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I'll use windows 10 until steam doesn't work on it anymore


Same, or until Nvidia stops making drivers for w10


Keep using win 10. It's not what I suggest for other people. I'm just lazy


Same. I only stopped using Windows 7 in 2021 because I finally decided I wanted to use DX12


I've added an SSD to my rig this week and intend on finally updating it from 7 to 10 this month and the only reason was that Steam dropped support even though it still works but my anxiety doesn't let bare that and the infuriating fact that Rockstar crappy launcher dropped support and by that it forbids me to launch GTA4 which I was playing just fine and would still be playable if it wasn't for that stupid launcher. So before more of my library decides to break just because I've decided to finally bite the bullet and I'll definitely do the same with the jump from 10 to 11, I'll hold off until things stop working and then I'll build a new rig and if my old/current rig still works I'll consider going linux on it


Going from 7 to 10 was actually pretty worth it in the long run. Everything worked for the most part besides Bethesda games made before Skyrim SE. GTA 4 also works fine most of the time. Sometimes the Rockstar Launcher doesn't recognize me being signed in so I have to relaunch the game but that's about it.


what i did is installed 11 on a local only account named user and downloaded a bunch of software that made it EXACTLY the same as windows 10 down to the right click on desktop along with the taskbar icon and taskbar itself. then i changed my start menu to a windows 7 style one with open shell. watch "TekSyndicate"'s video on youtube, he doesnt get many views these days but has been in the tech scene since b4 2008 when i first started watching him on here while he worked at "Tiger direct" even tho he doesnt get many views he still uploads stuff helping out the people that do still watch. that alone should speak to his character. a few of the things i installed where open shell like i sad along with explorer patcher with the tweaks he suggested and a couple of my own and i also installed another program on my own called winareo tweaker and really geeked out with my windows settings on there one night. but use that one at your own risk cause you can really fuck up some shit if you dont know what each one that you change does. i liked what i was able to do with it tho. now i have 11 that looks and behaves like 10 with a 7 start menu. restored some links in the classic control panel and best of all when i search it doesnt connect to the web with results, no cortana, no weather on the task bar or middle start button with the 10 sideways window icon even lol.


Could always switch to Windows 10 LTSC. It gets support until 2032


Specifically win 10 IoT enterprise 21H2. Its technically a paid upgrade and requires buying through a third party. Not available through Microsoft directly. The "IoT" part doesn't make it any less windows than pro, its just a nomenclature.


Yeah, this is the "Aaaaarr me harties" solution, since LTSC is only available to Enterprise customers through commercial channels.


I'm sure there are still some grandma using xp.


I spent way too long installing winXP on some newer laptops last year. Grandma had a super old version of quickbooks that she used for business. QB wanted some obscene amount of money for a subscription, and she just wants to hand a usb drive with a csv file to her accountant.


It's Windows 7 and Quicken for my mom. And the same exact story, minus the accountant. I think she bought it from Costco and will be damned before she switches to subscription services. And she's definitely not going to lean a new product and migrate over. Win7 for life


Virtual Machines are such a great invention. I have a Win 7 VM for some antique software that I added a virtual firewall rule to which only allows me to connect via RDP


VM might be the way to go here... I have a family member in the same situation.


Sure is. We use ms-dos at work on multiple machines. XP feels modern compared to that


Pray that SteamOS becomes a viable desktop operating system by then šŸ˜‚


Bazzite is even better than SteamOS, I would give it a go.


Does it support all games and also programs like word, excel etc.? Honestly not a fan of Libre office or other "alternatives" to popular apps like MS Office, Photoshop etc.


I believe, donā€™t quote me on this but Excel, Word etc can be run through Wine on linux. As for games being supported, itā€™s not really up to the OS. For the vast majority of games that have serious issues on Linux itā€™s the anticheat holding them back. The devs of games have an option in the anticheat to allow Linux, they just choose not to.


Sorry to tell you this but the guys on Microsoft thought of literally making the whole MS suite impossible to run on Linux. Only option is: VMs, their web version, or alternatives. Also, most of the time, it's not just flipping a switch on EAC for Linux support. Devs are being held back by other 3rd party libraries that don't support Linux. An example of a game that suddenly started supporting Linux is The Finals, so... I guess newer games are more likely to support Linux


That's somewhat backwards. It's MS that does not support any Linux distro. The Linux distros have no way of supporting MS products on their own.


Windows 10 LTSC ftw.


