss the game is, be sad they never made another dragon age game, stop there.


Origins is on GOG for a few cents more.


Origins is the only one worth playing.


Just picked em up, thanks for the heads up!


Do they require Origin? I'd rather download them on my Steam Deck and never worry a out having to be online after I download them


Great games. Played them all when they launched and multiple times throughout the years, and they still hold up today.


So, I have inquisition on epic. If I buy origins and 2 on steam, will inquisition be able to read the save of the games bought on steam?


No, but that’s because it doesn’t read saves at all. If you want to have your worldstate in DAI, you have to enter your choices from Origins and 2 into the DA Keep website and then import that state in Inquisition.


Huh, I always thought you couls use a local save or use the keep. Thanks for the answer


I just got all 3... I'll play them eventually. Maybe....


Any QoL mods you guys recommend for this series? I’m about to do a blind play through?


Unfortunately the third game isn't available in my region :/ Even though the laws that they didn't release it because have been repealed years ago.


The veilguard gonna be discounted soon as well


I loved Origins, but never played 2 or Inquisition... even if they're terrible, for this price, I'm willing to gamble.


Do I have to download the EA app for this?


Aw, man. On one hand I saved up some money to buy cyberpunk during steam sale. On another hand, I just finished dragon age origins and started awakening. So it also seems like a great choice to buy the other games cause I enjoyed it a lot.


Wow, very cheap. Is it required or recommended to play these before Veilguard?


Do I need to use EA's launcher or can I just run it from Steam?


You’d have to pay me to play Dragon Age


What’s the catch? Third party launchers?


Nah. They just want me to use EA Desktop or some shit. 100% done with that, no matter the game.


OooooooOooOOooo. Oh. Ea play. That’s why I haven’t played them.  Pass.


Was toying with the idea of getting them, thank God I waited.


I have Inquisition on EA app, should i buy other 2 on EA app or buy all 3 games on steam. What are your advice guys, is there any difference on platforms? also, EA does not mention about GOTY or Ultimate Edition on EA store.


DA2 and Inquisition require EA account, so they can go fuck themselves.


origins and inquisition are worth it


Origins and Awakening all the way. 2 with mods... and then just be sad.


Thanks! Now I'm gonna have to buy the other 2 :) I haven't even finished the first one, and it's a bloody masterpiece. But I ain't touching veilguard.


That way you can play the good one for cheap


required 3rd party launcher is unsurprisingly unpleasant.


>All 3 It’s sad how long this franchise has been around and it only has 3 entries Better than The Last of Us i guess. 5 releases but only 2 of them are unique games and the rest are remasters/remakes of those 2 games lmao


Nice (I already have 2 of them so wouldn't really benefit me lol), think they are trying to hype players for the new one? They had a lot of bad press about it last few weeks. Good idea anyway can get a bunch of new players I guess that might potentially get the new game.


Origins is the only worthwile game of the franchise. Inquisition is ok but has terrible pacing and bad gameplay loop, and the overall story is mediocre. DA2 is plain bad.


I wish i liked DAO more. I like the story work in DAO - the worldbuilding, the placed you visit. I hated the combat, fighting the same genlocks and emissaries i think over and over and over. They just show up like tokens from a board game and then it's another five minutes of shitty combat to get to the next actual fun part of the game. That's my opinion of it.


Finally bit the bullet and got DAI. Not gonna ever best 90%. Already had the other two.


Origins is the best of the bunch, 2 and Inquisition feels like more of an experiment as they lost their footing throughout the franchise.