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Played it years ago because my best friend loved it. Never really catched me and never played it for long. It was mainly for spending time with my friend after school. The whole questing and grinding never got me tbh.


Ok so this was back in 2006, I saw an ad for WoW. I thought the cinderblock feet character designs looked stupid and never played it. The end.


Most enlightened gacha game bro.




? I'm not even a fan of his or his audience's opinions. I just use his subreddit to disagree with everyone there, which gets me mass downvoted. But surely you should know that if you're going through my profile, bro. This isn't really the dig you think it is, bro.


Never played it. Warcraft 3 was pretty great though.


played EverQuest2 first, tried WoW and was like "wait, where is the rest of the stats? what do you mean "thats it"??? then quit


Played a free trial in the mid 2000s. Wasn't a fan. The end.


Tried it for a couple of weeks and couldn’t get into it. Haven’t really been into an MMO since PSO on Dreamcast tho.


Bought it on launch, played a few hours and hated it. Went back to Lineage II and City of Heroes.


Played most of vanilla. Found it mechanicaly boring. Switched to everquest. Never played wow again.


I remember when warcraft was an rts that had a compelling story that could have gone on as long blizzard could have kept making games, and then they decided it would be better if they poured cement on endless potential and make a parking lot. And it's because of som guys doing meth at blizzard one time to make warcraft 3 that we got this fucking abortion of an mmo


My story is that it existed but I nevered played it. I played warcraft 1 2 and 3 though.


Played 20 minutes. Realized I hated MMOS. Never looked back


You judged an entire genre in 20 minutes? That just makes me feel sorry for you. You didn't even give it a chance


I played other MMOs prior to it. Never liked them


So you came in prejudiced and lasted 20 minutes. You *really* didn't give it a shot.


Nah, 20 minutes is long enough to understand that MMOs are not for you. They feel pointless in a way that no other game does. I've played a few MMOs, and they all share this empty feeling.


So you didn't experience 95%+ of content and judged the whole genre. Your loss


I played for a couple of months, actually. The first 20 minutes were indicative of what came later. It's the same gameplay loop, but numbers get bigger. I don't need to have a stable of max level characters with mounts to understand that MMOs feel empty and soulless and are not for me.


Yeah raid content is totally the same as leveling a new character. You're lying to yourself now.


MMOs suck, man. Dunno what else to tell you. They all share the same flaw, be it WoW, Fallout 76, etc. You are not allowed to make meaningful impacts on the world, and that makes it feel more empty and more meaningless than other RPGs. The other mechanics frankly do not matter.


Lol you're just proving how much you prejudged everything


Ok? Don't care. No interest.


"I read a book for 20 minutes, decided books weren't for me" Keep protesting it really showcases how little you care


I really don't care. Glad it's obvious. Are you done whining that someone doesn't worship your favorite game?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I haven't played that game in years. But your attitude is still so stupid it's worth mocking.


Says the guy complaining that someone likes different things... For someone so arrogant, you're really fucking dense lol


You didn't even give it a chance, that was my point. The book example should've proved how dumb you are, but keep projecting


Warcraft III is the last iteration I will acknowledge.


Glad I never played or paid for it.


Idk but why are you handling the disc like that? Are you a child?


Got it when it first came out. Played for a little while but stopped And then came back for Lich King. Gave up completely about nine years ago.


Story? History, at this point.


Tried to run it when it was in alpha, my pc refused to run it for some reason. That's about it.


Happy to have never touched it.


I loved this game so much that it’s the only thing that made me wake up earlier in the days of high school and my marks actually increased because I’d do my homework at school to have time to play when I got home.


Why you bending the disk like that?


I played alpha test


Started it because I had a coworker that was obsessed with WoW and we didn't get along very well. Thought if I could have a conversation with them, that they were interested and could lead, work would become more tolerable. Plan worked. Then I got addicted. Played for 3 years, hard. Like over a year of playtime in 3 years. Over 8 hours a day for 3 years. I did meet a lot of interesting people and traveled and met a few in person. The day I met my, now ex-wife, was the day I quit playing. Might go back to WoW now. I enjoyed the farming and achievement hunting. Did some raiding but couldn't get serious about it like others were.


ouch, still got mine in good shape from my CE


Man those were the days!


Say to all world of Warcraft players what did you think of the Warcraft film?


Duncan Jones is a good director, but the studio didn't let him take any chances because Blizzard couldn't give a shit if their film made $400 million but cared an awful lot about potential damage to their brand. So they played it safe and the movie was "meh."


Oh I thought I was great but hey it’s your opinion it’s great at least you found it meh


I wanted to play it but my mom thought paying for anything on the computer was a scam so i had to settle for FTP runescape


Tried it in 2005. Chat was so immature and toxic coming from other MMOs that I logged out after a little over an hour and uninstalled.


Ahhh Barrens chat.


It's a good one. I was playing for 10 months Lich King and Cataclysm. Have very good memories about that time. This year I installed Lich King, played for a week for nostalgia. By the way, wow was the last MMO I played. After WoW 99.99% of games I usually play are singleplayer.


I played it


So many good times. I was laying in bed last night just randomly thinking of darkshire and it made me want to play classic again.


Start playing when I got a demo disk from a computer store near my local mall. Those were the good old days. Back when Blizzard was somewhat competent and their games were good. WoW was one of my first MMOs. I had only played the beta of MU-online at that point. It was an eye opening experience, playing a AAA MMO.


Still playing since 2005... my uncle got me into it when I was a kid. I'm no longer hardcore because wife/kids/job.. but I'll probably play it until they shut the servers down.


Played it near launch after playing Lineage 2 first that I loved, after I played WoW I never went back to Lineage, After the initial month I couldn't afford to play it and didn't have home internet for about 18 months and forgot my login so started a new one and played at least a few hours a day for about 2 years and a few hours a week at least until about 2011 where I near stopped playing it except a period of around 6 months on a private server which had like 7x exp and cash so was more enjoyable (plus it was still on Lich King, my favourite version) Since then


In since first stress test, finally left before the last patch of Battle of Azeroth. A lot of good memories, made some good friendships but so much time wasted on terrible expansions and destroying the storyline. Glad I'm clean, won't go back.


Got the original WoW collector's edition. Got the burning crusade collectors edition. Pre ordered the wrath of the lich king collector edition from target, then got an email days before release saying it was on back order, which isn't a thing with WoW collector's editions as they are single run only, so I knew I wouldn't be getting one. Didn't bother with future expansion CEs since my collection was already ruined


Dad played it since vanilla. He let me create characters when I was a kid that I would scrap before lvl 10 because things got too hard and start over lol. When wrath came out got to make a death knight and took the game a bit more seriously but haven’t really been into it since legion. Played a little classic tho


Made my first char (Troll Rogue!) on launch day. Played nothing else until Wotlk (many Server firsts) and then the game changed a lot and wasn't fun anymore. Never looked back.


I played warcraft 1/2/3, then when WoW hit the shelves and saw it had a monthly cost, I wasn't going to pay for a game that had a recurring fee. After seeing it towards the end of vanilla at a friend's house, I jumped in head first and played for the next 10 years.