To be honest, i dual boot linux mint and windows 10 in both my desktop and htpc. Just have windows 10 installed in case it's really necessary for whatever reason. The reality, is that after doing all the hassle of setting dual boot up, didn't end up opening windows again. I don't play multiplayer games and linux mint "just works".


This right here is how I started out on Linux. The only thing that still gives me headaches is having to use Adobe Acrobat reader for its JavaScript integration. I just can't find anything that replaces windows for it.


Yeah, I was forced to use Adobe Acrobat by one of the lecturer. Had to setup vm only to see stupid examples in presentation slides. At the end it didn't even help because I failed the course.


I had a similar setup on my laptop and also ended up barely ever using Windows on it. After replacing the SSD a while back I just put Mint on it and didn't even bother installing Windows again. With Wine and Proton it runs all Windows software I've tried so far just fine


I am using windows 11, and after a few changes like fixing the horrible right click context menu and moving the start button back to the bottom left of the screen I am happy with it. I understand it's a privacy nightmare but honestly I just feel so defeated in this regard, everything is harvesting data from us and I just don't have the energy to fight it all anymore. Not the right thing to say but that's where I am at *Edit, I can't tell left from right


Start button on the bottom right???????????


That MF a serial killer for real


You heard the man.


Oh hell nahhhhhhh


Bottom right?!


I'm sure he simply wanted to say left but said right lol


The other right.


Right after I updated to Win11, I immediately installed OpenShell (StartIsBack but free), ExplorerPatcher and idk what the last one is, but it returned my context menu back to how it was. Fuck the UI changes, it's the same fucking thing under LAYERS of "new" shit. I remember when "Settings" was just "Control Panel", but nooo, now we need Win11 settings, which then takes you to Win10 settings, which then take you to Control Panel anyway, jesus.


That's why the search feature is useful, but also don't 'fix' what isn't broken


Yeah, but -in my experience- the search functions sucks ass *unless* I change it to ACTUALLY search in my PC, as I did with OpenShell and ExplorerPatcher. Also I have the quirk of not liking features I can't use, and since I live in a third world shithole, most telemetry + device linking + miscellaneous functions don't do anything for me aside from being a headache.


This is why I have the godmode shortcut on my desktop. All the settings in one well organised place


Surely you mean start button in bottom left...


Right; there are YouTubers who specialize in videos on how to revert all the annoying W11 UI changes back to W10 style. There is no need to moan about W11 UI when you can change it back.


Can you do this without installing 3rd party software?


Yup, all in the settings


Taskbar on the side still requires third party tools. To be clear I don't mean icons aligned to the left with the bar itself still on bottom/top, I mean the bar itself along the side edge of the display.


Got a link for this?


Me when I spread misinfo on the internet ā¬†ļø


The nanosecond Valve releases the full desktop version of SteamOS 3.0 Iā€™m jumping ship and never looking back. Assuming they ever do. But itā€™s Valve. So they probably wonā€™t. In which case Iā€™ll just keep running 10.


Yea there wont be ever SteamOS 3.0, maybe SteamOS 2 Episode One and Two.


SteamOS Alyx is also possible


You are expecting Valve to use the number 3 in one of their releases. You are never getting it.


There's Bazzite which gives you the same console and desktop interfaces on a slightly different software base, but through Proton the many Linux distributions you've heard of are all almost the same for gaming. Probably you'll even have less trouble with some niche stuff like locally played HTML based games, which on SteamOS fail to load images due to trying to do stuff in read-only folders.


I've seen many people claiming that very same intentions, and I always warn them the same: Valve OS won't be a good all rounder daily driver. Whatever Valve might release will be focused on gaming on Steam, expecting it to be any good for anything else is a gamble. A newer Steam OS would be a good alternative for those who already have a Windows partition for gaming only and another OS for the rest of tasks.


Combo of 1 and 3. I will say, Windows 11 is the first time I've felt a need to get 3rd party cleanup tools for the bloatware and UI issues. Like dumb kid or no, I got through Vista and 8 no problems. But 11 breaks me? Really? Yes really. It's that shit. Literally the only features I want on 11 are the extra HDR stuff, RGB stuff, and direct storage for my GPU. That's it. Nothing needed to be changed. It's just so they have an excuse to make more money. That's it.




since when did this become a thiing?


It's nothing new. Companies have been doing this for ages. The entire appeal of cable television was that it was a paid service and would be free of ads. Look at how that turned out. The same thing is happening with streaming platforms. Companies are greedy as fuck, that's never going to change. The only thing to stop it would be government regulation.


