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Plus weird UI changes.




Always feel like they should just do two versions. One for desktops and one for tablets/laptops or whatever. I suppose it's not an issue too much now because you can apparently set it back to something akin to windows 10. Just don't see the point of messing with 20+ years of muscle memory on desktop. They aren't going to win round the younger generations.


The center taskbar is also 100X better for larger monitors.




Not sure what is bloatware on W11, but you can turn off telemetry, and I have yet to see any ads after using W11 for three years.


Just uninstall the bloatware. I don’t really care about telemetry collection anymore. Data is king and it’s just a fact of life now. You can turn the ads off. It’s definitely lame and money grubbing but, hey, that’s Microsoft. If I can turn it off, it doesn’t affect me.




I mean you do you. But I don’t think the things you mentioned are a big deal.


I thought the same first week and now after 3 months I hate it. Feels clunky, I notice some delay when I right click on desktop or icons. Menu is worse with extra steps for some reason.


>I think the people who shit on Windows 11 are just resistant to change I'm resistant to shitty change.I don't go out of my way to shame people for using windows especially since Linux isn't always as easy as Linux users want you to believe. I just don't understand why people just ignore the "you don't own anything", "this will be a subscription model", and "you will see ads at the OS level" movement and pretend like we don't have valid reasons to want as many people to jump ship as possible. I left windows because it riddled with bloatware and spyware. They don't care about you as a consumer. They don't take basic steps to protect you;It's also just inherently less secure. The fact that something as simple as DLL hijacking are even still an issue blows my mind. You paid for that OS, even if it came with your PC, it's baked into the price. The fact that your non-free OS comes with a keylogger by default is insane. Again you paid for windows, you have paid to see the ads they are serving at an OS level. Also the TPM requirement isn't about security it's about DRM management, another concept which ultimately just hurts consumers but does nothing to stop piracy.


Majority of software is moving to SaaS pretty much. Why wouldn't Microsoft do it? It's the future model for software distribution so get used to it


>It's the future model for software distribution so get used it Yeah.. no. The majority of software is actually open source. enterprises don't want to pay subscriptions either.


Software distribution is not software licensing. Just because something is open source doesn't mean it's not SaaS. Those things are not mutually exclusive at all. I don't wanna pay subscriptions either but here I am.. It's a very profitable model for many businesses


>I don't wanna pay subscriptions either but here I am.. It's a very profitable model for many businesses >It's the future model for software distribution so get used to it You don't have to pay for subscriptions. You're just lazy and choose to enable anti business consumer models.


Or I prefer to choose the best product over the best payment model. In all honesty though sometimes there is not much of an option.


I love the hypocrisy of this sub when it comes to Win 11. On one side, they would go above and beyond to tweak perfect RAM timings and CPU voltage, dwell forums for hours to find a fix for their Linux distro, install random registry hacks to get 3 more fps but BEWARE if you have to google for 1 minutes to fix the couple of minor issues with Win 11 when you come from Win 10. I find it hilarious because it shows that most wannabe "experts" here are just normie users who don't know shit about computers. Those same people also unironically recommend switching to Linux lmao.








I’ve never even seen these ads nor did I know they existed because the setting to turn them off was in the first boot setup.


I used Arch for three months on my non-gaming laptop. Basic daily driver tasks. I switched back to Windows 11 in April and I’m never leaving it again. I have always enjoyed Linux distros, and finally dipped my feet into the gold standard OS. I don’t care what people say, the inconvenience of turning off telemetry and ads is far better than daily driving the bleeding edge gold standard of Linux. Spending time building applications from the AUR and needing to live in the terminal was too much.


Linux is great and it obviously has its place. I have Debian one of my home servers and its the best tool for the job. I have Debian VMs at work and its also the best tool for the job. But when it comes to the OS that i want to use for personal use, Linux falls well short of MacOS and Windows.


Some gamers unironically do think they are IT experts despite the fact that they have no experience, training, or certifications in the field. It gives real “child who is good with computers” vibes.


PC nerds hate change. It wasn’t too long ago when these Windows 11 bashers were desperately trying to hold onto Windows 7 even though it was over a decade old and no longer receiving security updates. Those people despised Windows 10 and now will probably look for 10,000 different Russian hacks to keep it relevant before realizing that software has a finite lifespan for a reason.