The line must go up, no matter what.


It happened way before that. Newspapers and magazines that you buy have been full of adverts for decades. Film and TV have had sponsored content almost since inception. Sports stadiums have adverts plastered everywhere. There's no escaping it.


It's not. I've had windows 11 for some time and I haven't seen a single ad. But it wouldn't be reddit without people complaining so.


I havnt noticed any ads


What can't windows 11 do that windows 10 can? Asking so that I know if I should update or not.


Keep using 10


I'll stay on windows 10, when software stops working I'll switch to linux


My PC and laptop are both incompatible with W11, so I will be installing Linux on those machines. I'll also be getting new machines for W11.


You can bypass those artificial limitations and install it anyway


Switch boot priority to linux first.


This is the way


Keep using Windows 10 but strictly for gaming and YouTube. If new games get released that compel me to upgrade my hardware then Iā€™ll upgrade to Windows 11 but until then my shit works and should continue to do so


Moved to linux 4 months ago, never looked back


What distro do you use? And do you have any specific recommendations for learning Linux? Thinking about making the switch myself


Not the person you replied to, but I use and recommend Linux Mint for anyone new to it. There's three different "versions" made to resemble different operating systems. I use Cinnamon, since it kinda feels like a blend of win7 and win10. Great documentation, easy tools for a new user to customize and set up.


Oh interesting, I knew mint was recommended for beginners, but I didn't know about the different versions. Thanks for the suggestion and happy cake day!


BTW, the XFCE version of Mint can be made to look 100% like Windows 95/98/ME/2k through the use of Chicago95.


Windows 95 with fixed 640x480 settings (just kidding)


If I want to look at something that looks like Win 9X, I'll just boot up one of my 9x machines. It is sort of like putting a Ferrari body kit on a Fiero because you just can't appreciate anything for what it is.


Best way is to just do it and see how things go. Probably best to start with Ubuntu or Mint. If you pick up a cheap spare boot drive you can swap it in and then worst case you swap back to the Windows drive if needed. For most systems it should install and run just fine, especially older systems. You can even install Steam and run most games without much tinkering.


That's good to know, my main worry was having issues running games


I recommend Linux Mint. Plenty of documentation and video tutorials online.


I've been dual booting Linux for over a year now. I'll just totally switch over if Windows 11 is anything like it's current state.Ā  Seriously, though, give Linux a try. A lot of common conceptions about how hard it is to use, how intimidating command line is, how limited compatibility is, etc. are really outdated at this point. A lot of frustrated Windows power users would be a lot happier on a beginner distro like Mint or Pop OS.


I see a lot of people here posting their first PC they assembled themselves. I say installing a modern Linux distro is easier than that.


>A lot of common conceptions about how hard it is to use people confuse 'I'm not familiar with this' with 'this is hard to use' imo


Which distro are you using?


I'm on Pop OS personally. I like the look of it's modified version of GNOME, and it comes with Nvidia drivers pre-installed.


Something that's on the horizon is the new COSMIC DE, which should be great for all Pop users.


I've been using linux since 1990s. But having found it was useless outside of a fancy desktop and for really special use cases i gave up the dual boot some 20 years ago. Periodically I'll throw mint or whatever is the most user friendly distro on a USB and give it a go. For the life me the last three attempts refused to install on my pc. Spat back errors that no YouTube / guide could resolve. Really frustrating.....


11 is the skip version. 98 fine, ME trash, XP fine, Vista trash, 7 fine, 8 trash, 10 fine, 11 trash. Microsoft always tries something new and stupid then fixes everything in the next version.




On windows 11 ATM due to 13900K CPU, but if Microsoft fucks up badly, say, unremovable ads even with tinkering, I will move to windows 10 even EOL.


not sure, there's nothing wrong with my pc hardware wise as far as I can tell - it runs everything and every game I want - so to have to upgrade the hardware just for windows 11 is kind of a confusing pita.


Maybe give linux a go, need to pick a decent gaming distro.


Distros won't varry much. I do recommend you go with something running GNOME or KDE as they get the most development and newer features first. Fedora is pretty nice (though if running a Nvidia card, will require some extra work till the brand new NVK driver gets released latter this year). Ubuntu is often the "default option" and it should serve your needs well (despite some of my issues with how they package some apps)


Just use a normal distro like mint, the gaming stuff is through steam. You can add pirated games as non steam games and run them through proton btw.


Counter: What did you do after win7 reached eol? Checkmate


People were crying and screaming that 8 and 10 was dogshit and they were staying on 7 forever.


I stayed on win7 until I got a hdr display, which is just one feature that win7 couldn't deliver


I have been using W11 for about a year now and have 0 complaints


W11 isnā€™t bad after you make 5-10 minutes of changes, but reddit will have you believing it sends your SSN after installation


I am using win10 ltsc, lemme wait until win11 ltsc will be released, I will switch maybe If it will suck(10 ltsc is stable no issues) maybe I will consider fully switch to arch, now using dualboot


I still run Win98 what is this about ???


Been running windows 11 since it was released for Beta, I like it better than 10.


i switched last year, but i cant see any reason i would find it better than win 10 its a downgraded version of 10, but a bit more secure bc of TPM


Unless it has been retroactively added 10 since I upgraded, Notepad in 11 has tabs and dark mode, which is 1000% better


Been using it since I built my PC. I personally prefer the updated UI And for some reason, my other computer upgraded itself to Windows 11, making it look like a normal update


What is better in 11 than 10? What dp you like more in 11?


> completely unacceptable But why?


EOL operating systems are vulnerable to security exploits because they are not patched. So every exploit discovered by a bad actor remains a point of attack to gain access to your system or data indefinitely.


Understandable, though would this be likely to occur without downloading moarRam.exe? I haven't even gotten a minor virus or anything of the sort in over a decade and a half.


Ltsc 2021 has support till 2032 so probably use that


Unless they release win 12 that is at least bearable I might finally have to learn how to use linux. I've had it with ms bullshit.


I'll keep using it. Hell, I'd still be using Windows 7 if the latest hardware actually supported it. ....and I only reluctantly moved to Windows 7 because of DirectX 10. Yes, I'd probably still be using XP if I could get away with it. Fuck forced obsolescence.


If you think its "the greatest security hazard ever", than thank you for revealing what you don't understand.


Update to W11 and dual boot with Mint.


i live in russia so i never pay for windows


Based. Me neither.Ā 


Iā€™ll keep using it. My main is Ubuntu anyways and the only reason I have Windows is for the few things that Linux doesnā€™t have. Plus that windows laptop doesnā€™t support windows 11 (not that Iā€™d want to upgrade, thereā€™s nothing appealing about windows 11 that makes me want to jump through hoops to install it over windows 10)


What doesn't Linux have?


exam proctoring software for university exams


I'm on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 which has support until 2032


I have a feeling that the current situation might be a ticking bomb for Microsoft. Many good (with enough performance for daily use) computers don't support Windows 11. Share for this OS grows pretty slow (in recent months there was a decrease). If devs will decide to abandon Windows 10, as it was with all previous OSes, many people instead buying new PC for supported OS or installing W11 via removing requirements, might just go Linux, to Microsoft disadvantage. There's also a large group of people having recent computers, and using Windows 10 just because Windows 11 has its quirks (like it was with XP in Vista days, or 7 in 8 days). If Microsoft doesn't do anything, the next 2 years might be interesting...


Iā€™ll just keep using windows 10 zzz as long as it can boot games I donā€™t give a shit about updates.


I was on windows 7 until 2022, what do you expect me to do after windows 10 reached eol?


Already switched to Linux. Found FOSS replacements for 99.9% of my applications, and the couple I haven't run perfectly well under wine. Steam works great, can play all the games I was playing before without issue. Fuck Microsoft and their bullshit hardware requirements for W11. My machine still has a lot of life left, and I refuse to buy another simply to support the use of a shitty operating system that's full of bloat and adverts, and sends endless telemetry for the sake of "improvement". (And yes, I know you can reduce/remove the bloat and the ads, and block most if not all of the telemetry, but why should I have to do that?)


Im liking zorin os so far


I'll either dual boot Linux and windows 11 or just use some flavor of Linux with proton and Wine if I can figure it out for all my applications


Windows 10 LTSC, support until 2029, or 2032 for IoT enterprise.


Kill myself most likely


Will keep win 10 until windows 12 comes and is actually good. Unless they push to integrate copilot in fucking everything, then it's time for Linux.


>What are you gonna do after Windows 10 reaches EOL? Windows still exists? Why?


Hope Windows 12 isn't shit.


Linux is the way...


Absolutely fuck all. I've been using W11 since the beta. It's been more stable than W10 for me.


I'm already on win 11 at home and at work. Got a couple laptops without TPM that will require forcing the issue, but they're filling very niche roles these days anyway. It's just a new skin on Win 10.