Man I remember trying so hard to stick with XP SP2 well beyond viability. You're not wrong. I do wish MS would quit fucking dumbing down their OS and just fix things that need fixing. Part of the problem here is that 10 to 11 has a different *feel*, and it feels like it's made for touchscreens and people who are stupid. OS's are not one of those things where we need to keep catering to the lowest common denominator. Just release a walled garden version (Home) and let the rest of us be happy with what we know and love.


This PC nerd hates change when the changes don't give me significant advantage, and when the change involves direction towards me becoming the product when it comes to my operating system. Plus, MS loves turning out OSes that no one really wants. Remember Windows 8? Windows 11 is another OS that this PC nerd doesn't really want or need. Windows 7 was popular because it worked. The biggest reason that Windows 7 isn't viable any more is because MS made it that way by stopping security updates; not because it didn't work. Chicken or the egg much? I would have stayed with Windows 7 had security not been a concern. So I begrudgingly switched to Windows 10. **And most importantly it didn't cost me a dime.** Now, MS tells me my current PC is unsupported - it's not compatible with Windows 11. But in 2025 I'll have to switch to it if I want security updates for free. Wait, wha?!... So I'll have to jump through hoops to get my Ryzen 7 5800X machine to run Windows 11 or buy a new PC?! Yeah, I hate change when I'm being forced to switch to an OS that I don't really want or need; that I'm told might not work with my current hardware; or that I may have to roll the dice to try and even install on my PC, as well as be forced to pay for. So pardon me for not being that jazzed about Windows 11...


Win7 was the best version ever, and still better than today. Win2000 was good but was not very modern. Wi 10 and 11 are slow and buggy, if used the way Ms want.  Always indexing, one drive syncen, right click is really fucked up. But is freeze often


We have been dealing with "minor inconveniences" in windows 10 for many years and win11 just continues to bring even more inconveniences on the table. I think it's my full right to not agree how things turned out over the past 3 major windows releases. And I'm finally able to handle the inconveniences and skill requirements introduced by linux. After win10, it's bye bye for me. I've been using computers since im 5 years old, ripped them apart, build them together from parts and played around with software and hardware. I wouldn't say I don't know shit about computers. You just seem to not accept other people's opinion.


You say that, because you haven't actually tried Linux as a daily driver for everything. But hey, you do you. If you like pain and time waste, go for it.


Have you even read the whole thing? >And I'm finally able to handle the inconveniences and skill requirements introduced by linux. After win10, it's bye bye for me. I'm dualbooting Linux for years already to prepare myself to switch entirely in the near future.


Knowing how to do shit doesn't mean you won't waste time. The fact you "need to prepare" for the switch kinda proves my point.


You don't have any point. It's a decision I've made for myself already.


Again, i wish you have fun with the time wasting.


You know what really is a waste of time? Arguing with a little kid like you. Researching for undocumented registry keys to return core features in windows. Constantly remove microshit edge, bing search bar from the desktop, taskbar etc. Deal with sudden incompatibility with software and drivers caused by windows feature updates. Dealing with updates in itself. Dealing with stuff and features that keeps changing, getting replaced, rearranged or whatever. Getting annoyed by making sure to beg me every once in a while to use edge Get loads of bloat and shit preinstalled, even on a clean windows install and a pro license. Oh have i ever mentioned the stupid and absolutely unnecessary system requirements? Having onboard TPM 2.0 isn´t enough. Rendering lots of perfectly good pc´s and laptops obsolete in 2025 because "unsupported CPU". I really fking don´t care about your opinion, so do whatever you like with this info. Stop trolling. I´m switching to linux as daily driver no matter what you think about it. Steam and the steam deck is responsible to make pc gaming good enough on linux too, so no worries, i´ll be fine there.


If you are as tech savvy as you claim, you would have acquired Linux proficiency at this point. Fact is, being a professional software engineer with high proficiency in various Linux distributions and windows OS, Linux isn't suitable for most people for private use. I would only use it if the tools or ecosystem I needed required it - both professionally and private. I don't have Linux on my home desktop atm, but my home server. Do yourself a favour and use Windows for your private use, should you need Linux then use the Linux subsystem in windows, or create a dual boot with Linux and windows.


Do you hear yourself? Wtf are you even talking about?


I have to mess with Linux at work enough, especially fun trying to get windows based systems to play nice with Linux with almost no vendor support to actually do it. When I get home, I just want to hit the power button and the PC do what I want without having to dive in to CLI.


Windows 11 is better than 10 in almost every way. People just mad to be mad.


Screams of an L1 Helpdesk take.


I’m a sysadmin


Alright bro