I'm still using Windows 7, so probably nothing.


What do you do on your PC? Many of the things I use has dropped support for W7 completely.


Keep using windows 11


Move to LTSC, Might buy a TCM 20-1 chip for my ancient mobo and install Win 11's LTSC when it comes out


Keep using Windows 10/MacOS. I already use both on a daily basis for different purposes and I have no intentions of switching


Use Windows 10 IoT LTSC


3 until i get around to 4


Using Windows 10 IoT enterprise and keep using it up until 2032.


The same thing I'm doing now: dual-boot XP/Linux or 7/Linux (depending on the hardware) and not touch Win11 unless it's in a virtual machine.


I will likely dual boot win 10 and linux. If there is anything I need Win for, I have it. Main OS will be Linux. Gotta thabk SteamDeck for showing me the light.


Switch to Windows 8. No more worrying about whether I'm up to date or not.


My webcam didn't work properly on 11 and there were problems beyond that. I will stay on 10 as long as possible.


I would prefer to stay with Windows 10 for some time. MS releases the price of extended support, and it is not that unacceptable, I can live with that for three more years and jump to Windows 12 maybe?


I have to stay on Windows 10 with at least one PC, because my network printer (Dell C1660w laser printer) stopped working under Windows 11. Dell isn't selling printers anymore for some years and there is no hope for new drivers that work with current Win11 versions. My solution is to keep a small Apollo-Lake mini-PC (formerly a HTPC), that isn't Win11-compatible anyway (safe against "surprise" update), and turn it on every time I have to print something. Maybe I should check if the printer can work with Linux. That would be a safer option for the future. Or maybe a VM?


I have multiple rigs some use 11 but my main rig I'll probably keep it on windows 10... Maybe til 2028.


I've been running Linux full time for 3 years, I ran a dual boot for 20 years before that. It's not really needed anymore.




I might just switch to Linux soon after EOL due to Microsoft's bullshit. What distro do you recommend?


Use 10 until I need to upgrade and then Iā€™ll probably just go with a Linux distro that I can play all my games on and is easy to install drivers on and if I canā€™t find one Iā€™ll make my own fucking despise Win 11


Keep using it. I think it's a good thing that Microsoft (term of endearment for Bill Gate's genital) will stop pushing updates and silent installed apps on our machines. I already have all of those blocked on my machine including Defender. So I consider it a plus. Professionals will have to look for alternatives (11 or 12).


Ideally all of my gaming will be migrated to Linux by then and I will never need Windows at home again.


I'll use 10 untill I. Forced by either a game I have or am forced by a graphics card needing to run o. Windows xxx or someone creates a debloater for that windows.


It's more than a year away. Windows 10 still has 70% market share, likely they'll still continue to push Critical patches for another 5-6 years after


Interestingly, from 3 days ago, > According to Statcounter's latest numbers, Windows 10 gained market share among Windows users in April, climbing past 70% for the first time since late 2023. The market analysis firm's April numbers show Windows 10 climbing almost one percentage point to hit 70.1% market share for Windows users. https://www.extremetech.com/computing/windows-10-climbs-to-70-market-share-despite-being-9-years-old


I'll keep using windows 10 on my desktop until they find a major vulnerability and then I'll probably finally go Ubuntu full time. I've always run Ubuntu on my laptop and workstation so switching should be relatively painless.


I'm just banking on Microsoft doing the ol "ok I guess we'll give it a few more years of support, but nothing else, I swear!" Move they did with XP and 7 because 10 has such a large market share and people are not switching over in droves


If SteamOS is out by the time win10 does ill jump ship over there


about 4 days ago i saw "let us help find your new win 11 PC". my cpu isn't 'compatible'. i have an i7 6700k. but its absolutely fine for what i play. and im not a fan of ewaste. so ill most likely switch to linux soon and give that a go.


I am required to use Windows because of the programs and work I do on it, I'll upgrade my CPU and dual boot SteamOS and Debloated Windows 11


of course switch to linux


Nothing lol. I've used windows 7 for years past it's date too. Microsoft can go hang themselves with their advertising proposals for w10 and w11


keep using it. i used w7 up until 2 years ago. idgaf


I switched to Linux because of Windows 10 We go through this cycle every update


Bros treating Windows 11 like it would murder their entire family lol


Suck it up and upgrade like we do every time


keep using 10, i play 90% of my games on linux anyway.


Either switch over to Linux or buy a new machine and switch over to Linux.


I already switched to Windows 11 on my PC, so that won't be an issue. The laptop I have is unable to upgrade to W11 due to its specs, though, so I'll probably buy a new one and change the OS to Linux on the old one so I can learn a new system.


Keep using it. I get no updates whatsoever with a kill-all-the-updates script I found.


I've started to educate myself on the topic of Linux. Tested Linux Mint and it felt like every other OS. Tried Steam on Mint and saw nearly all my favorite games available. Installed Nvidia drivers without any issue. It's nearly as easy as setting up Windows properly. And the freedom. What a blessing. Everything is just stored in config files you can edit. You want a script that does this and that after booting your linux? Just ask ChatGPT to write a script and where to place it. I'll for sure switch to Linux and maybe keep some space on the disk for a Win11 distribution for the stuff that really requires Windows. Linux became really accessible. And ChatGPT can guide you easily through everything you would consider a roadblock on your way to your desired solution. I like it.


Keep using Windows 11. Well, I do intend to switch to Linux in the next year or so, but I'll still have to dual boot or keep a separate Windows 11 PC.


I'll probably upgrade to Win11 and use 3rd party stuff to debloat it, but I'll also start dabbling in Linux to see what my options are. Win11 LTSC is pretty hard to get, but that'd also be a good option.


if it gets to the point of no more security updates then I'm hopping to Linux, at that point fortnite would be able to run on wine. at least I hope so!


Fortinite runs on Wine and Proton. But the anticheat is blocked by Epic. The game laucnhes and runs just fine before kicking you out.


Stay on Linux like I have been for the past 4 years


Already on 11. Previous laptop had 10 and wasn't on the list to leave earth lol. I went with Lenovo P52 because its Xeon got a pass. So what am I going to do? Wait for doomsday and hunt on Facebook marketplace and eBay. Nab a decent server and slap Debian on it. Turn it into a fileserver with NextCloud, at least. Mebbe Proxmox and make it a playground. Friends are studying programming. Perhaps one VM will get 98 and ahhhhh call a Microsoft Tech Support Hotline for help. šŸ˜œ


I've been on Win11 since day one, so I guess stay on that.


Been on linux a year now and whilst there are a few issues, mostly to do with USB devices, for gaming it's ready in my view.


I used Windows 2000 and XP until the brakes completely fell off. I have a similar plan this time around. I've always had a dual boot system, I use Ubuntu for all my productivity/internet stuffs. So I wont migrate from Windows 10 until game companies are the ones that totally stop all support.


I'd like to switch to Linux. I have my current computer dual booted with Manjaro and Windows 11. I love using Linux, but some games just don't work and that's a primary use of my computer.




Since I'm going to get a new pc this year, I think I'm going to directly try Linux and see how it hold for this one.


Kids, the rule is skip every other version of windows. Hold out for Win12.


Steam OS or wait for windows 12. Microsoft has been consistent aboht every other OS being bad ever since XP. XP: greatest OS of all time Vista: Sucked 7: greatest OS of all time 8: sucked 10: great OS 11: sucks


Linux, I think this will be a big push towards Linux. 11 is pure garbage, I may switch beforehand though.


actually switch to linux, or just use 10. i already installed Mint on a low powered laptop, and im loving it.


Linux/Mac. I plan on investing in a higher end Mac probably Pro Max chip or whatever and just use it for as long as I can for those pesky adobe stuff


Windows 10 EOL means they drop support, but it doesnā€™t immediately make the OS insecure. However, exploits are going to start to accumulate, so switching to a new OS with 3ish years is probably smart. If youā€™re genuinely worried about securityā€”switch to Linux and use Wine to emulate a windows environment for games. Linux is objectively more secure and if you really wanted to Iā€™m sure you could make it look like windows. Most people should just upgrade to win11 and learn the new interface though.


I've been using Plasma Linux on my laptop and windows for gaming for a while, but next time I build, I'm making a steam os boot drive for gaming.


I might go to Linux if it becomes viable for gaming and it supports more of the software that I use


I'm gonna be going full Linux when I get a new computer. Windows 11 having ads in file explorer is a no go for me.


I've already switched to Linux, LMDE to be specific


Been daily driving Linux for 3 years, my ssd with windows died and I can't be assed to get a new one for how little I use windows 10.


Well for some reason every time I try to upgrade to Windows 11 the installation fails so I guess Iā€™ll find out!


Switch to linux, be smart